Designing TCP-Friendly Window-based Congestion Control for Real ...

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dictable throughput to TCP-like abrupt sending rate changes, and this led to the development of TCP-Friendly Rate-based. Congestion Control (TFRC). However ...
Designing TCP-Friendly Window-based Congestion Control for Real-time Multimedia Applications Soo-Hyun Choi and Mark Handley Department of Computer Science University College London

ABSTRACT Real-time multimedia applications prefer smooth and predictable throughput to TCP-like abrupt sending rate changes, and this led to the development of TCP-Friendly Rate-based Congestion Control (TFRC). However, we observed a longterm throughput imbalance between TFRC and TCP sources, especially under a low level of statistical multiplexing. We set out to reduce these differences by re-introducing a TCPlike Ack mechanism while retaining the TCP throughput equation to compute the congestion window. The outcome, TCP-Friendly Window-based Congestion Control (TFWC), is fairer than TFRC when competing with TCP, and is simpler to implement in real-world applications.

Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.2 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Protocols; C.2.6 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Internetworking—Standards (e.g., TCP/IP)

General Terms Design, Performance

Keywords congestion control, transport protocols, real-time streaming media, TFRC, TCP



In recent years we have seen a great increase in networked multimedia applications; many of these greatly prefer to use UDP for transmission because the variability of TCP’s congestion control mechanism and its complete reliability do not match their timeliness requirements. These applications, such as streaming media, Internet telephony, Internet audio/video conferencing, and games have in common two key demands of a transport protocol: • They prefer timely delivery over perfect reliability. • They desire a smooth predictable transmission rate.

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Throughput (Mb/s)

{S.Choi, M.Handley} 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100

TCP Throughput TFRC Throughput 150

200 250 300 Simulation Time (sec)



Figure 1: TCP vs. TFRC in a typical DSL-like link with a low level of statistical multiplexing

Proposed congestion control mechanisms to achieve these characteristics include generalizations of TCP-like windowbased schemes ([3], [10], [14]) and equation-based congestion control. In this paper we will focus on the latter, though we discuss the former in Section 4. Since it was first published in 2000, a number of issues have emerged with TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC) [7], the original equation-based congestion control mechanism. According to [11] and [13], the convexity property of the TCP throughput equation and the different RTT measuring methods can result in a long-term throughput imbalance, where sources get less throughput than originally intended. In ns-2 simulations we have also observed that if a flow traverses a low statistically multiplexed network link such as a DSL line using drop-tail queuing, TFRC traffic can starve TCP traffic. This is because TFRC lacks the fine-grain congestion avoidance mechanism that TCP’s Ack-clocking provides, meaning that TFRC can briefly overshoot the available link capacity. This fills the buffer at the bottleneck link and can cause TCP’s Ack-clock to decrease the transmit rate, whereas TFRC does not back off so much. For example, in ns-2 simulation, TFRC sources can starve TCP sources as in Figure 1; this example is from a dumbbell topology with an 1Mb/s bottleneck carrying two TCP and two TFRC flows with a range of short RTTs. The basic equation-based mechanism can, by itself, cause oscillatory behavior due to this overshooting characteristic; for this reason TFRC builds in a short-term mechanism to reduce the sending rate as the RTT increases. Bansal and Floyd [4] also observed related problems where rate-based congestion control gets less bandwidth in a highly dynamic network condition (e.g., highly dynamic loss rate condition). They introduced a conservative mode to TFRC, whereby the sender is limited by the measured arrival rate at the receiver. In their simulations this worked well to mitigate many problems, but accurately measuring the received rate

