Deploying and Debugging Educational Games Using e ... - e-UCM

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educational games following e-Learning standards has benefits, such as improved .... expo. •. • ure 1. Scree mes. Top to don (subject lish); The mposition) and.
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Deploying and Debugging Educational Games Using e-Learning Standards Ángel del Blanco, Javier Torrente, Ángel Serrano, Iván Martínez-Ortiz, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón Complutense University of Madrid School of Computer Science, Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence C Profesor José García Santesmases sn, 28040 Madrid, Spain {angel.dba, jtorrente}, [email protected], {imartinez, balta} Abstract—Development, packaging and deployment of educational games following e-Learning standards has benefits, such as improved reusability and interoperability of contents. Moreover, standards can facilitate that games exchange data with other software agents (e.g. Learning Management Systems LMS) in a standardized manner, which opens up a wide range of possibilities for next generation Game-Based Learning experiences. However, the application of standards to games poses a technical challenge. There is a clear need for tools that simplify this process for teachers and educators with limited technical background. In this paper we present how the platform is addressing this problem, with special focus in the exchange of data to/from the games. Tools being developed for facilitating packaging, deployment and debugging of educational games with standards are described. On the one hand, these tools facilitate testing and debugging since they allow simulation of game deployment with active communication without needing a back-end LMS. On the other hand, they smooth the learning curve that is needed to understand the standards and their possibilities when combined with games. Finally a case study focusing on the SCORM standard is presented. Keywords-; standards.






Current research in e-Learning is now trying to determine new ways to use serious games for education that take advantage from all their potential, assuming that their value as learning tools is no more under discussion, thanks to recent works in the field [1-4]. In this line, there is interest in exploring the application of e-Learning standards to educational games [5], [6]. Publishers, teachers and educational organizations can expect benefits from development, packaging and deployment of educational games following e-Learning standards, like the improved reusability and interoperability of Game-Based learning courses, protecting the investments in contents that are The Regional Government of Madrid (Spain), through the eMadrid Network of Excellence in e-Learning (S2009/TIC-1650), and the European Commission, through the Network of Excellence in Serious Games GALA (Games And Learning FP7-ICT-2009-5-258169) and the LLP program (SEGAN 519332-LLP-1-2011-1-PT-KA3-KA3NW, CHERMUG 519023LLP-1-2011-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP and the ProActive 505469-LLP-1-2009-1ES-KA3-KA3MP) have partially supported this work. The Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (grants TSI-020312-2009-27 and TSI-0201102009-170), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2010-21735C02-02), and the Complutense University of Madrid (e-Learning research group no. GR35/10-A) have also supported this work.

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expensive to produce compared to other materials [7]. There are also works pushing this research line forward by addressing the active communication between games and Learning Management Systems (e.g. Moodle, Sakai or Blackboard) [8], [9]. The argument is that as games are highly interactive, they can be used for student tracking and assessment, if they are connected to a back-end (LMS) that allows educators to access the information. Also the games can use relevant data that is available in the LMS (e.g. student profile and achievements) to improve the game experience. For these purposes educational gaming stakeholders can profit from standards like ADL SCORM, that specify communication protocols and data models between contents and LMS, thus investment is still protected. But e-Learning standards are technically complex, especially if they also address active communication like SCORM. To fully exploit these opportunities, teachers, educators and other stakeholders need specialized tools that simplify packaging, deployment, debugging and testing the educational games with standards. This paper is structured as follows: section II provides a brief overview of current research in games and e-Learning standards. Section III introduces the game authoring platform, its current compliance with e-Learning standards (e.g. IMS Content Packaging [10], ADL SCORM v1.2 and 2004 [11]), and integrated tools for testing and debugging game deployment with communication. Section IV exemplifies these ideas through a case study. Finally section V provides conclusions and future work. II.


Section II.A provides a short introduction to recent research in the field of educational games. This section is linked to II.B, which covers the e-Learning standards that are particularly relevant to the reuse of educational games. A. Educational Games The interest in the application of digital games to education is not new, with first experiences and seminal works dating from the 70's and 80's [12], [13]. However, it has grown exponentially in the last decade, both at research and market levels, aiming at providing students with more attractive, engaging and meaningful content.

