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Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, UK. ... English. Language – Description, Variation and Use. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 286 -.

Andreas Sebastian HOFFMANN

Date of birth:


Place of birth:

Engers (Germany)



Marital status:

married, two children, born 1998 and 2004

EDUCATION: PH.D. IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2003. Dissertation: English Complex Prepositions: Theory and Use. A Corpus-Based Study. (Grade awarded: Summa cum laude) Supervisor: Prof. Gunnel Tottie; Co-examiner: Prof. Christian Mair LIZENTIAT in English linguistics and literature (major) and Russian linguistics and literature (minor), University of Zurich, Switzerland, 1998. Thesis: Mandative Sentences: A Study of Variation on the Basis of the British National Corpus. (Grade awarded: with distinction) MATURA, Kantonsschule Zürcher Unterland, Bülach, Switzerland, 1981 - 1987. PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: PROFESSOR IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS (W2), 2009 Fachbereich II, Anglistik, Trier University, Germany. Since April 2011 as Head of Department. LECTURER IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS, 2006 - 2009 Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, UK. WISSENSCHAFTLICHER MITARBEITER, 2002 - 2006 Full-time post-doctoral research and teaching position. English Department, University of Zurich, Switzerland. RESEARCH ASSISTANT, 1998 - 2002 English Department, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Doctoral research assistant to Prof. Gunnel Tottie (half-time position).

PUBLICATIONS (INCLUDING MANUSCRIPTS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION): BOOKS: Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2005. Grammaticalization and English Complex Prepositions. A Corpus-Based Study. London: Routledge. Hoffmann, Sebastian, Evert, Stefan, Smith, Nicholas, Lee, David and Ylva Berglund Prytz. 2008. Corpus Linguistics with BNCweb – a Practical Guide. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. EDITED VOLUMES AND JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES: Hoffmann, Sebastian, Fischer-Starcke and Andrea Sand. In press. Current Issues in Phraseology. Special issue of the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 18(1). To appear in early 2013. Hoffmann, Sebastian, Rayson, Paul and Geoffrey Leech. 2012. English Corpus Linguistics: Looking back, Moving forward. Papers from the 30th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 30). Amsterdam: Rodopi. Rayson, Paul, Hoffmann, Sebastian and Geoffrey Leech. 2011. Methodological and Historical Dimensions of Corpus Linguistics. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English. Vol. 6. Helsinki: eVarieng. Available at JOURNAL ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS: Brems, Lieselotte and Sebastian Hoffmann. 2012. “New Perspectives, Theories and Methods: Grammaticalization.” In: Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton (eds.) Historical Linguistics of English. HSK-Series. Berlin and New York: Mouton. 1558–1576. Gabrielatos, Costas, Torgersen, Eivind Nessa, Hoffmann, Sebastian and Susan Fox. 2010. “A Corpus-Based Sociolinguistic Study of Indefinite Article Forms in London English.” Journal of English Linguistics, 38(4): 297-334. Hoffmann, Sebastian. In press. “Using Tag Sequences to Retrieve Grammatical Structures – How to Find Noun Phrases in the British National Corpus.” In: Manfred Krug and Julia Schlüter (eds.) Research Methods in Language Variation and Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hoffmann, Sebastian. In press. “Corpora: English–Language.” In: Carol A. Chapelle (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Malden, MA: WileyBlackwell. Hoffmann, Sebastian. In press. “Geoffrey Leech.” In: Carol A. Chapelle (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2011. “Interview with Terttu Nevalainen.” Journal of English Linguistics, 39(4): 359-370. First published on October 13, 2011 as doi:10.1177/0075424211424647. Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2009. “Corpus Linguistics and the Internet – An Overview and Three Case Studies.” Anglistik, 20(1): 23-39.


Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2009. “Lexical Change.” In: Jonathan Culpeper, Francis Katamba, Paul Kerswill, Ruth Wodak and Tony McEnery (eds.) English Language – Description, Variation and Use. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 286300. Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2007. “From Web-Page to Mega-Corpus: The CNN Transcripts. ” In: Marianne Hundt, Nadja Nesselhauf and Carolin Biewer (eds.) Corpus Linguistics and the Web. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 69-85. Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2007. “Processing Internet-Derived Text – Creating a Corpus of Usenet Messages. ” Literary and Linguistic Computing, 22(2): 151-65. Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2006. “Tag Questions in Early and Late Modern English.” Anglistik, 17(2): 35-55. Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2004. “Are Low-Frequency Complex Prepositions Grammaticalized? On the Limits of Corpus Data – and the Importance of Intuition.” In: Hans Lindquist and Christian Mair (eds.) Corpus Approaches to Grammaticalization in English. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. 171-210. Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2004. “Using the OED Quotations Database as a Corpus – A Linguistic Appraisal.” ICAME Journal, 28: 17-30. Hoffmann, Sebastian. 2002. “In (Hot) Pursuit of Data: Complex Prepositions in Late Modern English.” In: Pam Peters, Peter Collins and Adam Smith (eds.) New Frontiers of Corpus Research. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. 127-146. Hoffmann, Sebastian, Blass, Anne-Katrin and Joybrato Mukherjee. In press. “Canonical Tag Questions in Asian Englishes: Forms, Functions and Frequencies in Hong Kong English, Indian English and Singapore English.” In: Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola and Devyani Sharma (eds.) Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Hoffmann, Sebastian and Stefan Evert. 2006. “BNCweb (CQP Edition) – The Marriage of Two Corpus Tools.” In: Sabine Braun, Kurt Kohn and Joybrato Mukherjee (eds.) Corpus Technology and Language Pedagogy: New Resources, New Tools, New Methods. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 177195. Hoffmann, Sebastian, Hundt, Marianne and Joybrato Mukherjee. 2011. “Indian English – An Emerging Epicentre? A Pilot Study on Light Verbs in Webderived Corpora of South Asian Englishes.” Anglia, 129(3). 258-280. Hoffmann, Sebastian and Hans Martin Lehmann. 2000. “Collocational Evidence from the British National Corpus.” In: John Kirk (ed.) Corpora Galore: Analysis and Techniques in Describing English. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 17-32. Hoffmann, Sebastian, Lehmann, Hans Martin and Gunnel Tottie. 2001. “The Student as Corpus Linguist.” In: Guy Aston and Lou Burnard (eds.) Corpora in the Description and Teaching of English. Bologna: CLUEB. 118-32. Hoffmann, Sebastian & Joybrato Mukherjee. 2007. “Ditransitive Verbs in Indian English and British English: A Corpus-linguistic Study”. AAA – Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 32(1): 5-24. Hoffmann, Sebastian, Paul Rayson and Geoffrey Leech. 2012. “Introduction: English Corpus Linguistics: Looking back, Moving forward”. In: Sebastian 3

