Draft Journal Publication of Science and Art ITS
Design Carbody LRT (Light Rail Transit) as a Mass Transportation City of Surabaya Student: Mohammad Rizal Saputra 08311440000050, Supervisor: Dr. Agus Windharto, DEA Industrial Product Design Departmen,Faculty of Architecture,Design, and Planning, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim, Surabaya 60111 Indonesia e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract— The LRT project plan in Surabaya is a municipal plan for the procurement of a rapid, modern and integrated mass public transport system. Not only the government plan of Surabaya city, the development of LRT is a national plan because the population of Surabaya city number 2 in Indonesia after the capital of Jakarta.In addition the government will realize the city surabaya become Smart city. However, this concept still gets negative views from the public because of the view of existing transportation that has been in terms of security, comfort and aesthetics that resulted in the lack of public interest towards mass public transportation. This design is made as a design alternative and is expected to increase the public interest in the use of public transportation. LRT exterior is expected to represent Surabaya and the Interior of this LRT will be expected to facilitate access to transportation by a variety of passengers. The presence of LRT is expected to become the icon of the pride of Surabaya and increase public's enthusiasm for mass transportation within the city. Keyword— LRT, SmartCity, City Icon
raffic jam is a major problem in urban areas, as urban areas are centers of activity with high population and high intensity movements. The problem is also experienced by Surabaya as the second metropolitan city in Indonesia. In the year 2018, Surabaya occupies the 8 th position as a city most jammed all over Indonesia. With many industrial estates and a number of property developments in Surabaya, the city has a congestion rate of 16 percent. If calculated, the length of time the rider when jammed reaches 37 hours in a year. Every year the number of vehicles in Surabaya City has increased sharply, and it is dominated by private vehicles. It is not worth the length of the road in Surabaya. In addition, traffic jam at the main points in the middle of the city. As shown in the table below, the increase in the number of vehicles from 2014 to 2015 increased by 3% (75868 vehicles) and the increase in road length increased by only 0.24% (3976 meters).
per 1st quarter of 2017 the population of Surabaya is 3,316,131 inhabitants, with population density of Surabaya Town 10,147 per kilometer square, but also there are still 9 districts which have population density 20.000 square kilometer. The amount of infrastructure is still lacking to overcome the transportation movement needed for the people of Surabaya. The mass transportation development plan has been planned in the RTRW Surabaya 2014-2034. According to RTRW, Transport Planning and Route already exist in the third section, paragraph 2 of Article 26 Paragraph 2 p. 149 and also in Paragraph 4 p. 151 also planned facilities and infrastructure. In addition, In 2013, SMART (Surabaya Integrated Rapid Mass Transit) is planned. But until now the project is not yet clear. In the SMART development plan, the corridor and route plan has been taken into account by BAPPEKO Surabaya. This calculation is done in some of the most potential modes for surabaya city. There are 2 corridors namely North-South and West-East and have 2 alternative routes. His plans for the NorthSouth corridor use Tram and West-East Corridor using the Monorail. But in the year 2017 and then, Quoted by Detik News, Surabaya Mayor Tri risma Harini summoned the Ministry of Finance to explain the continuation of Tram and Monorail projects in Surabaya. Mrs. Risma explains that for all corridors will use LRT only, because the cost is cheaper. For the North-South Corridor the estimated cost of 1.6 T uses Tram LRT and for East-West corridors the estimated cost of 2.6 T uses elevated LRT. This is explained by the fact that LRT uses rails much cheaper than using monorail. This is true because if one uses Tram and one Monorail then maintenance costs will be expensive because of different rollingstock.
