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schmidt (1994, 2001, 2003), Eastman, Mc Cracken &. Newstetter (2001), Oxman ... Eastman (op. cit.) sees a close ..... Gero, John S. (Ed.) (1999). Constructive ...
TSCHIMMEL, Katja (2011). Design as a Perception-in-Action Prozess. In Design Creativity 2010. London: Springer Verlag. 223-230.

Design as a Perception-in-Action Process Katja Tschimmel Escola Superior de Artes e Design (ESAD), Portugal

Abstract. Design thinking is thinking in variety and in new semantic and material combinations. To think about the possibilities, the designer needs to liberate himself from routines of perception. This liberation is the basis for all innovative design. Taking into account the dominant role of a deliberately orientated perception in the creative design process, we consider design as a Perception-in-Action Process. The name of our model is based on the methodological design paradigm proposed by Schön, the ‘Reflective Practice’ with it’s Reflection-in-Action Process. The Perception-in-Action Process is divided into five procedures which are not linear but intersecting each other: the perception of the task, the perception of a new perspective, the perception of new semantic combinations, the perception in prototyping and the perception of users’ reaction. At the end of the paper we will identify some strategies to develop students’ perception in design education. Keywords: design cognition, perception in design, constructivism, creative process, methodological paradigms, design education.

1 Introduction Since the 1980’s, cognitive science and constructivist theory have challenged the existence of an objective reality and recognize the plurality of perceptions and perspectives of reality. This perspective has profound consequences for the interpretation and conceptualisation of the creative design process. As our thinking process is influenced by the fact that the brain is a selfreferential system (Roth 1992), all inovative design visions emerge, grow and mature during the creative process in interaction with the situational system of a project. In this paper we want to show how the understanding of design creativity is influenced by the dominant methodological paradigm of the moment, and its changes, and describe the important role which the designer’s perceptive capacity has in his creative design processes and how it can be developed in design education.

2 Design Cognition Over the last thirty years, scientific interest in the creative thinking process of designers has grown rapidly. The research in design cognition started with the increasing criticism of the rational design methodology. Against all expectations, the methodological design movement failed in its attempt to improve the quality of design projects through the application of rational methods. Instead of the development of universal methods, Design Cognition Research is interested in finding the essence of the mental processes of the designer when he is reflecting on a project, with the objective to better understand the attributes which characterize design creativity, both in the process, and in the solution. Researchers such as Lawson (1986), Schön (1983, 1987), Cross, Dorst & Roozenburg (1992), Goldschmidt (1994, 2001, 2003), Eastman, Mc Cracken & Newstetter (2001), Oxman (1999, 2002) or Gero (2006), who studied the cognitive processes of designers, all pointed out that the design process is too complex to reduce design thinking to mere ‘problemsolving’ or ‘information-processing’. The designer decides what to do and when, on the basis of the personally perceived and reconstructed design task. Thus, information about the design project and knowledge of the subject are not enough to develop an innovative design solution, but creative thinking and perception are even more essential. 2.1 Design Thinking in Constructivist Perspective Radical Constructivism, an interdisciplinary theory about cognition (Schmidt 1992, 2000), shows us that perception and recognition are exclusively a reorganization of previous experiences and expectations. Constructivist authors challenge the existence of an objective ontological reality and promote the plurality of perceptions. Von Glasersfeld, Roth, Schmidt, and other researchers in cognition and perception, describe the brain as a ‘self-referential’ and ‘self-explaining’ system, which doesn’t have direct access to the world,