Hoffmann, Paul Rayson and Geoffrey Leech (eds.) English Corpus Linguistics: Looking back, Moving forward. Papers from the 30th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 30). Amsterdam: Rodopi. 1-4. Hoffmann, Sebastian and Robert Sigley. In press. “Approaching a Linguistic Variable: That-Omission in Mandative Sentences.” In: Shunji Yamazaki and Robert Sigley (eds.) Approaching Language Variation through Corpora. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Hundt, Marianne, Hoffmann, Sebastian and Joybrato Mukherjee. 2012. “The Hypothetical Subjunctive in South Asian Englishes – Local Developments in the Use of a Global Construction” English World-Wide. 33(2), 2012. 147164. Lehmann Hans-Martin, Schneider, Peter and Sebastian Hoffmann. 2000. “BNCweb.” In: John Kirk (ed.) Corpora Galore: Analysis and Techniques in Describing English. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 259-266. Locher, Miriam and Sebastian Hoffmann. 2006. “Constructing the Identity of an Advice-Giver in an American Internet Advice Column.” Text & Talk, 26(1): 67-104. Mukherjee, Joybrato and Sebastian Hoffmann. 2006. “Describing VerbComplementational Profiles of New Englishes: A Pilot Study of Indian English.” English World-Wide 27(2): 147-173. Rayson, Paul, Hoffmann, Sebastian and Geoffrey Leech. 2011. “Introduction.” In: Paul Rayson, Sebastian Hoffmann and Geoffrey Leech. (eds.) Methodological and Historical Dimensions of Corpus Linguistics. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English. Vol. 6. Helsinki: eVarieng. Available at Smith, Nicholas, Hoffmann, Sebastian and Paul Rayson. 2008. “Corpus Tools and Methods, Today and Tomorrow: Incorporating Linguists’ Manual Annotations.” Literary and Linguistic Computing, 23(2): 163-180. Stubbs, Michael & Sebastian Hoffmann. 2011. “Linguistics, Corpora and Culture – A Conversation.” Cultus, 4: 21-34. Torgersen, Eivind Nessa, Gabrielatos, Costas, Hoffmann, Sebastian and Susan Fox 2011. “A Corpus-based Study of Pragmatic Markers in London English.” Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 7(1): 93-118. Tottie, Gunnel and Sebastian Hoffmann. 2009a. “Tag Questions in English – The First Century.” Journal of English Linguistics, 37(2): 130-161. Tottie, Gunnel and Sebastian Hoffmann. 2009b. “Tag Questions as markers of Stance in Written Language.” In: Rhonwen Bowen, Mats Mobärg, Sölve Ohlander (eds.) Corpora and Discourse - and Stuff. Papers in Honour of Karin Aijmer. 305-315. Tottie, Gunnel and Sebastian Hoffmann. 2006. “Tag Questions in British and American English.” Journal of English Linguistics, 34(4): 283-311. Tottie, Gunnel and Sebastian Hoffmann. 2001. “Based on: From Dangling Participle to Complex Preposition.” In: Karin Aijmer (ed.) Studies in English Linguistics. Gothenburg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. 1-12. 4

REVIEWS: Smitterberg, Erik. 2005. “The Progressive in 19th-Century English.” Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 8(1): 146-52. PUBLICATIONS (IN PROGRESS): BOOKS AND EDITED VOLUMES: Hoffmann, Sebastian, Hardie, Andrew, Evert, Stefan, Smith, Nicholas, Lee, David and Ylva Berglund Prytz. Forthcoming. Understanding Corpus Linguistics – A Practical Guide to CQPweb. London: Hodder. Publication planned for late 2013. JOURNAL ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS: Hardaker, Claire, Hoffmann, Sebastian and Anne-Katrin Blass. Forthcoming. “‘Didn't pay much attention in school, did you?’ – Tag Questions as Markers of (Im)politeness in Computer-Mediated Communication.” To be submitted for peer review in April 2012. AWARDS FOR PUBLICATIONS (INCLUDING SHORT-LISTINGS): 2008 2006 2005 2004

Short-listing for the BAAL Book Prize (Corpus Linguistics with BNCweb – A Practical Guide, Peter Lang) Short-listing for the ESSE book award (Grammaticalization and English Complex Prepositions: A Corpus-based Study, Routledge) Dissertation award of the German Association for English Studies (Anglistenverband) Annual prize of the Faculty of Arts, University of Zurich (for Ph.D. thesis).


