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department of posts: india office of the chief ... - Gujarat Information

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Apr 5, 2017 - Mail/registered/Parcel lists, Preparation of delivery lists for registered ...... candidates may be appoin
ð»ko-39 • íkk. 05{e yur«÷, 2017 • ytf Lkt. 8


15 Junagadh










Starting Date & Time of Registration of on-line applications on OJAS Website: -

24/03/2017 at 00:00 hrs

16 Kachchh










17 Porbandar










Closing Date & Time of Registration of online applications on OJAS Website:-

10/04/2017 at 23:59 hrs

18 Rajkot










19 Surendranagar










Starting Date for Deposit of FEE in cash at any Computerized Post Offices in Gujarat Circle during working hours of Post Offices:Last Date for Deposit of FEE in cash at any Computerized Post Offices in Gujarat Circle during working hours of Post Offices:-


20 RMS „RJ‟ Division



























Total Rajkot Region 21






































































Vadodara (E)












Vadodara (W)





















Online Applications are invited from eligible Indian nationals for filling the following vacancies of Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) cadre (earlier known as Group-D) in Administrative/ Subordinate Post Offices in Postal/Railway Mail Service Division/Unit in Gujarat Postal Circle under direct requirement i.e. from open market by holding Aptitude Test and Descriptive Examination. Aptitude Test would be of MCQ type followed by Descriptive examination of qualified candidates in the Aptitude Test.


RMS „W‟ Division










Total Vadodara Region






















The detailed guidelines, conditions and instructions for the Direct Recruitment are given below, which must be read carefully by the applicant and satisfy him-self about the eligibility to the post and then apply for the same. It will be presumed that all guidelines, conditions and instructions are acceptable to the candidates who are applying for the post.

Name of Dn. 1

a) Vacancy Position in Multi-Tasking Staff in Subordinate Post Offices:Name of Dn.
















CPMG Office,


PMG Office,











Ahd. City Dn











































































































Total Ahmedabad HQ


Region 11 Amreli










12 Bhavnagar










13 Gondal










14 Jamnagar
















Total SM



















































































Ahmedabad GPO

RM S „ AM‟ Di v is i on









b) Vacancy Position in Multi-Tasking Staff in Administrative Offices:-


PMG Office, Vadodara


Postal Training Centre, Vadodara



O/o Director of

Postal Store Depot, Ahmedabad


Postal Store Depot, Rajkot


Postal Store Depot Vadodara



íkk. 05{e yur«÷, 2017, økws hkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

Note:(i) The vacancies notified are subject to vary/change without any prior intimation or assignment of any reason. (UR:- Unreserved, SC:- Scheduled Caste, ST:- Scheduled Tribe, OBC:- Other Backward class, PH:- Physically Handicapped, Ex. SM:- Ex-Serviceman) (ii) The words PH-I, PH-II and PH-III shown in the vacancy position represents Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired and Orthopedically Impaired respectively. (iii) Candidate selected against vacancies earmarked for physically handicapped andExserviceman will be adjusted in the relevant categories i.e. OC, SC, ST and OBC as the case may be depending upon the category to which the selected candidate belongs to. 2) CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS ELIGIBLE TO CLAIM PH CONCESSION: a) Visually impaired: – Categories of visually impaired person suitable for the posts: 1. Blind & Low Vision The Blinds are those who suffer from either of the following conditions:a)Total absence of Sight b)Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; c)Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse. The detailed guidelines, conditions and instructions for the Direct Recruitment are given below, which must be read carefully by the applicant and satisfy him-self about the eligibility to the post and then apply for the same. It will be presumed that all guidelines, conditions and instructions are acceptable to the candidates who are applying for the post. Low Vision:- “Persons with low vision” means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive vice. b)

Hearing Impaired:– Categories suitable for the posts: The Deaf or those in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes of life, they do not hear, understand sounds at all even with amplified speech. The cases included in this category will be those having hearing loss more than 90 decibels (db) in the better ear(profound impartment) or the total loss of hearing in both ears.


Orthopedically Impaired:The Orthopedically impaired are those who have a minimum 40% of physical defect or deformity which causes and interference with the normal functioning of bones, muscles and joints. Categories of Orthopedically impaired applicants suitable for the posts:-1.One Arm affected2.One Leg affected3. One Arm and One Leg affected4.Both Legs affected5. Muscular Weakness


Degree of disability for reservation:The only such persons would be eligible for reservation in services/posts who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability.


c) Any person who claims to belong to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class should be in possession of the relevant community certificate as on closing date for Online Registration of applications and have to produce a certificate to the appointing authority, issued by competent authority in prescribed performa at the time of selection in support of his/her claims. Format for SC/ST/OBC/PH is enclosed for ready reference. The claim/concession will be entertained as per departmental rules/guidelines on the subject. Note:- OBC caste must be listed in Central Government OBC caste list. State Government OBC caste lists will not be considered. 5) CRUCIAL DATE FOR RECKONING OF AGE LIMIT:- The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for Online Registration of applicants i.e. 10.04.2017 for all categories. 6) EDUCATION QUALIFICATION:-Matriculation from any recognized Board. 7) NATURE OF DUTY:- Multi-Tasking Staff Group-C working in Post Offices, RMS Offices, Speed Post centers, Administrative offices and other offices including DA(P)s , the following duties are prescribed:(a) Maintenance of diary/dispatch/movement registers including entry in computer and physical maintenance of records (b) Submission of periodical statements of routine nature like absentee statement, etc (c) Preparation and submission of indents with the approval of Supervisor (d) Photocopying and sending of fax messages (e) Delivery of Dak within and outside the building (f) Watch and ward/caretaker duties, opening and closing of rooms, general cleanliness and upkeep of section/unit/office including dusting of furniture, cleaning of building, rooms, fixtures, upkeep of parks, lawns, potted plants, etc (g) Other non-clerical work in the section/unit (h) Driving of vehicles, if in possession of valid driving license (i) Sale of Postage stamps/Stationery, Assistance in booking of registered/Parcel and Speed Post Articles, Receipt and dispatch of mails including preparation of Mail/registered/Parcel lists and Dispatch of mails including preparation of Mail/registered/Parcel lists, Preparation of delivery lists for registered articles/Money Orders (j) Scanning of Speed Post Bags/Articles and its uploading on the speed net or any other software dealing with the processing of speed post articles or similar other activity. (k) Assistance in sorting of mails, exchange of mail. Letter box clearance, etc. (l) Handling customer enquires The additional duties assigned to such Multi-Tasking Staff Group-C are only illustrative and not exhaustive. Any other duty/duties may also be assigned to them by the Superior authority.




A person who wants to avail benefit of reservation should be in possession of valid Medical Certificate in the forms prescribed by the Government issued by competent Medical authorities for the purpose of employment as on closing date of registration of online examination. The applicant can avail relaxation only for the predominant disability. The applicant should be in possession of Original Medical Certificate for the same issued by competent medical authorities in the format prescribed by the Government at the time of Online Registration. PH Candidates seeking help of scribe must apply in prescribe format before the examination. They will have to seek written permission from Asstt. Director Postal Services (Recruitment) O/o. Chief Postmaster General, Gujarat Circle, Khanpur, Ahmedabad-380001. For PH, Ex-Servicemen/Government Servants candidates, instructions/guidelines issued by DoPT from time to time are applicable.


SCAL OF PAY:- Pay Level 1-7th CPC Matrix (Pre-revised Rs. 5200-20200 with a grade pay of Rs. 1800/-) pay the revise pay in pay matrix level 1 will be of Rs. 18000 + Admissible allowances.


AGE LIMIT:- 18 to 25 years for unreserved (UR) applicants as on 10.04.2017.


Permissible relaxation of upper age limit as per Government of India orders are as indicated below:-


8) PROBATION PERIOD:- 2 YEARS 9) DISQUALIFICATION:- No Person, (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. 10) PATTERN & SYLLABUS OF EXAMINATION:a) The applicants shall be subjected to an Aptitude Test (Multiple Choice Questions) with total 100 maximum marks covering the following subjects/topics. Aptitude Test will be comprising four (4) parts (Part A, B, C (i) & C (ii)). The duration of the Aptitude Test will be for 2 hours (120 minutes). There is no negative marking.

Age relaxation permissible beyond the Upper age limit

Schedule Castes/Schedule

The age relaxation for reserved category applicants (SCs/STs/OBCs) is admissible only in the case of vacancies reserved for such categories. The reserved category applications, who apply against posts meant for UR category, are not entitled to get age relaxation.

