Dependence of average path length betatron motion in a storage ring Yoshihiko Shoji* Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry (LASTI), University of Hyogo, 3-1-2, Koto, Kamigori-cho, Ako-gun, Hyogo, Japan (Received 29 March 2005; published 27 September 2005) The dependence of path length on betatron motion in a storage ring is analytically calculated from equations of motion using curvilinear coordinates. It is demonstrated that the change of average path length for one revolution is expressed by a sum of the products of invariant of betatron motion and chromaticity in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Because of this effect, a quasi-isochronous electron storage ring should have a considerable momentum spread when the chromaticities are large. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.8.094001
PACS numbers: 29.20.Dh, 29.27.2a, 41.75.2i
I. INTRODUCTION A quasi-isochronous (QI) electron synchrotron, which implies a very small momentum compaction factor (), can store a very short electron bunch. When its bunch length is a few mm or less, an extremely strong coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz frequency region is emitted even with a low stored beam current [1]. This radiation has a continuous wavelength spectrum [2] and different applications from those with long wavelength free-electron laser. In the operation of QI ring, the shorter the bunch is, the broader the wavelength region is. The idea of the bunch shortening is derived from a well-known expression where p the equilibrium bunch length is proportional to . However, in extreme QI conditions, we must consider many effects that are negligible under normal conditions. One of them is bunch lengthening by a linear betatron motion [3], which is location dependent. In this article we sought to investigate the second order effect, the shift in average path length for one revolution by betatron motion. Henceforth, this betatron amplitude dependent shift is simply referred to as ‘‘the shift.’’ A main consequence of the shift is a betatron amplitude dependent momentum shift. The path length has a small dependence on the betatron oscillation amplitude. Wiedemann [4] already deduced an analytical formula for the shift, although his equation is insufficient since it does not contain important second order effects, such as sextupoles. Before that work Emery had given more accurate equation [5], C 2QUAD SEXT JX 2QUAD X X Y SEXT JY ; Y
here C is the shift of the average path length for one revolution, QUAD and SEXT are the chromaticity contributions of the quadrupoles and sextupoles and J is the invariant of betatron motion, a half of Courant Snyder invariant. The suffix ‘‘X’’ or ‘‘Y’’ shows the directions of *Email address:
[email protected]
betatron motions. However Emery did not provide the derivation for Eq. (1). Later Forest showed that this surprisingly simple relation is a consequence of the simplecticity [6]. In the following section, we derive Eq. (1) starting from the general equations of motion using curvilinear coordinates, including the edge field effects. In the next section, the consequence of this effect is discussed and is calculated using the parameters of NewSUBARU, an existing QI storage ring. II. DEPENDENCE OF CIRCUMFERENCE ON BETATRON MORTION A. Basic equations The coordinates in this report, x, y, and s, are the displacements from the reference electron in the radial and vertical directions and the azimuthal coordinate, respectively. The Twiss parameters are referred to as s, s, and s, and the betatron phase as s. The without a suffix ‘‘X’’ or ‘‘Y’’ is the momentum compaction factor. In this report, we assume that there is not a skew magnetic element such as vertical curvature. Terms to x and y higher than second order are ignored. Some books [7,8] provide the equations of motion for a particle up to the second order as 1 00 2 3 x h kx 2hkh m x2 2 1 h00 hkmy2 h0 xx0 yy0 2 1 hx02 y02 h2h2 k; (2a) 2 y00 kym2hkxyh0 xy0 x0 yhx0 y0 k: (2b) The prime (’) indicates the derivative to s and is the relative momentum displacement. The hs, ks, and ms are the inverse of the curvature of radius of the reference orbit, the quadrupole field component, and the sextupole field component, respectively. They are
© 2005 The American Physical Society
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, 094001 (2005)
