1770; Oliver Terrill (1757-1821) and Susan Mallory. (1770-1840), his wife, m.
1788. Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Uriel Mallory and Hannah Cave (1748-1817),.
Born in Orange County, Va. Wife of Charles W. Woolfolk.
Descendant of Capt. Nathaniel Mills, Capt. Uriel Mallory, and James Daniel, of Virginia. Daughter of Robert Catlett Cave (b. 1842) and Frances Daniel, his wife. Granddaughter of Robert P. Cave (1814-61) and Sarah Lindsay (181052), his wife, m. 1836; William Travers Daniel (1821-85) and Julia Terrill (1822-93), his wife, m. 1842. Gr-granddaughter of Reuben Lindsay (d. 1834) and Frances Mills (d. 1843), his wife, m. 1796; James Daniel and Sarah Elmo, his wife; Uriel Terrill (1793-1885) and Jane Lovell (1795-1870), his wife, m. 1814.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Nathaniel Mills and Frances Thompson (d. 1822), his wife, m. 1770; Oliver Terrill (1757-1821) and Susan Mallory (1770-1840), his wife, m. 1788. Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Uriel Mallory and Hannah Cave (1748-1817), his wife, m. 1768.
Nathaniel Mills (17501819) in 1777 commanded a company of Orange County militia. He was born and died in Orange County, Va. Uriel Mallory (1738-1824) commanded a company of Orange County militia, 1774-79. H e was born and died in Orange County, Va. James Daniel (1758-1836) served as a private in Capt. Thomas Walker's company of troop, Virginia Dragoons, General Lawson's brigade, during the Revolution. He was born in Orange County, Va. MRS. ISOBEL GREGORY C H A P M A N B O S W E L L .
Born in Alexandria, Va.
Descendant of Lieut.-Col. William Alexander, Charles Alexander, and Solomon Pinkham. Daughter of John Seabury Chapman and Julia Gregory, his wife. Granddaughter of Pearson Chapman and Sigismunda M. Alexander, his wife; William Gregory and Mary Donaldson Long, his wife.