5 Years


Part PART-A (General Knowledge)

Syllabus Topics:- Indian Geography, Freedom Struggle, Culture & Sports, General politics & Constitution

(25 Marks with 25 Question of 1 mark each)

of India, Indian Economics, General Science, Current Affairs and Reasoning & analytical ability

PART-B (Mathematics)

of 10thstandard Topics:- Number systems, Decimals & Fractions, Percentages, Ration & Proportion, Profit & Loss,

(25 Marks with 25 Question of

Simple Interest, Average, Discount, Partnership, Time & Work and Time & Distance. Topics: - Articles, Prepositions, conjunctions,

Other Backward Classes(OBC)

3 Years

Physically Handicapped

PH+ Unreserved

-10 Years

1 mark each) PART-C(i)

In regard to PH + SC/ST

-15 Years


tenses, verbs, synonyms and antonyms, vocabulary,

In regard to PH + OBC

-13 Years


(25 Marks with 25 Question of

sentence structure, Proverbs, Phrases, Questions

3 Years after deduction of service rendered in

1 mark each)

from a small unseen passage.

military from the actual age as on the closing date



for Online Registration of applications. Ex-servicemen + SC/ST

Ex-servicemen + OBC

8 Years (3Years+5 Years) after deduction of the

(25 Marks with 25 Question of

military service rendered from the actual age as on

1 mark each)

the closing date for Online Registration of


The duration of the Aptitude Test will be for 2 hour (120 minutes)



The part A and B of the Aptitude Test will be in bilingual i.e. English & Gujarati.

6 Years (3+3 Years) after deduction of the military

11) QUALIFYING MARKS:- The qualifying mark in each category is as under.

service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for Online Registration of applications. Serving Government employees who have rendered not less than 3 years‟ regular continuous service as on closing date for receipt of applications

r{© yLku Mkt ÞwõíkðkõÞ, ðkõÞku Lkw t YÃkktíkhý, Mðh-MktrÄ, y÷t fkh, {w nkðkhk yLku ÷kufku rfík, yþwØðkõÞ þkuÄLk, yÃkrXík økãktþ

Up to 35 years of age as on the closing date for


Minimum 10 marks in each part i.e. part A, B, C(i)

Candidates(OC) category

and (ii) and 40% in aggregate.

OBC category

Minimum 9 marks in each part i.e. part A, B, C(i) and

SC/ST category

(ii) and 37% in aggregate. Minimum 8 marks in each part i.e. part A, B, C(i) and

Online Registration of applications (40 years for SC/ST and 38 for OBC)

(ii) and 33% in aggregate.


íkk. 05{e yur«÷, 2017, økws hkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh a) Candidate has to qualify in each part besides securing aggregate marks. b) The descriptive examination with the same syllabus will be taken in order of merit of Aptitude Test (MCQ). c) The selection to qualify for descriptive examination will purely on merit basis which will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the Aptitude test separately for each category following the prescribed rule procedure on the subject. i)

If two or more candidates secure equal marks in Aptitude test/descriptive test and they are standing in the last position in the merit list than it is clearly stated that the candidate senior in age will be considered for selection.

ii) If two or more candidates secure equal marks in aptitude test /descriptive test and they are standing in the last position in the merit list and their age are also the same, then candidate who secured higher percentage in the matriculation will be considered for selection. 12) PREPARATION OF MERIT LIST:- On the basis of descriptive exam a common merit list for the whole Gujarat Circle shall be prepared in respect of all categories of vacancies put together. For the said purpose candidate shall indicate 3 preferences for Divisions/Unit of Sub-ordinate offices and Administrative Offices for the Post of Multi-Tasking Staff cadre, at the time of downloading Admit Card for Descriptive examination. Thereafter the candidates will be allotted to the Division/ Unit of Subordinate offices and Administrative Offices as per their preference based on their position in the merit list and availability of vacancies. Such Candidates who are not able to get the allocation in any of the preference because of his/her performance, such candidates might be allocated to the Administrative and Subordinate offices where the vacancy exits. For the candidates who do not indicate their preference, it will be presumed that, they have equal preference for all the Division / Unit of Sub-ordinate offices and Administrative offices and may be allocated to any Division/ Unit of Sub ordinate offices and Administrative offices where vacancy exits at the discretion of the competent authority. 13) COST OF APPLICATION FORM AND EXAMINATION FEE:-

Category of Applicant




on Fee

Rs. 200/-

Rs. 400/-

Un-reserved (UR) and OBC

21) REQUIREMENT TO SERVE IN THE ARMY POSTAL SERVICE:-Any person appointed to the posts specified shall be liable to, serve in the Army Postal Service in India or abroad, as required.


Applicants belonging to

Rs. 200/-

SC/ST/PH/ Women

19) POWER TO RELAX:- Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons.

Rs. 600/-

category (Exempted)

p) The admit cards will be uploaded on an e-mail & SMS will be sent on registered e-mail ID and Mobile Number. Candidate can download the admit card from the website. Candidates Who are unable to download their Admit cards or do not receive any email/SMS for admit card download at least one week before the date of the examination should submit their request in the website through query tab. However, the applicant should keep in touch with website to update with recruitment process.

20) SAVING:- Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Caste, the Scheduled Tribes, the Ex-servicemen, Other Backward Classes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

(Rs. Six Hundred Rs.200/-

o) The applicants are advised not to enclose/upload copies of any certificates/documents. The application Registered on-line will be treated as provisional and it will be subject to verification of respective certificates/documents. The applicant has to furnish a DECLARATION to the affect that the inputs furnished by him/her are true, complete and correct to best to his/her knowledge and they will by the original documents/testimonials as and when required/demanded. Any false/incorrect information found/detected at any stage, his/her candidature/appointment will be summarily rejected. Therefore it is mandatory for the applicant to tick the check Box about this DECLARATION the time of registration of the Application form and before saving and uploading the application. Once application is submitted, it cannot be modified or altered later.

Total Fee

on Fee All male applicants belonging to

generated as per the eligibility of the applicant. k) The registered applicants should pay the required fee at any Computerized Post Offices in Gujarat Postal Circle within 2 days from the date of on-line registration. l) Once payment details are updated in the website, the candidate has to visit Recruitment Portal, in which he/she can download his/her accepted application form ''Print/Download Accepted Application Tab” for future reference. m) For receiving the SMS/e-Mail to the registered mobile number/ registered e-Mail id, the candidate are requested to furnish valid Mobile Number, e-Mail ID, otherwise no correspondence will be entertained. n) The applicants after successful registration of the on-line application is advised to keep printout of his/her application, copy of fee challan, receipt issued by the post office for any future reference.

(Rs. Two Hundred only)

Note:- a) Applicants belonging to scheduled Cast/Scheduled Tribe/ Physical Impaired/Women are exempted for payment of Examination Fee i.e. Rs. 400/-. Such applicants have to deposit only Application Fee i.e. Rs.200/-. b) Applicants have to pay Rs. 12/- Post Office Service Charge per application in addition to fee prescribed for relevant categories. c) Fees once paid will not be refunded under any Circumstances. 14) MODE OF PAYMENT:- The Cost of Application Form and Examination Fee are already prescribed in para No. 13 above of this notification. The applicants have to approach their nearest computerized Post Offices in Gujarat Postal Circle and to produce Fee Payment Challan printed by him and to Pay the FEE IN CASH (INR) ONLY. Once the fee has been paid the registration process is completed. The printout of filed Application Form will be obtained by the applicant after confirmation of the fee. In case of non-payment of prescribed fees, application registered will not be considered for further process. The applicants who have registered the applications on the closing date of Registration of On-line are permitted to pay the FEE till Working Hours of Post Offices on 12th April, 2017. In case of non-payment or less payment of fee, the application registered will not be consider for further process. Fee paid by mode other than cash payment at computerized Post Offices will not be entertained, such application will be rejected and the payment maid shall stand forfeited. 15) COMMENCE &CLOSING DATE & TIME FOR REGISTRATION OF ON-LINE APPLICATIONS:- The registration of on-line application will commence on 24/03/2017 at 00:00 hrs and closes by 10/04/2017 by 23:59 hrs. 16) DATE & TIME OF APTITUDE TEST:- Tentative date of examination will be 14.05.2017 (Sunday). The applicants are advised to visit from time to time for information regarding date & time for Aptitude Test/ Descriptive Examination. 17) EXAMINATION CENTRES FOR APTITUDE TEST:- a)Applicants are hereby clearly informed that allotment of centre/city is the prerogative of the Department and any request received for change in centre/city /venue will not be entertained in any circumstances. b)The department reserves the right to cancel any centre or include other centres also. Department also reserves the right to divert the candidate at any centre to some other centre to take the examination. c) The candidate can be given any centre at any city in Gujarat State. Decision of the Department in this regard would be final. d) Center for Descriptive examination will be decided later on and intimated to qualifying candidates accordingly. 18) HOW TO APPLY:- a)The applicants can apply for Multi-Tasking Staff posts in Administrative and Sub- ordinate offices. b) If an applicant registers more than one application on line, his/her candidature is liable to be rejected without any communication. c) The applicant has to visit the website through internet enable workstation or personal computer or laptop. d) The applicant has to go through the notification, instructions to candidates, vacancy position etc. carefully before filling up the application form. e)The applicant has to keep ready i)The scanned image of photograph and signature in jpeg/jpg format in specified file size as mentioned in the instructions. ii)10th standard/ITI mark sheet. f)The applicant has to fill up the data required on-line and enter all mandatory fields. g)Finally before submitting the form, the applicant has to check all the entries made by him/her for its correctness and genuineness. h)Once submitted, no data can be modified/altered. i) The applications are to be submitted on-line only. Manually received applications will not be entertained. In respect of candidates who apply manually, no correspondence will be entertained and no admit card will be issued to such candidates even if they have paid the fees by any mode. j) After registration, fee challan will be

