This document provides standards for all electrical schematic diagrams for the
LHC and ..... Title blocks differ slightly depending on the CAD application used for
LHC Project Document No.
LHC-PM-QA-403.00 rev 1.0
CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland
CERN Div./Group or Supplier/Contractor Document No.
EDMS Document No.
Large Hadron Collider
Date: 2000-07-05
Quality Assurance Standard
Abstract This document provides standards for all electrical schematic diagrams for the LHC and its detectors. It covers: ! High and low voltage distribution diagrams. ! Relay and automatism diagrams. ! Lighting, power and earth protection diagrams. ! LHC main ring magnets cabling diagrams. ! Cooling and ventilation relay and automatism diagrams.
Prepared by :
Checked by :
Approved by :
Martial Dujardin ST/EL
[email protected] Joaquin Inigo-Golfin ST/CV
[email protected]
LHC Quality Assurance Working Group
Paul Faugeras Deputy to LHC Project Leader for Quality Assurance
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History of Changes Rev. No.
Description of Changes
0.1 draft
1st draft submitted to QAWG for comments
0.2 draft
2nd draft submitted to QAWG for comments
References corrected. Released following QAWG meeting.
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Table of Contents 1.
PURPOSE ............................................................................................. 4
POLICY ................................................................................................ 4
SCOPE.................................................................................................. 4
RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................. 4
5. 5.1 5.2 5.3
DRAWING PREPARATION - GENERAL .................................................... 5 DRAWING SIZES .................................................................................. 5 TITLE BLOCK ....................................................................................... 5 MODIFICATION LIST ............................................................................. 6
6. 6.1 6.2
NUMBERING SCHEMES ......................................................................... 6 DIAGRAMS PRODUCED BY ST/EL............................................................. 7 DIAGRAMS PRODUCED BY ST/CV ............................................................ 7
7. 7.1 7.2
ARCHIVING PROCESS ........................................................................... 7 ST/EL ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS................................................................ 7 ST/CV ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS ............................................................... 8
8. 8.1
HIGH AND LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION UNIFILAR DIAGRAMS ........... 8 FILE NAMING CONVENTION.................................................................... 8
9. 9.1
RELAY AND AUTOMATISM DIAGRAMS ................................................... 8 FILE NAMING CONVENTION.................................................................... 8
10. LIGHTING, POWER AND EARTH PROTECTION DIAGRAMS ...................... 9 10.1 FILE NAMING CONVENTION.................................................................... 9 11. LHC MAIN RING MAGNETS CABLING DIAGRAMS.................................... 9 12. COOLING AND VENTILATION RELAY AND AUTOMATISM DIAGRAMS .... 10 12.1 FILE NAMING CONVENTION...................................................................10 13. RELATED DOCUMENTATION ................................................................ 10 14. ANNEXES ........................................................................................... 10
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1. PURPOSE To provide standards for all electrical schematic diagrams for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its detectors.
2. POLICY All electrical schematic diagrams for the LHC project shall be created with a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system, in accordance with the general quality assurance policy of the LHC project. The CAD systems used for electrical schematic diagrams prepared at CERN are AutoCAD1, the AutoCAD add-on application Alpage-Elec2, and SEE 30002. All electrical schematic diagrams prepared at CERN, and referenced in a CERN contractual document, shall incorporate the appropriate CERN title block. The drawing tittle shall be written in English only or English and French. All electrical schematics diagrams shall be stored in the CERN Drawing Directory (CDD) with the relevant descriptive information and identified by a unique drawing number defined in accordance with the CERN Drawing Directory rules as described in the “CDD Manual”[ 1 ]. Diagrams may be stored as Hewlett Packard Graphic Language (HPGL) plot files and native CAD files or as HPGL plot files only. All electrical schematic diagrams shall be submitted to a review and approval process before being released as described in "Drawing Management and Control", [ 2 ]. New versions of released diagrams shall be submitted to the same review and approval process as the original diagrams.
3. SCOPE This standard is applicable to: All electrical schematic diagrams for the LHC and its detectors. This includes: ! High and low voltage distribution schematic diagrams. ! Relay, wiring and automatism schematic diagrams. ! Lighting, power and earth protection schematic diagrams. ! LHC main ring magnets cabling schematic diagrams. ! Cooling and ventilation relay and automatism diagrams.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES Managers, Supervisors and Project Engineers (PE) at CERN working on the LHC Project are responsible for: ! Ensuring that designers and draughtsman are aware of and understand the procedures described in the present document. ! Ensuring that these design standards are fully implemented in their design.
