DETAIL OF BBA IST YEAR BOOKS. S.No. Subject. Title. Author. 1.Office
Organisation Mgt. Arora. 2.New Horizons in Mgt. Bhatia S.K. 3.Projects. Chandra.
Management Perspectives (BBA_101)
Managerial Skill Development (BBA_102)
Business Statistics (BBA_103)
Fundamentals Of Accounting (BBA_104)
1.Office Organisation Mgt. 2.New Horizons in Mgt. 3.Projects 4.Office Organisation & Mgt. 5.Organisation Theory Change, Designee 6.Strategic Business Mgt. 7.Essentials of Management 8.Essentials of Mgt. 9.Principle of Marketing 10.Project management 11.Principles & Practices of Mgt. 12.Management 1.B. Communication Today 2. B. Communication 3. B. Communication 4. Effective B. Communication 5. B. Communication 6. B. Communication 7. Effective B. Communication 8. B. Communication 9. Body language 10. B. Communication 11. Communication 1. Business Statistics 2. ATB of Statistics 3. Business Statistics 4. Statistical Methods 5. Practical Statistics 6. Fundementals of Statistics 7. Business Statistics. 8. Business statistics 9. Qualitative Techniques 10. Quantitative Techniques in Management 1. Management Accounting 2. Financial Management 3. Financial Accounting 4. Financial Accounting 5. Corporate Accounting
6. Elements of Book Keeping 1. Programme Aosie 2. Fundamentals of Computers 3. Computers Today 4. Executing C Introduction to 5. Let us C Computers 6. Introduction to Computers (BBA_105) 7. Fundamentals of Computers 8. Fundamentals of Computers 9. E-Commerce, E Business 10. Computer Fundamentals 1. Advanced Economics Theory 2. Principles of Economics 3. Modern Economics Theory Managerial Economics 4. Management Economics (BBA_106) 5. MODERN Micro- Economics 6. Business Economics 7. Economics 1. Business Ethics & Global Dev. 2. Business Ethics & Corporate Business Ethics Governance (BBA_107) 3. Ethics & the Conduct of Business. 4. Business Ethics 5. Business Ethics
Elements of Book Keeping Balagauri Swami Balaguru Swami Basandra Jamwal Kanetkar Norton Rajaraman Rajaraman Raydu C.S Sinha Ahuja Chopra Derwetti Dewedi Koutsoynnis Lekhi Sameulson Bhatia Bhatia S.K. Boatright John Raj Rituparna Velaquez