Depth Map and 3D Imaging Applications: Algorithms and Technologies Aamir Saeed Malik Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia Tae-Sun Choi Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Humaira Nisar Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak, Malaysia
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Chapter 8
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction: A Review of Approaches Dimitrios Chrysostomou Democritus University of Thrace, Greece Antonios Gasteratos Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
ABSTRACT The production of 3D models has been a popular research topic already for a long time, and important progress has been made since the early days. During the last decades, vision systems have established to become the standard and one of the most efficient sensorial assets in industrial and everyday applications. Due to the fact that vision provides several vital attributes, many applications tend to use novel vision systems into domestic, working, industrial, and any other environments. To achieve such goals, a vision system should robustly and effectively reconstruct the 3D surface and the working space. This chapter discusses different methods for capturing the three-dimensional surface of a scene. Geometric approaches to three-dimensional scene reconstruction are generally based on the knowledge of the scene structure from the camera’s internal and external parameters. Another class of methods encompasses the photometric approaches, which evaluate the pixels’ intensity to understand the three-dimensional scene structure. The third and final category of approaches, the so-called real aperture approaches, includes methods that use the physical properties of the visual sensors for image acquisition in order to reproduce the depth information of a scene. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-326-3.ch008
Copyright © 2012, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
INTRODUCTION Three-dimensional object and surface reconstruction from images is an important topic in various application areas, such as quality inspection, clinical photography, robotics, agriculture, and archaeology. In the domain of quality inspection, a large number of inspection tasks depend on three-dimensional reconstruction techniques, such as the surface measurement applied to highprecision engineered products such as aircraft wings (J. Xu, Xi, Zhang, & Shi, 2009; J. Xu, Xi, Zhang, Shi, & Gregory, 2010). Tasks of this kind usually require the accurate measurement of depth on small surfaces. Other tasks depend on the precise measurement of a sparse set of well defined points, for example to determine if an assembly process has been completed with the required accuracy, or measurement of the relative movement between important parts during a crash test. Three-dimensional clinical photographs have the potential to provide quantitative measurements that reduce subjectivity in assessing the surface anatomy of the subject before and after a surgical intervention by providing numeric scores for the shape, symmetry and longitudinal change of anatomic structures (Tepper et al., 2008; Janoos et al., 2009). Furthermore, the vast majority of nowadays mobile robots are equipped with one, two or more cameras in order to provide visual feedback in applications like maze exploration, map navigation and obstacle avoidance. (DeCubber, Nalpantidis, Sirakoulis, & Gasteratos, 2008; Nevado, Garcia-Bermejo, & Casanova, 2004; Nalpantidis, Kostavelis, & Gasteratos, 2009; Nalpantidis, Chrysostomou, & Gasteratos, 2009). Besides, in the field of agriculture, new applications emerged recently, such as a mobile robotic system use cameras to reconstruct the surface of the plants to find parasites and report them (Šeatović, 2008; Zhu, Lu, Luo, Tao, & Cheng, 2009). One more interesting application area includes the archaeological excavations and historic objects, where three-dimensional surface reconstruction
is applied to many archaeological sites in order to preserve crucial details of the site and use them afterwards for 3D presentation and tourist attraction (El-Hakim, Beraldin, Picard, & Cournoyer, 2008; Remondino, El-hakim, Baltsavias, Picard, & Grammatikopoulos, 2008). The key feature of a vision system is its capability to see or capture portions of the world and to obtain a density of sampling in space and time. This sampling density is essential in several applications. In surveillance, dense sampling of space and time might allow us to track a single pedestrian throughout a complex of buildings. Multiple views of a geometry can be used to obtain 3D reconstructions with appropriate assumptions, camera location and calibration information. Currently, they are used to produce reconstructions of quite complex geometries from a moving camera or from a static multi-camera system inside a room. For example, one might drive a camera through a city and build a geometric model from the resulting video or one might watch a hanging robot inside a seminar room while tracking it from the reconstructed data. Once multiple views establish correspondences, their observations might be used to recover a geometric model as well as a model of the cameras’ current locations. The various application scenarios set different requirements on the reconstruction. In several tasks, it is sufficient to produce a sparse set of 3D points, where 3D information is available only for a very small number of pixels in the input images, while others require a dense reconstruction, with 3D information available for every pixel in the input images. Other important factors include the size, shape, and material of the objects, the number of required images, requirements on positions of the cameras or light sources, and the time allowed for image capture and reconstruction. This chapter discusses different methods for capturing the three-dimensional surface of a scene. A first classification distinguishes geometric, photometric, and real-aperture approaches. Geometric approaches to three-dimensional scene reconstruc-
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
tion are generally based on the knowledge of the scene structure from the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters and are based on the modeling of the geometric aspects of image creation. These methods originate from the first photogrammetric methods and exploit the perspective projection of a three-dimensional scene into a two-dimensional image plane. Another class of three-dimensional scene reconstruction methods encompasses the photometric approaches, which evaluate the distribution of the pixel intensity in the image to infer the three-dimensional scene structure and are primarily based on photometric modeling. As long as sufficient information about the illumination conditions and the surface reflectance properties is available, these methods may provide dense depth maps of object surfaces. The third and final category of approaches includes methods, the socalled real aperture approaches, where they use the physical properties of the optical system of the visual sensors for image acquisition, in order to produce depth information about the scene. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: The three aforementioned classes for 3D surface generation are reported in the next three, respective, sections. Future research challenges for scene reconstruction are discussed in the next section. Last concluding remarks are made in the last section of this chapter.