22) The Department has right to cancel the recruitment process or modify the selection process with the reasons to be recorded in writing at any stage. 23) INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS/CANDIDATES:- a) All rules and instructions issued by Government of India & Department of Posts in respect of recruitment of Multi-Tasking Staff from open market shall be applicable, irrespective of their non-mention in this notification. b) All candidates must write the papers in their own hand writing. In no circumstances, will they be allowed the help of a scribe to write the answers for them. However, blind candidates and candidates with Locomotors Disability and cerebral Palsy Where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment ) will be allowed to write the examination with the help of a scribe such of the candidate wanting to use services of scribe will have to apply in proper form. The scribe must be a student from lower class than the prescribed educational qualification for the post. PH Candidates seeking help of scribe must apply in prescribe format before the examination. They will have to seek written permission from Asstt. Director Postal Services (Recruitment) O/o. Chief Postmaster General, Gujarat Circle, Khanpur, Ahmedabad-380001. c) For the said purpose candidate shall indicate 3 preferences for Divisions/Unit ofSub-ordinate offices and Administrative Offices for the Post of Multi-Tasking Staff cadre, while applying on-line. d) Compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour shall be permitted for the Blind candidates and the candidates with locomotors disability and cerebral palsy where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment). e) The candidate should not have been debarred by any recruitment authority/Department/Ministry of central Govt. as on date and have never been convicted by any Court of Law. f) The candidates are themselves responsible for ensuring that they fall within the prescribed age limit and also fulfill other eligibility criteria. If at any stage it is found that they do not fulfill the age criteria or any other eligibility criteria, their candidature will be cancelled g) An applicant cannot register for more than one application on-line. If it is done, his/her candidature is liable to be rejected without any communication. h) No TA/DA is admissible to any applicant/ candidate for appearing in the aptitude test. No request for withdrawal of application/fees will be entertained at any stage of recruitment. i) The application registered by the applicant will be treated as provisional and the selection/appointment is subject to verification of respective original Certificate/Documents. Candidates will have to produce the original documents/testimonials as and when required/ demanded. Any false/incorrect information found /detected at any stage, his/her candidature/appointment will be summarily rejected/terminated. j) Candidates must fill all the details in the application form as per matriculation certificate. He/she should have 10th qualification on 10-04-2017. k) No request for withdrawal of application/fees will be entertained at any stage of recruitment. l) Signature of candidate should invariably be in running handwriting. Applicant should attend for Aptitude Test/Descriptive Examination with photo ID, issued by competent authority. m) Candidate has to fill his/her roll number and other required information carefully in the OMR sheet, otherwise OMR sheet will be not evaluated for qualifying test. n) The post of Multi-Tasking Staff is categorized under General Central Service Group C (Non-Gazetted Ministerial). o) Candidates should clearly understand that no written communication on any of issues will be given by this office. Right from checking, uploading, submitting of an application etc., he/she should communicate through website only. He/She can also take assistance of the helpline number given on website. Although, after communication through website, if of satisfied, an applicant may call on Phone no.079-25509381 for assistance. p)The applicants are advised to visit time to time for further information regarding Date of examination/Admit Card. (H. R. Dave) Asstt. Director Postal Services (Recruitment) O/o. Chief Postmaster General Gujarat Circle, Ahmedabad-380001 Contact No: 079-25506240 Email ID: [email protected]


íkk. 05{e yur«÷, 2017, økws hkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED RECRUITMENT OF 205 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS (GENERALISTS) SCALE I National Insurance Company Ltd. invites applications for recruitment of 205 (Two Hundred Five) Officers in Scale I cadre from open market. Please note the Important Dates:



Age Relaxation



5 years

On line Registration commence s from



Other Backward Classes (OBC)

3 years

Last Date for Online Registra tion




10 years

Payment of Application fees

30.03.20 17-20.04.2017


Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of Jammu & Kashmir State during the period from 1-1-80 to 31-12-89

5 years


Ex-Serviceman, Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 01.03.2017 and have been released; (a) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 01.03.2017) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or (b) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or (c ) on invalidment.

5 years


Defence service personnel disabled in operation during the hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as consequence thereof

3 years


Existing confirmed employees of Public Sector General Insurance Companies (including GIC & Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.)

3 years

Date of online Examination

– Phase I

3rd / 4th June, 2017(TENTATIVE)

Downloading of call letters for exam ination comme nces from

10 days prior to the date of examination

Date of online Examination – Phase II

2nd July, 2017(TENTATIVE)

Candidates should apply through On-Line mode only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted. Vacancies (Tentative): Total No. of Posts










Out of which PWD HI OC VI 2



Abbreviations stand for: UR: Un-reserved; SC: Scheduled Caste; ST: Scheduled Tribe; OBC: Other Backward Classes. PWD: persons with disabilities; HI: Hearing Impaired; VI: Visually Impaired; OC: Orthopedically Challenged The above vacancies are provisional and the Company reserves the right to vary the same according to the actual requirements of the Company at the material time. Note : i)*Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming in the “CREAMY LAYER” are not entitled to OBC reservation and age relaxation. They should indicate their category as GENERAL. In respect of posts reserved for OBC category, a sub Quota of 4.5% reservation for minorities is applicable as per DOPT guidelines. The same shall be subject to prevailing guidelines issued from time to time. ii) Reservation for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) shall be as per prevailing government rules. Nationality A candidate applying for recruitment in the Company must be either:— a)a citizen of India, or b)a subject of Nepal, or c)a subject of Bhutan, or d)a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or e)a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Please note that the eligibility criteria specified herein are the basic criteria for applying for the post. At the time of interview the Candidates must necessarily produce the relevant documents in original and a self-attested photocopy in support of their identity and eligibility pertaining to category, nationality, age, educational qualifications etc as indicated in the online application form. Please note that no change of application data will be permitted at any stage after completion of registration process of the online application. Merely applying for the post and being shortlisted in the online examination and/ or in the subsequent interview and/ or subsequent processes does not imply that a candidate will necessarily be offered employment in the Company. No request for considering the candidature under any category / post other than the one in which applied will be entertained. 1. Service Conditions : The service conditions will be applicable as per the prevalent rules of the company from time to time. Selected candidates on appointment may be posted or transferred to any place in India as may be decided by the Company. The minimum stay at the initial place of posting will be 5 years. 2.

Probation : A candidate appointed in the Officers' cadre on regular pay rolls of the Company shall be on probation for a period of one year from the date of joining the duty. The probation period may be extended twice by a further period of six months at a time stretching up to one year. During the probation period the Officers would be required to pass the non-life “Licentiate Examination” conducted by Insurance Institute of India. Only after passing the said examination the Officer will be eligible for confirmation of his/her services in the Company. Failure to pass the said Examination within the extended probation period will render the officer liable to be terminated from service on expiry of the period so specified. The Company reserves the right to terminate the services of the candidate if found unsuitable at any time during the probation period or the extended probation period without any notice or assigning any reason thereof. 3. Guarantee Bond : Before joining as probationer, the selected candidates will be required to give an undertaking to serve the Company for a minimum period of four years including probation period. In the event of their resigning from the Company before the expiry of the bond period, they will be liable to pay liquidated damages equivalent to one year's gross salary paid to them during the year of probation which could be proportionately reduced depending on the length of service rendered. Besides, he/she will have to submit a stamped Bond duly executed by two sureties (not blood relatives) of sound financial standing for an amount equivalent to one year's gross salary. Candidates resigning from the Company during the probation period and candidates whose services are terminated by the Company during the probation period shall be liable to pay the salary received by them during their entire service in the Company in addition to an amount of Rs.25,000/- towards partial cost of training. No lien/bond executed to retain a substantive post with present employer will be binding upon the Company and no Leave Salary or Pension Contribution will be made. 4. Emoluments & Benefits The starting Basic pay would be Rs. 32,795 /- in the scale of Rs. 32795-1610(14)-55335-1745(4)62315 and such other allowances as may be admissible under the rules in force from time to time in the company.. Total emoluments will be approximately Rs.51,000/- p.m. in Metropolitan Centers. Other benefits such as Pension under New Pension system governed by PFRDA, Gratuity, LTS, Medical Benefits, Group Personal Accident Insurance etc. shall be as per rules. The Officers are also entitled for Company's / leased accommodation as per norms. 5. Educational Qualification (as on 20.04.2017) Candidate should possess certificate in proof of passing the qualifying examination as on 20.04.2017. A candidate must possess the minimum qualification of a Graduate/Post Graduate in any discipline from a recognized University OR any equivalent qualification recognized as such by Central Government with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examination (at least 55% for SC/ST) candidates. Note : a)Qualification mentioned above should be from any of the recognized Indian Universities duly approved by the UGC or any of the recognized Indian Institutes duly approved by AICTE. b) The candidate must possess valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate of the necessary qualification as on 20.04.2017. c) The percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects in all semester(s)/year(s) by aggregate maximum marks in all the subjects irrespective of honours/optional/additional optional subject, if any. This will be applicable for those Universities also where Class/Grade is decided on basis of Honours marks only. The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60%. d) Where CGPA/OGPA are awarded, the candidate will have to produce a certificate issued by the appropriate authority inter alia stating the norms of the University regarding conversion of grade into percentage and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of norms. 6. Age as on 01.03.2017 Minimum Age: 21 years Maximum Age: 30 years, as on 01.03.2017 i.e. a candidate must have been born not earlier than 02.03.1987 and not later than 01.03.1996 (both dates inclusive). Relaxation in upper age limit shall be as follows: Note : i.In case of a candidate who is eligible for relaxation under more than one of the above categories, the age relaxation will be available on a cumulative basis subject to the maximum age not exceeding

