Designing A Human-Robot Interaction Framework For ... - koasas - kaist

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research areas, including psychology, artificial ... cooperating with its human companion, and assisting in ... different from those of artificial intelligence (AI), or.
2005 IEEE International Workshop on Robots and Human Interactive Communication

Designing A Human-Robot Interaction Framework For Home Service Robot KangWoo Lee*, Hyoung-Rock Kim**, Wan Chul Yoon*,*** ,Young-Sik, Yoon***, Dong-Soo Kwon*,** * Human Robot Interaction Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ** Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology *** Industrial Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 373-7, KAIST, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea [email protected] human and robot based on psychological and biological studies. The Cero has been used to investigate interactive capabilities under various cognitive factors such as user’s procedural knowledge about a task, user’s expectations, etc [5, 6]. Various receptive and expressive communication channels have been adapted to realize natural interaction, and also to investigate the effectiveness of multimodalities in social exchange. In this paper we introduce our research on humanrobot interaction (HRI) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). We have launched a HRI research project as a part of the Intelligent Robotics Development Program (IRDP). Researchers in various academic areas such as robotics, computer science, psychology and cognitive engineering participate in the project and cooperate in order to develop a home service robot that is capable of cooperating with its human companion, and assisting in his or her work. In this paper, we first outline a general framework of our approach to HRI in Section II. The general framework explains why approaches of HRI are different from those of artificial intelligence (AI), or human-computer interaction (HCI). The framework also focuses on three interaction modules – multimodal, cognitive, and emotional interaction module. These modules are described in detail in section III. Section IV describes how to integrate these three modules into a single system and how each module interacts with another. Future research directions and plans are also briefly presented.

Abstract - This paper presents a human-robot interaction framework that outlines a general structure of future home service robots that are expected to assist humans in their home-based daily activities. We describe three interaction modules – multimodal, cognitive, and emotional interaction modules. Each module takes a different role in the process of human robot interaction. The purpose of multi-modal interaction is to make the interaction convenient for the human, the cognitive interaction is for cooperative sharing of tasks, and the emotional interaction is to maintain a close relationship. The general concept for the systematical software integration and the relationships among the three modules are described. Index Terms – Human robot interaction, Multimodal, Cognitive, Emotional Interaction

I. INTRODUCTION The ecological niche of robots is extending from industrial fields to our living and working places such as homes, offices, restaurants, etc. As the robot is integrated into human habitats, interaction between human and robot is inevitably required. Accordingly, this has become a key issue in robotics and its related research areas, including psychology, artificial intelligence, ergonomics, etc. The transfer of robot’s ecological niche from industrial fields to human’s is accompanied not only with changes in the robot’s tasks, but also with changes in the interaction patterns between human and robot. These changes call for more active research in at least three areas – multi-modal, cognition, and emotional interaction. Robotics researchers have begun to change their view of robots from a tool or device operated by a human user to a partner or friend in the workplace or home. Work on issues such as how to acquire socially sophisticated relationships, how to establish collaborative relationships, and how to exchange affective states has already commenced. Some experimental trials have been carried out to answer these questions. For example, Cog [1, 2] and Kismet [3, 4] have been developed in order to study and realize a sensible bi-directional social relationship between

0-7803-9275-2/05/$20.00/©2005 IEEE

II. HRI FRAMEWORK HRI is somewhat different from AI, which directly or loosely models human intelligence. HRI involves modeling of the linkage that connects human and robot intelligence, and is not limited to human intelligence alone. The following figure explains the relationship with AI in terms of modeling. The conventional framework of robotics considers the interaction with the environment while the robot executes a pre-programmed task. Thus, this approach


does not entail the capacity to interpret how HRI occurs in the context of a world domain. Our approach to HRI attempts to establish the common grounds shared by human and robot.. In principle, the mutual interaction implies there is a perceptual, cognitive, emotional, or social ground shared by the agents. The establishment of common ground is a critical premise that allows us to interact with robots. For instance, the perceptual abilities of robots are on a strictly metric (or quantitative) level, whereas human perception is based on qualitative categorization. Hence, the color ‘red’ is differently represented in two systems – RGB values in robot systems and coarse color representation in human systems. The implementation of both quantitative and qualitative perceptual ability builds up the common grounds that links human and robot perceptual experience.