GEOMETRIC APPROACHES Image Formation and Pinhole Camera Model Two-dimensional image analysis has been the foundation for three-dimensional surface reconstruction since Laussedat and Meydenbauer developed the first photogrammetric methods back in 19th century (Laussedat, 1898; Meydenbauer, 1867). Now, that is used for mapping and reconstruction of buildings (Luhmann, 2003). The early photogrammetric methods were based on the geometric modeling of the image formation,
exploiting the perspective projection of the 3D scene onto a flat 2D image plane. The camera model used by most photogrammetric and computer vision approaches is the pinhole camera, as shown below in Figure 1. The projection of a 3D point given in the camera coordinate system C, XC= [x1, y1, z1] into XJ = [u1,v1] in image coordinates can be denoted by the projection function P: Xj = P(K,Xc)
The parameter K defines the internal (focal length, lens distortion parameters) camera orientation. The projection function of a pinhole camera is defined as: u1 = −f
x1 z1
v 1 = −f
y1 z1
where f is the distance between pinhole and image plane. Once multiple cameras are considered, it is practical to introduce a world coordinate system W, and specify the orientation Ti of each camera relative to this world coordinate system. Then the projection function of a point in the world coordinate system needs to be transformed into the camera coordinate system of the ith camera, Ci using a camera orientation Ti. In this case the projection function depends on both internal orientation Ki and external orientation Ti: Xj = P(Ti,Ki,XC)
In the computer vision community, the internal camera orientation parameters are known as intrinsic camera parameters, while the external orientation parameters as extrinsic camera parameters. The projected points are then captured by a light sensitive device, typically a film or digital sensor.
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
Figure 1. Pinhole projection
In the case of a digital sensor, the light sensitive area is sampled and the light intensity is measured at each sample point (Luhmann, 2003). Note that the 3D point in camera coordinates Xc cannot be determined uniquely given camera parameters K and image point XJ, since they only define a ray in C on which XC is located. Camera calibration is an emerging problem in the computer vision society and several researchers across the years have accomplished numerous solutions to a variety of occasions. To begin with, Barreto developed the first method for calibrating multiple cameras located across a room without using non-linear minimization and using a moving LED instead (Barreto & Daniilidis, 2004). Moreover, Sturm proposed a more generic concept for camera calibration by removing the parametric nature of the problem and adopted a more general projection model (Sturm & Ramalingam, 2004) and lately expanded this general imaging geometry to include central catadioptric cameras as well (Sturm & Barreto, 2008). Kanalla suggest a new generic camera model and calibration method for applications that need wide angle or fisheye lenses estimating all the parameters needed for
a state-of-the-art accuracy (Kannala & Brandt, 2006). A very wide field of view and especially fisheye lenses are commonly used for space exploration and robotic applications and thus camera calibration methods for these applications using fisheye lenses were developed from Gennery and Courbon respectively (Gennery, 2006; Courbon, 2007). One of the most recent camera calibration methods was proposed by Furukawa, who achieve great pixel accuracy using multi-view stereo and bundle adjustment techniques to calibrate high resolution digital cameras (Furukawa & Ponce, 2009).