Road Lenght(m)
Number of Vehicle
Table 1. 1 Comparison of Road Length and Number of Vehicles in Surabaya Source RKPD Surabaya 2018
Draft Journal Publication of Science and Art ITS II. RESEARCH DESCRIPTION A. Data Retrieval Phase Methods of data retrieval obtained from interviews and literature study. Primary data include; deep interview with expert resource and lecturer Agus Windharto, DEA, and survey to BAPPEKO and PT. INKA. While the secondary data obtained from the study of literature via the Internet and electronic books. B. Subject and Design Object 1. Design subject in the form of interior design and interior of LRT mass transport connecting east-west corridor of city, operating through elevated line and stop station which have been set by Surabaya city government. 2. Design object in the form of interior tram section includes optimization of seating configuration, roof ceiling, wall, floor, and other interior components that are adjusted to the activity and behavior of prospective passengers on the interior. Also on the exterior that includes the concept of aesthetic mascara and train sets. C. Study Stage and Analysis Stages of the analysis study include the problems that exist in the embodiment of LRT design as the icon of mass rapid transit Surabaya City: 1. Study of prospective passengers: aimed to determine the needs and possibilities of prospective passenger activities both normal and special needs of LRT Surabaya. 2. Market Survey and Costumer Analysis: to know the position of LRT compared to other LRT modes in the world. 3. Study and Analysis Blocking Area : Blocking area study and analysis is an attempt to classify interior areas based on general passenger activities, such as passenger circulation areas, favorite spots, placement of goods, etc. The study was conducted by marking the area of passenger activity against the dimensions of the LRT dimensions that have been determined. 4. LOPAS Study and Analysis (Load of Passanger Accomodation System):Aim to select configuration in LRT interior level. The method used is to present the comparison between transfersal configuration and longitudinal configuration as basic selection of passenger cabin configuration. The selected configuration base is then developed in various alternatives and analyzed in conjunction to support passenger access and comfort. 5. Study and Component Analysis: At this stage passenger cabin interior components such as chairs, handles, luggage, and safety frames are analyzed according to functional, dimensional, mechanism, operational, and aesthetic aspects with the aim of achieving conformity with passenger requirements and aesthetic concepts promoted in the design of LRT Surabaya.
2 6. Study and Character Analysis Surabaya : The study of the concept of image, obtained through the image board method that represents the identity of the city of Surabaya, among others: the identity of geography (urban landscape), social identity (needs related to other people, community), personal identity (social status, lifestyle). With attention to the development trend, some image samples that have been collected and then analyzed with the form language and infiltrated into the keyword concept which is then used as a concept of aesthetics of shape and color, both on the exterior and interior of LRT Surabaya. III. RESEARCH RESULT A. Interior and Exterior Form Analysis
Figure 2. 1 selected interior configurations
From the analysis with the alternative appraisal method, the alternative configuration with the highest value is the above alternative because it has a complete feature and easy access especially for the first person to drive the LRT. following the number of passengers for normal and full conditions Normal capacity (4 persons per square meter):Seat Stand 92, Total 126.
Full capacity (8 people per square meter): Seat 34, Stand 184, Total 218 next is the basic exterior design analysis, below is the application of semiotic alternative in three basic design form mascara
Figure 2. 2 Shark shape
Draft Journal Publication of Science and Art ITS
Figure 2. 6 Exterior Alternative 2
Figure 2. 3 Crocodile shape
Figure 2. 7 Exterior Alternative 3
Figure 2. 4 Owl shape Figure 2. 8 Interior Alternative 1
B. Preliminary Design
Figure 2. 9 Interior Alternative 2 Figure 2. 5 Exterior alternative 1
Draft Journal Publication of Science and Art ITS
Figure 2. 10 Interior Alternative 3
Material Aluminum alloy, for cover front / cabin using composite Window Frame aluminum, as well as tempered glass type Design Speed 100 km / hour Operational Speed Max. 85 km / hr Minimum Radius (Main Line / Depot) 60m Power Supply 750 Vdc (Range voltage 500 - 900 VDC) using Third Rail (Third Rail) Propulsion System Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) with Traction Inventer (IGBT) and Traction Motor Brake System Using friction and electric brakes, electro-pneumatic and dynamic Bogie Steel-Wheel Boogie V. REFERENCES
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Figure 2. 11 Interior Alternative 4
Route Depo Location Route Lenght Total Station Distance between stations 2000m Capacity / Train set passanger Total Trainset Headway Operational Time 21.00 Wib Dwelling Time small station Dwelling Time big station One way travel time
East - West Keputih 24 km 23 500m – 400 3 10 Min 06.00
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30 Sec 1 Min 55 Min
B. Tehnical Specification
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Train Length (MC-TC) maximum 15.000mm - 2.650mm Train Width The roof height of the 3.402mm rail head High Floor train of 1,000mm rail head Higher roof interiors than from the floor train minimum 1.980mm The distance between the maximum boogie axis is 12.000mm Maximum axle distance in a 2.050mm boogie Wheel diameter 780mm Door height 2000mm 1600mm Door Width Max Axle Load. 12 tons
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