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but which operates on the base of genetic determination, educational and cultural patterns, earlier internal experiences and one’s emotional state (see the different approaches in Schmidt 2000). Researchers in design cognition, call this activity ‘constructive memory’ (Gero 1999). It operates both on the personal experience of the designer, and by the recall of design-relevant information from the memory (Eastman 2001). Besides referring to the register and recall of determinate moments, the concept of ‘constructive memory’ also includes a constant readjustment of meanings in the face of new experiences. This phenomenon explains the fact that designers not only interpret a given design problem in quite different ways from one another, but also at different moments. Thus, each designed object is the result of a personal choice from the designer/team at a certain moment and in a certain design-situation, based on his personal and professional life story. Gero (op. cit.) introduces the concept of situatedness, which includes both, the context of design decisions and the way the situation is interpreted by the designer. Also Eastman (op. cit.) sees a close relationship between the experiences of a designer and the recall of relevant information from the memory to respond to the contextual conditions of the project. What characterizes the expert designer is his capacity to connect in a flexible way his personal and professional experiences with the situational factors of the project. To do this, he utilizes creative thinking operations, such as associative thinking, thinking in analogies, visual reasoning and perception with all of the senses. 2.2 The Role of Perception While our day to day thinking consists of automatic pattern recognition in accordance with the Gestalt laws (with the objective of quick orientation and recognition), design thinking is based on new pattern creation (with the objective of achieving different forms and impact). In this sense, Dorst describes visual thinking in design as “a way of looking, of being more actively involved in the world than most people” (2003: 159). This affirmation we can easily stretch to all of the perceptual senses. As perception in constructivist perspective operates as a ‘self-organizing-information-system’, which restricts our thinking to already set up patterns, the designer has to liberate himself from a routine and mechanical kind of perception. In earlier works, we defined ‘perceptive cognition’ as a basic skill in the creation of new realities and artefacts, and considered the training of conscious and directed perception, the searching for new nuances to be, the core of design education (Tschimmel 2005; Pombo & Tschimmel

2005). We understand perceptive cognition as the complex process of exploiting at one and the same time the stimulus input, and also the reasoning about its properties. Both operations are applied at several points of the creative design process.

3 The Creative Process in Design Although originally it was psychologists who investigated the phenomenon of creativity, it was natural scientists who started to identify and describe the mechanisms and the structure of the creative process. The first references to a multiphase structure of the creative process go back to Poincaré (1924), who through his thoughts about his own creative thinking process in solving mathematical problems, gave the impulse to Wallas (1926) to divide the creative process into 4 phases: the preparation phase, the incubation, the illumination and the verification phase. This classification was the starting point of the research movements into creativity (also in design) which looked for new models to best describe the phases of a creative problem solving process. The objective of this research was, and still is, the discovery and development of methods, which can guide a person successfully through a creative process in a domain of innovation, such as design. It was the birth of the classic methodology of design. 3.1 The Change of Methodological Paradigms The classification and respective visualization of the different phases of the design process, depends mainly on the methodological paradigm in which we analyse and describe the creative process in design. The dominant paradigm refers to the scientific and theoretic background of the domain and its applied practical habits. In doing this, it also forms the interpretation of the scope and characteristics of design methodology itself. The first design methodology movement in the early 1960’s was mainly composed of engineer-designers and led to the development of a phase-model of the creative process oriented by rationality and systematic proceding (Archer 1965; Cross 1989). Since the 1980’s and the growing influence of architects (Lawson 1986; Goldschmidt 1998) and educators (Schön 1983) in design methodology and design thinking research, we have seen a multiple change of methodological paradigm: 1. The change from the rational and analytical paradigm to the holistic paradigm of the emergence of design; and inside the first change is 2. the change from the Problem Solving paradigm to the interpretation of the