Bundle Adjustment Most geometric methods for three-dimensional scene reconstruction from multiple images are based on establishing corresponding points in the images. For a single scene point XW observed in N images, the corresponding points XJi in each image i, where i = 1, …, N, can be determined manually or by automatic correspondence search methods. Given the extrinsic and intrinsic camera parameters, each image point defines a ray in
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
three-dimensional space, and in the absence of measurement errors, all N rays intersect in the scene point XW. Automatic detection of corresponding points in arbitrary scenes is a challenging problem and an active research area (Moreels & Perona, 2007; Li & Allinson, 2008; Tuytelaars & Mikolajczyk, 2008). First general scene reconstruction methods based on images acquired from different views were developed by (Kruppa, 1913). An overview of these early methods is given by (Luhmann, 2003). They aim to determine the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters and the three-dimensional coordinates of the scene points. Kruppa (1913) presented an analytical solution for the scene structure and extrinsic camera parameters from a minimal set of five corresponding image points. In classical bundle adjustment (D. Brown, 1958; Triggs, McLauchlan, Hartley, & Fitzgibbon, 2000; Lourakis & Argyros, 2009), scene points (structure) and camera orientation (motion) are recovered jointly and optimally from corresponding image points. The bundle adjustment error term: N
E B ({Ti }, {X j }) = ∑ i =1
∑ [P(T , K , X ) − x j =1
can be used to minimize the re-projection error EB with respect to the unknown N internal camera orientations Ki, external camera orientation Ti and the M scene points Xj. Here, xji denotes the given 2D pixel coordinates (uji, vji) of feature j in image i. Bundle adjustment is a very flexible method, depending on the reconstruction task, and even values for all or some of parameters Ki, Ti and Xj might be unknown. By minimizing the bundle adjustment equation with respect to the unknown parameters, the bundle adjustment method can be used for calibration of internal and/or external camera parameters as well as pose estimation of objects. The method can be applied to image sequences acquired by the same camera, or to im-
ages acquired simultaneously by multiple cameras. It is also possible to use cameras with different projection functions P, for example pinhole and fish-eye cameras, in the same reconstruction task. If additional information about the scene is available, such as the position of some 3D points in world coordinates, additional terms can be added to the equation. Measurement uncertainties of the known variables can be used to compute the uncertainty of the estimated parameters. As the bundle adjustment equation is a nonlinear one, it is minimized using the Levenberg-Marqardt or Gauss-Newton algorithm. Even bundle adjustment tasks with many unknowns can be optimized efficiently, since the re-projection error of the jth point in view i only influences Ti, Ki in frames where the point j could be tracked as well as Xj . This leads to a sparse set of equations, which can be exploited by the optimization algorithm (Lourakis & Argyros, 2004). In general, bundle adjustment provides accurate reconstruction of scene points for which correspondences could be established. Problems also occur when the correspondences contain outliers that do not comply with the assumption of a Gaussian re-projection error distribution. In that case the estimated parameters can contain gross errors that are not directly apparent in the statistics of the estimated parameters. Ways to work around outliers are based on screening the data for outliers, for example using RANSAC (Fischler & Bolles, 1981) together with a minimal case five point algorithm (Nister, 2004), or using a M-Estimator while minimizing the bundle adjustment equation. Usually correspondences can only reliably be extracted in high contrast image areas, resulting in a sparse 3D reconstruction, where areas with uniform or repetitive texture cannot be reconstructed.
Stereo Vision In the cases where two cameras with known internal and external orientation observe the examined
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scene, a geometric limitation such as the epipolar constraint is used. This setup is exploited in the stereo vision approach for 3D reconstruction. The epipolar constraint simplifies the correspondence search problem, as it limits the correspondence search region for a given point in one image to a single line in the other one. Additionally, each 3D point can be calculated directly through triangulation, such that no bundle adjustment is required. Due to these simplifications, stereo vision is a widely used technique in close range 3D reconstruction. In most stereo systems, two views with known internal and external camera orientation are used. In a typical stereo application, a scene is simultaneously and continuously monitored by a pair of cameras whose centers of projection are located on a horizontal baseline. In many practical applications, the optical axes of the two cameras are parallel, and the images are taken with the same focal length. This is often called the standard stereo geometry and leads to epipolar lines oriented parallel to image rows or columns, where the correspondences can be estimated efficiently. It is possible to transform images from an arbitrary camera setup into images with horizontal or vertical epipolar lines, using a process known as stereo rectification (Forsyth & Ponce, 2002; Kruger, Wohler, Wurz-Wessel, & Stein, 2004). Several surveys ((Barnard & Fischler, 1982; Dhond & Aggarwal, 1989; DeSouza & Kak, 2002; Scharstein & Szeliski, 2002; Brown, Burschka, & Hager, 2003; Lemaire, Berger, Jung, & Lacroix, 2007; Nalpantidis, Sirakoulis, & Gasteratos, 2008) provide an exhaustive overview of the different stereo methods. Given the internal parameters of the cameras, i.e. the focal length, the principal point and the distortion parameters and external ones, i.e. the position and the orientation of the cameras in the 3D space, the distance of an arbitrary object in the scene may be computed via disparity. The latter is the offset between the pixels in both images of the stereo pair. The collection