hs 1=s; 1 @BY ; k B @x 1 @2 BY m : B @x2
(3b) (3c)
The difference of path length from that of the reference in n revolutions, Ln , is calculated using the formula Z s0 nC0 q Ln 1 hx2 x02 y02 1ds: (4a) s0
Here, C0 is the circumference of the reference orbit and s0 is s at the initial point. When terms higher than the second order are ignored, Eq. (4a) is approximated as Z s0 nC0 1 1 Ln hx x02 y02 ds: (4b) 2 2 s0 This Ln can be separated into an oscillating part and an increasing (or decreasing) part with n. The oscillating part spreads in the azimuthal direction and the increase (or decrease) shifts the average path length. Then the shift, C, is given by C lim
n!1 n
Ln :
B. Contribution of linear part
In this section, we review calculations with the first order approximation (linear approximation), the oscillating part of the integral, covered in Ref. [3] by the same author. The radial displacement produced by the linear betatron oscillation is written as q xs 2JX X s sin
q X Z s0 C0 p n1 Ln s0 2JX hs X s sin m0
X s0
X s
Here with the suffix ‘‘X’’ or ‘‘Y’’ is a betatron tune. In order to simplify Eq. (7), we use the following equations, n1 X
sin2m 1
sinn sinn ; (8a) sin
cos2m 1
sinn cosn : (8b) sin
m0 n1 X
We also use dispersion function, s, and dispersion angle, 0 s, given by
X s
X s0 X ds;
X s
X s0 X ds:
decreasing) part. Therefore the leading terms of C are the second order terms. C. Contribution of trajectory slope terms
H s0 g:
(10) Here we used the functions Hs and H sdefined by p p p H sin H X = X 0 X ; (11a) p p H cos H = X : (11b)
We will calculate a part of the second order terms of the integration of Eq. (4b), Ln;YY
Z s0 nC0 1 s0
y ds: 02
Generally y0 is expressed by the equation
The H is the well-known function calculated by H X 2 2X 0 X 02 :
2mX ds:
p q X s0 Z s0 C0 hs X s cos s0 2sinX s0 p q X s0 Z s0 C0 0 X s0 s0 X s0 s0 hs X s sin 2sinX s0
Using these equations, Eq. (7) is simplified to [9] q Ln s0 2JX Hs0 f cos2nX X s0 H s0
The total change of the path length after n revolutions, Ln , is given by
This report aims to calculate C. The integral in Eq. (4b) will be evaluated in three parts: the hx term using only linear x motion, the second order terms 12 x02 12 y02 , and the hx term from nonlinear x motion.
X s:
Ln has an oscillating part and not an increasing (or 094001-2
q y0 s 2JY Y s sin
Y s:
q q X m Z s C 0 0 Ln;m n;X X s0 hs X s
Substituting Eq. (14) into Eq. (4b) gives Ln;YY s0 JY
n1 X Z s0 C0 m0
Y ssin2
Y s 2mY ds
X Z s0 C0 1 n1 JY Y sf1 cos2 2 m0 s0
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, 094001 (2005)
By dropping the oscillating part in Eq. (15), we obtain the contribution to the average path length as 1 Z s0 nC0 1 02 1 Z C0 lim y ds JY Y sds: (16) n!1 n 2 2 s0 0
D. Contribution of nonlinear x The additional displacement of x to the linear x is a sum of contributions of six nonlinear terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (2a). The contribution of each term can be calculated straightforwardly. As an example, we will calculate the contribution of 12 h00 hk my2 . Suppose that the ring has only one thin second order component in the linear lattice at s s0 and the horizontal deflection, X , by this thin component is given by (18)
Here is a coefficient, that 12 h00 hk mds for this term. The vertical displacement y is generally expressed as q (19) ys 2JY Y s cos Y s;
Y s0
X s0
2p nX ds:
cos2m n 1X
H s0 g:
Dropping the oscillating term we obtain the change in the average path length for one revolution as m 1 X 1 Ln;m 2JY Y s0 m!1 m 2 n1 q X s0 Hs0 cos
JY Y s0 s0 :
H s0
Substitute 12 h00 hk mds into Eq. (24) and integrate it over the ring, we obtain the contribution to the shift as 1 Z C0 00 JY h hk m Y ds: (25) 2 0 After the calculation of the contributions of the other five terms, we obtain the total shift as 1 Z C0 1 h Y h00 hk m Y C JY 2 0 1 Z C0 2h0 Y ds JX 1 h X 2 0 4hk 2h3 m X 2h0 X ds: (26) The ways of deductions for the other terms are given in Appendix A. E. Relation to chromaticities
and the horizontal beam deflection at the nth turn is n;X 2JY Y s0 cos2
Ln;m is simplified as we did for the linear term. q Ln;m n;X X s0 Hs0 fcos H s0
Here we dropped s0 because the integration is an invariant to s0 . The contribution of the x02 term is calculated with the same way as 1 Z s0 nC0 1 02 1 Z C0 x ds JX lim X sds: (17) n!1 n 2 2 s0 0
