Destiny Practice Activity - TeacherWeb

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1. Hit the browse authors button to select him. How many books does the MHS library have by Robert Jordan? 2. Sort by title. What is the title of the first book? 3.
Destiny Practice Search Activity Look up October Sky by TITLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How many copies does the MHS Library have? How many copies are currently available for check-out? What is the call number? Who is the author? Does the library have October Sky in a non-print format? What is the format?

Look up Robert Jordan by AUTHOR (remember last name, comma, space, first name) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Hit the browse authors button to select him. How many books does the MHS library have by Robert Jordan? Sort by title. What is the title of the first book? Click on the title. What type of book is this? What series is it part of? Look under publication information. What is the copyright date of this book?

Look up Greek mythology by SUBJECT. 1. 2. 3. 4.

How many books does the MHS Library have? Click the browse subjects button and hit the “see” reference Mythology, Greek. How many books does this search produce? What is the call number of the first book? What might the “OS” stand for?

Look up Insects by KEYWORD 1. 2. 3.

How many books does the MHS Library have? Click the browse subjects button and choose Insects--Life cycles. (hint-you will have to click the green arrow to advance to more subject headings. What is the call number of the book? Under “EXPLORE” list one other subject heading that this book is listed under.

Short Answer Questions. Any responses not written in complete sentences will be marked as wrong. 1. Why is keyword searching usually the last type of search you should do? When would it be appropriate? 2. When looking up books by subject, why is it necessary to use the “browse subjects” tab?