engineering design education we apply some aspects of design thinking to bring ... The basic engineering programs at our university are no exception; our ...... Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Seattle, Washington, USA, 1987, 419-423.
Keywords: Design thinking, needfinding, design education, engineering design education, empathic design ‘understanding customer needs’ ‘being customer focused’ ‘we know our customers’ thinkingacting
one “what customers can’t tell you might be just what you need to develop successful new products.” thinking the purpose in this paper is to elaborate on our efforts to educate engineers in design thinking, 10-90
thing process “…is made possible through a particular kind of interaction that unfolds between the practitioner and the situations he or she engages. …artistry is possible when both ends and means are open to clarification and shaping by the skills, knowledge and interest of a practitioner in situations where ambiguity, risk, complexity and indeterminacy abound.” ICED'09
and “…an effort to match an existing situation to a preexisting solution and then progress by following a predetermined set of instructions.” “…an effort to use personal capabilities and intentions to generate both a desired outcome and to find a way of achieving this outcome with the materials and resources at hand.”
“With what tools and models do I organize my thinking and understand the world?” …one of the most intractable problems is that of defining problems (of knowing what distinguishes an observed condition from a desired condition) and of locating problems (finding where in the complex causal networks the trouble really lies).” “…before designers can solve a design problem they need to understand some basics – such as what they are designing, what it should do and who should use it and in what circumstances.”
“As an engineer, I like to take a thing, a product, look at it, twist and turn it, and then improve it or make it better”. need basic needs protection needs social needs esteem needs selfactualiation needs Qualifier needs Activity needs Context needs Common needs, “…can be a powerful way for firms to stop predicting the future and start creating it.” “…label any attribute of a potential product that is desired by the customer; we do not distinguish here between a want and a need. Other terms used in industrial practice to refer to customer needs include customer attributes and customer requirements.”
“We will try to meet as many needs as possible. Our product will meet all these needs.” “othing happens they just sit in their chairs or rest in their beds.” “You are not doing the product for yourself; you are doing it for someone else.”
for with by
for with by “…it’s just that we interpret that methodology very differently according to the nature of the task at hand.”
“a method to our madness” “people are human” “…feel comfortable enough to poke fun at each other – even at the boss…” “There is fierce competition out there, which means we require the best supply chain, the strongest finance operation, the most creative dealmakers, the greatest customer focus and the finest engineers to help take us into the future”. ICED'09
Courage and integrity Judgement Breadth and business understanding Influence and working together Delivering and managing work
Empathy Integrative thinking
Optimism Experimentalism Collaboration and
“…maintain the depth and focus of a single discipline while adding a “crossbar” of design thinking that drives the integration of multiple perspectives into solving real problems.”
“on’t really have any expectations. I’m very openminded. Hope to learn something that I can use.” “My expectations are that I like to learn more about product development processes. What to do when I have an idea for a new product or how to get ideas for new products.”
“I wish to learn the different ways to improve and/or solve any problem; learn how to apply the different strategies, with optimum time, money and resources.”
“he course feels really interesting. ot only because of the product development view, but also because of the way the course is held with discussions and seminars. I haven’t worked that way since senior high school, five years ago. I’m really looking forward to it.”
I wish: … the lecture had more information from the textbook. … we had more ‘background’ before the last exercise. … that all the slides in the lecture were gone through. ICED'09
… that we have easier access to more information on this subject. … to have the material available before the lecture. I wish: … that the assignments where a bit more structured. … the teamwork was more structured. … the team project were a little bit more specified. … more explanations of the exercises. “Uncertainty and ambiguity are part of creative design. We do not expect that you will deliver a best optimal solution in only 10 minutes, just play the game”. I wish: … that we had more time to talk in groups about the subject. … we had more time to get deeper into the subjects. … that we could try to both explain and build Lego. … that my brain was less confused. I like: … the creative parts where you have to think. Makes deeper knowledge. … the exercise. I liked that it was brief info first, then exercise, then deep info. … that the exercise proved what was said in the lecture. … the rapid exercises and that we have to do some ‘unprepared’ presentations. …that we got the chance to use the theory. … the creative sessions in the lecture, it’s always fun to do something practical. I wish: … that we do more of these exercises. … all my classes were like this one! 10-98
Customercentric product definition the key to great product development, Design Management Journal SAE Future Transportation Technology Conference and Exposition, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Harvard Business Review The Mechanical Design Process, Total Design – Integrated Methods for Successful Product Engineering, Product Design and Development, Harvard Business Review Thoughtful Interaction Design. A Design Perspective on Information Technology, Key Qualifications in Work and Education, The art of Innovation. Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design, Design Science Introduction to the eeds, Scope and Organization of Engineering Design Knowledge, The Sciences of the Artificial, Systems Practice and Action Research, ICED'09
Designers, the Key to Successful Product Development, Proceedings of 12th International Product Development Conference, Journal of Business Strategy, The Opposable Mind. Experiences in Visual Thinking, MIT Sloan Management Review, Policy Sciences, Fieldwork for design – theory and practice, Service Management and Marketing: A Customer Relationship Management Approach, The Practice of Management Design Management Review, A eedbased Approach to Product Development. Total Quality Management, Democratizing Innovation, 2005. Harvard Business Review, Key Process, Management & Organizational Interactions,