design of biofilters for methane oxidation

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SUMMARY: Methane oxidation in biofilters with forced aeration was investigated in ... experimental plants with different scales, a bench scale plant (total biofilter ...
DESIGN OF BIOFILTERS FOR METHANE OXIDATION J. STREESE AND R. STEGMANN Department of Waste Management, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Harburger Schlossstrasse 36, 21079 Hamburg, Germany

SUMMARY: Methane oxidation in biofilters with forced aeration was investigated in two experimental plants with different scales, a bench scale plant (total biofilter volume 60 L) and a pilot plant (4 m³). Since clogging of the filter materials had been a problem in earlier investigations, special emphasis was laid upon the development of suitable filter materials with enhanced mass transfer. A mixture of compost, wood fibres, and peat produced good results regarding degradation rates and long term stability. From the results, the required biofilter volume for the treatment of landfill gas methane from an old landfill was estimated. Biofilters for methane oxidation have to have at least 100 times the volume of biofilters for odour control for the treatment of the same flow rate. 1. INTRODUCTION Landfill gas (LFG) collection and treatment has been established as state of the art in many countries in order to reduce odours and other hazards associated with LFG emissions and prevent methane from migrating into the atmosphere and contributing to global warming. In many cases, heat and electrical power is produced from LFG by means of gas engines or heat and power stations. In other cases, flares are operated to burn the methane and organic trace compounds contained in the landfill gas. However, these processes can only be applied in cases where sufficient methane production rates are provided. By now, the mitigation of emissions with low methane concentrations and/or flow rates often is neglected. Currently, different strategies for the thermal or biological treatment of such residual methane emissions are under consideration. Thermal processes have high methane reduction efficiencies near 100%. Disadvantages may be the formation of polluting combustion by-products like sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxides, high operational costs due to the natural gas demand for flaring with natural gas addition, and high investment costs for non-catalytic thermal oxidation. On the other hand, biological gas treatment requires lower investment and operational costs. Its efficiency depends on proper operation and may be strongly reduced by climatic factors. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential of actively vented biofilters for biological methane oxidation and to elaborate basic dimensioning data for future application of the process for the mitigation of landfill gas emissions at old landfills.

Proceedings Sardinia 2003, Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 6 - 10 October 2003  2003 by CISA, Environmental Sanitary Engineering Centre, Italy

2. FUNDAMENTALS For biological methane oxidation, the properties of methanotrophic bacteria are used, which are able to use methane as carbon and energy source, thereby oxidising it to carbon dioxide and water. Cell biomass is mainly formed from metabolic formaldehyde (Hanson & Hanson, 1986). One phenomenon frequently observed in association with methanotrophic activity is the formation of viscous extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) (Hou et al., 1979; Mancinelli, 1995). EPS are high-molecular weight substances that consist mainly of polysaccharides. Their accumulation may lead to clogging of the filter material and as a consequence to a decline of mass transfer (Hilger et al., 1999; Chiemchaisri et al., 2001). For this reason, a substrate should be selected that allows sufficient mass transfer even after extensive formation of EPS. One possibility of biological methane oxidation at old landfills is the use of the landfill cap as a methane oxidation layer. This setup provides a large volume for methane oxidation. On the other hand, methane oxidation layers are strongly exposed to climatic influences and may show uneven flow distribution (Börjesson et al., 2001). Another possibility is the use of biofilters with passive flow. Biofilters are fixed bed bioreactors; In this case, the gas flow is contolled by the pressure difference between the landfill body and the ambient air. Flow rate and direction in passively vented biofilters may underlie considerable alternations (Straka et al., 1999; Gebert et al., 2001). In the investigations presented in this paper, actively vented biofilters for methane oxidation are used, where the LFG is mixed with ambient air and introduced into the biofilter by means of a blower. Thus, both methane and oxygen are present throughout the biofilter volume, whilst in the processes mentioned above, oxygen has to enter the substrate from the surface, i.e. in opposite direction of the general LFG flow, which leads to the formation of a restricted methane oxidation zone. Furthermore, actively vented biofilters provide a constant flow rate, and temperature and moisture can be controlled more accurately. On the other hand, these biofilters require higher investment and operational costs than the other biological systems. The operation of actively vented biofilters may be especially suitable for applications where a gas extraction system is already in operation, but the gas production has decreased to levels where gas utilisation or flaring are no longer practical.