framework is also not suitable for modeling the interactive relationship between human and robot [7] as a computer is not autonomous and less interactive, whereas a robot has more autonomy, and cognitive or emotional abilities in order to realize a bi-directional, implicit, and affective relationship with the human companion. Therefore, a different approach is clearly required to theorize the potential nature of the relationship between human and robot, the knowledge that should be shared, the knowledge about the other that can be modeled, etc. Human

Robot Perception Emotion Cognition


Human Intelligence

Robot Intelligence

Human Intelligence

Robot Intelligence

Fig 2. Shared grounds by human and robot

A. Three Interaction Modules The framework we propose is based on three interaction modules: multi-modal, cognitive interaction, and an emotional interaction module, which are involved in different (but related) aspects of HRI. The division between multimodal interaction and the other two modules is based on the level of information processing stages. The multimodal interaction uses various communication channels to comprehend the

Fig 1. AI vs. HRI. HRI is not robot’s internal intelligence, but interaction wisdom.

In addition, the HCI (Human Computer Interaction) HRI Framework Multimodal Interaction Module

Object Input

Ontology Info.

Cognitive Interaction Module

Input Modalities

Situation Awareness

Task Script

Visual Sensory

Object Knowledge


Attention Haptic Sensory


Digital Input

Multimodal Integration

Output Modalities Action Part

Task Status System State

Emotional Action Coloring

Task Status


Interaction Model

Action Coloring

TMS Action List

Ambiguity Dialogue

Query List

Deliberative Layer

Event Appraisal Multimodal Disintegration

Reactive Layer Drive Arousal Reactive Emotion Classifier

Priority Judgment

Visual Display

Environment Situation



User’s Emotion, Robot’s state, Event

Motional Display Verbal Display

Robot’s State


User’s Response

Other Sensory

User Profile

Task Model

Predicate Input Audial Sensory

Environment Intelligence Module

Emotion Expression

Emotional Interaction Module

Fig 3. HRI Framework in the Robot. The thick and dashed box represents the HRI framework presented in this paper. The framework consists of three interaction modules – multimodal, cognitive, and emotional interaction modules. The distinction between the three modules lies in the level of information process stages and orientation of interactivity. The multimodal interaction module plays a role of an interface to receive multimodal inputs and to generate or express actions. The interaction attributes in the cognitive interaction module are more task-oriented, whereas those in the emotional model are more human-oriented. For more details, see section III.


intention or the emotional states of the human companion, and also to deliver the robot’s response. The integration of multiple information obtained from different sensory modalities and maintenance of coherence between expressive channels are the core of the modules. Even though there is no clear distinction between cognition and emotion, the distinction between cognitive and emotional interaction in our approach lies in the orientation of interactivity. The interaction attributes in the cognitive module are more taskoriented, whereas the interaction attributes in the emotional module are more human-oriented (For more details, see section III). Moreover, the interaction in the cognitive module is to allow cooperative relation with a user so as to achieve the goal of a task, whereas that in the emotional module is for maintaining social relation with a human user. While there are ongoing debates as to whether personality or social intelligence needs to be implemented in a service robot, these aspects certainly have utility in terms of the robot comprehending the emotional state of the human companion, and thereby maintaining a good relationship with him/her. Figure 3 illustrates the proposed HRI framework. Sensory data from various sensory interfaces are integrated in the multimodal interaction module. The integrated data are sent to the cognitive interaction module and the emotional interaction module to produce a desired action/response. The produced agendas from both modules are merged in the integrator, and the merged agendas are transferred to the multimodal interaction module if the agendas are responses to the human companion, or transferred to the action part if the agendas are actions to be performed by the robot. It should be noted that even though the structure of the HRI has been divided into three modules, these are closely related to each other and dynamically influence the processing in other modules, being mutually reciprocated.

information. As a general rule of thumb, information from a single modality alone is not adequate to deduce the human intention; therefore, additional information from different modalities is used to resolve the ambiguity. On the other hand, humans use gestures in addition to verbal expressions to properly convey their intentions and emotional states. Body signs such as gestures and facial expressions contain rich information to indicate a person’s emotional state and intentions. For these reasons, a robot needs to have the capacity to process various sensory inputs and to use gestures and facial expressions.