– 1 2
AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. Alpage-Elec and SEE 3000 are registered trademarks of Ige-Xao
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LHC-PM-QA-403.00 rev 1.0 Page 5 of 14 ! Ensuring that industrial support personnel assigned to CAD design and drafting activity is suitably trained and has been informed of CERN practices before starting work. Every designer and draughtsman is responsible for producing diagrams in compliance with these design standards. The ST Division is responsible for the definition of equipment codes used for electrical schematic diagrams. Equipment codes for LHC equipment have to be approved by the LHC Co-ordinator for equipment codes [ 3 ]. The diagrams in the categories below are produced under the responsibility of the ST Division Electrical Engineering and Telecom group (ST/EL). ! High and low voltage distribution schematic diagrams. ! Relay, wiring and automatism schematic diagrams. ! Lighting, power and earth protection schematic diagrams. ! LHC main ring magnets cabling schematic diagrams. Cooling and ventilation relay and automatism diagrams are produced under the responsibility of the ST Division Cooling and Ventilation group (ST/CV).
5. DRAWING PREPARATION - GENERAL 5.1 DRAWING SIZES Unless otherwise specified all diagrams shall be made on one of the following International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard sizes: Horizontal
A0 (1189 x 841 mm) A1 (841 x 594 mm) A2 (594 x 420 mm) A3 (420 x 297 mm)
A4 (297 x 210 mm)
5.2 TITLE BLOCK Title blocks differ slightly depending on the CAD application used for preparing the diagram, but they are in all cases compatible with CDD. TITLE
The diagram‘s title in English or in English and French
As described in chapter 6.
The code of the quality assurance category (1 char), see [ 4 ]
The 2nd digit of the size (3 for size A3)
The 2nd letter of the revision index
The author’s initial and surname
The date of creation of the drawing in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)
Used only for lighting, power and earth protection diagrams
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Figure 1 - Title block of a lighting diagram
Figure 2 - Title block of a single line diagram
5.3 MODIFICATION LIST A new line has to be added to the modification list of diagrams for each revision, with the following data: INDEX
The 2nd letter of the revision index.
Date of the modification
Initial and surname of the author of the modification
The location of the modification (1 char + 1 digit)
The Engineering Change Request (ECR) number of the modification or a text describing the modification(s)
Figure 3 - Diagram modification list
6. NUMBERING SCHEMES The numbering scheme for electrical schematic diagrams is derived from the scheme in use for LHC drawings. However deviations are introduced to take into account the specific needs related to electrical diagrams.
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6.1 DIAGRAMS PRODUCED BY ST/EL A deviation is introduced in the use of the sequential number which is 3 digits long instead of 4. The digit freed in this way is used for a geographical location code. The structure of the drawing number is: Project code:
A project identification code. For the LHC project the code is LHC
Equipment code:
An LHC equipment code (5 chars/digits). See annex A1.
A geographical location code (1 digit)
A sequential number (3 digits).
L H C E B L _ _ 5 0 1 4 Note: Equipment codes shorter than 5 chars/digits shall be completed with underscores (_).
6.2 DIAGRAMS PRODUCED BY ST/CV The position normally used for the equipment code is replaced by a 1 character system code followed by a 4 digit building number. The structure of the drawing number is: Project code:
A project identification code. For the LHC project the code is LHC
An LHC system identification code. E for electrical system.
A building number (4 digits).
A sequential number (4 digits).
L H C E 2 6 8 4 0 0 0 1 7. ARCHIVING PROCESS Electrical diagrams are archived in CDD as HPGL plot files. The process is described below. Native CAD files of ST/CV diagrams are also stored in CDD.
7.1 ST/EL ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS A plot file in HPGL2 format is prepared and placed in a sub-directory of the directory SRV4_DIV\drawings\DRAWINGS\ELEC\HPGL\. This sub-directory, and the plot file it contains, are named in accordance with the following convention: Sub-directory name
File name
LHC Project Document No.