3. EXPERIMENTAL 3.1 Experimental plant setup The investigations were carried out in two experimental plants, a bench scale plant and a larger pilot plant. In both plants, ambient air was mixed into the feed gas flow in order to provide sufficient oxygen supply throughout the entire biofilter volume and to ensure operation of the biofilters at concentrations about 50% below the lower explosive limit of methane, which is 5% CH4 in air. Basic operational data of both experimental plants is given in Table 1. The bench-scale plant consisted of four biofilters in two columns. Each filter contained 13 to 18 L of filter material at the outset of the experiment; sagging and sampling lead to considerable filter volume reduction during the experiments, which was taken into account in the degradation rate calculations. Methane was mixed with pressurised air, moisturised in a countercurrent column scrubber and introduced into the biofilter columns. The biofilters were operated in downflow mode, which proved to be favourable regarding uniform material moisture distribution (Dammann & Stegmann, 1999). A flow chart of the bench scale plant is given in Figure 1. The gas flow for each column was adjusted to 150 L/h per column.




2 5

Figure 1. Flow chart of the bench scale plant for treatment of diluted landfill gas in biofilters. 1methane; 2-pressurised air; 3-air humidifying scrubber; 4-biofilters filled with different biofilter materials; 5-exhaust. In order to validate the results from the bench scale experiments under realistic conditions, a larger pilot plant was set up in two 20'-containers at the closed landfill Drage/Germany and operated with diluted landfill gas. Methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen were continuously monitored. The pilot plant consisted of 12 biofilters in four columns. The total filter volume was approximately 4 m³. LFG was extracted from the landfill body by means of a gas well and mixed with ambient air in a mixing chamber. The gas-air mixture was humidified in a wet scrubber and distributed to the different biofilters (see Figure 2). The undiluted LFG had a composition of 65% to 70% methane and 30% to 35% of carbon dioxide accordingly. The total trace component concentration amounted to approximately 100 mg/m³. Details on the LFG composition are given in Streese et al. (2001). During colder temperatures, the ambient air was heated by an electrical heating system to obtain gas temperatures between 20 and 30 °C. A partial recirculation of the treated gas (about 30% of the total flow rate) was used to lower the heat and moisture losses. 3.2 Biofilter material Previous investigations had shown that standard biofilter materials like compost or wood chips did not produce satisfying results. Either, when fine-grained materials were used, clogging occurred after several months of operation and lead to a decline of the degradation rates, or, with coarse-grained material, low degradation rates were observed over the whole time of the experiment, probably because the inner surface of the material was insufficient for mass transfer and microbial growth (Streese & Stegmann, 2003) 6


5 1 4 2 3


Figure 2. Flow chart of the pilot plant for treatment of diluted landfill gas in biofilters. 1-landfill gas from gas well; 2-ambient air; 3-exhaust; 4-air pre-heating; 5-mixing chamber; 6-air humidifying scrubber; 7-biofilters (12 filters in 4 columns); 8-recirculation.

Table 1 - Operational data of the experimental biofilter plants used for microbial methane oxidation. parameter biofilter volume (per filter) number of filter elements / parallel columns total biofilter volume (initial) surface area per filter total flow rate filter surface load volumetric filter load methane concentration (feed after dilution)

unit [m³] [m³] [m²] [m³/h] [m³/(m²h)] [m³/(m³h)] [Vol.-%]

bench scale plant 0.013-0.018

pilot plant 0.33


12 / 4

0.064 0.045 0.3 3.3 5.6 0.3-3.2

4 1.08 25 5.8 6.25 0.2-2.5

Special emphasis was put on filter material optimisation. The objective was to develop a filter material that provided optimum conditions for the methanotrophic microorganisms. Furthermore, a large specific surface area for mass exchange was required, i.e. the material had to be finegrained. In addition, material clogging, e.g. due to EPS production, should be significantly reduced. In order to match these requirements, a filter material was developed that consisted of a mixture of equal volumes of mature (degree V) yard waste compost, peat, and squeezed spruce wood fibres The latter were used as a bulking agent to avoid clogging and enhance gas distribution, whereas peat was employed for water storage and compost for nutrient supply. This biofilter is in the following referred to as “mixture biofilter”. Another approach towards optimised mass transfer was the use of additional gas distribution layers in a compost biofilter. For this purpose, 2-cm thick layers of wood fibers were placed into the compost filter bed every 15 cm ("multilayer biofilter").

