International Journal of Engineering Research Volume No.5, Issue Special 1 pp : 242-246
ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print) 8 & 9 Jan 2016
Design of Rigid Road pavement for Ainachiwadi Village in Patan Tahsil T. S. Bagwan, S. V. Shinde, Amarsinh B. Landage Civil Engineering Department, Govt. College of Engineering, Karad M.S. India
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[email protected] Abstract—Rigid pavements, though costly in initial investment, are cheap in long run because of low maintenance costs. There are various merits in the use of rigid pavements (Concrete pavements) are summarized below. Bitumen is derived from petroleum crude, which is in short supply globally and the price of which has been rising steeply. India imports nearly 70% of the petroleum crude. The demand for bitumen in the coming years is likely to grow steeply, far outstripping the availability. Hence it will be in India's interest to explore alternative binders. Cement is available in sufficient quantity in India, and its availability in the future is also assured. Thus cement concrete roads should be the obvious choice in future road programmes. Besides the easy available of cement, concrete roads have a long life and are practically maintenance-free. Another major advantage of concrete roads is the savings in fuel by commercial vehicles to an extent of 1420%. The fuel savings themselves can support a large programme of concreting. Cement concrete roads save a substantial quantity of stone aggregates and this factor must be considered when a choice pavement is made, Concrete roads can withstand extreme weather conditions – wide ranging temperatures, heavy rainfall and water logging. Though cement concrete roads may cost slightly more than a flexible pavement initially, they are economical when whole-lifecosting is considered. Reduction in the cost of concrete pavements can be brought about by developing semi-selfcompacting concrete techniques and the use of closely spaced thin joints. Research and development R&D efforts should be initiated in this area Keywords—Rigid Pavement, Design Wheel Road, Thickness. Introduction The housing Over past fifty years, a large proportion of India’s villages remain unconnected by all -weather road. Renewed efforts can be made to overcome this deficiency. The Indian Roads Congress has recently brought out a Manual for Rural Roads (IRC: SP: 20-2002), which gives details of planning, design and construction rural roads. It is observed that rural roads have a very low volume of traffic, consisting mostly of rural transport vehicles like, agricultural tractors/trailers, Concrete pavements offer an alternative to flexible pavements especially where the soil strength is poor, the aggregates are costly and drainage conditions are bad (as in portions of the roads passing through village and water – logged areas). The choice depends on these factors and the life – cycle cost. Concrete pavements may be conventional screed– compacted pavements. Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements (RCCP) or Interlocking Concrete Pavements (ICP). NCICE@2016
Required provision for Concrete Pavements Despite the above facts, long time research and high level well wishers concrete roads are still only 2% in the country. Every year, there are many seminars in the country which give emphasis over the use of Concrete roads. In PMGSY also, a separate code has been issued to design the concrete roads. But the percentage of concrete roads is less than 2% in this Yojana also. First of all it is to be understood why concrete roads fall? 1. Concrete required even days curing. At least for one day, nothing should ply over the pavement. But in actual, people feel that it wastage of their time. So like on bituminous pavements, they start playing the vehicles over concrete pavements also. 2. Some researchers have proposed thin bituminous section without using steel in it. Such sections may suit thin lanes where only scooters or cars are plying but on rural roads or highways, where there is no control over loading, these concrete roads are bound to fail. 3. Concrete roads cannot be compared with concrete beams, columns or slabs where sufficient curing time is available and the load over that comes after gaining sufficient strength. So considering the above facts it can be concluded that Concrete roads should not flagged as cheaper roads. Rather they should be announced as good roads. If one has sufficient funds and he traffic can be diverted for sufficient time only then, concrete roads will go on failing and blame will go to the technology rather than construction deficiencies. Design Calculation for Rigid Pavement for Ainachivadi road The traffic volume for Ainachiwadi road is 38 vehicle/day calculated in table 1 of previous chapter and C.B.R value is 3.76 know. Using these value designed rigid pavement. Design wheel load The legal axle load in India being 102KN, the pavement may be designed for a wheel load of 51KN. However, for link roads serving isolated village the traffic consist of agricultural tractors and trailers and light commercial vehicles only, a design wheel load of 30KN may be considered. Therefore provide wheel load for case study road is 30KN. (IRC: SP: 62 - 2004) K value: From table 1of part-I the K value corresponding C.B.R.3.76 is 33.32×10-3 N/mm2/mm (IRC: SP: 62 - 2004) Table 1 Approximate K Value Corresponding To CBR Values (IRC SP 62 2002) Soaked CBR %