Design as a Perception-in-Action Process

design process, first as a Reflective Practice (described in Dorst 1997), then as a Co-Evolution of the ProblemSolution Space (Dorst & Cross 2001) and finally as a Systemic Process. This last model (for example described in Jonas 1994) will not be integrated in the following descriptions of the paradigms, because it is not essential for the development of the Perception-inAction model, which is the subject of this paper. 3.1.1 Design as a Problem Solving Process Traditionally, since the 1960’s, design processes have been described as rational or creative problem solving processes (Archer 1965; Simon 1969; Rittel 1970), and in many cases they still are. This approach is on the one hand based on the phase model of Wallas and the Creative Problem Solving movement, and on the other hand by cybernetic science and the search for optimization of resources and processes for solution finding. Characteristically in this paradigm, designers are seen as problem solvers: the work on a design project starts with a problem, which is to identify, to understand, to explore, to redefine, and in the end to solve, by the creation of a new product, service or process. This perspective was so embedded in the understanding of the design process, that a lot of designers and design theorist have developed methods to better guide the design process. Numerous classical design methods are described in the important works of Archer (1965), Cross (1989) or Bürdek (2005). At the end of the 1970’s the belief in universal and objective methods, which in a rational way led to ‘good’ design solutions was challenged. The protagonist of the criticism of the classical methodology was Paul Feyerabend (1975), who fought against the idea that only one method – for example the Cartesian – should be universally accepted. Only a concept of methodology, which respects variety and diversity, can be compatible with a humanistic view of life and the constructivist perspective, where subjective perception and the construction of one’s own reality is the core. A change of paradigm in design methodology was obviously needed. 3.1.2 Design as a Reflective Practice Since the 1980’s, numerous theorists and methodologists have challenged the linearity of the creative process and the positivists’ design methods, in favour to a pluralist and emergent approach (Schön 1983, 1987; Dorst 1997; Bürdek 2005; Pombo & Tschimmel 2005). In this constructivist perspective of cognitive processes, Schön describes the creative design process as a “reflective conversation with the situation” (op. cit.) and introduces the concept of Reflection-inAction. While the designer works on a project, he is reflecting on his actions, which step by step guide the


development of the project and the emergence of a solution. Through the realisation of change/testing experiments, the designer actively constructs a view of the world, based on his experiences. Instead on a well or ill-defined problem, the designer now thinks and works on a task, which is essentially unique and includes the characteristics of the designer, the available time and the subject to work on. The basic elements of design activities in this paradigm are actions: naming the relevant factors in the project situation, framing the core of the project in a certain way, making moves toward a new formal-aesthetic expression, and evaluating those moves. An overview of the paradigm of reflective practice is given in Kees Dorst’s PhD work Describing Design. A comparison of paradigms (1997). 3.1.3 Design as a Co-Evolution of Problem-Solution Space Parallel to, and as an evolution of, the model of Reflective Practice, the design process is also conceptualized as a Co-Evolution of the ProblemSolution Space (Dorst & Cross 2001). Assuming that in the reflective design practice there is no way to determine a priori which approach will be more successful, design task and solution are always and inherently developed together. In a think-aloud study with nine expert designers, Dorst and Cross came to the conclusion that creative design is a matter of developing and refining both the formulation of a problem, and the ideas for a possible solution (op. cit.). In this non-linear process, cause and effect are no longer distinguishable because of the constant crossfertilisation. According to Dorst and Cross, the decisive creative moment in a project is that in which the coupled ‘problem-solution’ gets a new frame. Thus, the originality of the solution depends on the framing and reframing process, which means the construction of a personal perspective of the problemsolution space.

4 The Perception-in-Action Model Taking into account the dominant role of a deliberately orientated perception in the creative design process, and in a kind of homophonic and homographic analogy to the Reflection-in-Action process of the Reflective Practice, we consider design as a Perception-in-Action process (PiAp). Doing this, we are not denying the paradigm of reflection, but complementing the model, dislocating the focus from the reflection mode to the perception mode. Thus, we describe with the concept of Perception-in-Action the design process in which the designer consciously


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challenges stereotypical thinking, searching out the new and different inside the problem-solution space. The objective is the posterior establishment of a connection between newly perceived impulses and elements of the design task. None of this is possible without reflection. It is perceptual reflection that we consider to be the basic skill and procedure in the creation of new realities. What the designer perceives with all his senses while he is reflecting on a design task has profound impact on how a situation is interpreted, how analogies to other knowledge domains are made, and how design solutions are developed. We could have called our model a Perception-andReflection-in-Action process, because perception and reflection are continuously interacting in any creative process. But as we want to put the focus on the important role of perception, we have concentrated on the Perception-in-Action model. Thus, in the use of the term ‘perception’, we include perception through our senses, and also perception as interpretation and meaning giving to a reality. The emphasis on the aspect of perception is based on its core importance for the originality of design solutions and surprising semantic versions. 4.1 The Process and its Phases The Perception-in-Action process can be divided into five procedures which are not linear but intersecting each other (Fig. 1): • the perception of the task, • the perception of a new perspective, • the perception of new semantic combinations, • the perception of new solutions in prototyping and • the perception of users’ reaction.