of all the disparity points, in image coordinates, is the so called disparity map. Robust determination of the corresponding points and, consequently, of disparity is the central problem to be solved by stereovision algorithms. An early survey by Barnard and Fischler (1982) reports the use of block and feature matching. Block matching approaches compare a small area in one image with potentially matching areas in the other one. Often cross correlation and the sum of squared differences are used as matching criteria. This assumes structures parallel to the image plane, known as fronto-parallel. At depth discontinuities or tilted areas, a block will contain pixels from different depths leading to less reliable matching results. Additionally uniform image areas cannot be matched reliably. Feature matching approaches extract suitable features like edges or curves (Mikolajczyk et al., 2005) and match these by computing suitable similarity measures. Since these features are usually well localized, feature based methods handle depth discontinuities better, but might provide a sparse disparity map, compared to block matching. The robustness and accuracy of the disparity estimates can be improved by considering additional constraints during the matching process. For example, the smoothness constraint states that the disparity should vary smoothly, this is indeed useful for uniform and/or untextured areas where no correspondences can be established. The ordering constraint states that for opaque surfaces the order of correspondences is always preserved. Many stereo algorithms (Masrani & MacLean, 2006; Ben-Ari & Sochen, 2007) use dynamic programming (Z. Liu & Klette, 2008; MacLean, Sabihuddin, & Islam, 2010) to efficiently and optimally calculate the disparity values of a complete scanline while considering the ordering constraint. Constraints over the whole image, across several scanlines, are hard to integrate into the dynamic programming framework. Algorithms based on graph cuts (Boykov & Kolmogorov, 2004; Vogiatzis, Esteban, Torr, & Cipolla, 2007) can use the
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
Figure 2. Volumetric octree reconstruction from binary silhouettes (Szeliski 1993) © 1993 Elsevier (a) octree representations and its corresponding (b) tree structure; (c) input image of an object on a turntable; (d) computed 3D volumetric octree model.
constraints globally during the reconstruction and are among the best performing stereo algorithms, in terms of reconstruction quality (Nalpantidis et al., 2008).
Shape from Silhouettes In many situations, performing a foreground/ background segmentation of the object of interest is a good way to initialize or fit a 3D model (Grauman, Shakhnarovich, & Darrell, 2003; Vlasic, Baran, Matusik, & Popović, 2008) or to impose a convex set of constraints on multi-view stereo (Kolev & Cremers, 2008). Over the years, a number of techniques have been developed to reconstruct a 3D volumetric model from the intersection of the binary silhouettes projected into 3D. The resulting model is called a visual hull, in analogy to the convex hull of a set of points, since the volume is maximal with respect to the visual silhouettes and since surface elements are tangent to the viewing rays (lines) along the silhouette boundaries (Boyer & Franco, 2003).
Some techniques first approximate each silhouette with a polygonal representation, and then intersect the resulting faceted conical regions in three dimensional space to produce polyhedral models (Aganj, Pons, Segonne, & Kerive, 2007; X. Liu, Yao, Chen, & Gao, 2008), which can later be fused using stereo methods (Esteban & Schmitt, 2004) or range data (Yemez & Wetherilt, 2007). Other approaches use voxel-based representations, usually encoded as octrees (Zhang & Smith, 2009), because of the resulting space-time efficiency. Figures 2a and b show an example of a 3D octree model and its associated colored tree, where black nodes are interior to the model, white nodes are exterior, and gray nodes are of mixed occupancy. Examples of octree-based reconstruction approaches include (Ladikos, Benhimane, & Navab, 2008; Azevedo, Tavares, & Vaz, 2010; Zhou, Gong, Huang, & Guo, 2010). The most recent work on visual hull computation borrows ideas from image-based rendering and, hence, it is called image-based visual hull (Matusik, Buehler, & McMillan, 2001). Instead
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
Figure 3. Synthetic example of shape from shading application. (Zhang et al. 1999) © 1999 IEEE
of pre-calculate a global 3D model, an imagebased visual hull is recomputed for each new viewpoint, by successively intersecting viewing ray segments with the binary silhouettes in each image. This not only leads to a fast computation algorithm, but also enables fast texturing of the recovered model with color values from the input images. This approach can also be combined with high-quality deformable templates to capture and re-animate whole body motion (Vlasic et al., 2008).