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Concentration dependence The biofilter materials (see Chapter 3.2) were tested at first in the bench-scale plant with filter volumes of about 15 L. One biofilter was filled with compost equipped with additional gas distribution layers, another one with the mixture of compost, peat, and wood fibres. For comparison, two more biofilters were filled with fine-grained compost (< 10 mm) and peat, respectively. The biofilter filled with peat did not show significant methane oxidation and hence is not further discussed in this paper. After an adaptation time of some more than two months, the three other biofilters showed stable methane degradation rates between 15 and 20 g CH4/(m³h) at an input concentration of 1.8% v/v. After one month of stable methane oxidation, i.e. 100 days after the beginning of operation, an experiment was started to investigate the influence of the methane concentration on the degradation rates. The input concentration was adjusted to ten different concentration levels between 0.3 and 3.2% v/v successively by going up and down a step function twice. Degradation rates were plotted against the logarithmic mean of the inlet and outlet concentrations as described in Heining et al. (1997) following calculation fundamentals for first-order kinetics given in Levenspiel (1972) (Figure 3).

70 compost mixture multi-layer old data (compost, 29°C)

degradation rate [g CH 4/m³h]







0 0








logarithmic mean methane concentration [%]

Figure 3. Concentration dependence of methane oxidation in bench-scale biofilters operated with different filter materials. The solid line refers to earlier investigations (Dammann et al., 1999). Filter volumes: c. 15 L each, temperature c. 30°C. In this experiment, the biofilter filled with pure compost showed the best performance with degradation rates of up to 62 g/m³h. At this stage of the experiment, the mixture biofilter and the multi-layer biofilters clearly showed lower maximum degradation rates of 40 and 30 g/m³h, respectively. Although the gradient of the concentration dependence graph decreases at higher concentrations, substrate saturation was not observed even at concentrations around 3%. These results do not correspond with earlier investigations (Dammann et al., 1999), where substrate saturation was observed at a methane concentration of 1%. 4.2 Stability of methane degradation rates The long-term behaviour of the filter materials described above was investigated in the bench scale plant over a period of one year (Figure 4). The degradation rates were influenced by variations of temperature and concentration, which are shown in the upper section of the figure. At the outset of the experiment, the multi-layer filter showed higher methane degradation than the two other filters. After that time, the compost biofilter temporarily showed the highest degradation rates. The experiment investigating the concentration dependence described in the previous chapter was carried out in this phase. From the 150th day of the experiment onwards, the degradation rates in the compost biofilter decreased in relation to the other biofilters. After day 250, the degradation rates in the multi-layer filter also declined. The biofilter filled with the substrate mixture showed stable degradation rates of more than 20 g/m³h for 100 more days until the end of the experiment. In this phase, the degradation rates in the two other filters were only about half as high as in the biofilter with the substrate mixture. An explanation for the decline of the degradation rates of the compost biofilter might be the formation of exopolymeric substances (EPS) that clogged the filter material. The formation of EPS in the compost was indicated by increasing adhesiveness of the material and visible clogging of material interstices. An analytical approach towards EPS quantification is currently under investigation.


amb. temperature inlet concentration
















ambient temperature [°C]

methane concentration [%]

4 3,5

60 mixture filter multi-layer filter compost filter

degradation rate [g CH4/m³h]