Each procedure is characterized by the perception of a problem/task of the design project and of a possible solution space (Sx) in parallel, because problems can’t be defined, reformulated, developed and solved without thinking at the same time about possible solutions. 4.1.1 The perception of the problem/task The first phase of the Perception-in-Action process is the perception of the problem/task (p/t). The designer/ the team (Dx) analises and interprets the design task, using previous professional and personal experiences, his world vision and a recalling of relevant memorised information for the project. In an interchange he searches out information relevant to the design, and possible points of tension, contradictions and ambiguities in the project. At the same time, the designer perceives various stimuli which help him to prioritise the project tasks to be considered; later the criteria for future evaluation will emerge. To an outside observer, the more unexpected the perceived elements are, the more original would be the response to the task and the identification of its elements. This first phase of the PiAp corresponds to the procedure which Schön called naming (1987). 4.1.2 The perception of a new perspective In the second phase the designer reaches a point at which a new perspective, relative to the task, is formed (designated by Schön as framing) which will be developed in accordance with the respective redefinition. In this procedure the designer actively searches out new ideas and design criteria together with a new visual and semantic language. In this way he will select various stimuli which will be integrated in the design process and will help him to produce more or less original ideas. This phase can be seen as a reformulation of a problem.

Fig. 1. A sketch of the five procedures of the Perception-in-Action process where at any moment, chance can influence the perception of the problem/task and of the actual design situation.

Design as a Perception-in-Action Process

4.1.3 The perception of new semantic combinations In the third phase of the PiAp various versions of the design are developed, since the perception process of the designer is directed by the search for semantic solutions in similar artefacts. In a comparison of different compositions and versions of the product, the designer is keenly aware of the stimuli which lead to distinct design solutions. Here is also found the perception of random or chance occurences which have little or nothing do do with the project, but which could lead to surprising design solutions by way of analogical thought. 4.1.4 The perception of new solutions in model construction and prototyping After choosing one or more versions of a design, there follows the period in which the product is developed. In this phase the concentration is centred on modifications and improvements of models and prototypes. The expectation which a designer has for a project directs his perception and evaluation of the design models, and can still provoke fundamental and surprising revisions. The construction of numerous different models at a very early stage of the process prevents the designer from getting prematurely attached to an idea, a semantic language, a material or a tecnological solution . 4.1.5 The perception of users’ reaction During any of the previous four phases or as the final phase of the PiAp, the new product/image/service/ process can be tested by target users. The perception and reaction of these consumers contributes to any rethinking and possible modification of the new artefact. The designer has to understand and interpret the feedback from the users. 4.2 Perception in and through images Since visual perception is the dominant among the senses, perception in and through images plays a special role in the Perception-in-Action process. This is emphasised by several design researchers (Goldschmidt 1994; Lawson 1996; Oxman 2002). In her various publications on the central role of graphic representations in the formation and development of ideas in the design process, Gabriela Goldschmidt maintains that sketching is an extension of mental imagery (1991, 1994, 1998). By drawing, the designer expands the problem space of the projected task, to the extent of including and even discovering, new aspects, which he considers relevant, as much as through a subsequent interpretation of his graphic representations. Expressive representations can expand the over view of the project, but may also


