Design Statement Contents Section 3. - Fairfield Parish Council

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basis for considering the numerous detailed design submissions that would be made to the Planning Authority. The 'Urban
Neighbourhood Plan Design Statement 2016 -2021

Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

Status of the Document The purpose of this document is to provide design guidance for any new development or extension/ alteration to existing properties within the Parish of Fairfield. It is to sit alongside the Central Bedfordshire Design Guide, ‘A Guide for Designing High Quality Developments’ produced by Central Bedfordshire Council in September 2014.

Drawings reproduced from the original Masterplan by courtesy of Thrive Architects (formerly Tetlow King).

“ Fairfield is a very unique place let’s not take that away! ”


Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

Aims and Objectives Fairfield is unique in many ways but perhaps its main feature is

“ Working with our community for a brighter future ”

the design of the buildings and the feel of the Parish as a whole. In a Parish survey carried out in 2014, 95% of residents felt that if there was any further development, then the existing look and feel of Fairfield should be retained. It is to meet that wish that this design statement has been prepared.

In February 2002 the then Mid Beds District Council

Bedfordshire County Council became

granted planning permission for the restoration

that Design Guide. It was used by all of the

and conversion of Fairfield Hospital and residential

developers and the planning authority in considering

development within its grounds to enable that restoration.

individual planning applications. It was the basis upon

The outline planning permission for the enabling

which the ‘look and feel’ of Fairfield has been achieved.

development required that a master plan and design

It was the basis upon which all the new housing since

guidance should be submitted to Mid Beds District Council

then has been designed and that is what Fairfield unique.

to guide the development of the site and to provide a basis for considering the numerous detailed design submissions that would be made to the Planning Authority.

When Fairfield Parish Council came into existence in April 2013 it became the local statutory consultee for the now Central Beds Council when considering planning

was questioned. Due to completion of the development

The ‘Urban Design Strategy’ produced by consultants

applications. In initial discussions with Central Beds

the document was considered redundant and was no

Tetlow King in partnership with Mid Beds DC and

Planning Officers the current status of that document

longer being used when considering applications.


Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

Build Form Strategy and Implementation

The built form strategy centred around the desire that the listed former hospital building and other traditional buildings in the surrounding area should provide examples and inspiration for the new development.

The strategy required that the built form should be simple and designed in a similar manner to the local vernacular. The built form detail that follows describes and details building components such as window openings, doors, roof eaves and verges that are to be found in the locale together with some distinctive details from the listed hospital building. These details should be the first point of reference for the designer. It is not intended that a slavish replication of these details is necessary, however alternative proposals must be in keeping with the design language.


“ We need to ensure that Fairfield stays just the way it is! ”

Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

Design Statement Contents Section 1.

Section 2.

Section 3.

Building Specifications

External Features and Public Areas

External Materials

1a. Brickworks

2a. Enclosures

3a. Materials

Building Specification Examples..................................... 8

Exterior Finishes / Furninshing Examples................ 22

Facing Brickwork............................................................... 38

Brickwork and Window Heads.................................... 10

Brick Walls........................................................................... 24

Roof Tiling............................................................................ 38

Window Heads, Reveals and Cills.............................. 11

Walls with Railings / Railings....................................... 26

Joinery................................................................................... 38

Brick Patterns and Gable Ventilators.......................... 12

Railings and Gates............................................................ 27

Rainwater Good................................................................. 38

Railings and Fencing........................................................ 28

Stonework............................................................................. 38

Timber Fencing................................................................... 29

Painted Brickwork and Render..................................... 38

Feature Gate Posts and Piers......................................... 30

External Services................................................................ 38

1b. Roofs Dentil Courses and Verge Details................................ 13 Verge and Eaves Details................................................. 14 Gable and Chimney Details.......................................... 15

2b. Public Areas

3b. Colour Palettes

Tree Guards......................................................................... 31

Street Furniture and Railings......................................... 39

Seating.................................................................................. 32