45 years except as specified in Point No.5 above where the maximum age would be 50 years.. ii. Candidates seeking age relaxation will be required to submit copies of necessary certificate(s) and produce the original certificate(s) for verification at the time of interview and/or any subsequent stage of recruitment process. Note for Ex-Servicemen : i. In case of an Ex-serviceman who has once joined in a Govt. job on the civil side after availing the benefits given to him as an Ex-serviceman for his re-employment, his Exservicemen status for the purpose of re-employment in Government ceases. ii. An Ex- serviceman, who applies for various vacancies before joining any civil employment, can avail the benefit of reservation as ex- serviceman for any subsequent employment. However, to avail of this benefit, an ex-serviceman, as soon as he/she joins any civil employment, should give self declaration/undertaking to the concerned employer about the date-wise details of application for various vacancies for which he/she had applied for before joining the initial civil employment. Further, this benefit would be available only in respect of vacancies which are filled on direct recruitment and wherever reservation is applicable to the ex-servicemen. iii. There is no reservation for Exservicemen in Officer Cadre. 7.

Definitions : A. EX-SERVICEMEN (EXSM): Only those candidates shall be treated as Exservicemen who fulfill the revised definition as laid down in Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms Notification No.36034/5/85 Estt. (SCT) dated 27.01.1986 as amended from time to time. B. DISABLED EX-SERVICEMEN (DISXS): Exservicemen who while serving in Armed Forces of the union were disabled in operation against the enemy or in disturbed areas shall be treated as DISXS. C. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Under Section 33 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995 only such persons would be eligible for reservation who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability and are certified by a Medical Board appointed by the Central/State Govt. Accordingly, candidates with the following disabilities are eligible to apply: I. Visually Impaired (VI) Blindness refers to condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions namely (a) Total absence of sight, (b) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses. (c) Limitation of the field of vision subtending in angle of 20 degrees or worse. Low vision means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device II. Deaf & Hearing Impaired (HI) The deaf are those persons in whom the sense of hearing is nonfunctional for ordinary purposes of life i.e. total loss of hearing in both ears. They do not hear; understand sounds at all even with amplified speech. Hearing impairment means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies. III. Orthopedically Challenged (OC) : Locomotor Disability means disability of bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy means a group of non-progressive conditions of person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal, peri-natal or infant period of development. All the cases of Orthopedically Challenged Persons would be covered under the category of “Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy‟. Guidelines for Persons with Disabilities using a Scribe The visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is adversely affected permanently for any reason can use their own scribe at their cost during the online examination, subject to limits as in (ii) and (iii) below. In all such cases where a scribe is used, the following rules will apply: The candidate will have to arrange his/her own scribe at his/her own cost. The scribe arranged by the candidate should not be a candidate for the same examination .If violation of the above is detected at any stage of the process, candidature of both the candidate and the scribe will be cancelled. Candidates eligible for and who wish to use the services of a scribe in the examination should invariably carefully indicate the same in the online application form. Any subsequent request may not be favourably entertained. A person acting as a scribe for one candidate cannot be a scribe for another candidate. The scribe may be from any academic stream. However for Specialist Officers' posts the scribe should be from an academic stream different from that prescribed for the post. Both the candidate as well as scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking confirming that the scribe fulfills all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a scribe mentioned above. Further in case it later transpires that he/she did not fulfill any laid down eligibility criteria or suppressed material facts the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled, irrespective of the result of the online examination. Those candidates who use a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour of the examination or as otherwise advised. Only candidates registered for compensatory time will be allowed such concessions since compensatory time given to candidates shall be system based, it shall not be possible for the test conducting agency to allow such time if he / she is not registered for the same. Candidates not registered for compensatory time shall not be allowed such concessions. Guidelines for candidates With locomotor disability and cerebral palsy A compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour or otherwise advised shall be permitted for the candidates with locomotor disability and cerebral palsy where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment). Visually Impaired candidates Visually Impaired candidates (who suffer from not less than 40% of disability) may opt to view the contents of the test in magnified font and all such candidates will be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour or otherwise advised of examination. The facility of viewing the contents of the test in magnifying font will not be available to Visually Impaired candidates who use the services of a Scribe for the examination. These guidelines are subject to change in terms of GOI guidelines/ clarifications, if any, from time to time.


íkk. 05{e yur«÷, 2017, økws hkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh 8.

Selection Procedure : A)The selection procedure comprises of the following- Phase-I : Preliminary Examination Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 60 minutes duration consisting of 3 sections as follows :

S. No

Name of Test (Not in Sequence)

Type of test

Max. Marks


English Language




Reasoning Ability




Quantitative Aptitude



Version English

60 minutes


Total (Aggregate)

Eng/Hindi Eng/ Hindi


Candidates have to qualify in each test by securing passing marks to be decided by the Company. Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Company (approximately 15 times the numbers of vacancies subject to availability) will be shortlisted for the Main Examination. Phase – II : Main Examination Main Examination will consist of Objective Tests for 200 marks and Descriptive Test for 30 Marks. Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests will be online. Candidates will have to answer Descriptive Test by typing on the computer. Immediately after completion of Objective Test, Descriptive Test will be administered. (i) Objective Test : The Objective Test of 2 hours duration consists of 5 sections for total 200 Marks : No. of Questions

Maximum Marks

Name of Test

Type of test







English Language






General Awareness




Eng/ Hindi


Computer Knowledge




Eng/ Hindi


Quantitative aptitude




Eng/ Hindi

S. No

Total (Aggregate) 6

English Language(Essay, Precis and

Medium of Exam


Eng/ Hindi 120 mins

200 Descriptive




30 mins


(ii) Descriptive Test : the Descriptive Test of 30 Minutes duration with 30 marks will be a Test of English Language (Essay, Precis and Comprehension). The descriptive test will be in English and will be conducted through on line mode. Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score for each section of objective test separately for short listing for the Descriptive Test evaluation/Interview i.e. Descriptive answer script would be evaluated only in respect of those candidates who qualify the objective test. There will also be a separate cut-off marks for the Descriptive Test. Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum total score (to be decided by the Company according to number of vacancies) in the objective test(Main Examination) and qualify in the descriptive test for short listing for the Interview. A candidate shall be required to qualify in the descriptive test, but the marks in the descriptive test will not be counted towards short listing for interview or final selection. Penalty for Wrong Answers (Applicable to both – Preliminary and Main Examination) There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. Each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one- fourth of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. The Company reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its website. Candidates will be shortlisted for Interview on the basis of overall marks scored in Main Examination after evaluation as above. Note: All the questions will be objective type with alternative choices out of which one will be correct answer. The candidate has to select the correct answer and “mouse click” that alternative which he or she feels correct. There will be penalty for wrong answers marked by the candidates. The objective test except on “English Language” will be bilingual (in English and in Hindi). For each wrong answer marked ¼ of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at the corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. The alternative/option that is clicked on will be highlighted and will be treated as answered to that question. The Descriptive English Test will be conducted only through online mode. Questions will be displayed on the screen of the computer. Answers are to be typed using the keyboard. Before start of typing answers to questions in Descriptive Paper please check all key functions of the keyboard. The Candidates will get 30 minutes to answer the questions. Candidates will have to appear for the online examination at their own expenses. The Company reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its website. Selection would be based on the performance in the on-line test & interview .The final merit list shall be prepared in descending order of the consolidated marks secured by the candidates. Candidates who fall within the number of vacancies in the merit list shall be considered for appointment. The selected candidates may be appointed in more than one batch as per the discretion of the Management. The seniority of the selected candidates will be as per the merit / select list. A Waiting List of candidates not exceeding 50% of the number of vacancies may also be prepared and may be utilized in the event of non acceptance of employment offer by the candidates selected in the final merit list. The decision to select the candidates from waiting list is solely at the discretion of the management. Please note that candidates will not be permitted to appear for the online examination without the following documents ( All Documents are compulsory) : (1)Valid Call Letter for the respective date and session of Examination (2)Photo-identity proof (as specified below) in original bearing exactly the same name and other information as it appears on the call letter/application form (3)Photocopy of the above photo-identity proof (4)E-Aadhar Card *IDENTITY VERIFICATION In the examination hall as well as at the time of interview, the call letter along with the original and a photocopy of the candidate's currently valid photo identity such as PAN Card/ Passport/ Driving Licence/ Voter's Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazzetted Officer on official letterhead/ Photo identity proof issued by a People's Representative on official letterhead/ valid recent Identity Card issued by a recognized college/ university/ Aadhar card/ E Aadhar with a photograph/ Employee ID/ Bar Council Identity card with photograph should be submitted to the invigilator and the original shall be produced for verification. The candidate's identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter, in the Attendance List and requisite documents submitted. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Examination. Ration card is not valid id proof for this process. Note: Candidates have to produce in original the photo identity proof and submit photocopy of the photo identity proof along with Examination call letter as well as the Interview Call Letter while attending the examination and also interview, without which they will not be allowed to take up the examination and also interview. Candidates must note that the name as appearing on the call letter (provided during the process of registration) should exactly match the name as appearing on the photo identity proof. Female candidates who have changed first/last/middle name post marriage must take special note of this. If there is any mismatch between the name indicated in the Call Letter and Photo Identity Proof the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the examination. CANDIDATES REPORTING LATE i.e. after the reporting time specified on the call letter for Examination will not be permitted to take the examination. The reporting time mentioned on the call letter is prior to the start time of the test. Though the duration of the examination is 60 minutes for Phase-I & 150 minutes for Phase-II, candidates may be required to be at the venue for a longer duration for completion of various formalities such as verification and collection of various requisite data/documents, logging in, giving of instructions, etc. BIOMETRIC DATA –Capturing and Verification It has been decided to capture the biometric data (thumb impression) and the photograph of the candidates on the day of the Main Examination (before and after the examination) for the candidates who qualify after the preliminary examinations (Phase-I) and appear for the main examination. The biometric data and photograph will be verified subsequently. Decision of the Biometric data verification authority with regard to its status (matched or mismatched) shall be final and binding upon the candidates. Candidates are requested to take care of the following points in order to ensure a smooth process If fingers are coated (stamped ink/mehndi/coloured...etc), ensure to thoroughly wash them so that coating is completely removed before the exam / interview / joining day. If fingers are dirty or dusty, ensure to wash them and dry them before the finger print (biometric) is captured. Ensure fingers of both hands are dry. If fingers are moist, wipe each finger to dry them. If the primary finger (thumb) to be captured is injured/damaged, immediately notify the concerned authority in the test centre. In such cases impression of other fingers, toes etc may be captured. Phase – III : Interview : Candidates who have been shortlisted based on online Phase – II (mains examination) will subsequently be called for an Interview to be conducted by the Company. Interview will