(and indeed finely controlling the sending rate) in real systems can be hard. All of the problems above essentially stem from the same basic cause: it is difficult to build a rate-based protocol with a rate that is inversely proportional to the round-trip time while achieving stability in all conditions. Practical problems emerge too with being rate-based. Saurin [12] discovered that even regular TFRC’s limiter, which is bounded to twice the received rate, cuts in inappropriately on real networks where the RTT is small relative to the host’s clock interrupt rate, which is typically every 10ms. All these issues beg the question of why TFRC is rate based at all? There were two original motivations. First TFRC was intended to be usable for multicast, where windowbased protocols are not practical; this is not relevant for many applications. Second, the intent was that a rate-based protocol would be smoother than a window-based protocol on timescales of a few RTTs. On shorter timescales even rate-based protocols can’t be smooth due to clocking issues on the host, and on longer timescales the behavior is dominated by the varying loss rate. But to be stable, TFRC had to include a short-term mechanism to back off the rate as the RTT increased, so even TFRC exhibits some short-term variability in rate. Thus it behooves us to ask the question of whether being rate-based is worth all the trouble? In this paper, we examine a window-based version of TFRC, which uses a TCP-like Ack-clocking mechanism but uses the TCP-throughput equation, ala TFRC, to directly adjust the window size. The goal is to remedy the issues discussed above which relate to the combination of rate-based control with the rate being inversely proportional to the RTT. Using a window makes the RTT implicit in the Ack clock, and removing the need to be rate-based makes life much simpler for application writers, as they no longer need to work around the limitations of the OS’s short duration timers. As we will show, these changes solve many of the problems identified. At the same time, the changes do not greatly affect the smoothness of the transmission rate; in fact the ack-clock provides stronger stability properties, and in some circumtances this can result in smoother throughput.



A TCP-like window-based control mechanism increases the congestion window (cwnd) each time an ack indicates successful reception of a packet and decreases it when packets are lost. Our proposed protocol, TCP-Friendly Windowbased Control (TFWC), uses the same ack-clocked congestion window, but determines its size using the TCP throughput equation used in [7]. This is in contrast to TFRC which uses the calculated sending rate in a rate-based controller.

2.1 TCP Throughput Modelling A TFWC sender uses the TCP throughput equation to compute the congestion window (cwnd) that controls transmission. From the simplified TCP throughput equation introduced in [7], we can drive the window of packets we are allowed to send. Consider the simplified TCP equation: T = tRT T


2p 3

s „ q « «, 3p 2 + 12 8 p (1 + 32p )

where s is the packet size in bytes, p is the steady-state loss event rate, and tRT T is the end-to-end round-trip time.

This gives a upper bound on the sending rate T in bytes/sec. If we multiply both side by tRT T /s we get the congestion window size, W , in packets: W = q

2p 3

1 . q « 2) + 12 3p p (1 + 32p 8 „


2.2 Calculating the Parameters To calculate the window, TFWC only needs to calculate the loss event rate p, as with an Ack-clock the RTT is implicit. It also needs to calculate a retransmission timeout (although this will actually send a new packet rather than a retransmission), for when the Ack-clock stalls. To calculate p we use the same average loss interval mechanism that TFRC uses, where the last eight intervals between loss events are held, and a weighted average is calculated. Then: Loss Event Rate (p)


1 . Average Loss Interval

2.3 Ack Vector As TFWC is intended to be used for unreliable data streams, the calculation of loss needs a little care, and we use a mechanism similar to that used by DCCP [9]. Each TFWC Ack message carries feedback information, but unlike TCP’s Ack, it carries no cumulative Ack numbers as these would be meaningless for an unreliable flow. Instead we maintain an Ack Vector (AckVec) data structure that contains a packet list indicating whether or not the packet was delivered successfully. The AckVec grows in size as the receiver gets packets from the sender, so the Ack message itself needs to be acknowledged explicitly to prune the packet lists for the successfully delivered packets. Specifically, the sender must periodically acknowledge the receipt of an acknowledgement packet (i.e., an Ack of Ack); at this point, the receiver can prune the corresponding packet list in the AckVec. Upon receipt of an AckVec, the sender generates a margin vector by looking at the head value1 of the AckVec and includes up to three latest Ack numbers. For example, if the head value of the received AckVec is 10, then the margin vector will be (9 8 7). This margin vector is to be tolerant of reordering by applying TCP’s three DupAck rule, meaning that the sender will not consider these sequence numbers when it determines a lost packet in the AckVec. Now, the sender generates a matching array from the next sequence number up to the Ack of Ack (AoA)2 . In the above example, the sender had generated the margin vector up to the packet sequence number 7, so the matching Ack array, so-called tempvec, will be (6 5 4), assuming the current AoA is 3. Suppose a sender just got an AckVec (20 19 18 16 15 14 13 11 10) from a receiver and assume the current AoA is 10. From the latest Ack number, 20, the sender calculates the margin vector, (19 18 17), and the tempvec (16 15 14 13 12 11). Note that although the packet number 17 is missing, the sender does not think of it as a lost packet yet because it is still in the margin. The sender will compare the tempvec with the received AckVec and find out which packet sequence number is missing in the list. In other words, the sender will 1 2