LHC-PM-QA-403.00 rev 1.0 Page 8 of 14 DOPRJ:
A design office code (2 digits) concatenated with a project code (3 chars)
The equipment code (5 chars/digits)
The geographical location code (1 digit)
The second to fourth digits of the diagram sequential number-3 digits
Example: The plot file of the drawing LHCEBL___5004 is named EBL5004.plt and stored in the sub-directory SRV4_DIV\drawings\DRAWINGS\ELEC\HPGL\77LHC\. Only the last version of the plot file is stored in this directory.
7.2 ST/CV ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS A plot file in HPGL2 format is prepared; it is named and stored following the convention described in section 12.1 with the exception of the file extension which is PLT instead of DWG.
8. HIGH AND LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION UNIFILAR DIAGRAMS High and low voltage distribution single line diagrams are prepared with the CAD system Alpage Elec which will be replaced by SEE 3000 in the future. They are drawn as a single folio in the sizes A0 to A4. They shall be prepared in accordance to the to International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60364-1 (1992-10) standards, [ 5 ] and (IEC) 60617 standards, [ 8 ], as well as to CERN Safety Instructions IS23 [ 6 ] and IS24 [ 7 ].
8.1 FILE NAMING CONVENTION The native CAD files are stored on the NICE server SRV3_DIV, in the directory ST_EL\BE\AE4_V4. A sub-directory is created for each diagram containing all the files related to that diagram. This sub-directory is named in accordance with Alpage-Elec constraints: 5 alphanumeric characters (1 letter followed by 4 digits) Example: ST_EL\BE\AE4_V4\M0002
9. RELAY AND AUTOMATISM DIAGRAMS Relay and automatism schematic diagrams are prepared with the CAD systems Alpage Elec and SEE 3000. Diagrams supplied by contractors may be prepared with AutoCAD. They are drawn as multi-folios in A3 size. They shall be prepared in accordance to the to International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60364-1 (1992-10) [ 5 ] and (IEC) 60617-1 (1985-01) [ 8 ] standards, as well as to CERN Safety Instructions IS23 [ 6 ] and IS24 [ 7 ].
As described in chapter 6.1
SEE 3000:
The native CAD files are stored on the NICE server SRV3_DIV, in the directory ST_EL\BE\SEE3000. A sub-directory is created for each drawing containing all the files related to that drawing.
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LHC-PM-QA-403.00 rev 1.0 Page 9 of 14 Example: ST_EL\BE\SEE3000\71LHC\EM3001
10. LIGHTING, POWER AND EARTH PROTECTION DIAGRAMS Lighting, power and earth protection schematic diagrams are combinations of an electrical schematic diagram and an equipment installation layout. They are prepared with AutoCAD. The parts list of equipment is prepared with the help of a CERN developed AutoCAD application named ATT_TAB. This application is described in the document “Etude et développement d’applications dans l’environnement DAO AutoCAD pour l’aide à la gestion d’études électriques" written by A. Croissant in 1992. They shall be prepared in accordance to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60617 standards, [ 8 ], as well as to CERN Safety Instructions IS23, [ 6 ] and IS24, [ 7 ]. The following rules shall be respected when preparing a drawing: ! The schematic part is drawn on the layer "SCHEMA". ! The installation layout part is drawn on the layer "IMP". ! They are drawn using the symbols library available on the NICE server I:\SRV4_DIV\drawings\DRAWINGS\ELEC\BE_LHC\STANDARD\WB
10.1 FILE NAMING CONVENTION The native CAD files are stored on the NICE server SRV4_DIV\drawings\, in the directory DRAWINGS\ELEC\. A sub-directory is created for each set of diagrams. This sub-directory, and the drawing files it contains, are named in accordance with the following conventions: Sub-directory name:
File name:
where: DOPRJ:
Design office code (2 digits) concatenated with a project code (3chars)
Equipment code (5 chars/digits)
Geographical location code (1 digit) + sequential number (4 digits)
Standard AutoCAD file extension
Example: The file of the diagram LHCEBL__5004 is named EBL5004.DWG and is stored in the directory I:\SRV4_DIV\drawings\DRAWINGS\ELEC\77LHC\
11. LHC MAIN RING MAGNETS CABLING DIAGRAMS These schematic diagrams are made with AutoCAD. They follow the standards described in LHC-PM-QA-402.00 "Design Standards-Mechanical Engineering and Installations" except for the pen sizes and colours. They can only been printed on a colour plotter.