K value N/mm2 / mm x 10–3
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International Journal of Engineering Research Volume No.5, Issue Special 1 pp : 242-246 Step 1: The first Sub-base: Where the traffic is light and pavement is designed for a wheel load of 30KN, the thickness of the sub base may be reduced to 75 mm. The WBM and granular sub – base surface is finished smoothly. Provide a 75 mm thick W.B.M. course Effective K value: When the above type of sub – case is provided, the effective k value may be taken as 20% more than the k value of the sub – grade. Sub base is provided, K value can be increased by 20% (IRC: SP 62-2004) Effective K value= 1.2×33.32×10-3 = 39.98×10-3N/mm3 = 40×10-3N/mm3 Concrete strength: Since, concrete pavement fail due to bending stresses, it is necessary that their design is based on the flexural strength of concrete. Where there are no facilities for determining the flexural strength the mix design may be carried out using the compressive strength values and the following relationship. ff – 07 √ fc…………………..(IRC: SP 62-2004) Where, ff = flexural strength, N/mm2 fc = characteristic compressive strength values, N/mm2. If the flexural strength observed from laboratory tests is higher than the value given in the above formula, the same is used. (IRC: SP 62-2004) For rural roads, it is suggested that the 90 – day strength be used for design instead of 28 day strength as the traffic develops only after the lapse of a period of time. The 90 day flexural strength may be taken as 1.20 times the 28 – day flexural strength or as determined from laboratory tests. Heavy traffic should not be allowed for 90 days. Adopt 28 days compressive strength 30MPa
ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print) 8 & 9 Jan 2016 Design Charts (Fig 1of part-I) give ready – to – use design charts for calculations of load stress in the edge and of rigid pavement slabs for a wheel load of 30 KN.(IRC: SP: 62-2004) For K= 40×10-3 N/mm3 Where, K=0.04 N/mm3, Thickness =150mm (from fig 1of part-I) Edge load stress = 5.1MPa Temperature stress M.H. = Δt =17.30C, for 150 mm thickness Ainachiwadi road is of single lane so, in single lane road there is no need of longitudinal joint Assuming contraction joint spacing of 3.75m and 3.75m width, the radius of relative stiffness of ‘l’ is as under. L=3750mm, B=3750mm, l=radius of relative stiffness= Eh3/12(1-u2) k] Where, E=3×104N/mm2, h=150mm, µ=0.15mm, K=40×10-3 N/mm2/mm, l=701.61mm L/l =3750/701.61=5.34, L/l =3750/701.61=5.34 For L/l=5.34, Bradbury's coefficient=C=0.788 When C=0788 and =17.30c Using chart (fig 2) (IRC:SP:62-2004) σte= 2.04MPa OR σte= c =2.04MPa Total stress= Edge load stress +Temperature stress =5.1+2.04 =7.14MPa flexural strength (4.6MPa)........ (Hence unsafe) Total stress is greater than 4.6MPa Hence thickness 150mm assumed is unsafe.
28 days flexural strength fc =0.7 Fc] =3.834 MPa(IRC: SP 622004) 90 days flexural strength = 1.2 × 3.834 = 4.6 MPa Thickness Critical Stress Condition: Concrete pavements in service are subjected to stresses due to variety of factors, acting simultaneously. The factors commonly considered for design of pavement thickness are traffic loads and temperature variations, as the two are additive. The effects of smaller magnitude would ordinarily relieve the temperature effects to some extent and are not normally considered critical thickness design. His purpose of analysis, three different regions is recognized in a pavement slab corner, edge and interior – which react differently from one another to the effect of temperature differentials, as load application. Try a thickness A) Try a thickness of 150 mm:
Fig 1 Edge Load Stress For Wheel Load Of 30 KN (Proposed) B) Try a thickness of 200 mm
Edge load stress: Edge load stress: NCICE@2016
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International Journal of Engineering Research Volume No.5, Issue Special 1 pp : 242-246 K value = 33.32×10-3 Effective K value = 1.2×33.32×10-3 =39.98×10-3N/mm3 =40×10-3N/mm3 For K= 40×10-3 N/mm3and thickness 200m from fig.1 edge load stress is3.1MPa Temperature stress: M.H. =190C, for 200 mm thickness In single lane road there is no need of longitudinal joint. Assuming contraction joint spacing of 3.75m and 3.75m width, the radius of Relative stiffness of ‘l’ is as under. L=3750mm, B=3750mm, l=radius of relative stiffness, = Eh3/12(1-u2)k] Where, E=3×104N/mm2, h=200mm, µ=0.15mm, K=35.62×103 N/mm2/mm, l=870.57mm L/l =3750/870.61=4.31, L/l =3750/870.31=4.31 For L/l=4.31, Bradbury's coefficient=C=0.457 Using chart (fig. 2) (IRC: SP: 62-2004) When, C=0.457 and σte=1.3MPa OR
σte= c = σ te= 0.457 σte=1.30MPa Total stress= Edge load stress +Temperature stress =3.1+1.30 =4.4MPa flexural strength (4.6MPa)........ (Hence safe) Total stress is less than 4.6MPa Hence thickness 200mm assumed is safe.
ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print) 8 & 9 Jan 2016 Cost Estimate and Rate Analysis for Rigid Road construction Table 2 Lead Charge Statement Sr. no.
1 2 3
Total lead (km)
Initial lead charges
Deduct initial lead charges of 5km
Net lead charges(3-4)
Cement Sand Aggregate
20 45 50
216.68 665.05 729.38
120.18 168.25 168.25
141.50 496.80 561.13
Table 3 Measurement Sheet Item 1 M-20
No 2 1
L (m) 3 1020
B (m) 4 3
D(m) 5 0.20
Quantity (m3) 6 612
Rate analysis for P.C.C (proposed) Rate for completed item including labor charges is Rs 4081 per cubic meter (as per D.S.R) considering initial lead 5km Add extra lead charges as below for M20. 1) Aggregate 0.82×516.13 =460.13 2) Sand 0.41×496.80 =203.69 3) Cement 0.345×141.50 =48.82 Total =4793.64 Add 10.5% for hilly area = 503.33 Total =5296.97 Add 1% labor welfare = 52.97 Total =5349.94per m3 Table 4 Abstract Sheet Sr. no 1 1 Say
Item work 2 M-20
Rate per m3
3 5349.94
4 612
Total Amount (Rs) (3×4) 5 32,74,163.28 32,74.200
for rigid pavement design accept PCC course all other work like earth work, Road Furniture, Hume Pipes C. D. Work 1000 dia, 2 Row, 1 Nos, Ch–0/495 km, Hume Pipes C. D. Work 1000 dia, 1 Row, 3 Nos, Ch–0/390, 0/440, 0/630 km etc. are same. detailed estimation are given below. Table 5 Cost Estimate for Rigid Road Construction (Proposed)
Fig 2 Design Chart for Calculation of Temperature Stress (Proposed)
Sub Estimate a) Earthwork b) PCC M20 d) Road Furniture e) Hume Pipes C. D. Work 1000 dia, 2 Row, 1 Nos, Ch–0/495 km f) Hume Pipes C. D. Work 1000 dia, 1 Row, 3 Nos, Ch–0/390, 0/440, 0/630 km g) RCC Gutter at crossing h) Add for Surveying Chages 10,000/–/ Km. x 1.20 km i) Bhumipujan and Opening Ceremony Lump sum Total Say total
doi : 10.17950/ijer/v5i1/058
Amount Rs. 8,59,457.00 Rs. 32,74.200 Rs.28,401.00 Rs. 1,24,805.00 Rs.1,87,207.50 Rs.34,561.00 Rs.10,200.00 Rs.10,000.00 Rs. 45,46,863 Rs. 45,46,900
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International Journal of Engineering Research Volume No.5, Issue Special 1 pp : 242-246 Cost Estimate for Road Maintenance of rigid pavement is negligible as compare to flexible pavement this includes clearing the loose soil, maintenance of drains includes erosion, repair, cleaning, white wash of the two coats on parapet walls and tree trucks etc. life of rigid pavement is long. So doesn’t calculate. Maintenance Cost Estimate for Rigid Road Construction A semi-rigid and rigid/roller compacted concrete pavements (RCCP) pavement normally does not require any major maintenance, except maintenance of joints and riding surface only, when it is meticulously designed and constructed with precision for the designed traffic .It is essential to examine the reasons for appearance of cracks, before any available repair measure is adopted. The condition of a pavement structure must be known, prior to attempting its repairs or maintenance. To know the condition of pavement structure, it is necessary to carry out its structural and functional evaluation to examine the various factors, which contribute to its failure or distress. There may be different types of distress in cement concrete pavements. These distresses contribute many types of cracking, e.g., corner cracking, longitudinal, transversal cracking, shrinkage cracking and elastic cracking. Warping of slabs, scaling and spelling of joints. In case of RCCP and semi rigid materials, there are very less quantity of shrinkage cracking as very less quantity of water is required for the construction of both the pavements. For the calculation of maintenance of rigid pavement and values are calculated and tabulated in Table 6, 7and 8. There are two type maintenance Ordinary repairs (Annual) and Maintenance& renewal (5 yearly). From the Table 9.10 Ordinary repairs (Annual) for rigid pavement is Rs.6000 per year per km so for Ainachivadi road it is Rs.6120 and Maintenance& renewal (5 yearly) is Rs.10000per year per km so Ainachivadi road it is Rs.10000×1.02=10200. Due inflection in every year money value increases, so to calculated it by formula(ref.18) and tabulated in Table 6, 7 and 8 as below. Fv = Pv (1+K)n Where, Fv = Future value in ‘n’ years Pv = Amount today (Present Value) K = Interest Rate per year, here K is 10% N = Number of years for which compounding is done Table 6 Maintenance Cost Estimation of Ainachiwadi for Rigid Road Pavement of 1to 10 Years Year
Ordinary Maintenance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6,120 6,732 7,405 8,146 8,960 9,856 10,842 11,926 13,119 14,430
Periodical renewal after 2 years -
Maintenance and renewal after 5 years
Total Amount in Rs.
