Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
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Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Section 3.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions. 2010 Kiryl .... 5
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Section 3.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
2010 Kiryl Tsishchanka
Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions THEOREM: The function f (x) = loga x is differentiable and f ′ (x) =
1 x ln a
Proof: We have: d 1 x+h loga (x + h) − loga x (loga x) = lim = lim loga h→0 h→0 h dx h x
1 1 x h h = lim = lim loga 1 + · loga 1 + h→0 h h→0 x h x x " " x/h # 1/(h/x) # 1 h h 1 = lim loga 1 + = lim loga 1 + x h→0 x x h→0 x " 1/(h/x) # h i 1 h 1 1 ln e 1 = loga lim 1 + = lim (1 + u)1/u = e = loga e = = u→0 h→0 x x x x ln a x ln a COROLLARY: We have 1 d (ln x) = dx x REMARK: In general, (loga u)′ =
1 · u′ u ln a
(ln u)′ =
1 ′ ·u u
EXAMPLES: (a) If f (x) = log5 (x2 + 1), then f ′ (x) = [log5 (x2 + 1)]′ = (b) If f (x) = ln(ln x), then f ′ (x) = [ln(ln x)]′ = (c) Find f (x) if f (x) = log ′
x 1 + x2
2x 1 · (x2 + 1)′ = 2 . + 1) ln 5 (x + 1) ln 5
1 1 · (ln x)′ = . ln x x ln x
Section 3.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
2010 Kiryl Tsishchanka
x (c) If f (x) = log , then 1 + x2 ′ x ′ = f (x) = log 1 + x2
Section 3.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
2010 Kiryl Tsishchanka
THEOREM: We have d x (a ) = ax ln a dx In particular, if a = e, then (ex )′ = ex Proof 1: Let y = ax . We should prove that y ′ = ax ln a. We have y = ax
ln y = ln ax = x ln a
therefore (ln y)′ = (x ln a)′ = ln a · (x)′ = ln a
1 ′ · y = ln a y
so y ′ = y ln a = ax ln a Proof 2: Let y = ax , then loga y = x. We have (loga y)′ = x′
1 · y′ = 1 y ln a
so y ′ = y ln a = ax ln a Proof 3: Let f (x) = loga x. Note that f −1 (x) = ax . Since (f −1 )′ (x) =
1 f ′ (f −1 (x))
we have (ax )′ =
and f ′ (x) = (loga x)′ =
f ′ (f −1 (a))
1 1 ax ln a
= ax ln a
REMARK: In general, (au )′ = au ln a · u′
EXAMPLES: 1. Find (2sin 3x )′ .
2. Find (xe
1−x ′
(eu )′ = eu · u′
1 x ln a
Section 3.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Logarithmic Differentiation Note that we can’t apply the rules (un )′ = nun−1 · u′ or (au )′ = au ln a · u′ to functions like f (x) = xx . EXAMPLES: 1. Let f (x) = xx . Find f ′ (x). Solution: We logarithm and then differentiate both sides of f (x) = xx . We have f (x) = xx therefore
ln f (x) = ln xx = x ln x
[ln f (x)]′ = [x ln x]′
1 1 · f ′ (x) = x′ ln x + x(ln x)′ = 1 · ln x + x · = ln x + 1 f (x) x
hence f ′ (x) = f (x)(ln x + 1) = xx (ln x + 1) 2. Let f (x) = (sin x)cos x . Find f ′ (x). Solution: We logarithm and then differentiate both sides of f (x) = (sin x)cos x . We have f (x) = (sin x)cos x
ln f (x) = ln(sin x)cos x = cos x ln(sin x)
therefore [ln f (x)]′ = [cos x ln(sin x)]′ hence 1 · f ′ (x) = (cos x)′ ln(sin x) + cos x(ln(sin x))′ f (x) 1 = − sin x ln(sin x) + cos x (sin x)′ sin x 1 = − sin x ln(sin x) + cos x cos x sin x From this it follows that
= − sin x ln(sin x) + cos x cot x
f ′ (x) = f (x)(− sin x ln(sin x) + cos x cot x) = (sin x)cos x (− sin x ln(sin x) + cos x cot x) 3
3. Let f (x) = (sin 2x)x . Find f ′ (x). 4
Section 3.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
2010 Kiryl Tsishchanka
3. Let f (x) = (sin 2x)x . Find f ′ (x). 3
Solution: We logarithm and then differentiate both sides of f (x) = (sin 2x)x . We have f (x) = (sin 2x)x therefore
Section 3.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
2010 Kiryl Tsishchanka
Appendix II The following problem was given in Fall 2013 (Calculus I, Midterm Exam II). None of the 86 test takers got the right answer. 1 , then f ′ (x) is Let f (x) = log2 1 + log3 x A
1 x(1 + log3 x) ln 2 ln 3
1 x(1 − log3 x) ln 2 ln 3
1 x(1 − log3 x) ln 2 ln 3
1 x ln 2 ln(3x)
None of the above
See the next page for the solution.
Section 3.3 Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
2010 Kiryl Tsishchanka
1 Let f (x) = log2 , then f ′ (x) is 1 + log3 x 1 A x(1 + log3 x) ln 2 ln 3 B