Door Options...................................................................... 39

Doors and Openings........................................................ 16

Seating, Bins and Bollards............................................. 33

Painted Brickwork.............................................................. 39

Local Forms.......................................................................... 17

Signage and Shelters....................................................... 34

Render................................................................................... 39

Dormer Windows.............................................................. 18

Street Lamps........................................................................ 35

1c. Doors, Openings & Windows

Picnic Tables........................................................................ 36 5

“ Fairfield is a great place to live so let’s keep it that way! ”

Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

1a. Brickworks Building Specification Examples..................................... 8

Section 1. Building Specifications

Brickwork and Window Heads.................................... 10 Window Heads, Reveals and Cills.............................. 11 Brick Patterns and Gable Ventilators.......................... 12 1b. Roofs Dentil Courses and Verge Details................................ 13 Verge and Eaves Details................................................. 14 Gable and Chimney Details.......................................... 15 1c. Doors, Openings and Windows Doors and Openings........................................................ 16 Local Forms.......................................................................... 17 Dormer Windows.............................................................. 18


Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

Building Specification Examples


In situ examples from around the Fairfield Parish, full specifications on the following pages.

Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

Building Specification Examples

In situ examples from around the Fairfield Parish, full specifications on the following pages.


1a. Brickworks | Brickwork and Window Heads


1a. Brickworks | Window Heads Reveals and Cills


1a. Brickworks | Brick Patterns and Gable Ventilators


1b. Roofs | Dentil Courses and Verge Details


1b. Roofs | Verge and Eaves Details


1b. Roofs | Gable and Chimney Details


1c. Doors, Openings and Windows | Doors and Openings


1c. Doors, Openings and Windows | Local Forms


1c. Doors, Openings and Windows | Dormer Windows


1c. Doors, Openings and Windows | Dorma Windows


“ The unique character is what makes Fairfield the place it is today!“


Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

2a. Enclosures Exterior Finishes / Furnishing Examples................... 22

Section 2. External Features and Public Areas

Brick Walls........................................................................... 24 Walls with Railings / Railings....................................... 26 Railings and Gates............................................................ 27 Railings and Fencing........................................................ 28 Timber Fencing................................................................... 29 Feature Gate Posts and Piers......................................... 30 2b. Public Areas Tree Guards......................................................................... 31 Seating.................................................................................. 32 Seating, Bins and Bollards............................................. 33 Signage and Shelters....................................................... 34 Street Lamps........................................................................ 35 Picnic Tables........................................................................ 36


Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

Example Exterior Finishings


In situ examples from around the Fairfield Parish, full specifications on the following pages.

Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

Example Furnishings

In situ examples from around the Fairfield Parish, full specifications on the following pages.


2a. Enclosures | Brick Walls


2a. Enclosures | Brick Walls


2a. Enclosures | Walls with Railings / Railings


2a. Enclosures | Railings and Gates


2a. Enclosures | Railings and Fencing


2a. Enclosures | Timber Fencing


2a. Enclosures | Feature Gate Posts / Piers


2b. Public Areas | Tree Guards / Fencing


2b. Public Areas | Seating


2b. Public Areas | Seating, Bind and Bollards


2b. Public Areas | Signage and Shelters


2b. Public Areas | Street Lamps


2b. Public Areas | Picnic Tables


Fairfield Parish Council | Design Statement 2016-2021

3a. Materials Facing Brickwork............................................................... 38

Section 3. External Materials

Roof Tiling............................................................................ 38 Joinery................................................................................... 38 Rainwater Good................................................................. 38 Stonework............................................................................. 38 Painted Brickwork and Render..................................... 38 External Services................................................................ 38 3b. Colour Palettes Street Furniture and Railings......................................... 39 Door Options...................................................................... 39 Painted Brickwork.............................................................. 39 Render................................................................................... 39


3a. External Materials | Materials


3b. External Materials | Colour Palettes


3b. External Materials | Colour Palettes


For any further information please email [email protected]