limit it. The activity of sketching is, according to Goldschmidt, a kind of modulation of the problem space. Graphic representations need a slow, intense and thorough observation, permitting the designer to appreciate the different relations between the objects, the individuals and their characteristics. Thus graphic representations are both output, being a result of a mental process, and are also a spur to further mental activity from the designer. While drawing, through the interaction of line, form, symbols and ideas, new characteristics, unconnected to the design task, can appear, despite not having been planned by the designer. Apart from this, the playful aspect of sketching gives pleasure to the designer, which in turn helps his concentration and perceptive sensitivity. Essentially, a drawing made by hand is, for a designer, a tool in his thinking process. Goldschmidt (2003) asserts that in the process of creative perception of self generated sketches made in the quest for new approaches and perspectives, the designer spends much less energy than in the observation and active interpretation of other sources of imagery. Apart from this, because of their frequent graphic ambiguity, drawings made by hand allow many more interpretations than, for example, photographs mimicking reality. For the designer to be able to benefit from his sketches in the creative perception process, he must be reasonably competent at drawing. A design specialist can be considered as one who can rapidly and recognisably, express ideas and shapes by drawing, and who can also change and adapt them at will. So in design education, the development of the expression of ideas by drawing must have a central role. With respect to our Perception-in-Action model, we reach the conclusion that the designer, in a perceptive dialogue between his imagination and his graphic representations, identifies, alters, reinterprets and improves situations and elements of the task. In the search for originality through creative perception, thinking in and through imagery helps the designer to get a unique design solution. According to a constructivist perspective, in this Perception-in Action process, the designers’ models of reality and personal experience of all sorts, which he relates to the situational factors of the project, support him.

5 Design Education Since Schön’s work in educating the ‘reflective practitioner’ (1987), we can find results of cognitive studies being used as a foundation of design learning and education by several design researchers (amongst


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others Eastman, McCracken & Newstetter 2001; Oxman 1999, 2001; Tschimmel 2004, 2005). And taking into account the constructivist didactis (applied by Oxman 1999; Tschimmel op. cit.; Saariluoma, Nevala, Karvinen 2006), we can conclude that the main objectives of design education should be the development of process related skills, instead of giving too much attention to the designed products in project classes. Learning is a process of the self-development of the cognitive system, which occurs through the perception and construction of meanings. Thus, learning through construction seems to be the most appropriate way of building knowledge structures in the students’ minds and for transforming the students into creative design thinkers. And in this process, the training of perception plays an important role. 5.1 Principles and strategies for training perception Owing to the impossibility of teaching creative perception theoretically, design education can only create the conditions which lead to attentive and focused perception, and to the emergence of new ideas and perspectives. One of the basic principles of creative perception is the conscious search for new perspectives and fields of knowledge, which can provide facts and information that can be transposed to the context of the problem in hand. It’s a kind of perceptive observation. In order to complete or consciously modify his first spontaneous perception of a situation or task, the designer needs a mental flexibility, which lets him jump from one field of knowledge to another, carrying information. In design classes, it is possible to instruct the students to familiarise themselves with other areas of learning, such as biology, astronomy or cognitive sciences. In each new area they will find crossing points, or aspects which could be useful for the Project, and which could result in new perspectives. Concretely, this strategy could be applied in an exercise like the following: while the students work on a certain design task or detail, an invited specialist of an unrelated knowledge domain like astronomy or physics could give a speech about a certain subject, from which the students had to transfer something to their design task with the objective of getting a new perspective of the project. In the science of creativity, this procedure is called Forced Relationship. Strategically it also makes sense to search out, or to be open to, day-to-day influences, which can show objects in a new light or with a new significance by semantic confrontation. The creation of ambiguous situations or the provocation of internal tensions through contradictions can, especially at the outset of a project, sharpens the perceptive senses of the students.

Another important strategy for the refining of perception is to work on emotions and feelings. These filter and structure the perception of situations and information (Solovyova 2003), and thus point our attention in a specific direction. With this, emotions are an expression of the way an individual assimilates, interprets and stores experiences. Positive feelings and personal interest in a theme or project increase intrinsic motivation, perceptive sensibility and the unconscious search for stimuli, which could relate to the project. Dealing with feelings and emotions in a conscious manner could also turn into a strategic means of developing perceptive ability. An important strategy for learning how to deal with emotions in social situations and at the same time for developing perceptive abilities, is in an open exchange with others in dialogue. Open communicative exchange helps to free this limited and blinkered perception of a situation. For this the designer must develop the ability to listen carefully, encourage his partners to express their opinions and to continue, taking into account the point of view of the others. In the literature of psychology there are a lot of books about group dynamics with exercises to develop the students capacity of dialogue. As well as the increase of verbal perspectives, one of the most frequently used strategies in the development of perception is, as we have seen, the teaching of drawing. Since lack of ability in drawing can limit visual and spatial imagination, it follows that drawing lessons take a central position. Just as a successful writer must have verbal skills, the designer needs visual expression skills to be creative at this level. Unfortunately design students fall back all too often on visual or verbal thinking alone, overlooking the other perceptive senses, and thus limiting the design solution possibilities. But formal, material and chromatic nuances, unusual perspectives, strange sounds, new smells and flavours can be rich sources of new ideas, concepts and forms. Beside the activation of all the senses in the act of perception during exercises and projects, in design education some other complementary strategies, whose purpose is the development of a ‘creative perception’, as opposed to a routine kind of perception, could be applied, such as: • Divergent exploration of the project information and the relevant knowledge to deal with the problem-solution space; • Introduction of students into the world of design cognition, design interaction and of the learning process itself; • Encouragement of travelling to other countries and cultures with predefined observation tasks.