The head value of an AckVec is the latest Ack number. We will call this matching array as tempvec.

compare the received AckVec with the calculated tempvec in order to find out any missing packet sequence number. In this example, we can say the packet number 12 is lost. In short, from the sender’s point of view, what’s important always is the latest Ack number because, using this value, it can generate margin vector and tempvec, and can compare with the AckVec to see if there is any lost packet.

Throughput (Mb/s)

2.4 Sender Functionality

Throughput (Mb/s)

Unlike TFRC, the TFWC sender calculates the new cwnd value, so TFWC can be said to be a sender-driven controller whereas TFRC is a receiver-driven controller. Upon receipt on every AckVec, the sender checks it to see if there is any lost packet and computes the average loss interval. By feeding the loss event rate to Equation (1), the sender can now get the new cwnd value. So, if the sequence number of new data waiting to be sent meets Equation (2), then it can now be sent, resulting in an Ack-clock. Seqno of New Data ≤ cwnd + Unacked Seqno



0 250






(a) operated by window-based only



0 250


270 280 290 Simulation Time (sec)


(b) operated by window/rate-based Figure 2: Window-base Only vs. Win/Rate-based Mode depending upon cwnd value


Also, every time an AckVec comes into the TFWC sender, it will update the round-trip time and the “retransmit” timeout value. With the calculated timeout value, the “retransmission” timer is set every time a new packet is sent. If the timer expires, the next available packet is sent3 and the timer is restarted with double the previous timeout value.

2.4.1 Hybrid Window and Rate When the loss rate is high, TFWC’s window will reduce. With very small windows, a loss will cause a timeout because the ack-clock fails. With even higher loss, the equation gives a window size of less than one, which is not useful. We could use TCP’s retransmission timeout mechanism to clock packets out at these very low rates, but constant switching between window and timeout, with potential exponential backoff of the timeout will result in a very uneven rate. What is really required is to be rate-based when the window is so small the ack-clock cannot function. Thus TFWC falls back to being TFRC-like (but still sender-based) when the window reduces to less than two packets. Consider an example where a TCP, TFRC, and TFWC source all compete for a tiny bottleneck buffer (5 packets) for the bandwidth 500 Kb/s with link delay 50 ms.4 Figure 2 shows that if TFWC is only operated by the window-driven mode, then there are timeout periods where it ceases sending (see the simulation time around 270∼290 sec in Figure 2(a)), while a TFWC that can become rate-based continues sending if cwnd gets to a very small value (Figure 2(b)).

2.4.2 Slow Start The initial slow start is just like the TCP’s slow start mechanism in which the sender doubles the sending rate in each round-trip time. Once the TFWC sender gets the first packet loss report, it halves the current window and seeds the TFRC-like loss history mechanism by calculating the average loss interval that would produce this window size.

3 By the way, this is, in fact, not a packet retransmission caused by that packet loss. 4 The access link speed is 15 Mb/s with random access link delay between 0.1 ms and 2 ms per flows.