Fig 4. Configuration of Mediate Interface

In the monumental experiment carried out by Bolt [8], the command “Put that there”, which processes both speech and a pointing gesture [8], was used. In his experiment, the human companion used voice commands together with pointing gestures to refer to a certain object and place. This experiment showed that voice can be augmented with simultaneous pointing gestures. In addition, Bischoff et al. used voice, keyboard, and e-mail for their robot ‘HERMES’ [9]. The transmitted inputs were combined and translated using natural language processing technology. Another robot, ‘Coyote’, which can manipulate multimodal information, has been developed by Perzanowski et al. [10]. Users can combine speech, gestures, and PDA inputs in various ways to interact with this robot. There are several important issues in the multimodal interaction that are worth noting here. First, the inputs from different modalities are intrinsically different in terms of time scale and their specific mode. Attaining a means of binding multimodal inputs in a consistent manner is a critical issue. For example, a ‘red apple’ indicated by voice and a finger gesture might involve at least 3 perceptual processes such as the object, gesture, and speech recognition. The outputs from different modalities can be asynchronously generated in each own output mode. Hence, at a certain integration stage, each modal output must be integrated within a limited time range and a representational form. Second, inputs from many modalities are not necessarily required for a


A. Multi-modal Interaction Module Multimodality does not simply mean the number of sensory input/output channels. It refers to the quality of a system that allows it to perceive, represent, and interact with the world using a variety of modalities in such a way as to enrich perceptual interaction between human and robot. In fact, multimodal interaction is natural to human communication and is found in daily life activities – i.e., hand gestures during conversation. One of the practical reasons why multimodal interaction is required is that vocal interaction alone is not always adequate to comprehend one’s intention. Therefore, the other modalities, such as visual information, are used to supplement the vocal


current task. Moreover, some of them would conflict with others. The system has to select relevant as well as consistent information. For this, our multimodal interaction module has a selective attention module in order to reduce the amount of information from multimodal inputs, as well as discriminate and weight an important input instantaneously. In addition, one approach to imposing selection criteria on the incoming inputs is to use top-down knowledge of the situation. Therefore, only consistent or useful information of the current situation is selected and processed. After selection, inputs can be weighted according to degree of importance, and integrated into a unified input set. The current technologies for face, speech, and gesture recognition lack stability in dealing with patterns due to their wide range of variation. For example, the speech recognition rate is sensitive to the distance from the speaker. Therefore, redundant methods are potentially required for use in case the primary recognition system fails. For this purpose, we use a mediate interface. Fig. 4 shows the configuration of our mediate interface. The mediate interface is portable, and it has a vocal interaction channel as well as a GUI. It also has a built-in camera, which is used to recognize facial expressions, especially when the user is far from the robot. The mediate interface has more strengths in addition to the above rationale. Since the mediate interface would be used on a user’s hand, a number of problems pertaining to the sensory system can be avoided. The problems due to variable distances and having to cope with too many objects are alleviated in the process of face recognition. The mediate interface also helps to reduce the number of voices input into the speaker dependent voice recognition system. It would therefore improve the efficiency of the robot as the robot does not need to be close to the user to interact.

such characteristics, communication issues, such as timely taking of turns, handling ambiguities, implying intentions, and adaptation should be considered. To manage efficient and flexible communication, the human and the robot should possess a shared common ground. Figure 1 represents a set of cognitive models and their relative positions to be shared or possessed by the human and the robot. The most essential models are those of the task and the interaction. They are required for the robot to appropriately deal with the communication issues while managing the interaction process in a friendly manner. The human must also share the knowledge in the models to some extent to understand or predict the robot’s behavior and dialogue. Needs Model Task Model Interaction Model