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Although using games for education does not always mean an improvement in learning [14], and no few scholars have pointed out barriers that limit the potential of Game-Based Learning [15-17], recent research proves that educational games can improve both students' motivation [18] and learning outcomes [3]. So, now that the community starts to accept games' educational potential, other authors have started to consider multiple ways to enhance education with educational games. In this line, the potential of games to support adaptive learning and improve personalization in learning is an active topic [19]. Besides, other authors are interested in using the valuable userinteraction information that games can generate to evaluate student knowledge and skills put into practice as part of the game play [20], [21]. B. e-Learning Standards A key aspect for the success of the learning process in eLearning courses is the availability of good quality materials. However, the creation of high-quality digital contents usually requires the involvement of technical experts, educators and domain-experts, thus increasing the development costs. This situation is even worse for educational games, where game developers and graphic artists are also required. So, finding ways to ensure the reuse of the contents developed while reducing the risks presented by future platform migrations becomes a problem of the utmost importance. The Learning Object paradigm [22] opened a broad range of opportunities to facilitate the distribution, sharing and reuse of learning materials, at least from the technical point of view. As a result of this new paradigm, several specifications and standards were proposed in order to avoid a vendor lock-in to a specific platform or tool, and to facilitate the interchange of the learning contents between tools. As part of the implementation of this LO development model, content developers must deal with the proposed eLearning specifications and standards. The e-Learning specifications and standards deal with different interrelated aspects of the LO model, in particular: 

Packaging. This aspect is related to the creation of interchangeable content units that can be understood by different tools and platforms, thus facilitating the migration of content between platforms, or the collaboration of tools made by different vendors. Tagging. Learning content repositories were created in order to facilitate the interchange of learning materials among educators. In order to facilitate content classification and retrieval, it is needed to associate metadata information to the learning materials describing different aspects like the educational purpose, the target audience and technical requirements, among others. Learning Management System communication. Some educational contents can extract assessment information about student performance. Besides, some contents can adapt its content to specific student needs using the student's profile. For these reasons, a

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communication link between content and LMS is needed to exchange this kind of information. There are different specifications and standards that cover the different aspects described above, some of them are: IMS Content Packaging (IMS-CP) [23], IEEE Learning Object Metadata (IEEE LOM) [24] and ADL Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) [25]. The IMS Content Packaging specification (IMS CP) [23] defines a means for packing self-contained educational resources as LO. IMS CP is flexible enough to allow the packaging of educational resources of different levels of granularity. Particularly, version 1.2 has been taken as starting point for the ISO/IEC 12785 standards family for content packaging. The IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) standard is part of the IEEE 1484.12 standards family [24] and defines a common set of metadata categories and vocabulary that can be used to describe and catalogue learning resources. The ADL Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) [25] is an application profile of other e-Learning specifications, particularly IMS-CP and IEEE LOM. This specification has strongly focused on active content. The ADL SCORM 2004 3rd edition has been actually adopted as technical recommendation (de-facto standard) by the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 committee in the form of ISO/IEC TR 29163 family. The SCORM specification covers the three aspects of packaging, tagging and communication above described. However, there is no wide accepted specification or standard that deals with the integration of educational games in general and in particular when games are used in collaboration with a LMS. III. is an educational game authoring platform developed by the e-Learning research group from Complutense University of Madrid ( Although it was originally focused on point-and-click adventure games and simulations [26], it has evolved and matured allowing the development of other 2D highly interactive contents (Figure 1) [27], [28]. The core of the platform is the game editor (Figure 2), that allows the development of games and simulations in a teacher-oriented way. In this manner games can be developed without coding. Besides, games' educational value can be enhanced by configuring education-oriented features like assessment and adaptation profiles. The assessment profiles are the means for filtering the large amount of information produced by the tracking system that includes. The assessment profiles use this information to generate two assessment reports: one is humanreadable that can be delivered to the teacher or the student as feedback; the second is designed to be easy processed by an application like a LMS [29]. The adaptation profiles allows to customize the game experience for the student according to data gathered from outside the game (e.g. from a LMS) [30].

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AGREGA A. This exporrtation profilee is specific to t the AGREGA A repository, but it is a Spanish S appliccation profile of o SCORM 22004 that usses the LOM M ES standard.

LAMS. This exportattion profile is specific too the wards) and butt it is LAMS pllatform (versiion 2.3.5 onw an applicaation profile oof IMS-CP.

Figu ure 1. Screeenshots of foour differentt gam mes. Top to bottom, leftt to right: Business B Trip ip to Lond don (subject: English); Visit V to the Hospital H (sub bject: English); The music notation game (subject: m music com mposition) and d Clinical Surrgery (subject: introductioon to the surgery s room m). < > has becamee a consolidated product, w which also allows us too use it as a test environm ment for explooring bile learning [31], other GBL-related research linnes, like mob narraative-centeredd visual lannguages for games [32]] or acceessible game ddesign and impplementation [28]. A. Standards S supp pported in The T authoriing tool allow ws users to exxport gam mes as LO. To achieve this objective a seet of standardds are impllemented, in particular: IM MS-CP, IEEE E LOM, LOM M-ES (Spaanish standardd and applicatiion profile of IEEE LOM) [33], ADL L SCORM 1.22 and 2004 3rd Edition. In n addition, thee authooring tool impplements appllication profile les of the previous speccifications inn order to pro ovide supporrt for a AGREGA A. speccific platforms like LAMS and From F a user ppoint of view w the authooring tool abstracts thhe exportationn process providing a seet of ortation profilees: expo 

IMS CP.. This exportation profile just packagess the game as a basic IMS S-CP compliaant LO, but also LOM including the metadatta following the IEEE L standard.