PHOTOMETRIC APPROACHES Shape from Shading The problem of recovering the shape of a surface from this intensity variation is known as ‘Shapefrom-shading’ (Horn, 1989) and typically handles smooth, non-textured surfaces. The images of smooth shaded objects, such as the ones shown in Figure 3, show clearly the shape of the object from just the shading variation. This is possible as the surface normal changes across the object, the apparent brightness changes as a function of
the angle between the local surface orientation and the incident illumination. Most shape from shading algorithms assume that the surface under consideration is of a uniform albedo and reflectance, and that the light source directions are either known or can be calibrated by means of a reference object. Under the assumptions of distant light sources and observer, the variation in intensity (irradiance equation) become purely a function of the local surface orientation, I(x,y) = R(p(x,y),q(x,y))
where (p,q) = (zx,zy) are the depth map derivatives and R(p,q) is called the reflectance map. For example, a diffuse (Lambertian) surface has a reflectance map that is the (non-negative) dot product between the surface normal n = (p, q, 1)) / 1 + p 2 + q 2 and the light source direction v = (vx,vy,vz), pv x + qvy + v z R(p, q ) = max 0, p 1 + p 2 + q 2
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
where p is the surface reflectance factor (albedo). In principle, the two equations above can be used to estimate (p,q) using non-linear least squares or some other method. Unfortunately, unless additional constraints are imposed, there are more unknowns per pixel (p,q) than the measurements (I). One commonly used constraint is the smoothness constraint, es =
2 x
+ py2 + qx2 + qy2dxdy =
∫ ∇p
+ ∇q 2 dxdy,
and the integrability constraint, ei ∫ (py − qx )2 dxdy,
which results straightforwardly, as for a valid depth map z(x,y) with (p,q) = (zx,zy), we have py = zxy = zyx = qx. Instead of first recovering the orientation fields (p,q) and then integrating these to obtain a surface, it is also possible to directly minimize the discrepancy in the image formation equation while finding the optimal depth map z(x,y) (Horn, 1990). Unfortunately, shape from shading is both susceptible to local minima in the search space, and, similar to other variational problems that involve the simultaneous estimation of many variables, it can also suffer from slow convergence. Tsai and Shah utilized a preliminary step to improve the performance of shape from shading algorithms in all types of surfaces using linear approximation (Tsai & Shah, 1994). Other approaches, by using multi-resolution techniques (Szeliski, 1991) can help accelerate the convergence, while by using more sophisticated optimization techniques (Wilhelmy & Kruger, 2009) can help avoid local minima. In practice, surfaces, other than plaster casts, are rarely of a single uniform albedo. Shape from shading therefore needs to be combined with some other technique or extended in some way to
become useful. One way to do this is to combine it with stereo matching (Jin, Soatto, & Yezzi, 2000; Chow & Yuen, 2009) or known texture (surface patterns) (White & Forsyth, 2006). The stereo and/or texture components provide information in textured regions, while shape from shading helps fill in the information across uniformly colored regions and also provides finer information about surface shape. Another method is to combine the strength of graph cuts with the simplicity of shape from shading to produce accurate results (Chang, Lee, & Lee, 2008). The survey by (Durou, Falcone, & Sagona, 2008) not only reviews more recent techniques, but it also provides some comparative results.
Photometric Stereo Another way to make shape from shading more reliable is to use multiple light sources that can be selectively turned on and off. This technique is called photometric stereo, since the light sources behave similarly to the cameras located at different locations in traditional stereo (Woodham, 1981; Basri, Jacobs, & Kemelmacher, 2007; Hernandez, Vogiatzis, & Cipolla, 2008). A different reflectance map, R1(p, q), R2(p, q), etc, corresponds to each individual light source. Given the corresponding intensities I1, I2, etc. of a pixel, in principle both an unknown albedo p and a surface orientation estimate (p, q) can be recovered. If the local orientation by n is parameterized, diffused surfaces, for non shadowed pixels, might be described by a set of linear equations: Ik = pn · vk
from which we can recover pn using linear least squares method. Once the surface normals or gradients have been recovered at each pixel, they can be integrated into a depth map using a variant of regularized surface fitting. (Nehab, Rusinkiewicz, Davis, &
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
Ramamoorthi, 2005) and (Harker & O’Leary, 2008) have presented some interesting results lately. When surfaces are specular, more than three light directions may be required. In fact, the irradiance equation not only requires that the light sources and camera be distant from the surface, it also neglects inter-reflections, which can be a significant source of the shading observed on object surfaces, e.g., the darkening seen inside concave structures such as grooves and crevasses (Nayar, Ikeuchi, & Kanade, 1991; Y. Xu & Aliaga, 2008).