0 0








day of experiment

Figure 4. Methane degradation rates observed in three biofilters with different biofilter materials over 340 days. Corresponding inlet concentration and ambient temperature are given in the top section of the figure. Bench-scale experiments, filter volumes: c. 15 L each. 4.3 Methane oxidation potential In addition to the continuous bench scale investigations, batch experiments were carried out to determine the methane oxidation potential of the biofilter materials. This was done by filling 500 mL flasks with 20 g of biofilter material (wet weight) and flushing the headspace with a mixture of 3% v/v methane in air. The methane concentration in the headspace was determined by repeated GC/FID measurement. The amount of methane degraded per time was related to the volume of the filter material, resulting in a value that has the same unit as the degradation rate [g/m³h] used for the description of the biofilter performances in the previous chapters. However, values obtained in batch and continuous flow experiments can not be compared directly due to the different mass transfer mechanisms. In the batch experiments, mass transfer is controlled by diffusion only, whilst in the biofilters, convective mass transfer is dominating. Furthermore, the material in the batch experiments is more easily accessible to the gas due to the small amount used. At different stages of the experiment, the methane oxidation potential of the two biofilter materials “compost” and “mixture” (see chapter 3.2) were compared using fresh samples from the bench scale plant. Figure 5 shows the results of these experiments and, for comparison, the methane degradation rates measured at the bench scale plant at the same time. It can be seen that the compost material shows a significantly higher methane oxidation potential than the material mixture. In contrast, the actual degradation rates measured in the bench scale plant were similar for both materials or, especially for the last measurement, clearly higher for the mixture. The higher methane oxidation potential of the compost material in the batch experiments indicates that, as expected, the microbial population is mainly associated with the compost, whilst the wood fibres and peat contained in the mixture primarily serve as bulking and water

storage material. As a consequence, the microbial population per volume is lower in the filter material mixture than in the pure compost material. However, under operating conditions this effect is overruled by the better mass transfer which is provided by the more porous structure of this material. 45

methane oxidation potential / degradation rate [g/m³h]

40 35

compost batch mixture batch compost biofilter mixture biofilter

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 16





day of experiment

Figure 5. Methane oxidation potentials and actual degradation rates of two filter materials used in the bench scale plant. See text for details.

4.4 Pilot-plant experiments Since the different biofilter media tested in the bench-scale plant showed promising results, they were also used in the larger pilot plant (total filter volume 4 m³). Like in the previously described bench scale experiments, one column was filled with pure yard waste compost, another one with compost with intermittent additional gas distribution layers, and a third one with the mixture of equal volumes of compost, peat, and wood fibers. The fourth column was filled with a mixture of two volumes of compost and one volume of wood fibres. In the beginning of the investigations, a constant inlet concentration of 2% methane was introduced into the biofilters. After an adaptation phase of two months, the compost biofilters again showed the highest degradation rates with values of up to 40 g/m³h, whereas the material mixture biofilters degraded only 20 g/m³h. The long-term behavior of the filter materials used in the pilot plant can not yet be predicted. Initially, problems with drying of the filter material occurred in the pilot plant. The exothermic process of methane degradation resulted in an increase of the temperature in the filter material to more than 50°C. Due to the larger volume of the pilot plant biofilters, heat radiation was reduced. The corresponding temperature increase of the gas passing the biofilters resulted in drying of the filter material that could not be compensated by moisturising the raw gas alone. Thus, direct water addition was necessary. An automated sprinkler system was developed by continuous monitoring of the actual moisture content of the filter material with tensiometers and as needed operation of spray nozzles in the biofilter top covers.

4.5 Calculation of the required biofilter volume for a fictitious application From the data gained in the experiments, the required volume of a methane degrading biofilter for a virtual application can be estimated. For this calculation, data received from the biofilter filled with the material mixture in the bench scale experiment is used since it proved to retain stable degradation rates over at least one year, even though the compost biofilter had shown higher rates in an early phase of operation. Data from two different stages of operation are used: a set of degradation rates measured at different concentrations during the experiment investigating the concentration dependence described in chapter 4.1 (day 100 – 117) and a single data point averaged from results of a stable phase of operation during day 288 – 297. The first period is referred to as optimum, the latter as stable conditions. As a simplification, first order kinetics are assumed. Equation (1) gives the dependence of the degradation rate on the concentration: r = k ⋅ cM


cM =

cin − cout c ln in cout


r – degradation rate; k – kinetic coefficient; cM – medium logarithmic concentration; cin – inlet concentration; cout – outlet concentration

