convolved with a detector response function for a mode expansion with one THz mode ... help and programming tips he provided for the Mathematica® code ...
Design of ultra-broadband terahertz polymer waveguide emitters for telecom wavelengths using coupled mode theory Felipe A. Vallejo* and L. Michael Hayden Department of Physics, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland 21250, USA *
Abstract: We use coupled mode theory, adequately incorporating optical losses, to model ultra-broadband terahertz (THz) waveguide emitters (0.120 THz) based on difference frequency generation of femtosecond infrared (IR) optical pulses. We apply the model to a generic, symmetric, five-layer, metal/cladding/core waveguide structure using transfer matrix theory. We provide a design strategy for an efficient ultra-broadband THz emitter and apply it to polymer waveguides with a nonlinear core composed of a poled guest-host electro-optic polymer composite and pumped by a pulsed fiber laser system operating at 1567 nm. The predicted bandwidths are greater than 15 THz and we find a high conversion efficiency of 1.2 × 10−4 W−1 by balancing both the modal phase-matching and effective mode attenuation. ©2013 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (190.4390) Nonlinear optics, integrated optics; (320.7110) Ultrafast nonlinear optics; (300.6495) Spectroscopy, terahertz.
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1. Introduction A widely used method to produce ultra-broadband terahertz (THz) pulses is to mix the frequency components of infrared (IR) femtosecond (fs) pulses through difference frequency generation (DFG) in organic and inorganic crystals [1,2]. Pulsed fiber laser systems operating at telecom wavelengths are compact and have the potential to provide portable ultrabroadband THz sources outside the laboratory. However, these systems are power limited and only a few materials are well phase-matched at these wavelengths for generation in a broadband THz range (DAST, electro-optic (EO) polymers [1]). Poled EO guest-host polymer
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Received 12 Dec 2012; revised 20 Feb 2013; accepted 22 Feb 2013; published 1 Mar 2013
11 March 2013 / Vol. 21, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5843
films are attractive since their material properties are tunable and provide an inexpensive alternative to crystal based ultra-broadband THz emitters. Unfortunately, these EO composites are somewhat absorptive in the THz range. In addition, to achieve maximum conversion when using them as bulk emitters the IR radiation must be polarized parallel to the poling direction, normal to the film surface. This slanted geometry results in a non-optimal overlap of the input IR polarization with the emitter nonlinearity. Guided wave geometries can overcome this restriction. Many structures have been proposed and some have been demonstrated for narrow-band nonlinear applications: THz generation through DFG [3–10] and four wave mixing [11], and plasmon enhanced and slow light second harmonic generation SHG [12–14]. Also, phase matching strategies have been successful for THz generation in collinear and non-collinear setups with approaches relying on velocity matching [15,16], quasi-phased matching [17], and mode matching (modal phase matching [18]) [3,4,19–24] strategies. Unfortunately, the bandwidths demonstrated in all these works are less than 3 THz. In this work, we report a model for ultra-broadband THz DFG with a frequency domain (FD) coupled mode theory (CMT), similar to [23]. The model is specially equipped to describe broadband applications since it is formulated in the FD and our expressions account for the contributions of all the possible frequency pairs in the pump spectrum that drive the DFG of single THz component. A novelty of our approach, different from [23], is that our CMT formulation is equipped to deal with lossy modes [8,13,25] and we account for higher order dispersion effects. Loss effects cannot be neglected in THz applications particularly if they include metallic structures. Group velocity dispersion effects must also be accounted for in structures with nonlinear cores whose dispersion curves present considerable curvature at the pumping wavelength; pump pulses coupled to the fundamental IR mode would broaden affecting the generated THz power spectra. Also, the CMT expressions that we derived are valid for an interaction between an arbitrary number of IR modes and THz modes. In previous works, references [3,23], the generation of THz pulses by self-frequency mixing of an IR fs pulse was described by single-IR-mode to single-THz-mode interactions. Furthermore, the time-domain formulations [3,9], are not adequate to describe broadband THz generation since they assume that the THz mode profiles remain constant across the THz spectrum, and higher order dispersion effects are usually neglected. We specifically give expressions for symmetric, five-layer, slab waveguides whose nonlinear core belongs to a ∞mm point symmetry class. We apply the transfer matrix theory and mode matching methods to solve for the complex propagation constants [26–28]. A symmetric, five-layer, slab waveguide, Fig. 1(a), similar to the one reported in [19], has the ideal geometry for exploiting the EO polymer nonlinearity, achieving good phasematching conditions and managing THz attenuation. The two metal capping layers help confine the modes involved in the interaction. The IR pump is coupled to the fundamental TM mode that is bounded inside the EO core and entirely polarized parallel to the poling direction. The THz radiation is collected by the fundamental TEM-like mode that extends spatially in the entire core/cladding section of the waveguide. The low loss cladding layers help mitigate both the high THz losses introduced by the lossy core and metal capping layers. Using a design strategy where the conversion between a single-IR-mode and a single-THz -mode is optimized, we demonstrate an efficient broadband THz emitter (>15 THz) composed of a symmetric five-layer slab waveguide with the core composed of the guest-host EO composite DAPC (in the appendix we demonstrate how our theory allows for modeling the conversion of two IR pump modes into a single THz mode and use that result to verify the output from a previous experimental demonstration by Cao et. al. [19],). In DAPC, guest EO chromophores DCDHF-6-V (inset Fig. 1(b)) are embedded in an amorphous polycarbonate (APC) matrix host at 40% mass ratio. For our computation we assumed a pulsed fiber laser pump operating at 1567 nm with a pulse width of 47-fs, 100 MHz repetition rate and with a bandwidth extending from (1504 to 1630) nm. Our results show wide bandwidths greater than
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Received 12 Dec 2012; revised 20 Feb 2013; accepted 22 Feb 2013; published 1 Mar 2013
11 March 2013 / Vol. 21, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5844
2 1.2 × 10−4W −1 . This 15 THz and a maximum conversion efficiency of ηTHz = PTHz / Ppump
efficiency is higher than previously proposed narrow band DFG THz waveguide emitters with η ≤ 8 × 10−5W −1 [5,8,9], and those broadband THz waveguide emitters previously demonstrated, η < 7 × 10−7 W −1 [19–22,24]. Modifying the waveguide dimensions allows tuning both modal effective indices to achieve better phase-matching and lower loss conditions for this single mode to single mode DFG interaction. 2. Theory 2.1 Frequency domain coupled mode theory
" " ! r, ! ) Consider a nonlinear medium interacting with electromagnetic radiation and denote E( the Fourier transform of the electric field E( r ,t) . Using the CMT approach the solution to the
perturbed problem E! can be expanded as iβ z iβ (ω ) z = ∑E le l . E = ∑ Al (z)eˆl (r⊥ ,ω )e l
iβ (ω ) z Here eˆl (r⊥ ,ω )e l are the modes of the waveguide structure when the nonlinearity is not " present, i.e. P!NL = 0 . The ! l 's are the mode constants, the eˆl 's are the mode profile functions,
is the longitudinal direction of propagation and r⊥ is the transverse position component. Using the Lorentz reciprocity theorem together with a mirror symmetry operation it can be satisfy the following relation [8,25] proved that the amplitude functions
∂ Al (z,ω ) iω e− iβl z = ∂z Pl (ω ) Here
Pl (ω ) = 2 ∫ dr⊥ zˆ ⋅( eˆl ,⊥ × hˆl ,⊥ ) , eˆl ,⊥ S
∫ (eˆ S
l ,⊥
− eˆl ,z ) ⋅ PNL (ω )dr⊥ .
and eˆl ,z are the transverse and longitudinal
components of the mode profile, and S is the cross-sectional area of the nonlinear section in the waveguide. Different from other coupled mode theories it is worth noting that this version holds even in the case of lossy materials where both the mode constants β l = k0 N eff ,l + iα l / 2 and the mode profiles are complex. The time-domain electric field is given by r ,ω )e− iω t + cc. = ∑ dω E l ei( βl (ω ) z−ω t ) + cc.. E( r ,t) = ∫ dω E( ∫
If we consider only second order processes and assume that the nonlinearity acts instantaneously we find from Eqs. (1) and (3) that the nonlinear polarization is given by, P NL (t) = 0 χ (2) : E( r ,t) E( r ,t) = ∫ dΩPNL (Ω)e− iΩt i(( β +β ) z−(ω +ω ′ )t ) * i(( β −β ) z−(ω −ω ′ )t ) = 0 ∫ dω dω ′∑ χ (2) : [El El′ e l l′ + El El′ e l l′ + cc.]. l ,l ′
(4) The generation of THz pulses through difference frequency mixing is due to the second term (2) in the last equation, PDFG . The first term is responsible for SHG and we will neglect it here.