Shape from Texture Local anomalies of the imaged texture (e.g. anisotropy in the statistics of edge orientations for an isotropic texture, or deviations from assumed periodicity) are regarded as the result of projection and can also provide useful information about local surface orientation. Surface orientations which allow the original texture to be maximally isotropic or periodic are selected. Shape from texture algorithms require a number of processing steps, including the extraction of repeated patterns or the measurement of local frequencies in order to compute local affine deformations, and a subsequent stage to infer local surface orientation. Details on these various stages can be found in the research literature (Loh & Hartley, 2005; Lobay & Forsyth, 2006; Galasso & Lasenby, 2007; Todd, Thaler, Dijkstra, Koenderink, & Kappers, 2007; Grossberg, Kuhlmann, & Mingolla, 2007; Jacques, De Vito, Bagnato, & Vandergheynst, 2008). When the pattern is more regular, it is possible to fit a regular but slightly deformed grid to the image, and to then use this grid for a variety of image replacement or analysis tasks (Y. Liu, Collins, & Tsin, 2004; Y. Liu, Lin, & Hays, 2004; Hays, Leordeanu, Efros, & Liu, 2006; Park, Brocklehurst, Collins, & Liu, 2009). This process becomes even easier if specially printed textured cloth patterns are used (White & Forsyth, 2006; White, Crane, & Forsyth, 2007).
REAL APERTURE APPROACHES The geometric methods described in the previous section are all based on an ideal camera, which projects scene points into image points perfectly. However, a real camera system uses a lens of finite aperture, which results in images with a limited depth of field. The depth dependent blurring is not considered by the geometric methods and usually decreases the accuracy of the correspondence search methods. The depth dependent defocusing is illustrated in Figure 4, where a scene point at distance d0 is in focus (projected onto a single point in the image plane located at distance v), while points at other distances from the camera are spread onto a larger area, leading to a blurred image. If the light rays are traced geometrically, object points that are out of focus will be imaged to a circular disk. This disk is known to the photographers’ community as the circle of confusion. Using the lens law: 1 1 1 + = v d f
its diameter C can be approximated by 1 1 1 C = Dv − − f v d
where f is the focal length and D is the diameter of the lens aperture. The depth dependent term 1/d approaches zero for larger values of d while the other terms stay constant, resulting in little change of the blur radius for objects at a large distance d. This limits the real aperture methods to close range scenarios, where two different depth values result in a measurable change of C.
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
Figure 4. Real aperture lens model used for depth from defocus
Shape from Focus When the image is focused, knowledge of the camera parameters f and v can be used to calculate the depth d of the object. In Depth from Focus (DfF), a sequence of images of a scene is obtained by continuously varying the distance v between the lens and the image detector (Shim & Choi, 2010). This leads to a series of differently blurred images. For each image, a sharpness measure is computed at each pixel in a local window and for each pixel position the image with the maximum focus measure is determined. The main difference between the different Depth from Focus methods proposed in the literature is the choice of the focus measures, common measures are based on the strength of high frequency components in the amplitude spectrum. A particularly simple way is to use the image intensity variance of a local region. With a suitable criterion, the maximum of the sharpness measure can be interpolated, resulting in an improved depth resolution (Ramnath & Rajagopalan, 2009). Depth from Focus is a comparably simple method, only one camera position is involved and
the computational cost for depth recovery is quite low. Additionally, there is no correspondence problem and the accuracy of the method is relatively high. As the Depth from Focus method relies on high frequency image content it can only estimate the depth for surfaces with image texture. Like any other method based on real aperture effects, it is only applicable to close range scenarios, where the depth of field is small, compared to the object depth range. Sources of measurement errors include edge bleeding and the assumption of a constant depth of each window. A fundamental drawback is the requirement of a whole image focus series, a non-interpolating approach requires one image for each desired distance D.
Shape from Defocus The main drawback of Depth from Focus is the necessity of an image series captured with multiple camera focus settings that scans the whole depth measurement range. Depth from Focus uses the camera parameters of the sharpest frame to determine the object depth. However, according to equation above, the radius of the circle of con-
Three-Dimensional Scene Reconstruction
Figure 5. Real time depth from defocus (Nayar et al. 1996) © 1996 IEEE: (a) the real-time focus range sensor, which includes a half-silvered mirror between the two telecentric lenses (lower right), a prism that splits the image into two CCD sensors (lower left), and an edged checkerboard pattern illuminated by a Xenon lamp (top); (b–c) input video frames from the two cameras along with (d) the corresponding depth map; (e–f) two different frames (you can see the texture if you zoom in) and (g) the corresponding 3D mesh model.