The kinetic coefficient k can be calculated from the experimental data as the gradient of the regression line. For this, the methane concentration has to be given in g/m³ (1% v/v CH4 = 7.2 g/m³). The value of k is 2.22 [h-1] for optimum conditions and 0.98 [h-1] for stable conditions (Figure 6). (c − cout ) ⋅ V& With the definition of the degradation rate r = in , (2) V V& – flow rate [m³/h]; V – biofilter volume [m³] the required biofilter volume V can be calculated by combining equations (1) and (2): V=

c 1 & ⋅ V ⋅ ln in k cout


degradation rate [g CH4/m³h]


kopt = 2,22 40

kstable = 0,98 30



0 0






logarithmic mean methane concentration [g/m³]

Figure 6: Calculation of the kinetic coefficient k from experimental data for optimum (kopt) and stable (kstable) conditions (see text for details).

Table 2: Calculation of the required biofilter volume for a methane degradation biofilter at a fictitious landfill. parameter landfill gas production rate methane concentration dilution to obtain 2.5% of methane: ⇒ raw gas flow rate ⇒ raw gas concentration given filter efficiency ⇒ methane concentration of treated gas kinetic coefficient k1 biofilter volume (equation (3)) volumetric load

optimum conditions

stable conditions 50 m³/h 20%

400 m³/h 2.5% = 18 g CH4/m³ 90% 0.25% = 1.8 g CH4/m³ 2.22 h-1 0.98 h-1 415 m³ 940 m³ 0.96 m³/(m³h) 0.43 m³/(m³h)

The calculation of the biofilter volume for a landfill with a landfill gas production rate of 50 m³/h and a methane concentration of 20% is given in Table 2, resulting in biofilter volumes of 415 m³ for optimum and 940 m³ for stable conditions.

CONCLUSIONS The results of the investigations give evidence of the general applicability of biofilters for methane oxidation. However, the process demands specific operational conditions; significant reduction of methane emissions can not be expected in biofilters designed for odour control. Mass transfer proved to be a key factor for methane oxidation in biofilters. One reason for this may be the production of exopolymeric substances by methanotrophic microorganisms resulting in biofilter material clogging. This poses special requirements to the filter material, which should be well-structured and porous, but still provide sufficient specific surface area for mass transfer. Humidification of the raw gas using a wet scrubber is essential to saturate the feed gas with water, but may not be sufficient due to self-heating of the filter material, especially in large-scale biofilters. A spraying system should be applied as well, because self-heating of the filter material results in substantial water loss. The mixture of compost, peat, and wood fibers presented in this paper produced more satisfactory results than the other biofilter material setups tested. This is especially true with regard to long-term stability. The authors presume that the reason for this was the avoidance of clogging of the material during this experiment because of the "fluffy" structure of this material. However, other factors may have contributed to the better long-term performance of the mixture biofilters, such as pH differences introduced by the addition of peat, or differences in microbial populations between the biofilters. Even at accurate operation, large biofilter volumes are required for methane oxidation. The calculated volumetric load of 1 m³/(m³h) for optimum conditions is about 100 times lower than values commonly used for biofilters for odour control. For stable operation, the suitable volumetric load is further reduced to about 0.5 m³/(m³h). Additionally, it has to be taken into account that both calculations are based on data obtained under favourable laboratory conditions. In practice, lower temperatures or drying of the filter material may have to be encountered and will result in a decreased filter performance, making even larger biofilters necessary. On the other hand, operational costs are relatively low, so the application of biofilters may be suitable in cases where methane oxidation at low concentrations or flow rates is required.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper is based in investigations within the co-operative research project "Microbial reduction of methane emissions" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Installation and operation of the pilot plant were made possible by the district of Harburg. Special thanks go to Dr. Anke Boisch of the Distribution Company for Compost Products North (VKN) for valuable advice regarding the selection of suitable filter materials.

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