Mental Model of Robot

User Model






Fig 5. Models in HRI

The task model is used to generate the details of task procedures and modify them according to the ongoing communication with the human. Once generated from the user’s instruction, a task procedure can be modified by the known preference of the user and disambiguated information due to communication or situational knowledge acquisition while conducting the task. The emotional states of the user may be reflected in the mode of detailing task procedures. The interaction model manages the issuing of questions and suggestions to the user. It is also used to build anticipation for possible communication initiated by the human. The needs model contains the conditions and requirements that determine the boundary of the robot’s behavior that are not specified explicitly in the task model. It may represent commonsense restrictions or safety-related constraints. The model will gain more importance when the robot comes to have more autonomy and intelligence. The robot may maintain a user model that embraces the information of the user’s preference to produce adaptive behavior for individual users. The user model

B. Cognitive Module Human-robot interaction (HRI) can essentially be viewed as the process of communication to achieve the user’s goals. The communication may be performed in diverse modalities including voice dialogue, gestures, direct manipulation, and facial expressions. For service robots, voice dialogue may become the primary modality when the technology is mature. Meanwhile, tele-operation using direct manipulation should be used at least as a supplementary communication means. In service robot applications, human-robot interaction (HRI) requires a multi-level dialogue between the human and robot, beyond the forms of direct and explicit commands or requests. In a multilevel dialogue, each party may provide information and suggestions to modify the other’s decisions and behavior. To manage the human-robot interaction of


may have a description of the part of a task that is to be done by the user, which will enable the robot to conduct the task in the most cooperative and supportive manner. Finally, the user has a mental model of the robot and its world to predict or smoothly control the robot’s behavior. This model may be considered in the design of the interface, commands, and feedback information.

communication. All means for disambiguation which are not obtrusive to the human need to be used. This calls for non-monotonic reasoning (Doyle 1979, de Kleer 1986), which is very characteristic of multi-level communication for an autonomous robot. A Truth Maintenance System (TMS) is employed to continually update the beliefs for planned verbs and objects, and then reassess the ambiguities regarding them. The main advantages of this architecture are conceptual extendibility (e.g., adding needs model) for being based on the cognitive model framework (Figure 1) and robustness to adopt additive interface means that can be utilized to introduce more interaction parameters in the future.



Task Script

Task Model verb


Object Knowledge

Emotional Perception

Emotional Action Coloring


User Profile Situation Awareness




System State


C. Emotional Interaction Module The capabilities of comprehension and expression of emotional states are fundamental to the HRI in the same manner that they are important in human-human relations that are described in psychological studies. Consideration of emotions is extremely important in cognitive processes such as decision making, planning, and learning. Emotions are also important in social interactions such as verbal and non-verbal communication. In fact, humans express emotions even with lifeless objects such as cars or toys. Many current studies on emotional robots are based on investigating human psychology. For instance, Kismet developed by Breazeal and her colleagues has the ability to perceive visual and auditory cues including gaze direction, facial expression, and vocal babbles, and expresses various emotional states such as happiness and sadness [4]. In a series of experiments using Kismet, it has been shown that emotional interaction allows humans to interact with robots easily. However, is it really necessary that a service robot, which one might believe should behave like ‘a good boy’, has to be emotional? Hints to this question may be found in ISR (Intelligent Service Robot) of KTH, which carried out a ‘fetch-and-carry’ task in an office environment. The results of the evaluation tests using humans indicated that emotional interaction is desirable. Similarly, the female receptionist robot “Valerie” of CMU has a colorful personality and biography, and attractively performs social interaction with visitors [13]. The emotional interaction module places emphasis on adaptive aspects of the emotional interaction. This implies that even though a main character trait of our service robot is to be caring and polite, it might show different emotional expressions depending on the situation and the user. For example, our robot may show a cautious and aggressive response to an unknown person who enters the house without being