fusion is a function of the camera parameters and the depth of a scene point. Hence, the amount of blur observable in a defocussed image contains information about the depth of a scene point. A number of techniques have been developed to estimate depth from the amount of defocus (Favaro & Soatto, 2005; Pradeep & Rajagopalan, 2007; Favaro, 2007; Favaro, Soatto, Burger, & Osher, 2007). In order to make such a technique practical numerous assumptions should be made as that the amount of blur increases in both directions as one moves away from the focus plane and therefore it is necessary to use two or more images captured with different focus distance settings (Favaro, 2007), or to translate the object in depth and to look for the point of maximum sharpness (Lou, Favaro, Bertozzi, & Soatto, 2007). Moreover, the magnification of the object can vary as the focus distance is changed or the object is moved. This can either be modeled explicitly (making correspondence more difficult), or telecentric optics and
axial stereo, which approximate an orthographic camera and which require an aperture in front of the lens, can be used (Sahay & Rajagopalan, 2009). Besides, the amount of defocus must be reliably estimated. A simple approach is to simply average the squared gradient in a region, but this suffers from several problems, including the image magnification problem mentioned above. Figure 5 shows an example of a real-time depth from defocus sensor, which employs two imaging chips at slightly different depths sharing a common optical path, as well as an active illumination system that projects a checkerboard pattern from the same direction. As you can see in Figure 5b–g, the system produces high-accuracy real-time depth maps for both static and dynamic scenes.
FUTURE RESEARCH CHALLENGES The production of 3D models has been a popular research topic since a long time, and important
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progress has indeed been made since the early days. Nonetheless, the research community is well-aware of the fact that still much remains to be done. In this section, we list some of these challenges. As seen in the previous section, there is a wide variety of techniques for creating 3D models, but depending on the geometry and material characteristics of the object or scene, one technique may be much better suited than another. For example, non-textured objects are a nightmare for traditional stereo, but too much texture may interfere with the patterns of structured-light techniques. Hence, one would seem to need a range of systems to deal with the variability of objects - e.g. in a museum - to be modeled. In fact, having to model the entire collection of diverse museums is a useful application area to think about, as it poses many of the pending challenges, often several at once. Another area is 3D city modeling, which has quickly grown in importance over the last years. It is another extreme in terms of conditions under which data have to be captured, in that cities represent an absolutely uncontrolled and large-scale environment. Many problems remain to be resolved, in that application area. One of the most difficult challenges is the presence of many objects with an intricate shape, the scanning of which requires great precision combined with great agility of the scanner to capture narrow cavities and protrusions, deal with self-occlusions or fine carvings. The types of objects and materials that potentially have to be handled are very diverse, ranging from metal coins to woven textiles; stone or wooden sculptures; ceramics; gems in jewellery and glass. No single technology can deal with all these surface types and for some of these types of artifacts there are no satisfactory techniques yet. Also, apart from the 3D shape the material characteristics may need to be captured as well. The objects to be scanned range from needle size to an entire landscape or city. Ideally, one would handle this range of scales with the same techniques and similar protocols.
For many applications, data collection may have to be undertaken on-site under potentially adverse conditions or implying transportation of equipment to remote sites. Objects are sometimes too fragile or valuable to be touched and need to be scanned without human intervention. The scanner needs to be moved around the object, without it being touched, using portable systems. Masses of data often need to be captured, like in city modeling examples. Efficient data capture and model building is essential if this is to be practical. Those undertaking the digitization may be technically trained. Not all applications are to be found in industry, and technically trained personnel might not exist. This raises the need for intelligent devices that ensure high quality data through (semi-) automation, self-diagnosis, and strong operator guidance. Also, precision is a moving target in many applications and as higher precisions are obtained, new applications emerge, that push for even higher precision. An application where combined extraction of shape and surface reflectance occurs would be highly innovative. Increasingly, 3D scanning technology is aimed at also extracting highquality surface reflectance information. Yet, there is an appreciable way to achieve high-precision geometry if it is combined with detailed surface characteristics like full-fledged BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function) or BTF (Bidirectional Texture Function) information. Besides, in-hand-scanning, i.e. scanning using portable devices is available. However, the choice is still restricted, especially when also surface reflectance information is required and when the method ought to perform well with any material, including metals. On-line scanning is another promising technique. Nowadays, the physical action of scanning and the actual processing of the data are still two separate steps. This may cause problems in the completeness and quality of the data as they can only be inspected after the scanning session is over and the data are analyzed and combined elsewhere. It may then be too late or