SCORM 1.2 and SCO ORM 2004. These exporttation profiles ppackage the game as a Shareable S Coontent Object (S SCO) followinng the rules of the SCO ORM Content A Aggregation Model M 1.2 or 2004 respectiively, includes the game meetadata using IEEE LOM M and ol with the L follows thhe communiccation protoco LMS followingg the rules off SORM Runttime Environnment 1.2 or 20004 respectivelyy.

Figu ure 2. Screen nshot of the game ed ditor, verssion 1.3. These T differen nt exportationn profiles aree presented too the userr by using a wizard, w wheree the user is asked the minnimal information needeed (Author naame and Auth hor institutionn) and the LO package is generated. However there are two asspects d needed a sepparate that are related to the exportatioon process and ommunication with expllanation: metaadata tagging and game co the LMS. L During D the gaame creation pprocess, metaadata for the game can be added (not ( required, d, but recommended) witth an uded meta-data editor. Theere are tailored metadata edditors inclu for the differen nt metadata profiles su upported by . Adv When W the gam me requires aactive commu unication withh the LMS S, certain mo odifications too the adaptatiion and evaluuation proffiles of the gam me are neededd. The authhoring tool allows the user to crreate differen nt communiccation prottocols, particu ularly SCORM M 1.2 and 200 04 versions, where w the user u will be provided p with a tailored useer interface too map the assessment ru ules to a dataa model elemeent of the sellected prottocol. During the exportatiion process, the authoringg tool checcks that the seelected assesssment and adaaptation profilles fit with h the selected exportation pprofile, and in addition geneerates all Javascript J filess needed to alllow the comm munication bettween the game g and the LMS. B. Debbuging D ga ames with The T editorr offers a debug interfacee that allow ws teachers to o: 

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Debug the game behavvior from the editor, e allowinng the o inspect the innternal game state s [34]. teacher to

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Test the ccommunicationn protocol witth a LMS from m the web brow wser. The com mmunication debugging m mode, provides oonline and offfline modes in n order to faciilitate the tasks of defining and a testing th he communiccation between ggames and LM MSs (see Figurre 3).

Figu ure 3. The two debugging modes: simulation and reeal com mmunication. The T online debbugging modee allows teach hers to check iif the gam me properly com mmunicates with w a back-end d LMS. Moreover, this online o mode aallows the teaccher to exploree how the stanndard actuaally works, getting quick feedback f in order to reducee the creattion-test cyclee, and thus im mproving the game designn and integ gration with the LMS. Iff the game is i integrated in a learn ning sequencee with other activities, a the online debuggging mod de allows the teacher to explore e how the game ouutputs impaact the sequennce flow. The T offline deebugging moode allows teaachers to testt the gam mes with com mmunication without w needing to deployy the gam me in a real L LMS, which also is usefful to shortenn the creattion-test cyclee. In the offlinee mode, the gaame is launchhed in the web w browser w where an API provider has been developped to simu ulate the com mmunication mechanisms. m The T API provvider has been develooped in Javasscript and prrovides the ssame funcctionality as thhe selected stanndard or speciific LMS. The T debuggerr gives the teacher full control overr the com mmunication prrotocol. In booth modes, thee debugger accts as an sniffer, loggingg all the com mmunication events betweenn the me and the AP PI. Besides, thhe debugger allows a for maanual gam API calls to checck and changge the data model m state. I f the mmunication protocol is bouund to a partticular data m model com (e.g. SCORM), the teacher is constrain ned to follow w it; otherwise (e.g. LAMS expoortation profille) any inpuut is acceepted.

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The T debugger also notifies tthe teacher of all communiccation (input/output) events, showingg the attributte-value pairss that gam me and LMS have exchangedd. It also inclu udes the possiibility of sh howing the assessment repoort in a pop-up p window upoon the teacher's request.

ure 4. The game and thee SCORM deebugger. Thee text Figu show ws the inittialization vvalues. The text has been augmented for better b readabiility. IV V.