be conducted at select centres. The centre, address of the venue, time & date of Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required to download their interview call letters from company's website. Please note that any request regarding change in date, centre etc. of interview will not be entertained. However the company reserves the right to change the date/ venue/ time/ centre etc. of interview or hold supplementary process for particular date / session / venue / centre / set of candidates at its discretion, under unforeseen circumstances, if any. LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED AT THE TIME OF INTERVIEW (AS APPLICABLE): The following documents in original and self attested photocopies in support of the candidate's eligibility and identity are to be invariably submitted at the time of interview failing which the candidate may not be permitted to appear for the interview. Non submission of requisite documents by the candidate at the time of interview will debar his candidature from further participation in the recruitment process. i) Printout of the valid Interview Call Letter ii) Valid system generated printout of the online application form registered for the online examination. iii) Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate issued by the Competent Municipal Authorities or SSLC/ Std.X Certificate with DOB) iv) Photo Identify Proof as indicated in *IDENTITY VERIFICATION of the advertisement v) Mark-sheets & certificates for Std X, XII and Graduation or equivalent qualification etc. Proper document from Board / University for having declared the result on or before 20.04.2017 has to be submitted vi) Caste Certificate, along with caste validity certificate, issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format as stipulated by Government of India in the case of SC / ST / OBC category candidates. In case of candidates belonging to OBC category, certificate should specifically contain a clause that the candidate does not belong to creamy layer section excluded from the benefits of reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil posts & services under Government of India. OBC caste certificate containing the Non-creamy layer clause should be valid as on the date of online registration as given in point no. 13(b). Caste Name mentioned in certificate should tally letter by letter with Central Government list / notification. Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming under creamy layer and/ or if their caste does not find place in the Central List are not entitled to OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as General in the online application form. vii) Disability certificate in prescribed format issued by the District Medical Board in case of Persons With Disability category If the candidate has used the services of a Scribe at the time of online examination, the duly filled in details of the Scribe in the prescribed format as available in our website. viii) An Ex-serviceman candidate has to produce a copy of the Service or Discharge book along with pension payment order and documentary proof of rank last / presently held (substantive as well as acting) at the time of interview. Those who are still in defence service should submit a certificate from a competent authority that they will be relieved from defence services, on or before 29.03.2018. ix) Candidates serving in Government / quasi govt. offices/Public Sector Undertakings (including Nationalised Banks and Financial Institutions) are required to produce a “No Objection certificate” from their employer at the time of interview, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered and travelling expenses, if any, otherwise admissible, will not be paid. x) Persons eligible for age relaxation under 6 (4) above must produce the domicile certificate at the time of interview from the District Jurisdiction where he / she had ordinarily resided or any other authority designated in this regard by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir to the effect that the candidate had ordinarily domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of J&K during the period from 01.01.80 to 31.12.89. xi) Experience certificates, if any xii) Persons falling in categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) of Nationality criteria should produce a certificate of eligibility issued by the Govt. Of India xiii) Any other relevant documents in support of eligibility Note: Candidate will not be allowed to appear for the interview if he/she fails to produce the relevant eligibility documents as mentioned above. FINAL SELECTION : The combined final score of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in the online main examination(Objective and Descriptive Section) and interview. The weightage (ratio) of online Main Examination and Interview will be 80:20 respectively. Scores of the candidates failing to secure minimum qualifying scores or otherwise barred from the interview or further process may not be disclosed. A candidate should be sufficiently high in the merit to be shortlisted for subsequent recruitment process, details of which will be made available subsequently on Company's website. The candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before they apply, that they fulfill requirement as to age and qualification (final result for the qualification must have been published on or before 20.04.2017) and if found ineligible, their candidature will be cancelled at any stage of recruitment process. Appearing in the ONLINE MAIN EXAMINATION & INTERVIEW will not automatically confer any right of being selected for the said post. 9. Application Fee (Non-Refundable) Payable on-line from 30.03.2017 to 20.04.2017 (both dates inclusive) • SC/ ST / PWD Rs. 100/- (Intimation Charges Only) All candidates other than SC/ ST / PWD Rs. 600/- (Application fee including intimation charges) *The transaction charge, if applicable, is to be borne by the candidate. Fee/ Intimation charges once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held reserve for any other examination or selection. 10. (a) Examination Centers: • The examination will be conducted online in venues given in the respective call letters. • No request for change of centre/venue/date/session for Examination shall be entertained. • Company, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Examination Centres and/ or add some other Centres, at its discretion, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. • Company also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any centre other than the one he/she has opted for. • Candidate will appear for the examination at an Examination Centre at his/her own risks and expenses and Company will not be responsible for any injury or losses etc. of any nature. Tentative list of centres for Preliminary examination (Phase-I) is given below : Sl. No. State Centres 1 Gujarat Ahmedabad / Gandhinagar, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot 2 Maharashtra Mumbai / Navi, Mumbai / Thane / Greater Mumbai Nagpur, Pune, Aurangabad, Nasik 3 Rajasthan Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Haldwani 11. HOW TO APPLY : Candidates can apply online only from 30.03.2017 to 20.04.2017 and no other mode of application will be accepted. IMPORTANT POINTS TO BE NOTED BEFORE REGISTRATION Before applying online, candidates should- i.Scan their photograph and signature ensuring that both the photograph and signature adhere to the required specifications as given under Guideline for photograph & signature scan and upload. ii.Have a valid personal email ID and mobile no., which should be kept active till the completion of this Recruitment Process. All official communication will be sent to the registered e-mail id of the candidate. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line and must maintain the email account and mobile number. A. Application Procedure : 1.Candidates to go to the Company's website http://www. and click on the option "APPLY ONLINE" which will open a new screen. B. Payment of Fees (Online Mode Only) : 1. The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment process can be completed by following the instructions. 2. The payment can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets. 3. After submitting your payment information in the online application form, PLEASE WAIT FOR THE INTIMATION FROM THE SERVER. DO NOT PRESS BACK OR REFRESH BUTTON IN ORDER TO AVOID DOUBLE CHARGE. 4. On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt will be generated. 5. Non-generation of 'E-receipt' indicates PAYMENT FAILURE. On failure of payment, Candidates are advised to login again using their Provisional Registration Number and Password and repeat the process of payment. 6. Candidates are required to take a printout of the ereceipt and online Application Form containing fee details. Please note that if the same cannot be generated, online transaction may not have been successful. 7. For Credit Card users: All charges are listed in Indian Rupee. If you use a non-Indian credit card, your bank will convert to your local currency based on prevailing exchange rates. 8. To ensure the security of your data, please close the browser window once your transaction is completed. 9. There is facility to print application form containing fee details after payment of fees. (ynª Ëþkoððk{kt ykðu÷e ònu hkík {kºk Deputy General Manager, rLkËou oþ {kxu s Au. ðÄw rðøkíkku {kxu ðuçkMkkEx òuðe) Personnel Department, Head Office, Kolkata


