Deploying Cisco ASA VPN Solutions 2.0.

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Deploying Cisco ASA. VPN Solutions 2.0. VPN. Certification. CCNP Security. Technology. Security. Delivery. Classroom. Virtual Classroom. Duration. 5 Days.
Deploying Cisco ASA VPN Solutions 2.0.


Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security) certification program is aligned specifically to the job role of the Cisco Network Security Engineer responsible for Security in Routers, Switches, Networking devices and appliances, as well as choosing, deploying, supporting and troubleshooting Firewalls, VPNS, and IDS/IPS solutions for their networking environments.


CCNP Security




Classroom Virtual Classroom


5 Days

Exam Number 642-648 VPN

Prerequisites Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. Cisco Certified Network Associate Security (CCNA Security) certification. Deploying Cisco ASA Firewall Solutions (FIREWALL). Working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Course Content This course is based on the ASA 8.4 code. The Deploying Cisco ASA VPN Solutions (VPN) 2.0 course is an instructor-led course presented by Cisco training partners to their end-user customers. This five-day course aims at choosing, configuring, and troubleshooting the majority of Cisco ASA adaptive security appliance remote access and site-to-site VPN features to reduce risk to IT infrastructure and its applications.

Course Objectives Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these overall objectives: Describe the general properties of the Cisco ASA VPN subsystem Implement and maintain Cisco clientless remote access SSL VPNs on the Cisco ASA adaptive security appliance VPN gateway. Implement and maintain Cisco AnyConnect client-based remote access SSL VPNs on the Cisco ASA security appliance VPN gateway according to policies and environmental requirements. Implement and maintain Cisco remote access IPsec VPNs on the Cisco ASA VPN gateway according to policies and environmental requirements. Implement and maintain site-to-site VPN solutions on the Cisco ASA security appliance VPN gateway according to policies and environmental requirements. Deploy endpoint security with Cisco Secure Desktop and DAP, and deploy and manage high-availability and high-performance features of the Cisco ASA security appliance.

Course Outline The subtopic provides an overview of how the course is organized:


LXE Corp. 2013

The Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance VPN Architecture and Common Components Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance Clientless Remote Access SSL VPN Solutions Cisco AnyConnect Remote Access SSL Solutions Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance Remote Access IPsec VPNs Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance Site-to-Site IPsec VPN Solutions High Availability and High Performance for Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance VPNs

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Deploying Cisco ASA VPN Solutions (VPN) 2.0.


CCNP Security


Who Should Attend Channel Partner / Reseller Customer Employee



Classroom Virtual Classroom


5 Days

Exam Number 642-648 VPN


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