Design as a Perception-in-Action Process

5.2 Perception-in-Action in the Project Classes or Design Studios Project classes or design studios are at the heart of design education in every design school, because the simulation of real design situations still seems to be the most effective frame for learning design thinking, as Dewey showed us a century ago (1910/1997). Students who are learning design by projects, side by side, and often in collaboration, with colleagues and with their teachers, experience an intense process of reciprocal inquiry in which each involved party frames and shapes the design task and every problematic situation and, at the same time, is shaped by it. In this process of transaction (Schön 1992), students and teachers give form to the information they transmit to each other, and construct together points of view and meanings. There are frequently in this transaction process a lot of communication and interpretation problems, as for example identified by Schön (ibid.). Students and teachers therefore benefit from expressing their ideas usually in images such as hand drawings and digital drawings, but also in other kind of visual representations such as Mind Mappings, Mood Charts, Scenario sketches, etc. These kinds of complementary imagery tools are still not applied enough in project classes, which are not directly related with methodology. But as every design class should give an incentive and motive for the construction of new perspectives and knowledge, process methods should not only enter the design studio, but also other classes, including the theorical ones. For training a creative perception of a design task (1st procedure of PiAp), besides the application of methods such as Mind Mapping or Role Play, exercises, which lead to the uncommon observation and registering of curious situations in peoples’ live could be used. Important in these exercises is the exploration of nuances, rareness and ambiguity. In the second phase of PiAp, the perception of a new perspective, methods such as Inverted Brainstorming, Bodystorming, Extreme Characters or Scenarios can develop the capacity of reframing. The reframing and redefinition of situations can be taught in any kind of class, working with texts, images or other sensual stimuli. At the centre should be the conscious destruction of stereotypical views in respect of a thematic subject or a design situation. For the perception training of new semantic combinations (3rd procedure of PiAp), methods such as Semantic Confrontations, Forced Relationships, Visual Thesaurus, etc. are very useful and applicable in any kind of class; methods where provoked chance has a important contribution.


The perception of new solutions in prototyping (4th procedure of PiAp), can be taught in studio classes by creating many different models, each one highlighting different aspects of the product or service (form, colour, material, details, etc.). The fifth phase of PiAp, the perception of users’ reaction, concentrates on methods, which allow a varied observation of peoples’ interaction with the designed products.

6 Conclusions Each time we, design researchers, observe, describe and visualize the creative design process with the objective of creating new methods and tools to support the process, we have to choose in which design paradigms we move. By choosing the Perception-inAction model, the focus is on the development of techniques which help designers to challenge mental patterns, stereotypical ideas and well-known forms of perceptive expression. But we still lack more tools that can be applied in classes and the studio, to help the development of students’ perceptive thinking abilities. In future projects we intend to develop some more of these tools and exercises, and at the same time test the existing methods of creative thinking through perception in respect of their usefulness. Although our reflections on the Perception-inAction model and our experience in design education have indicated that perception training is an valuable contribution to the learning process of future designers, we have to admit that there is a big limitation of our model: it seems to be extremely difficult to prove that perception training in design education improves the creative thinking capacity of future designers and the degree of originality and innovation of their designed products. To prove the core of perception in creative design, we still have to develop an empirical way of measuring the contribution of perception training: because of the ‘sleeper-effect’ of learning, positive results of perception development only are evident some years later.

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