Desain Produk Industri, FTSP- ITS. Dosen Pembimbing : Drs.Taufik H. MT.
Bambang Tristiyono , ST, Msi. ABSTRACT. In Indonesia is generally not done for
DESAIN SISTEM FURNITURE SEKOLAH DASAR (SD) Sebagai penunjang sistem pengajaran ancangan kelas terbuka (student centered learning) Nama Mahasiswa
: Yuda Wiyasa
: 3405 100 058
: Desain Produk Industri, FTSP- ITS
Dosen Pembimbing
: Drs.Taufik H. MT Bambang Tristiyono , ST, Msi
ABSTRACT In Indonesia is generally not done for ergonomic analysis of the basic phenomena of learning facilities in Primary Schools, so that high school students also have the chance to suffer from muscle tissue injury so that academic achievement in school can not be increased. This study aims to explore and develop and create a school for elementary school (SD) as a support system of the approaches open class teaching (student centered learning). The method used in this study is to find the data and measures bench Elementary School who has been there for dijadika reference. Further examination of the user's bench, in this case Adala Elementary School students so finding anthropometric according to the design that will be generated. The output generated from this design is an ergonomic furniture system so that elementary school students (grades 1-6) can sit down with an ergonomic position, meaning that all the muscle and bone tissue is to work in accordance with natural conditions, there is no coercion. Keywords: Ergonomics, anthropometric.