íkk. 05{e yur«÷, 2017, økws hkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

yuLðkÞ{uoLx EB…uõx yu‚u‚{uLx ûkuºku fkhrfËeo™k yð‚hku fkuE «kusuõx yÚkðk «ð]r¥k™e …Þkoðhý …h fuðe y‚h …zu Au Œu™wt {qÕÞktf™ fhðk™k fkÞo™u yuLðkÞ{u oLx EB…uõx yu ‚u‚{uLx (EIA) fnu Au. EIA ™e fk{„ehe{kt fku E «kusuõx™wt y{÷efhý swËk-sw Ëk fÞk rðfÕ…ku îkhk ÚkE þfu Œu™ku yÇÞk‚ fhðk{kt ykðu Au y™u ykrÚkof Œu{s …Þko ðhýeÞ …k‚kyku ™u ykÄkhu fÞku rðfÕ… ©u c hnu þu Œu ™¬e fhðk{kt ykðu Au. ‚k{kLÞ heŒu fkuE Ã÷k™, …ku ÷e‚e, «kusuõx y™u Œu™k fkÞkoLðn™™e heŒ™ku …Þkoðhý …h fux ÷ku ‚k™w fq¤ fu rð…rhŒ «¼kð …zþu Œu ™¬e fhðk™e r¢Þk™u yuL ðkÞ{uoL x yu ‚u‚{uLx (EA) fnuðk{kt ykðu Au. sku fkuE «kusu õx™k y{÷efhýÚke …Þkoðhý …h Úk™kh y‚h™wt {qÕÞkt f™ fhðk™wt nku Þ Œku Œu ™u ‘yuLðkÞ{uoLx EB…u õx yu‚u‚{uLx’ (EIA) fnu ðkÞ Au, yu ðe s heŒu, sku fkuE …ku ÷e‚e, Ã÷k™ fu Þkus™kÚke …Þkoðhý …h fuðku «¼kð …zþu Œu ™wt {qÕÞktf™ fhðk™wt nkuÞ Œku Œu™u ‘MxÙux uSf yuL ðkÞ{uoLx÷ yu ‚u‚{uLx’ fnuðkÞ Au. …Þkoðhý …h …z™kh y‚h™k {qÕÞktf™™e fk{„ehe ‚k{kLÞŒ: ðneðxe «r¢Þk™k r™Þ{ku y™w‚kh fhðk™e hnu Au. yk {qÕÞkt f™™wt zkufâw{uLxu þ™ …ý fhðk™wt hnu Au, y™u {q ÕÞktf™™e yk fk{„ehe™e LÞkrÞf ‚{eûkk fhðk{kt ykðu Œuðe …ý ‚t¼kð™k nku Þ Au . fkuE «kusu õx™e þYykŒ™ku r™ýoÞ ÷uŒk …nu÷kt su-Œu ft…™e, ‚tMÚkk fu ‚hfkh «kusuõx Úkfe …Þkoðhý …h fkuE rð…rhŒ y‚h Œku ™Úke …zŒe Œu ƒkƒŒ™u …ý æÞk™{kt ÷u Œu sYhe Au. ykÚke s «ku suõx y„kW yk «fkh™wt {qÕÞktf™ fhkÞ Au. ELxh™uþ™÷ yu‚kur‚Þuþ™ Vkuh EB…u õx yu ‚u‚{uLx (IAIA) ™e ÔÞkÏÞk y™w‚kh “yuLðkÞ{uoLx÷ EB…uõx yu ‚u‚{uLx yux÷u fku E «kusuõx™e þYykŒ fhðk™ku ytrŒ{ r™ýoÞ ÷uŒk …nu÷kt Œu ™e sirðf, ‚k{krsf ŒÚkk yLÞ fuðe y‚hku …zþu Œu ™u …nu÷uÚke s yku¤¾e ÷uðe, Œu yt„u™wt …qðko™w{k™ fhðwt, Œu™wt {q ÕÞktf™ fhðwt y™u Œu ™e y‚hku ™u n¤ðe ƒ™kððk yt „u™k «Þk‚ fhðk”. EIA ™e fk{„ehe fh™kh ÔÞrõŒ îkhk su -Œu «kusuõx Úkfe …Þkoðhý …h fux÷e y™u fuðe y‚h Úkðe sku Eyu Œu™wt y„kWÚke s fkuE ƒtÄ™ hk¾ðk{kt ykðŒwt ™Úke. …htŒw, «ku suõxfŒkoyku …ku Œk™k ykÞku s™{kt …Þkoðhý ‚thûký™k {wÆk™u …ý æÞk™{kt hk¾u, …Þkoðhý y™u ÷kufku …h …z™kh «¼kð™ku rð„Œu yÇÞk‚ fhu Œu «fkh™ku Œu™ku yr¼„{ nkuÞ Au. yuLðkÞ{uoLx EB…uõx yu‚u‚{uLx (EIA) yu yuf yuðe fk{„ehe Au su fw ËhŒe ‚t‚kÄ™ku™k rððuf…qýo W…Þku „ îkhk rðfk‚™u ‚kŒíÞ…qýo ƒ™kððk{kt {ËËY… ƒ™u Au. yk…ýk Ëu þ{kt yk rËþk{kt fk{™e þYykŒ ð»ko 197879 {kt heðh ðu÷e «ku suõx™k {q ÕÞktf™Úke ÚkE nŒe. íÞkhƒkË Äe{u -Äe{u Wãku„ku, Úk{o÷ …kðh «kusuõxT‚, ¾ký Þkus™kyku ‚rnŒ™k «kusuõxT‚™u yk «fkh™k {qÕÞktf™Úke ykðhe ÷u ðk{kt ykÔÞk. íÞkhƒkË …Þkoðhý ‚t ƒtrÄŒ zu xk yufºk fhe™u Œu{s {u ™us{u Lx Ã÷k™ y™u {k„o Ërþofkyku ½ze™u Œu ™u fuLÿ yÚkðk hkßÞ ‚hfkh™k rð¼k„ku{ kt …nku t[kzðk™e fk{„eheyku þY ÚkE. yk…ýk Ëuþ{kt yuLðkÞ{u oLx÷ «kux uõþ™ yuõx 1986 nuX¤ 29 swËe-swËe fuxu„he™k «kusu õxT ‚ fu rðfk‚ «ð] r¥k, sku Œu Y. 50 fhkuz fu Œu Úke ðÄw™wt {qzehku fký ÄhkðŒk nkuÞ, Œku Œu™k {kxu EIA fhkððwt VhrsÞkŒ ƒ™kððk{kt ykÔÞw t Au . EIA ™e fk{„ehe{kt su -Œu «kusuõx™k …ÞkoðhýeÞ …k‚kyku ™k yÇÞk‚ {kxu swËk-swËk rð»kÞku ™wt ¿kk™ sYhe

nkuðkÚke ™e[u™k ‚u õxh {kxu r™»ýktŒku™e ‚r{rŒ ½zðk{kt ykðe Au: • {kE®™„ (¾ký) «kusuõxT ‚

• ELzMxÙeÞ÷ (ykiãkur „f) «kusu õxT ‚

• Úk{o÷ …kðh «kusuõxT‚

• LÞqrõ÷Þh «kusuõxT‚

• heðh ðu÷e, {Õxe…h…Í, Ehe„u þ™ (®‚[kE) «ku suõxT‚

{u ¤ððk{kt ykðu Œku EIA ûku ºk{kt hku s„khe™e yíÞt Œ ‚wt Ëh Œfku {¤u Au . EIA r™»ýktŒku su-Œu «ku suõx™k yurhÞk y™u «ku‚u‚ su ðe ƒkƒŒku [fk‚e™u …Þkoðhý W…h Œu «kusuõx™u ÷eÄu Úk™kh y‚hku™wt …qðko™w{k™ fhu Au, y™u ™fkhkí{f y‚hku ½xkzðk {kxu™k ‚÷kn-‚q[™ yk…u Au. EIA yu yuf