2.4.3 TFWC cwnd Jitter We have observed in simulation that the throughput of TFWC is often less smooth that of TFRC, especially with drop-tail queueing at the bottleneck. In such conditions, the individual TFWC throughput was unlikely to be smooth enough for interactive streaming applications, nor was TFWC fair when only competing with itself. This appears to be due to strong simulation phase effects, as flows through the same bottleneck experience different loss rates. TFRC is also somewhat susceptible to phase effects in simulation, and jitters its rate slightly to reduce this. These phase effects can be mitigated significantly with RED queueing at the bottleneck in the simulations. Being motivated by this, we randomly added so-called cwnd “jitter” at the sender. With a window-based protocol, this can be done by inflating cwnd at least once an RTT so that the sender gets an earlier notification of the congestion signal. Note the sender actually did not send one additional packet but borrows a “future” packet that would have been sent later in the RTT. The example5 can be seen in Figure 3. The jittered result is smoother and fairer than the original version, and the level of smoothness/fairness is quite similar to what TFRC can provide. Whether such phase effects occur in the real world is unknown, though such a case was observed with TFRC [7].

2.4.4 TFWC’s Timer Every time an Ack is received, the round-trip time (tRT T ) and retransmit timeout (tRT O ) value are updated. Every time the sender sends out a new data packet, it sets the retransmission timer using tRT O . On expiration of retransmission timer, it backs off the timer by doubling tRT O , and sets the timer again with this value. When the retransmission timer expires, it artificially sends a new data packet if it is available. 5 8 TFWC flows share a 5Mb/s bottleneck link with a delay is 50 ms. The access link speed is 50 Mb/s with varying link delay between 0.1 to 2 ms. Therefore, the approximated end-to-end delay is 0.1 sec and bandwidth-delay product is about 63 packets. We have set the bottleneck queue length almost equal to the BDP with drop-tail queueing.








Throughput (Mb/s)

(a) Without Jitter 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 200



(a) Fairness (TCP and TFRC) 205

210 215 220 Simulation Time (sec)


230 Fairness Index 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

Figure 3: TFWC cwnd Jitter

2.5 Receiver Functionality


Because TFWC is sender-driven, the receiver’s functionality is quite simple. TFWC receiver provides feedback information (AckVec and timestamp echo) to allow sender measuring the round-trip time. The main role of the receiver is building AckVec and processing AoA: it trims out smaller sequence numbers than AoA when building a new AckVec.


1 0.5 0


40 20 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 Number of Sources 0 0 2 4 6 Bottleneck Bandwidth

(b) Fairness (TCP and TFWC) Figure 4: Fairness Comparison, tRT T ∼ = 20 ms


We have implemented TFWC in ns-2 [1], and conducted extensive simulation study to analyze its performance.

3.1 Protocol Fairness - TCP-Friendliness In this section, we present the TCP-Friendliness of TFWC and compare it with TFRC’s performance. The results here use a dumbbell topology. We vary the number of sources from 1 to 100 and used the same number of competing TCP and TFRC sources and similarly competing TCP and TFWC sources. The bottleneck bandwidth varies from 0.1 Mb/s to 20 Mb/s with 10 ms link delay, and the access link delay was chosen randomly between 0.1 ms to 2.0 ms. There are a few reverse path TCP flows included in the simulations; these serve both to reduce simulator phase effects and reveal any issues that might be caused by TFWC Ack-compression (which TFRC does not suffer from). The drop-tail buffer size at the bottleneck was set to roughly a bandwidth-delay product (BDP) to allow TCP to perform correctly. With this scenario, the approximated average round-trip time is 20 ms - a fairly typical DSL tRT T to a local ISP. We define a fairness index (θ) [6] as an indication of TCP-Friendliness in a steady state environment. It is the aggregated throughput of n TCP6 flows divided by the total aggregated throughput of all TCP and TFRC (or TCP and TFWC) flows, which is: Pn

i=1 Ttcp Pin , T j=1 Tj i=1 tcpi +

Fairness Index (θ) = Pn


where Ttcpi is the throughput of the ith TCP source, and 6


40 20 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 Number of Sources 0 0 2 4 6 Bottleneck Bandwidth

(b) With Jitter




colored index

Fairness Index 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

colored index

Throughput (Mb/s)

8 TFWC Flows 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 200

In ns-2 simulations, we have used TCP SACK1 Agent.