X y2 :
X s
Y s
4mY gds:
2n 1Y : (20)
The nonlinear displacement is a sum of the smallperturbed betatron motion produced by n;X in every turn and is written as a function of s and n. The orbit displacement produced by a single deflection n;X at the pth turn, we will refer it by xn , is given as q xn n;X X s0 X s sin X s X s0 2p
The chromaticities are also obtained from Eqs. (2). Replacing x in Eqs. (2) with X gives the following equations: 00 h k h2 ;
@x00 =@0 4hk 2h3 m h0 0 2h2 kx @y00 =@
h 0 x0 ; m 2hk h0 0 ky h 0 y0 :
(28a) (28b)
nX : (21) The change of the path length from the nth to the mth turn by n;X , is referred to as Ln;m , which is obtained as
From Eqs. (28) we obtain the horizontal chromaticity, X , and the vertical chromaticity, Y , respectively. They are
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, 094001 (2005)
1 Z C0 f4hk 2h3 m h0 0 4 0 2h2 kX h 0 X gds; 1 Z C0 fm 2hk h0 0 kY Y 4 0 h 0 Y gds:
J 2X S tan S0 rf " J JX : C0
We used equations listed in Appendix B for the reformation. Using Eqs. (30), Eq. (26) is simplified to C 2JX X JY Y :
III. EFFECT OF THE CHANGE OF PATH LENGTH In an electron storage ring, an rf system maintains a fixed path length for all trajectories, thus the rf system counteracts the path lengthening by changing the electron momentum. The shift of momentum, , to cancel the shift of path length, C, is given by
In most storage rings rf and J are negligible and Eq. (35) is approximated by S
These are consistent with the results solved under more limited conditions [10 –12]. Equations (29) have many equivalent forms and can be reformed to the following equations: 1 Z C0 X 1 h X 4 0 4hk 2h3 m X 2h0 X ds; (30a) 1 Z C0 1 h Y Y 4 0 h00 hk m Y 2h0 Y ds: (30b)
1 C : C0
The momentum shift causes a shift in the synchronous rf phase ( S ) where the energy loss per revolution and energy gain by the acceleration are balanced. From now on, we assume that JY 0 to simplify the calculation. When S of the reference electron, S0 , is given by the equation eVrf sin S0 U0 ;
the shift of the synchronous phase, S , is given by 1 rf JX eVrf sin S0 S U0 1 J" J JX : (34) Here, e, Vrf , and U0 are elementary charge, rf acceleration voltage, and the radiation loss per revolution of the reference particle, respectively. J is the damping partition number. J and rf are factors that represent the dependences of the radiation loss and energy gain on JX . From Eq. (34) we obtain S as
J" 2X JX tan S : C0
The above shift creates a bunch spread given by S =2frf . Here frf is the rf frequency of the accelerating cavity. This consequence is very much different from that of the linear oscillating term [3]. The linear oscillating term is obtained from Eq. (10) as q Ln s0 2JX Hs0 cos2nX X s0 H s0 : (37) On the other hand, from Eq. (6), the betatron motion at s s0 is given by q (38) xs0 2JX X s0 sin2n X s: These equations show that a particle moves on an ellipse in s-x plane. The amplitude of the oscillation in azimuthal p direction is 2JX Hs0 , which has no explicit dependence on . This linear spread depends on the location of light source point (s0 ) and is zero at the dispersion free sections. The other difference is that the linear effect appears as fast as the betatron motion. It spreads the beam in one revolution. IV. CALCULATIONS AT NEWSUBARU In this section we calculate shifts of some parameters for one electron with finite JX using ring parameters from an existing QI ring, NewSUBARU. Table I lists the ring parameters when operated in the extreme QI mode [13]. TABLE I. Main parameters of NewSUBARU at QI condition. Parameters Stored electron energy: E Circumference: C0 Curvature of radius: 1=h Normal bend Inverse bend Horizontal chromaticity: X Damping partition number J" rf frequency: frf rf acceleration voltage: Vrf rf synchronous phase: S Linear momentum compaction factor: 1 3rd order momentum compaction factor: 3 Natural emittance: "XN Natural energy spread: EN Natural bunch length: T
Quantities 1.0 GeV 118.7 m 3.217 m 3:201 m 7 2.01 499.956 MHz 300 kV 0.116 rad 2 106 0.9 30.1 nm 0.047% 0.42 ps
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, 094001 (2005)
FIG. 1. Beta function (X , solid line) and dispersion function ( , broken line) in 1=4 of NewSUBARU. The boxes indicate the locations and lengths of the bending magnets (indicated by NB and IB) and quadrupole magnets.