rðþu »k ûku ºk Au y™u Œu{kt fkhrfËeo fu x÷e ‚w tËh ƒ™u Au Œu™ku ykÄkh ÔÞrõŒyu rþûký fux ÷e Wå[ fûkk™wt {u ¤ÔÞwt Au y™u fux÷wt M…u~Þk÷kEÍuþ™ fÞwO Au Œu™e W…h Au. EIA ™k r™»ýkt Œku yu h …ku ÕÞw þ™ yu Lz fLxÙku ÷, yuh {kuzu®÷„, …kýe™wt «Ëq »ký y™u r™Þtºký, nkEzÙ ku÷kuS, ‚kuE÷ ‚kÞL‚, {uxÙku÷kuS, Syku ÷kuS, nkr™fkhf f[hk™wt ÔÞðMÚkk…™, ½kut½kx, ðkÞƒúu þ™, ðh‚kËe …kýe™ku ‚t„ún, Efku÷ku S y™u si ðði rðæÞŒk, ‚k{krsf-ykrÚko f yÇÞk‚, rhMf {u™us{uLx ð„u hu su ðk rð»kÞku {kt M…u~Þ÷kEÍuþ™ {u¤ðe þfu Au . Wå[Œh yÇÞk‚/‚t þkuÄ™ fkÞo fhu÷ nku Þ Œku ðirïf MŒh …h Œfku …ý {¤e þfu Au . Ëk.Œ, rðrðÄ hk»xÙ eÞ/yktŒhhk»xÙeÞ yÇÞk‚ suðk fu, rn{k÷Þ MxzeÍ, ‚kWÚk ykuþ™ rzÙ ®÷„ «ku„úk{, ykforxf r{þ™, yux krxo f r{þ™ ð„uhu. sYhe ÷kÞfkŒ : EIA yu f yuðe fk{„ehe Au su {kt rðrðÄ rð¿kk™ þk¾kyku™k W{uËðkh™e sYh …zu Au . rð¿kk™ yÚkðk ‚kurþÞ÷ ‚kÞL‚ rð»kÞ™k M™kŒfku ynet …kuŒk™k h‚™k ûkuºk{kt fkhrfËeo ½ze þfu Au. ¼khŒ y™u rðËuþku{ kt rðrðÄ Þwr ™ðr‚o xe y™u ‚tMÚkkyku îkhk yk {kxu™k rz„úe/rzÃ÷ku{k fku‚o [÷kððk{kt ykðu Au . EIA ûku ºk{kt ÔÞrõŒ swËk-swËk fku ‚o/rz„úe fhe þfu Au. ¼hŒe …k{ðk {kxu ™e[u fux ÷kf {níð™k þi ûkrýf {k…Ët z Ëþkoððk{kt ykÔÞk Au. • ƒe.yu‚.‚e: s™h÷ ‚kÞL‚ yÚkðk ƒkÞku÷kuSf÷ ‚kÞL‚, ™u[ h÷ ‚kÞL‚ rð»kÞ{kt • yu{ .yu ‚.‚e: yu LðkÞ{uoL x, fu{uMxÙe, Syku÷kuS yÚkðk Œu ™u ‚{fûk rð»kÞ{kt • yu{ .xuf: yuLðkÞ{u oLx÷ yurLsr™Þhet„, rh{kux ‚u®L‚„ y™u GIS, SykuELVku {uorxõ‚ suðk rð»kÞ{kt. • …eS ze…: SykuELVku{uorxõ‚, …kuÕÞw þ™ fLxÙku ÷, rh{kux ‚u ®L‚„ y™u SykEyu‚. • …eyu[ze: yuLðkÞ{u oLx÷ ‚kÞL‚, yu LðkÞ{uo Lx÷ yurLsr™Þhet„, h‚kÞýþkMºk y™u yÚkðk Œu™u ‚{fûk suðk rð»kÞku{kt. swËe-sw Ëe ‚t MÚkkyku/yu ™Syku/ fL‚ÕxL‚e ft…™e{kt ™ku fhe™k yð‚hku yuðe ½ýe ‚tMÚkkyku y™u fL‚ÕxL‚e ft…™eyku Au ßÞkt ÔÞrõŒ …kuŒk™e fkhrfËeo Œku ƒ™kðe s þfu Au y™u ‚kÚku-‚kÚku …kuŒk™ku yÇÞk‚ yÚkðk ‚tþkuÄ™ fkÞo …ý [k÷w hk¾e þfu Au. ‚hfkhe ‚tMÚkk™ku™k Mxze ‚uLx‚o W…hktŒ ½ýe ¾k™„e fL‚ÕxL‚e ft…™eyku , ƒnwhk»xÙ eÞ ft…™eyku y™u yu ™Syku Au su EIA ™k ûkuºk{kt fk{ fhu Au. yk{ktÚke {kux k¼k„™k yt „u Œu{™e ðuƒ‚kEx …h yku ™÷kE™ òýfkhe y™u ‚t…fo fhe þfkÞ Au . QCI, NABET ™e yrÄf] Œ ðuƒ‚kEx …h EIA ûkuºk™e {kLÞŒk…kºk ‚tMÚkkyku yt„u™e òýfkhe {¤e þfu Au. QCI-NABET :

y™w‚kh, yk…ýk Ëu þ™k {kuxk¼k„™k yktŒh{k¤¾kfeÞ rðfk‚ fkÞkuo y™u yki ãkur„f «ð]r¥kyku {kxu EIA yu fk™w™e heŒu VhrsÞkŒ Au. ™kýkfeÞ ‚tMÚkkyku …ý su-Œu «kusuõx fux÷ku {sƒqŒ Au Œu òýðk {kxu EIA ™ku ‚nkhku ÷u Au.


furhÞh ykuÃþLk

• ykt Œh{k¤¾kfeÞ rðfk‚ y™u yLÞ «ku suõxT‚ fk{„ehe: «kusuõxfŒko îkhk EIA ™kurxrVfuþ™ y™w‚kh™k Œ{k{ sYhe zkufâw{uLx™e ‚kÚku yur Ã÷fuþ™ hsq fhðk{kt ykðu íÞkhƒkË yu LðkÞ{uo Lx÷ yu…huEÍ÷ fr{xe ‚{ûk Œu™u {q fŒk …nu÷k {tºkk÷Þ™k xu fr™f÷ f{o[kheyku îkhk Œu ™u Œ…k‚ðk{kt ykðu Au. yu …huEÍ÷ fr{xe íÞkhƒkË «kusuõxfŒkoyu yk…u ÷ rð„Œku {wsƒ «ku suõx™e …Þko ðhýeÞ y‚hku™wt {qÕÞktf™ fhu Au. sYh sýkÞ Œku Œuyku ‚kEx™e {w÷kfkŒ ÷E™u rðrðÄ …ÞkoðhýeÞ …k‚kyku™e [fk‚ýe fhu Au . íÞkhƒkË fr{xe «kusu õx {t swh fhðku fu ™k{t swh fhðku Œu yt„u™e ¼÷k{ý {tºkk÷Þ™u ‚kut …u Au, y™u {tºkk÷Þ îkhk {tswhe fu ™k{tswhe …h yk¾he {nkuh {khðk{kt ykðu Au. {kE®™„, heðh ðu÷e, ƒtËhku suðk ¾k‚ «kusu õx™k rfM‚k{kt {tswhe™e «r¢Þk ƒu Œƒ¬k{kt fhðk{kt ykðu Au . «kusuõxfŒko îkhk …nu÷k ‚kEx õ÷eÞhL‚ ÷uðk™w t hnu Au y™u íÞkhƒkË s Œu …ÞkoðhýeÞ {tsw he {kxu ™e yur Ã÷fuþ™ fhe þfu Au. Efku÷eS y™u …Þko ðhýeÞ ÿrüyu ‚tðuË™þe÷ nkuÞ Œuðk rðMŒkhku™u ¾÷u÷ ™ …nkut[ u Œuðku yk …kA¤™ku WÆu~Þ Au. «kusuõxfŒko yku îkhk …whŒe {krnŒe yk…ðk{kt ykðe nkuÞ Œuðk rfM‚k{kt 90 rËð‚™e ytËh r™ýoÞ ÷E ÷uðk{kt ykðu Au . «ku suõx™k rðMŒkh{kt nk÷{kt «Ëq»ký™w t «{ký fux÷wt Au y™u «kusuõx ™kt ÏÞk ƒkË «Ëq »kfku™wt ‚t ¼rðŒ «{ký fux÷wt hnuþu Œu™k ykÄkh …h {qÕÞktf™ rh…kuxo ŒiÞkh fhðk{kt ykðu Au. Œ{k{ «kusuõxT ‚™u Œu{ ™k fË y™u y„íÞŒk {w sƒ A y™u B yu{ ƒu fu xufhe{kt ðnu t[e þfkÞ. {qÕÞktf™fkh îkhk ™e[u ™k …k‚kyku ™u æÞk™{kt ÷u ðk{kt ykðu Au: • su-Œu MÚk¤™w t ðkŒkðhý y™u nðk™e „w ýð¥kk (‚ÕVh zkÞkuõ‚kEz, ™kExÙk us™™k ykuõ‚kEz, fkƒo™ {ku™ku õ‚kEz, ‚M…uLzuz …krxo f÷ {ux ‚o suðk Œíðku™wt «{ký «kusuõx rðMŒkh™k fuLÿ{kt ŒÚkk Œu ™e yk‚…k‚™e 10 rf.{e™e rºkßÞk{kt 120 rz„úe ¾wýu hnu÷k yLÞ ºký MÚk¤ku …h fux ÷w t Au ? nk÷™k …Þkoðhý™e ‚k…uûku «kusuõx™e MÚkk…™k ƒkË Œu™k îkhk W˼ðŒk ðÄkhk™k «Ëq»kfku™wt «{ký fu x÷wt hnuþu? )