As A a case stud dy a Game-B Based course using u SCORM M and Moo odle was dev veloped. Thee goal of th he course waas to intro oduce the Miicrosoft Winddows 7 Operative System,, and inclu uded an gam me. The gamee was deployedd in a Moo odle LMS (1.9.5) as a SCO ORM 2004 package. The game g used d an assessm ment profile to o communicatte the resu ults of the game g to Mooodle. In add dition a SCO ORM debu ugging console, developedd using Javasscript and HT TML, was integrated in the web pagee that launchees the game within w S pack kage. the SCORM This T game was w developped using sccreenshots off the Win ndows 7 user interface. A liittle robot serrves the purpoose of in-g game tutor, setting short-tterm and lon ng-term goalss and guid ding the studen nt as needed. The T game alsso considers student evalu uation, includiing a shorrt multiple-cho oice exam thaat has to be co ompleted at the end of th he game. In th his exam the rrobot (i.e. tuto or) describes items of th he OS interface and the stuudent has to identify i them. The stud dent needs to answer a 5 of thee 10 questionss to pass the teest. Through T the assessment a proofile, several SCORM S 20044 data mod del fields weree used to trackk students' acctivity in the game. g Wheen the game starts the vallue "incompleete" is sent too the

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"com mpletion statuus" field to nootify the LMS S that the acttivity (gam me) was starteed but not coompleted yet. When the stuudent comp mpletes the testt, we the fieldd is set to vallue "completee". If the student s answeered correctlyy at least 5 qu uestions, the vvalue "passsed" is sent tto the field "ssuccess statuss". An "objecctive" field d was used to rrepresent the general g learnin ng objective oof the gam me (get to knoow the main elements off Windows 7 UI). Finaally, the gamee sets a scorre, adding 10 0 points per each quesstions correctlyy answered (m maximum valu ue: 100 points)). The T interactioons array is ussed to track deetailed inform mation for each e answer prrovided by thee student in th he final test (Fiigure 5). For F each respponse to a quuestion an intteraction recoord is creatted, storing thhe id, the timestamp, the description d andd the objective that is reelated to the innteraction (on nly one goal inn this case study). Otherr sub-fields aree also used: 

Type:: Multiple-Chooice.

Correect responses: the correct option amongg the possibble responses..

Learnner response: students' inpu ut.

Figu ure 5. An exccerpt from th he debugger console, show wing com mmunication aafter the test..


Whatt are the m more appropriiate fields inn the SCORM data m model for tracking t studdents' interaaction in gamees. CO ONCLUSIONSS AND FUTU URE WORK

The T Game-Baased Learningg field is startiing to exploree new research lines. Among these nnew lines, how to use studdents' interraction data gathered g from m the games iss under discusssion. These data can bee very useful ffor assessmen nt purposes annd for ow of learninng sequences. It is desirablee that conttrolling the flo dataa extracted from the game iis handled in compliance c w ewith Learrning standard ds to foster ccontent intero operability. Inn this papeer we discuss the need of ttools that faciilitate developpment and smooth the curve c of learniing the standaards, especiallly for non--technical professionals. We W have impllemented a staandard debug gging system in i the platform, as a new tool forr educational game creaation. The deb bugger allows teachers testiing and debuggging the defined d comm munication in ooffline mode without w the neeed of usin ng an LMS for that matter. Besides, the debugger preesents an online o mode that t can be uused not only to ensure thaat the LMS S correctly haandles the datta transmitted,, but also to check c how w the game outtputs affect thee developmen nt of other activvities if it i is integraated into a broader leearning sequuence. Furtthermore, thee debugger ccan be usefu ul to analyzee and undeerstand game packages deveeloped by other authors. The T debuggeer has not bbeen included d in officiall releaase yet. It stilll needs furtheer testing befo fore it beco omes publicly y available. Ass possible linees future workk, we are studying s the possibilities p off using other standards s for video v gam mes integration n (e.g. IMS L Learning Info ormation Servvices, IMS S Learning Tool Interopperability and d IMS Com mmon Carttridge), includ ding new ideaas such as mashups m and cloud c appllications. We also are plannning to evalu uate this apprroach with h more teach hers that enrroll in traaining courrses that we ussually run periiodically. ACKNOWLLEDGMENT

Upon U game coompletion, thee assessment report r produceed by inn human-readaable format iss sent to the L LMS throu ugh the field "comment froom learner". SCORM doess not inclu ude a field thaat is adequate for storing detailed d assesssment repo orts, so we deccided to use "ccomments from m learner" forr two reaso ons: 1) it can store long piieces of text and a 2) we cheecked that Moodle 1.9.5 actually alloccate spaces in its database ffor it. wever, to facillitate testing and debuggin ng this reportt can How also be accessed on a pop-up window by hitting h the "repport" butto on in the debuugging consolee. The T course devveloped was used u to train professionals p in the e-Leearning field iin the use off SCORM forr games. Bothh the gam me and the deebugging conssole were verry useful to tteach partiicipants: 

How SCORM actuually works.

How SCORM is actually a implem mented in Mooodle 1.9.5 and how thhe informatio on that the ggame produuces can be rettrieved from the LMS.

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