Task Status


System State

Environment Situation adv ambiguity urgency




Interaction Model

Fig 6. Overall Architecture of Cognitive Module

Figure 2 shows the overall robot control system that is currently being implemented based on the immediately required parts of the proposed HRI framework. The figure represents the software architecture, showing how the relevant information flows and is processed by various modules. Three particularly important modules that process the task model, interaction model, and truth maintenance are discussed below. The action lists generated by the task model refer to the instructions, the task scripts, the object knowledge, and the emotional states of users. The actions are described at a high level in the basic form of “verb + obj + adv” and are iteratively detailed. The action lists are then inserted in agenda, which is dynamically managed to respond to variations in the environment or knowledge. The interaction module, based on the interaction model, manages dialogue contents and timing using two control parameters, the ambiguities in the action items and the urgency of resolving the ambiguities. The robot notices ambiguities in the task script among several possible detailed scripts or objects. The time of asking is determined by the urgency of disambiguation in the course of task execution. Meanwhile, expectation of possible additive information from the human is maintained to quicken the communication process. The threshold for urgency is also adjusted by situation awareness such as the emotional state of the human. Ambiguities arise from incomplete information that is allowed to the robot in the natural but limited


emotion modeling is to construct a coherent structure that accommodates both layers. In our approach, an additional mechanism, ‘priority judgment’, is required to deal with any conflicts between two layers. Thus, reactive emotional responses would be suppressed if they are not appropriate with regard to carrying out a task. On the other hand, the reactive layer may alert the deliberative layer and interrupt a current task in order to deal with an emergency. After this priority judgment, the selection of emotional states and expression is transmitted to further processes for controlling actions or body movement. In this way, our emotional module strives to establish a close relationship with human users. However, it is necessary that the models are evolved by human evaluation in daily life and real world. Iterative modifications will be essentially accompanied with experiments with human subjects. IV. RECIPROCAL INTERACTION

This section describes the reciprocal interaction of modules in order to achieve the proposed HRI framework. The proposed modules are interconnected in ways that provide mutual influence between them. The expected benefits from this reciprocal interaction are obtaining system stability and dynamic behavior modulation. System stability would be achieved by resolving possible conflicts produced by modules, and the robot behavior would be dynamically modulated by mutually providing respective module outputs to other modules. Object Input Ontology Info.

Cognitive Interaction Module Predicate Input

Multimodal Interaction Module


Object Knowledge User Profile

Task Model Verb

Robot’s State

User’s Response

User’s Emotion, Robot’s state, Event

Task Script

Situation Awareness


Environment Intelligence Module

Environment Situation



Task Status System State

Emotional Action Coloring

Task Status


Interaction Model

Action Coloring

TMS Action List



Query List

Multimodal Interaction Module

Deliberative Layer

Event Appraisal

Reactive Layer Drive Arousal Reactive Emotion Classifier

Priority Judgment

welcomed by the host. The proposed emotional interaction model is composed of two layers - reactive and deliberative layers. Each layer is responsible for different types of emotional interaction. The reactive layer is responsible for immediate emotional reaction. Through this mechanism, a service robot can express its valence to events and release an emotionally reactive response to users. This is a very simple process governed by external (event) and internal (motivation or drive) releasers. The emotional behavior of a robot takes sensory inputs and produces corresponding emotive actions as an output, so that the emotive action is tightly linked with a perceptual state. When a robot faces a situation that makes it aroused, the robot assesses behavioral candidates based on the situation as well as internal drives. For example, a service robot would be self-motivated to contact and interact with as many users as possible. When the robot is “bored”, it will become aroused and initiate ‘Contact_Human’ behaviors. Also, it would maintain an equilibrium state so that it maintains sufficient electric power. Using this reactive mechanism we hope to realize a service robot that is more likely to be ‘believable’ in terms of exhibiting self-motivated behaviors. We expect that a ‘close’ relationship between human and robot would be constructed if the robot becomes more believable. Consequently, a service robot can be viewed as a companion rather than merely a bulky machine. On the other hand, the deliberative layer supports secondary or indirect emotion that is concerned with tasks and the social relationship with a user. Also, it is tightly coupled with the cognitive module. That is, it provides emotional states to the cognitive module and receives goals and states of a current task from the cognitive module. Our deliberative layer focuses on task-driven activities rather than the social relationship with a human user. The deliberative emotion is appraised on the basis of events, agents, and objects found in Ortony’s model [14]. The event-related emotion comes under the category of events appraised by appraisal variables such as desirability, praiseworthiness, attractiveness, etc. Evaluating the status of task execution, the user’s emotions, and environmental condition, the robot expresses corresponding emotional states such as happiness, satisfaction, disappointment, relief etc. In addition, a robot may propose an alternative task if a requested task is not acceptable and then produces uncomfortable emotional states. In the proposed model, the emotional module consists of two different layers in which each layer takes a different role in generating emotional expression and action simultaneously and independently. One of the theoretical challenges in