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too cumbersome to take corrective actions, such as acquiring a few additional scans. It would be very desirable if the system would extract the 3D data on the fly, and would give immediate visual feedback. This should ideally include steps like the integration and remising of partial scans. This would also be a great help in planning where to take the next scan during scanning. Scanning using multi modal sensors may not only combine geometry and visual characteristics. Additional features like non-visible wavelengths (UV,(N)IR) could have to be captured, as well as haptic impressions. The latter would then also allow for a full replay to the public, where audiences can hold even the most precious objects virtually in their hands and explore them with all their senses. Gradually computer vision is getting at a point where scene understanding becomes feasible. Out of 2D images, objects and scene types can be recognized. This will in turn have a drastic effect on the way in which ‘low’- level processes can be carried out. If high-level, semantic interpretations can be fed back into ‘low’- level processes like motion and depth extraction, these can benefit greatly. This strategy ties in with the opportunistic scanning idea. Recognizing what it is to be reconstructed in 3D (e.g. a car), would assist a system to decide how to perform, resulting in increased speed, robustness and accuracy. It can provide strong priors about the expected shape. Finally, the real challenge is to make the technology available to mainstream audience using off-the-shelf components. In order to keep 3D modeling cheap, one would ideally construct the 3D reconstruction systems based on off-the-shelf, consumer products. This does not only reduce the price, but also lets the systems go along with fast-evolving, mass-market products. For instance, the resolution of still, digital cameras is steadily on the rise, so a system based on such cameras can be upgraded to higher quality without much effort or investment. Moreover, as most users will be acquainted with such components, the learning
curve to use the system is probably not as steep as with a totally novel, dedicated technology. Given the above considerations, 3D reconstruction of shapes and surfaces from multiple, un-calibrated images is one of the most promising 3D techniques. Objects or scenes are relatively small or large, depending on the appropriate optics and amount of camera data. These methods also give direct access to both shape and surface reflectance information, where both can be aligned without special alignment techniques.
CONCLUSION Efficient implementations of several 3D reconstruction algorithms have been proposed lately. In this chapter, we described three different categories of methods: The first one calculates shape of objects and surfaces using pure geometric tools; the second one evaluates the intensity of the pixel neighborhoods inside the image space to examine the three-dimensional scene structure and, last, the third category examined in this chapter refers to the real – aperture approaches that take advantage of the physical properties of the visual sensors for image acquisition to reproduce depth and estimate shapes of the objects. Concluding, it can be said that 3D visual reconstruction technology was accelerated significantly during the last decades, following the resolution booming in imaging devices and the extreme advance in computing power. We already are capable of reconstructing famous landmarks using everyday tourist photos from social web pages and finding our way on the map using triangulated image data from satellites. Yet, 3D reconstruction is a laborious process which involves many limitations and difficulties to overcome. There is a large gap between computer algorithms and cognitive performance. One of the recent trends is using vast amount of image data to train machine learning models to act and think like real humans do. The complexity of the
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vision problems can be so high that smarter and more intelligent algorithms should be examined. The promising outcome of these potential research directions will assure us that three dimensional reconstructions will remain a very exciting area of study for the researchers in the future.
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ADDITIONAL READING Cyganek, B. (2007). An introduction to 3d computer vision techniques and algorithms. John Wiley & Sons. Davies, E. R. (2004). Machine vision: Theory, algorithms, and practicalities. San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. Faugeras, Olivier, Luong, Quang-Tuan, and Papadopoulou, T. (2001). The Geometry of Multiple Images: The Laws That Govern The Formation of Images of A Scene and Some of Their Applications. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. Forsyth, D. A., & Ponce, J. (2002). Computer vision: A modern approach (US ed.). Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Hartley, R. I., & Zisserman, A. (2004). Multiple view geometry in computer vision (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/ CBO9780511811685 Paragios, N., Chen, Y., & Faugeras, O. (2005). Handbook of mathematical models in computer vision. Secaucus, NJ, USA: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. Steger, C., Ulrich, M., & Wiedemann, C. (2008). Machine vision algorithms and Applications. Wiley VCH.
KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Bundle Adjustment: The method to acquire accurate reconstruction of points by minimizing the reprojection error using Levenberg-Marqardt or Gauss-Newton algorithms. Camera Calibration: The method to estimate the internal and external camera parameters. PhotometricStereo: The method to estimate shapes using shading variations and multiple light sources. Pinhole Camera: The fundamental camera model for projection estimation. Shape from Defocus: The method to estimate shapes estimating the amount of blur. Shape from Focus: The shape reconstruction approach to measure depth using the camera parameters like focus. Shape from Shading: The problem of recovering the shape of a surface using shading variations. Shape from Silhouettes: The method to estimate shape of objects calculating the silhouette boundaries from images. Shape from Texture: The method to estimate shapes measuring texture anomalies. Stereo Vision: The use of two cameras to simulate human vision system and estimate depth from the camera system.