10,200 16,427
6,120 6,732 7405 8,146 19,160 98,56 10,842 11,926 13,119 30,857
ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print) 8 & 9 Jan 2016 Table 7 Maintenance Cost Estimation of Ainachiwadi For Rigid Road Pavement of 11 to 20 Years Year
Ordinary Maintenance
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
15,874 17,761 19,207 21,127 23,240 25,565 28,121 30,933 34,027 37,429
Periodical renewal after 2 years -
Maintenance and renewal after 5 years 26,456 42,608
Total Amount in Rs. 15,873 17,461 19,207 21,127 49,696 25,565 28,121 30,933 34,026 80,037
Table 8 Maintenance Cost Estimation of Ainachivadi For Rigid Road Pavement of 21 to 30 Years Year
Ordinary Maintenance
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
45,289 49,818 54,800 60,280 66,308 72,939 80,233 88,256 97,082 1,06,790
Periodical renewal after 2 years -
Maintenance and renewal after 5 years
Total Amount in Rs.
68,620 1,10,514
45,289 49,818 54,800 60,280 1,34,928 72,939 80,233 88,256 97,082 2,17,304
Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Rigid Pavement The life cycle cost includes the cost of construction and maintenance of the road for a specified period. Thus the construction cost from Table 10.5 and maintenance cost taken from the Table 10.6, 10.7 and 10.8 for the chosen period of life, together gives the life cycle cost. Therefore, it is useful to examine the life cycle cost of an alternative rather than the initial cost of construction alone. For the life cycle cost analysis present worth method is used, using formula (ref.18) calculation are done as below. After that cash flow diagram for that value is prepared in fig.10.3. Pv =Fv n Where, Fv = Future value in ‘n’ years Pv = Amount today (Present Value) k = Interest Rate per year, here K is 10% n = Number of years for which compounding is done
+7,4058,146[ +93,553[
0 + 6,120[
1 +6,732[
3 4 + 1, 24,435[
(Pv)5= 45,62,951
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International Journal of Engineering Research Volume No.5, Issue Special 1 pp : 242-246
(Pv)10=45,62,951+9,856[ +11,926[
ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print) 8 & 9 Jan 2016
8 + 13,119[
9 +30,857[
(Pv)10= 45,97,102
+ 21,128[ (Pv)15= 46,31,254
14 +49,696[
18 + 34,026[
19 +80,037[
however suitable treatment as per need is provided to these materials. The use of this locally available materialhas resulted in cost saving. 4) If road under case study is replaced by rigid pavement i.e. cement concrete pavement is costly but if thought about long life it is economical because low cost maintenance and utility is more. Construction cost of flexible pavement is Rs. 23, 76,688 and construction cost of rigid pavement is Rs. 45, 28,800 so it is concluded that initially concrete road required Rs. 21, 52,112 more. Life cycle cost analysis shows that after 20thyear rigid pavement show economy and utility.Hence concrete roads can be considered if sufficient funds are available at the time of construction. 5) Geotextile is one of new materials used in road construction. With help of geotextiles road pavement performance can be improved. It is used in road construction as a separator between two layers of pavement to resist intrusion of water from one to another. It is also used as good reinforcement material in embankment and slope; it is also useful in erosion control References
(Pv)20= 46,65,405
ii. iii. iv.
23 + 60,280[
24 +1,34,928[
(Pv)25= 47,02,338
vii. (Pv)30=47,02,338+72,939[
27 viii.
28 ix.
+ 97,082[
29 +2, 17,304[
x. xi.
(Pv)30= 47,39,217 xii.
Conclusions 1) Ainachiwadi road project is constructed in mountainous terrain. Alignment of road follows cart track. The soaked CBR value of sub grade soil along the alignment is 3.76 and traffic census are carried out gives CVPD as 24 vehicles per day. Due to the mountainous terrain, seven horizontal curves and one vertical (parabolic) curve is provided for the road. 2) Ruling design speed of 25km/hr is considered for geometric design. Accordingly roadway width of 6.0m and carriageway of 3.0m is provided. In Ainachiwadi region rainfall intensity is 1500mm and it is a mountainous terrain so cross drainage structures i.e. four pipe culverts are provided. 3) Locally available marginal materials murum and laterite are used in construction of sub-base courses and shoulders
xiii. xiv. xv. xvi.
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