Department of Industrial Engineering - University at Buffalo

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This graduate level course covers the production management related problems ... Nahmias, Steven, Production and Operations Analysis, Fourth Edition, ...

Department of Industrial Engineering University at Buffalo (State University of New York) IE 505 Production Planning and Control Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail: Office hrs.:

Dr. Rakesh Nagi 309 Bell 645-2357 x 2103 [email protected] Tu, Th: 1:00-1:50 pm & appointment

Office: E-mail: Office hrs.:

Yu Wang 422 Bell Hall [email protected] Tu, Th 3:30-4:30 pm & by appointment


Class Schedule:

Tu, Th: 2:00 - 3:20 p.m., 103 Clemens Hall

Course Overview This graduate level course covers the production management related problems in manufacturing systems. It blends quantitative and qualitative material, theoretical and practical perspectives, and thus, bears relevance for academic as well as industrial pursuits. The introduction consists of the production and operations management strategy. The topics covered include simple forecasting methods, workforce planning, inventory control, production planning, materials requirements planning, operations scheduling, and project management. Recent developments in production management such as just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems, flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), bottleneck scheduling, and hierarchical production management systems (HPMS) will also be discussed. Basic Requirements • Basic calculus • Elementary probability and statistics • Notions of Linear Programming • General understanding of the production function Required Text Nahmias, Steven, Production and Operations Analysis, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin (2001), or Fifth Edition (2005). Required Work and Grading Policy 1. Homework weekly assignments 20% 2. Project one proposal, one progress report, one final report 30% Group projects will be performed, addressing problems encountered in real-type applications. Each group will seek an industrial enterprise and

2 will study one of the PPC problems (see course outline). Recommendations for improving the current situation should be included in the final report. 3. Exams one midterm (25%), one final (25%) 50% (+/- Grading scheme will be employed)

Course Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Overview of Production and Operations Strategy Forecasting Aggregate Planning Inventory Control Supply Chain Management Materials Requirements Planning, Just-In-Time Operations Scheduling Project Scheduling Recent Advances

Chapter 1 2 3 4,5 6 7 8 9 +

General References 1. 2. 3. 4.

Adam, E.E. and Ebert, R.J., Production and Operations Management, Prentice Hall, NJ, (1992). [Basic undergraduate text] Bedworth, D.D. and Bailey, J.E., Integrated Production Control Systems: management, analysis and design, Wiley, NY, (1987). [Basic undergraduate text] Schroeder, R.G., Operations Management: Decision Making in the Operations Function, Mc Graw Hill, (1993). [Classical text, good for production management] Buffa, E.S., Modern Production/Operations Management, Wiley, (1980 - 6-th ed.). [Classical text]

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Elsayed, E.A. and Boucher, T.O., Analysis and Control of Production Systems, Prentice-Hall, (1985, 1994). [Classical text, good for theory] King, J.R., Production Planning and Control, Pergamon, (1975). [Advanced] Melnyk, S.A., Carter, P.L. and Dilts, D.M., Shop Floor Control, Dow Jones-Irwin, (1985). [Advanced, good for PS majors, MS/PhD and interested MEng students] Melnyk, S.A. and Carter, P.L., Production Activity Control, Dow Jones-Irwin, (1987). [Advanced, good for PS majors, MS/PhD and interested MEng students] Vollman, T.E., Berry, W.L. and Whybark, D.C., Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems, 3rd Edition, Dow Jones-Irwin, (1992). [EXCELLENT text, better suited for MEng, and equally good for MS/PhD students]

10. VanHess, R.N., Monhemius, W. and Muyen, A.R.W., Production and Inventory Control: Theory and Practice, Barnes and Noble, (1972). [Classical inventory theory] 11. Waters, C.D.J., Inventory Control and Management, Wiley, England, (1992). 12. Tersine, R.J., Principles of Inventory and Materials Management, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, (1994). [Inventory theory]