Aim. ⢠Create a cloud-based digital repository for staff. ⢠Create a cloud-based system for staff and students to teach and learn the law. ⢠Provide internet-based ...
Designing and delivering open law courses using iTunesU Prof Stephen Colbran
Plan • The CQUniversity open access platform – Digital repositories and naming conventions – iTunesU and Moodle – Cloud-based additions (Zoom, Collaborate, Camtasia, YouTube)
• Impact on broader community
The CQUniversity open access platform Aim • Create a cloud-based digital repository for staff. • Create a cloud-based system for staff and students to teach and learn the law. • Provide internet-based students with a quality law degree. • Promote the development of a learning community.
Digital repository Constructing a digital repository is essential for several reasons. • Secure and restricted access to the latest versions of documents. • Risk mitigation associated with loss of electronic files not properly backed up. Off campus cloud-based secure storage.
Google Drive offers an inexpensive high quality cloud based service. Access to documents is controlled by authentication and shared permissions. Folders may be created in each course for: • Course information - e.g. course profile drafts, pictures of teaching staff, compliance documents. • iBooks - where courses are on iTunes U. • Notes - typically edited word files of materials provided to students. • Podcasts - MP3 audio recordings. • Powerpoints/Prezi - digital files. • Readings - pdf copies of course readings with copyright coversheets. • Tutorial questions and answers. Each of these folders expands to reveal contents with appropriate naming conventions and version numbers.
Naming conventions Naming conventions are important for both administrative and academic reasons: • • • • • • •
Identification of the latest versions. Easy identification of course, file type, week, version and format. Easy identification of edited documents. Ease of locating documents through searches. The naming convention is as follows: ____. Looking at each component in turn: , e.g. LAWS101 , e.g. Notes, Podcast, Powerpoint, Prezi , e.g. 01 = week 1, 12 = week 12 , e.g. increments 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 ... , e.g. 2014
iTunesU and Moodle At CQUniversity we use iTunesU, iPads, Collaborate, Moodle and some other iPad Apps to teach our Law Courses. Our 3-year fully accredited Law degree is designed to be mobile with the maximum amount of flexibility for our students.
CQUniversity has an iTunesU site. On that site you will find a law discipline site with the latest versions of our courseware in all subjects on offer. Feel free to browse and look at what we have to offer. It is all publicly accessible.
To give you more insight into what materials make up the content for a course, let’s have a look at the subject Equity. Clicking on the Equity iBook cover page shown above and below, will open up the binder for the course. The binder has four main sections. • Info – which tells you about the course learning objectives; who is teaching the course and the main topic headings. • Posts – which presents you with more detail on each topic covered; access to weekly iBook notes, podcasts and keynote presentations. • Notes – which collects your notes on the materials. • Materials – which lists all materials on the site.
Impact on the broader community