Tj is the throughput of the j th TFRC (or TFWC) source. If θ is 0.5, then it indicates TCP perfectly shares the link with TFRC (or TFWC). As θ approaches 1, TFRC (or TFWC) sources are starved by TCP sources. Figure 4 shows the protocol fairness for (a) TCP vs TFRC and (b) TCP vs TFWC. The x-axis shows the bottleneck bandwidth, the y-axis gives the number of flows sharing the bottleneck, and the z-axis stands for the fairness index (θ). The TFRC protocol fairness is largely dependent upon the bottleneck bandwidth. If the bottleneck bandwidth is less than 1 Mb/s, then we can hardly say the TFRC is fair to TCP, no matter what the number of sources is: θ ∼ = 0.1. Equally with one TFRC flow, the graph shows values where θ > 0.95, indicating TFRC is starved. Although TFWC is not perfect (it does after all use the same equation), it does significantly better, with no value of θ less than 0.35 or greater than 0.8.

3.2 Protocol Smoothness - Coefficient of Variation (CoV) Generally speaking, there are pros and cons for the choice of between the rate-based congestion control and the TCPlike window-based congestion control. One advantage of rate-based congestion control is it can generate smoother throughput than the TCP-like window-based congestion control by avoiding the saw-tooth like behavior. So, are we going to loose this smoothness by re-introducing the TCP-like Ack in TFWC? To answer this we use Coefficient of Variation (CoV) as the performance metric for smoothness of



Throughput (Mb/s)


0.6 0.4 0.2 0 210


220 225 230 Simulation Time (sec)



(a) TCP’s Abrupt Sending Rate Change Throughput (Mb/s)



colored index

CoV 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0


40 20 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 Number of Sources 0 0 2 4 6 Bottleneck Bandwidth

(a) TFRC’s CoV

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 210


220 225 230 Simulation Time (sec)







0.5 0

colored index


Throughput (Mb/s)

(b) TFRC Smoothness CoV 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

0.6 0.4 0.2 0 210



40 20 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 Number of Sources 0 0 2 4 6 Bottleneck Bandwidth

(b) TFWC’s CoV Figure 5: Coefficient of Variation for TFRC and TFWC

the steady-state sending rates. The Coefficient of Variation (CoV) is the throughput variation experienced by a flow over time. Let Ti be the sending rate of a flow during the ith time interval, then CoV of that flow can be defined as:

CoV (∆) =

q P k 1 k

i=1 (Ti

− T )2

, (4) T where T is the average throughput over time and k is the number of time intervals. The time interval is 0.5 seconds in these simulations, which is a reasonable timescale for changing codec parameters for realtime traffic. Figure 5 depicts the mean CoV (∆) of both the TFRC and TFWC flows. The coordinate description is same as in Figure 4. The CoV of both TFRC and TFWC is quite small (∆ < 0.3) in all cases except: • TFRC’s CoV is very high (∆ > 0.9) when the number of sources is small. • TFWC’s CoV is relatively high (0.4 < ∆ < 0.6) when the bottleneck bandwidth is small. When TFRC’s CoV is high, the TFRC throughput received significantly less than TCP’s, so a subtle change in throughput made it high, whereas when TFWC’s CoV is high, the TFWC shared the bandwidth fairly with TCP with a little variation in throughput. Note that TFRC starved almost all TCP throughput in this regime, so TFWC with a little high CoV can be acceptable.

220 225 230 Simulation Time (sec)

(c) TFWC Smoothness Figure 6: TCP/TFRC/TFWC Protocol Smoothness

3.3 Smoothness As studied in [2], the long-term smoothness of a traffic is mainly determined by packet loss patterns and it tends to follow the same distribution at large time-scales (more than 100 tRT T ), regardless of which congestion control scheme is applied. Let us look in more detail at a single simulation, similar to those in Figures 4 and 5. In this example, we have chosen 8 TFRC (or TFWC) competing with the same number of TCP sources for a bottleneck link with capacity 5 Mb/s. There is reverse TCP traffic, partly to reduce simulation phase effects, but more importantly to perturb the smoothness of the TFWC Ack flow: unlike TFRC, TFWC’s smoothness is reduced if the Ack flow is disrupted. The bottleneck queue is set to 300 packets; the average cwnd per flow will be roughly 15 packets7 , which is large enough to make Ack-clocking the dominant TFWC mechanism and ensure it does not switch into rate-based mode. Figure 6 shows the smoothness of TFWC protocol. The degree of smoothness is similar to what TFRC can perform as you can see in Figure 6(b) and Figure 6(c).