™u þ™÷ yu¢ezexuþ™ ƒkuzo Vkuh yußÞwfuþ™ yuLz xÙu®™„ (NABET), yu õðkur÷xe fkWL‚e÷ ykuV ErLzÞk (QCI) ™w t yuf ½xf {tz¤ Au. NABET îkhk rðrðÄ ûkuºkku™k r™»ýkt Œku , r™Þk{f yusL‚eyku y™u …hk{þo fkhku ™k ‚q [™ku ÷E™u yu f MðiråAf yu¢ezexu þ™ Mfe{ ½zðk{kt ykðe Au. yk Þkus™k yku„Mx-2007 {kt ÷kuL[ fhðk{kt ykðe Au. yk Þkus™k nu X¤ y{wf y„ú ýe fL‚ÕxLxT‚ îkhk {kLÞŒk {u ¤ððk{kt ykðe Au . ð»ko 2009 {kt ð™ y™u …Þkoðhý {tºkk÷Þ îkhk yk Þkus™k™e ‚{eûkk fhe™u Œu™u y™w¼ð™k ykÄkhu ðÄw ‚w ÿZ ƒ™kððk™wt ‚q[™ fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt . y™u Þkus™k™u VhrsÞkŒ ƒ™kððk{kt ykðe. NABET Þku s™k y™w‚kh fku E…ý EIA ft…™e{kt ™e[u {w sƒ™e Vhs ƒòðŒk f{o [kheyku nku Þ Au :

EIA fkuykurzo™ux h

• fuxu „he A {kxu yu‚ku rþÞux EIA fkuykurzo™uxh • Vtõþ™÷ yurhÞk yuõ‚…xo (FAEs) • Vtõþ™÷ yurhÞk yu‚ku rþÞux (FAA) • xe{ {u Bƒ‚o (TM) • {u Lx‚o ({k„oËþof) fkÞoûku ºk y™u fkhrfËeo : fkuE…ý {kLÞŒk«kó Þwr™ðr‚o xe yÚkðk yu s «fkh™e yLÞ ‚tMÚkk{ktÚke Þkuø Þ rz„úe fu rzÃ÷ku{k yÚkðk rð¿kk™ ûkuºku …kuMx „úu ßÞwyuþ™ fhe™u ÔÞrõŒ …k‚u …ku Œk™e ÷kÞfkŒ, h‚ y™u ûk{Œk y™w‚kh hkus„khe {kxu rðrðÄ rðfÕ…ku W…÷çÄ Au. EIA ûkuºk{kt ÔÞrõŒ …kxo xkE{ yÚkðk Vw÷xkE{ fk{ fhe Au. Œu yku ft…™e{kt f{o[khe Œhefu yÚkðk Œku yuB…u ™Õz r™»ýktŒ Œhefu ‚uðk yk…e þfu Au . EIA ûku ºk{kt …kxo xkE{ fk{ fhe™u fkhrfËeo ½zðk {kxu ™e[u™k rðfÕ…ku™ u ½ýk …‚tË fhðk{kt ykðu Au.

• yuL ðkÞ{uoL x÷ {u™ush – fL‚ÕxL‚e ft…™e{kt EIA ‚t ƒtrÄŒ yÇÞk‚ {kxu • ‚kÞLxeMx/yu™kr÷Mx – ‚hfkhe yÚkðk ¾k™„e rh‚[o ELMxexâw x/‚tMÚkk/xu Mxet „ ÷uƒku hux he{kt

• nkEzÙku÷ku S y™u …kýe™e „wýð¥kk

• ‚kÞrLxrVf ykurV‚h – rð¿kk™÷ûke ‚hfkhe ‚tMÚkk™ku yÚkðk yu™Syku{kt

• ‚kEx y™u Œu™e yk‚…k‚™ku rðMŒkh

• ÷uõ[hh/«kuVu‚h – Þwr™ðr‚oxe yÚkðk þiûkrýf ‚tMÚkkyku {kt

• ÔÞð‚krÞf ‚÷k{Œe y™u MðkMÚÞ

• ÷uƒ-E™-[kso – xuMxet„ ÷u ƒkuhuxhe{kt

• „t Ëk …kýe («ðkne, ðkÞw fu ½™ MðY…u)™e xÙ ex{u Lx y™u Œu™k r™fk÷ yt „u™e rð„Œku, y™u Œu ™k ði frÕ…f W…Þku„™e …ØrŒyku

• ykr‚MxLx {u™ush – rðrðÄ fku …ku ohux „] nku {kt

• fk[k {k÷™wt xÙkLM…kuxuo þ™ y™u {rxrhÞ÷ nuLz®÷„ yt„u™e rð„Œku • W…Þku„{kt ÷uðk™kh «MŒkrðŒ r™Þt ºký™k ‚kÄ™ku y™u r™Þtºký™k …„÷k EIA y™u fkhrfËeo™e Œfku EIA ‚u õxh{kt

‚k{kLÞ heŒu rþûký ûkuºk, ‚hfkhe ûkuºk fu yu™ðkÞ{uoLx fL‚ÕxLx su ðk ûkuºku ™kufhe™e Œfku W…÷çÄ ÚkkÞ Au. ½ýe fL‚ÕxL‚e ft…™e{kt fk{ fhŒk EIA ûkuºk™k r™»ýktŒku ô{h÷kÞf nkuÞ Au y™u r™ð]¥k Úk™kh ykðk ÷ku fku ™k MÚkk™u yLÞ Þwðk r™»ýktŒku™u ÷ktƒk „k¤k™e ™kufhe™ku yð‚h {¤u Au. sku Þku øÞ þi ûkrýf ÷kÞfkŒ

• fL‚ÕxLx – fL‚ÕxL‚e ft…™eyku, yu™Syku yÚkðk Œu™k suðe yLÞ ‚t MÚkkyku{kt yk r‚ðkÞ …ý W{uËðkh {kxu EIA ‚kÚku ‚tf¤kÞu÷e yLÞ ½ýe ™kufhe™e Œfku W…÷çÄ nkuÞ Au, su{kt Œu …kuŒk™e fkhrfËeo ½ze þfu Au. ÔÞrõŒ …kuŒk™e fL‚ÕxL‚e ft…™e …ý þY fhe þfu Au . EIA ûkuºk™ku Íz…e rðfk‚ ÚkE hÌkku Au y™u Wí‚kne ÔÞrõŒ {kxu yk ûku ºk{kt Vw÷xkE{ yÚkðk …kxoxkE{ fk{ fhe™u fkhrfËeo ƒ™kððk™kt rð…w÷ yð‚hku Au. (MkkisLÞ : yuBÃ÷kuÞ{uLx LÞqÍ) Mktf÷Lk : Ëuð÷ þkn


íkk. 05{e yur«÷, 2017, økws hkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

Metro Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA) Company Limited ADVT NO: MEGA /HR / OM-Rect. / 2017/1 ON-LINE REGISTRATION WILL START ON (, career Link

30th March, 2017


30th April, 2017


From 30th March, 2017 to 30th April, 2017

JUNE, 2017

Metro Link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad (MEGA) Co. Limited, a 50:50 Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) jointly owned by Government of India and Government of Gujarat is entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project Phase 1. MEGA invites applications from young, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality for the following categories of NonExecutive posts for operations & maintenance to be filled up on direct recruitment basis for a period of five years initially on contractual basis: Sr. No.

Post Code

Name of Post

Grade (IDA) in

No of vacancies Including reserved categories

Education Qualification

Medical Standards as per Indian Railway 30.04.2017 Medical Manual.

Age as on

#Diploma in Engin eering in

Station 01


Controller/ Train Operator


283 nos. 13500(Gen.-145, 25520 SEBC/OBC-76, ST-42, SC-20)

Mechanical / Electrical /

Computer Science or Electronic disciplin e from a

Government Recognized

18 to 28 Years

Aye-One (A-1)

University / Institute.

* they will not be sent for Out bound training program

Science Graduate in

Customer 02


Relations Assistant (CRA)


31 nos. (Gen.-16, SEBC/OBC-8, ST-5, SC-2)

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics discipline

from a Government Recognized University /

18 to 28 Years

(Aye-One (A-1)

Institute. 1350003


Junior Engineer


99 nos. (Gen.-50, SEBC/OBC-27, ST-15, SC-7)

#Diploma in Engin eering in Mechanical / Electrical /

Aye-one (A-1) category, not

Electronics / Civil from a

18 to 28

Government Recognized


University / Institute.

below Ayethree (A-3)

SSLC pass with ITI (Two 04




193 nos. (Gen.-98, SEBC/OBC-52, ST-29, SC-14)

Years) in F itter / Electrician

18 to 25

/ Electronics from a


Bee-One (B-1)

Government Recognized University / Institute.

# Candidates also along with higher qualification in respective disciplines can also apply. **All vacancies are provisional and subject to increase / decrease.

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLk Lkt. 7 WÃkh)

{wÿf - «fkþf, {kr÷f : {krníke rLkÞk{f, økwshkík hkßÞ, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk «fkrþík, ÔÞðMÚkkÃkf, Mkhfkhe {æÞMÚk {wÿýk÷Þ, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk {wrÿík.