Figure 1 shows the horizontal beta function, X , and the dispersion function, , in 1=4 of the ring. For JX as a typical value, we will use a half of the natural emittance, "XN =2. C=C0 is calculated to be 5:6 109 . For this electron, is calculated to be 0:28%, which is much larger than the rms of the natural energy spread, 0.047%. This suggests that the horizontal chromaticity and the longitudinal chromaticity ( dependence of the synchrotron tune) must be controlled in case of extreme bunch shortening. The phase shift, S , is calculated to be 6:5 104 radian (0.21 ps in time), which is smaller than the natural bunch length, 0.42 ps. Thus, we conclude that the momentum spread would be considerably large, but the bunch lengthening would not. However, in a real machine the above conclusion should be modified to consider the effect of the higher order momentum compaction factor. Then C=C0 is written as C=C0 1 2
3 ;
where n is nth order momentum compaction factor. It is known that 2 of the QI ring should be adjusted to zero. Then the leading nonlinear term is 3 . We ignore terms higher than third order then the above equation is approximated as C=C0 1 3 3 :
Using Eq. (40) instead of Eq. (32), is calculated to be 0:14%. On the other hand the off-momentum linear momentum compaction factor is given by [14] d C 1 33 2 : (41) d C The for the electron with is JX "XN =2 is 7:6 106 , which is about 4 times of the 1 . This means that the expected bunch lengthening by the enlarged is con-
siderable when 3 is large. The bunch lengthening by the linear oscillation is calculated to be about 0.2 ps at the light source point for the bunch length measurement. Both of the effects of the linear and the second order should be considered to realize a sub-ps short bunch. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks Dr. G. Wu¨estefeld of BESSY for his important suggestion and fruitful discussions on this subject. Dr. T. Koseki of RIKEN offered a field map of the rf cavity, which was used to confirm that krf was negligible in the extreme case. APPENDIX A: CONTRIBUTIONS OF SECOND ORDER TERMS TO AVERAGE PATH LENGTH In the process of the deduction of Eq. (26), we calculate the contributions to C of the six nonlinear terms of Eq. (2a). A deduction of the contribution of one term is given in the main text. The term calculated in the main text has the form of Eq. (18), X y2 . The result before the integration is given by Eq. (26) as JY Y . In this appendix, ways of deduction for the other five terms are given. A contribution of the term of the form X x2 is calculated equation p with the same way by using the p x 2JX X cos X instead of Eq. (19), y 2JY Y cos Y . The equations to the result, from Eq. (21)–(23), remain the same. Then with replacements of JY and Y with JX and X , Eq. (24) gives a correct result for this term. The result before the integration is JX X . 02 A contribution of the term of the form p X y is 0 calculated by using y 2JY Y cos Y instead of Eq. (19). The result is obtained by a replacement of Y with Y as JY p For the term of the form X Y . x02 we use x0 2JX X cos X instead of Eq. (19) and obtain JX X .
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, 094001 (2005) Z C0
For the term of the form X yy0 we use the following two equations, q (A1) ys "Y Y s cos Y s; q y0 s "Y =Y sY cos
Y s
Y s:
h X 0 ds 0;
h Y 0 ds 0;
h 0 X 0 ds 0;
h0 Y 0 ds 0:
0 Z C0
0 C0
0 Z C0
The horizontal beam deflection at the nth turn is 2
n;X JY f2Y s0 cos sin2
Y s0
Y s0
2n 1Y
4n 1Y g:
Expansion of the functions in the integrals gives the following equations: Z C0 h 0 X h h2 kX h X ds 0; (B2a) 0
(A3) Since the second term in the bracket f g is oscillatory, it can be dropped and that equation becomes the same as Eq. (20) with the replacement of Y with Y . Then the result before the integration is JY Y . For the term of the form X xx0 , we obtain JX X by the similar replacements of JY and aY in the former result with JX and X . Summing up results for these six terms with substitutions of appropriate coefficient terms to makes the equation, m 1 X 1 Ln;m h00 hk mds JY Y m!1 m 2 n1 1 2hk h3 m ds JX X 2 1 1 hds JY Y hds JX X 2 2
Z C0 Z
0 C0
h 0 Y h kY Y ds 0;
h0 0 X 2h 0 X h 00 X ds 0;
h00 Y h0 0 Y 2h0 Y ds 0:
0 Z C0 0
We also use the following equations of Twiss parameters,
X h2 kX 0X ;
Y kY 0Y :
. Substituting Eq. (27) into 00 of Eq. (B2c) and using Eq. (B2a), we obtain Z C0 h0 0 h2 X h0 h 0 X h X ds 0: 0
h0 dsJY Y h0 dsJX X :
(A4) Equation (26) is obtained by the integration of Eq. (A4) over the ring and addition of Eqs. (16) and (17).
These equations were used to reform Eqs. (29). For example, Eq. (B2d) was used to eliminate the integration of h0 0 Y from Eqs. (29b) and (B4) was used to eliminate the integration of h0 0 X from Eq. (29a).
APPENDIX B: USEFUL FORMULAS FOR REFORMATION The equations for chromaticities, Eqs. (29), and the shift, Eq. (26), have many equivalent forms. This appendix gives useful formulas for equivalent reformations. The magnetic field parameter h, Twiss parameters X , aY , X , and Y , dispersion function and the differentiations of them to s are unique functions of s. This means that the functions are closed in the ring. Then any products of any of these functions should be a closed function. It is obvious that the integration over the ring of a differentiation of a closed function should be zero. Then we have following equations,
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