S9CIPAL. ISARA5. Nombre d'heuresélève / Numbers of student hours. Design
and industrialization of food products. LECOMTE. Gwenaële. Cours /. Courses.
S9CIPAL Design and industrialization of food products
Nombre d'heuresélève / Numbers of student hours
LECOMTE Gwenaële
ECTS : 30.00
Cours / Courses
TD / Practical work
TP / Practical work
Visites / Visits Excursions
WPP / Person al work
117 h
27 h
70 h
80 h
140 h
2.5 h
The main goal is to give to the future engineers the required skills to the technical and organisational management for a food production site. The teaching is elaborated from the temporary professionalisation of the students through a collective project with an agroindustrial enterprise or an engineering agency: from the definition of the requirements of the product and the process, through the formulation in a laboratory and the technological transfer in a pilot plant, to the conception of the fabrication workshop. The teaching topics are largely focused on the required knowledge requested to carry out the project. The possible job opportunities are: production manager, workshop manager, schedules and logistics manager, industrial management control, R&D engineer, agroindustrial enterprise creator.
The program is divided into 2 sites and 2 Teaching Units: Program Unit 1: Conception of a food product: 5,5 weeks at ESAAngers; it matches the 1st part of the project carrying out (15 ECTS) Program Unit 2: Pilot production and industrialisation of a food product: 6,5 weeks at ISARALyon; it matches the 2nd and 3rd parts of the project realisation (15 ECTS)
Lectures Practical works in formulation laboratories, in automatisms and processes carrying out laboratories and in pilot plant Visits of transformation enterprises Study carried out in connection with an engineering agency or an outer industrial partner by 56 students staffs
The assessment methods are detailed in each Course Unit presented below. DETAILS :
Programme d'enseignement 20132014
S9CPA Food Product Design *
Nombre d'heuresélève / Numbers of student hours
RAHALI Véronique
ECTS : 15.00
Cours / Courses 57.00 h
TD / Practical work 17.00 h
TP / Practical work 40.00 h
Visites / Visits Excursions
AFT 40.00 h
WPP / Personal work 70.00 h
Evaluation 1.00 h
OBJECTIFS / OBJECTIVES: The objective is to develop a new product or a new range of products at the request of a company. Students face the practical development of specifications, the formulation, the development of process flow diagrams, the search for ingredients and additives suppliers. Meanwhile, students are provided with the knowledge and methods requested for the project development through lectures, practicals and seminars. CONCERNED ACADEMIC FIELDS: Biochemistry, Microbiology Industrial food engineering Foodstuffs transformation Quality management R&D management Documentary watch PROGRAMME : Presentation of the project by the entreprise Foodstuffs formulation: methodology, additives use, etc Seminar on a productinnovation strategy Seminar on the formulation of a new product Food processes: packaging technologies, pasteurization, homogeneization, energyraw materials balance, matter flow... Environmental impact of the entreprise: product lifecycle analysis, ISO 14000 measure, environmental dashboards and indicators Project management, design of an industrial site PREREQUIS / PREREQUISITES: MODALITES PEDAGOGIQUES / TEACHING METHODS: Lectures Practical works in formulation laboratory Visits of processing industries Group work: study in relation with an external engineering or industrial partner MODALITES D'EVALUATION / EVALUATION METHODS: Laboratory work (individual grade) Oral presentation about the product formulation (individual grade) Written report about the product formulation (collective grade) DETAILS :
Programme d'enseignement 20132014
S9PPIPA Designing a Production Process Pilot (the industrialisation of a new food product) *
Nombre d'heuresélève / Numbers of student hours
LECOMTE Gwenaële
Cours / Courses 60.00 h
TD / Practical work 10.00 h
TP / Practical work 30.00 h
Visites / Visits Excursions
AFT 40.00 h
WPP / Personal work 70.00 h
Evaluation 1.50 h