3.4 Responsiveness It is of course possible to make equation-based congestion control arbitrarily smooth by using long time constants in the aveage loss interval filter, but this would come at the expense of responsiveness to real changes in network conditions. To better illustrate TFWC’s responsiveness, we now study how the protocols respond to the impulse response as a form of On and Off constant bit-rate (CBR) source. The 7

of packets on the fly = max number total number of sources BDP + queue size # of TCP sources + # of TFWC sources

average cwnd size per flow


Throughput (Mb/s)

2.4 2 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0









(a) Impulse Response 2.4 1.6 0.8 0 210






(b) Zoom-In (high-lighted area) Figure 7: TCP/TFRC/TFWC Responsiveness

simulation model is similar used in [4]. In the simulation, we turn on and off a CBR source with sending rate half of the bottleneck bandwidth. The results shown in Figure 7 are from the bottleneck bandwidth = 1.5 Mb/s, average tRT T = 60 ms, and the queue size is arbitrary large so that each TCP, TFRC, or TFWC flow can fill the bandwidth fully. One TCP source is competing with one CBR source and similarly one TFRC/TFWC with one CBR source. CBR is turned on at 160 sec and run 30 sec, and similarly turned on 210 and 270 sec with 30 sec running time, respectively. As we can see in Figure 7, TFWC’s responsiveness is similar to TFRC, and TCP has little ripple in throughput when sudden network condition changes. If we zoom in a little more as in Figure 7(b), TFWC is faster than TFRC when filling up the available bandwidth. This is because TFWC can cope with the speed of Ack-clock whereas TFRC is bounded by that of an RTT at least.



Rhee [10] and Yang [14] used a moderate window decrease parameter to reduce rate variability while using a matching window increase parameter to fulfill TCP-friendliness. However, non-linear control was initially considered not robust and not suitable for practical purposes [5]. Bansal and Balakrishnan [3] proposed a binomial controls that interacts well with TCP. But, all these window-based control lacks history accounting (i.e., memoryless control) in that the increase and decrease rules only use the current window size wt and constant values (α, β, k, and l). Jin and Guo [8] also claimed that the history information about window size is useful not only because it can act as an indicator of the current congestion level of the network, but also as a good predictor of the next congestion epoch. Unfortunately, this scheme also uses non-linear control mechanisms which can be impractical in a real-world situation. Moreover, these window-based controls have TCP’s saw-tooth window behavior which does not suit to multimedia applications. So, to our knowledge, the TCP-Friendly window-based controls up-to-date are bounded by the non-linearity problem and can be problematic to apply in real situations because of the saw-tooth property.

In this paper, we proposed a TCP-Friendly window-based congestion control, a simple but novel congestion control mechanism for streaming multimedia applications. We showed that TFWC can outperform TFRC in various network settings through extensive ns-2 simulations. A rate-based congestion control faces practical implementation issues with timer granularity when the RTT is small, like a local LAN environment, whereas TFWC works just like TCP with its Ack-clocking mechanism and does not suffer from this limitation, giving better fairness (see Figure 4). Similar limitations are well pointed out in [11] and [13]. Also, TFRC can starve almost all TCP traffic under a DSL-like environment with low level of statistical multiplexed link, whereas TFWC can co-exist with TCP nicely in the same condition. So, rate-based congestion control can starve or be starved with other types of congestion control mechanisms, especially TCP, which is not desirable at all in the Internet. In this context, TFWC is more realistic and practical when it is implemented in a real-world application without bearing all the troubles as introduced in Section 1, and it can still have the nice properties that the rate-based congestion control mechanisms have: nice protocol smoothness, fairness, and responsiveness. Therefore, if we have an option to achieve same goal with window-based congestion control for multimedia streaming applications, then this seems to be a better choice than rate-based protocols.

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