Emotion Expression

Emotional Interaction Module

Figure 7. Reciprocal interaction between cognitive interaction module and emotional interaction module.

A. Reciprocity Between Cognitive and Multi-modal

Interaction Module The interaction from the multimodal to cognitive interaction module concerns the resolution of ambiguity. Uncertainties are caused by sensors, manipulators, and human instructions. Integrated information from multimodal processes may not be adequate to comprehend the user’s intentions. The ambiguity needs to be resolved in order to carry out an instructed task. This can be accomplished resolved by questioning the user, or inferring a likely candidate in a situation. On the other hand, interaction from the cognitive to multimodal interaction module can be achieved by imposing top-down knowledge on the multimodal interaction module. That is, top-down knowledge about the situation or human user can be used to determine what modal information should be selected at a certain interaction stage. In principle, the interaction between the multimodal interaction module and cognitive or emotional interaction modules is similar to that between bottom-up and top-down information.

produces negative (positive) emotions of a user; 3) coloring actions – to color monotonic actions with various emotions; 4) self-motivated actions – to generate an action that attracts human attention or initiate an interaction with a human. Furthermore, emotional factors can be used for intention recognition and generation of adaptive behaviors to users. Similarly, cognitive factors can influence emotional factors. A proper emotional response can be determined by cognitive factors such as situation awareness. That is, a situation context provides criteria of whether possible emotional expressions or actions are appropriate. For example, greeting responses can be changed depending on the situation – host or guest, man or women, young person or elderly person, day-time, evening, or night, etc. Accordingly, the robot would show more polite and gentle greeting responses to an elderly person than those to a young person. V. CONCLUSION

A new framework for human-robot interaction has been presented. The proposed framework encompasses the features of natural and human-centered HRI. Multimodal interaction has been incorporated into the new framework to facilitate interaction that is comfortable to the human user. The cognitive interaction is used to make the interaction more cooperative. The new framework is helpful to build and maintain the humanrobot relationship. We expect to apply the proposed HRI framework in order to develop a more general framework for humancentered robotics.

B. Reciprocity Between Emotional and Multi-modal Interaction Module The multimodal interaction module is related to the emotional interaction model in two different ways: via recognition of the human emotional state and through expression of the robot’s emotional state using face, voice tone, and gestures. The information of human emotional states can be extracted from various perceptual modalities. The extracted emotional input is classified into one of the defined emotional states: anger, happiness, sadness, etc. On the other hand, the interaction from the emotional interaction module to the multimodal interaction module can be considered as an emotional expression at a behavior level. A corresponding emotional behavior is expressed with various action modalities by changing facial components, voice tone, or making a gesture.

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C. Reciprocity Between Emotional and Cognitive Interaction Modules The most challenging task and the core of the proposed framework of HRI is to make it more plausible and natural. It is widely known that emotional factors influence decision making at a cognitive processing stage. For example, an infant’s cries easily draw his/her parent’s attention, who may in turn believe that the infant is hungry or sleepy. Again, cognitive factors influence emotional action in a similar way. In our HRI framework, emotional influences to cognitive process are considered in terms of: 1) decision making – to decide whether a robot requests an interaction with a human user, the appropriate time point to request an interaction with the human, etc; 2) behavior control – to inhibit (reinforce) behavior that


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