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12. COOLING AND VENTILATION RELAY AND AUTOMATISM DIAGRAMS Relay and automatism diagrams are prepared with the CAD systems ALPAGE ELEC and SEE 3000 both in A3 and A4 sizes. Diagrams supplied by contractors may be prepared with AutoCAD. They are drawn as multi-folios in A3 size. Diagrams shall be prepared in accordance to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60617 standards, [ 8 ].
12.1 FILE NAMING CONVENTION The native CAD files are stored on the NICE server SRV4_DIV\drawings\ in the directory DRAWINGS\LHC. A sub-directory is created for each building, containing all the files related to that building. This sub-directory is named according to the following convention: Sub-directory name
File name
where: EBLDG:
The character E followed by the building number(4 digits), total 5 digits
The first digit of the diagram sequential number-1 digit
The second to fourth digits of the diagram sequential number-3 digits
The Standard AutoCAD and Alpage Elec file extension
Example: The diagram numbered LHCE31820004 is stored in the directory: SRV4_DIV\drawings\DRAWINGS\LHC\E31820\E3182004.DWG
CDD Manual
[ 2 ] LHC-PM-QA-305.00
Drawing Management and Control
[ 3 ] LHC-PM-QA-204.00
Equipment Naming Conventions
[ 4 ] LHC-PM-QA-201.00
Quality Assurance Categories
[ 5 ] IEC 60364-1 (1992-10)
Electrical installations of buildings
[ 6 ] TIS IS23
Criteria and standard test methods for the selection of electric cables, wires and insulated parts with respect to fire safety and radiation resistance
[ 7 ] TIS IS24
Regulations applicable to electrical installations
[ 8 ] IEC 60617
Graphical symbols for diagrams
LHC equipment codes for AC electrical distribution
Example of an 18kV diagram
Example of a lighting schematic diagram
Example of a cooling and ventilation diagram
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EA : 400V, Assured by Diesel EAC__: 400V, Assured by Diesel, controls & protections EA___: 400V, Assured by Diesel, schematic diagram EB : 400V, general services EBC__: 400V, general services, controls & protections EBF__: 400V, general services, powering EBL__: 400V, general services, lighting EB__: 400V, general services, schematic diagram EC : 66kV, high voltage, schematic diagram & details EI : Miscellaneous (Earth circuits, cable ladders) EIE__: Earth circuits EIW__: Cable ladders EJ : >150V DC, battery circuits EJ___: >150V DC, battery circuits EK : 3.3 kV (& 6.3kV), normal network EKC__: 3.3 kV, normal network, controls & protections EK___: 3.3 kV, normal network, schematic diagram EL : 3.3 kV, safety network ELC__: 3.3 kV, safety network, controls & protections EL___: 3.3 kV, safety network, schematic diagram EM : 18kV, normal network EMC__: 18kV, normal network, controls & protections EM___: 18kV, normal network, schematic diagram EN : Transducer circuits (temp probes, ...) EN___: Transducer circuits EO : 230 or 400V, supplied from UPS EO___: 230 or 400V, supplied from UPS EP : 230V, anti-panic lighting EP___: 230V, anti-panic lighting EQ : 400V, for cryogenics EQ___: 400V, for cryogenics ER : 400V , for power converters and machine ER___: 400V, for power converters and machine ES : 400V, safety network (not cut by emergency stop) ES___: 400V, safety network (not cut by emergency stop) ET : Remote Control ET___: Remote control EU : Emergency stop circuits EU___: Emergency stop circuits EV : 400V for vacuum equipment EV___: 400V for vacuum equipment EW : 400V for cooling and ventilation EW___: 400V for cooling and ventilation EX : 400V for experience EX___: 400V for experience EY : Equipment layout in buildings and structures EY___: Equipment layout in buildings and structures EZ : 400V for radio frequency EZ___: 400V for radio frequency
Annex A.1: LHC equipment codes for AC electrical distribution
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Annex A.2: Example of an 18kV diagram
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Annex A.3: Example of a lighting schematic diagram
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Example of a cooling and ventilation diagram