ECTS : 15.00 OBJECTIFS / OBJECTIVES: Based on the development of a new food product, students must be able to go from the kitchen to the industrial scale, responding to the questions which occur from such a change of scale. PROGRAMME : Develop a pilot prcess Study of the technical and economical feasibility of a process Choices of facilities Blocks conception Industrial organisation of the production Taking account of the quality and the environmental impact of the industrial enterprise PREREQUIS / PREREQUISITES: MODALITES PEDAGOGIQUES / TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, Practical work on the pilotscale plant Visits Completion of the study started in the previous Course Unit. MODALITES D'EVALUATION / EVALUATION METHODS: Work in pilot plant (individual grade) Oral presentation about the pilot fabrication and the product industrialisation (individual grade) Written report about the pilot fabrication (collective grade) Written report about the industrialisation (collective grade) DETAILS :
Programme d'enseignement 20132014
Nombre d'heuresélève / Numbers of student hours
Design and industrialization of food products
Cours / Courses
TD / Practical work
TP / Practical work
Visites / Visits Excursions
WPP / Person al work
117 h
27 h
70 h
80 h
140 h
2.5 h
Programme d'enseignement 20132014
S9CPA Food Product Design *
Nombre d'heuresélève / Numbers of student hours
RAHALI Véronique
ECTS : 15.00
Cours / Courses 57.00 h
TD / Practical work 17.00 h
TP / Practical work 40.00 h
Visites / Visits Excursions
AFT 40.00 h
WPP / Personal work 70.00 h
Evaluation 1.00 h
OBJECTIFS / OBJECTIVES: The objective is to develop a new product or a new range of products at the request of a company. Students face the practical development of specifications, the formulation, the development of process flow diagrams, the search for ingredients and additives suppliers. Meanwhile, students are provided with the knowledge and methods requested for the project development through lectures, practicals and seminars. CONCERNED ACADEMIC FIELDS: Biochemistry, Microbiology Industrial food engineering Foodstuffs transformation Quality management R&D management Documentary watch PROGRAMME : Presentation of the project by the entreprise Foodstuffs formulation: methodology, additives use, etc Seminar on a productinnovation strategy Seminar on the formulation of a new product Food processes: packaging technologies, pasteurization, homogeneization, energyraw materials balance, matter flow... Environmental impact of the entreprise: product lifecycle analysis, ISO 14000 measure, environmental dashboards and indicators Project management, design of an industrial site PREREQUIS / PREREQUISITES: MODALITES PEDAGOGIQUES / TEACHING METHODS: Lectures Practical works in formulation laboratory Visits of processing industries Group work: study in relation with an external engineering or industrial partner MODALITES D'EVALUATION / EVALUATION METHODS: Laboratory work (individual grade) Oral presentation about the product formulation (individual grade) Written report about the product formulation (collective grade) DETAILS :
Programme d'enseignement 20132014
S9PPIPA Designing a Production Process Pilot (the industrialisation of a new food product) *
Nombre d'heuresélève / Numbers of student hours
LECOMTE Gwenaële
Cours / Courses 60.00 h
TD / Practical work 10.00 h
TP / Practical work 30.00 h
Visites / Visits Excursions
AFT 40.00 h
WPP / Personal work 70.00 h
Evaluation 1.50 h
ECTS : 15.00 OBJECTIFS / OBJECTIVES: Based on the development of a new food product, students must be able to go from the kitchen to the industrial scale, responding to the questions which occur from such a change of scale. PROGRAMME : Develop a pilot prcess Study of the technical and economical feasibility of a process Choices of facilities Blocks conception Industrial organisation of the production Taking account of the quality and the environmental impact of the industrial enterprise PREREQUIS / PREREQUISITES: MODALITES PEDAGOGIQUES / TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, Practical work on the pilotscale plant Visits Completion of the study started in the previous Course Unit. MODALITES D'EVALUATION / EVALUATION METHODS: Work in pilot plant (individual grade) Oral presentation about the pilot fabrication and the product industrialisation (individual grade) Written report about the pilot fabrication (collective grade) Written report about the industrialisation (collective grade) DETAILS :
Programme d'enseignement 20132014
Programme d'enseignement 20132014