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Received 12 Dec 2012; revised 20 Feb 2013; accepted 22 Feb 2013; published 1 Mar 2013
11 March 2013 / Vol. 21, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5845
(2) To extract the PDFG we perform the following change in variable, (ω ,ω ′ ) → (Ω ≡ ω − ω ′,ω ) , the Jacobian of this transformation is 1 and
* i( β −β ) z (2) ∞ (Ω) = 0 ∑ ∫ dωχ (2) : E l E l′ e l l′ . PDFG l ,l ′
If there are N modes involved in the interaction, N coupled first order partial differential equations can be derived describing the interaction. From Eqs. (2) and (5), we find that the THz mode amplitudes are given by,
∂ AmTHz (z,Ω) i Ω ∞ = 0 ∫ d ω ∑ eiΔβ (ω ,Ω) z AlIR (z,ω ) AlIR′ (z,ω − Ω)* Κ lm,l ' (Ω,ω ). ∂z Pm (Ω) 0 l ,l ′ where the phase-mismatch is given by
Κ lm,l ' (Ω,ω ) = ∫
d A eˆm,⊥ − eˆm,z ⋅ χ (2) (Ω;ω ,ω − Ω) : eˆl eˆl*′ .
Equation (7) measures the coupling strength since it is proportional to χ(2) and to the overlap integral among the modes involved in the interaction. Note that Eq. (6) accounts for all the contributions of all the possible frequency pairs in the pump spectrum that drive the DFG of a single THz component, even when multiple IR modes are involved, which is a noted difference to our approach compared to previous descriptions in the literature. 2.2 TM to TM conversion for
point symmetry class nonlinearities
�1 Χ�2� xxx �pm V �
80 60 DAPC 40 �
1.4 1.6 Λ �Μm�
Fig. 1. (a) Symmetric five-layer slab waveguide. The arrows represent the dipole moment of (2) , vs. wavelength for DAPC in the the chromophores. (b) Second order susceptibility, χ xxx telecom range. Inset shows the chemical structure of the chromophore used in DAPC.
Up to now the theory is completely general. However, Eq. (7) varies depending on the nonlinear material used in the DFG interaction and the specific geometry of the waveguide. For the symmetric five-layer slab waveguide (Fig. 1(a)) we choose the nonlinear core to be made of a poled EO guest-host polymer composite. This material falls into the ∞mm point symmetry class. We take the x-axis to be the polar axis, which coincides with the polinginduced macroscopic dipole moment (arrows in Fig. 1(a)). The nonzero tensor components (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) = χ zzx = χ zxz = χ xzz , χ (2) , χ (2) and χ xyy [29]. To access the under this convention are χ xxx yyx yxy maximum nonlinearity we will assume that the input IR beam is injected with its polarization parallel to the poling direction, i.e. the IR beam is x polarized. Since the birefringence effects for EO composites are generally small for IR wavelengths we can assume IR radiation will couple to a TM mode and we set E y = 0 , then
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Received 12 Dec 2012; revised 20 Feb 2013; accepted 22 Feb 2013; published 1 Mar 2013
11 March 2013 / Vol. 21, No. 5 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5846
* (2) (2) (2) (2) χ (2) : E l E l′ = ( χ xxx El ,x El*′ ,x + χ xzz El ,z El*′ ,z ) xˆ + ( χ zzx El ,z El*′ ,x + χ zxz El ,x El*′ ,z ) zˆ.
PDFG (Ω) has only x and z components (in the plane of incidence), hence the DFG interaction favors a TM to TM conversion. Typically for EO materials what is measured is the value of (2) χ ijk rij,k ; rij,k the tensor is related to by the EO tensor (2) χ ijk (ω ;ω ,0) = −ni (ω )2 n j (ω )2 rij,k (ω ) / 2 [29,30]. However, these χ (2) values correspond to
the EO process where ω = ω + 0 . We must compute the values of χ (2) that correspond to difference frequency generation χ (2) (Ω;ω ,Ω − ω ) ; here THz frequencies are denoted by and the IR frequencies are denoted by . Since !