WS 11/12

SS 11

on sabbatical – no teaching Ling 101V: History of the English Language (Lecture) Ling 401: Analysing Media Language Ling 801: Singapore English then and now Examenskolloquium Ling 101V: English Language (Lecture) Ling 301: Analysing Sentences Ling 701: Corpus Linguistics Ling 703: English Historical Syntax Ling 401: Language and the Internet Ling 803: Newspapers then and now Ling 803: Late Modern English Examenskolloquium 5

WS 10/11

SS 10

WS 09/10

Ling 101V: English Language (Lecture) Ling 301: Analysing Sentences Ling 501: Transcribing and Analysing Speech Ling 703: The Making of Modern English Ling 402V: Corpus Linguistics (Lecture) Ling 803: Historical Pragmatics Ling 803: Historical Sociolinguistics Examenskolloquium Ling 101V: English Language (Lecture) Ling 301: Syntax Ling 301: Lexico-grammar Ling 703: Mechanisms of Language Change


Term 2 07/08

Term 1 07/08 Term 2 06/07

Term 1 06/07

Ling 133: Historical Background to Modern English Ling 313: Language Change in English and Beyond Ling 130: English Language Ling 203: English Language – Past and Present (Seminar only) MA English Language (distance): English Grammar Ling 133: Historical Background to Modern English Ling 213: Language Change in English and Beyond Ling 401: Research Issues in Applied Linguistics – Corpus Linguistics (MA workshop) Ling 491: History of English (MA course) Ling 130: English Language Ling 203: English Language – Past and Present (Seminar only) Ling 133: Historical Background to Modern English Ling 213: Language Change in English and Beyond Ling 491: History of English (MA course) Ling 130: English Language


Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II Colloquium:Corpus Linguistics Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II Colloquium: Grammaticalization Theory Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II


SS 03

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II

WS 02/03

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II

SS 02

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II

WS 01/02

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I Lecture (with Hans Martin Lehmann): How to do Things with Corpora (with exercises)

SS 01

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II

WS 00/01

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I

SS 00

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II

WS 99/00

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I

SS 99

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part II

WS 98/99

Proseminar: Introduction to Linguistics, Part I


National University Singapore (Singapore) The Corpus of Historical Singapore English: Data, Methods and First Results

June 2012

Regensburg University (Germany) Compiling and Analysing a Historical Corpus of Singapore English – Or: The Trials and Tribulations of a Corpus Compiler.

June 2011

Erlangen University (Germany) Frequency and Language Change – An Overview and some Open Questions

Oct 2010

University of Zurich (Switzerland) English in Singapore and Malaysia

Jan 2010

Giessen University (Germany) Corpus Linguistics: Some further Methodological Issues

Nov 2008

Bangor University (UK) Corpus Linguistics and the Internet

June 2008

Helsinki University (Finland) Web-derived Corpora: Advantages, Problems and Applications.

June 2008

University of Reading (UK) CLARET Workshop: BNCweb.

April 2008

City University, Hong Kong The Web as Corpus.

Nov 2007

University of Paderborn (Germany) Compiling web-derived corpora: a critical evaluation.

May 2007

Manchester University (UK) The Importance of Frequency 7

April 2007

April 2007

Nov 2006

Jan 2006 Dec 2004

Sept 2003 July 2003 May 2003 Nov 2002

Nov 2002

Mar 2002 Nov 2001

Nov 2001

Sept 2000

Sept 2000

Aug 2000

Tampere University (Finland) Low-frequency Phenomena – An Overview and some Open Questions Tampere University (Finland) / LANGNET (Finnish Graduate School in Language Studies) Intensive course on corpus linguistic methodology Daito Bunka University and Chuo University, Tokyo (Japan) Several lectures on language change and corpus linguistic methodology Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland) Please Gift me Some of Your Time: A Look at Indian English Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen (Germany) Investigating Language Change: Grammaticalization and Corpus Data Lancaster University (UK) Grammaticalization and Corpus Linguistics Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Doing Corpus Linguistics with BNCweb University of Berne (Switzerland) The Grammaticalization of Complex Prepositions Daito Bunka University, Tokyo (Japan) BNCweb – Accessing a Corpus of 100 Million Words over the Internet Osaka University (Japan) BNCweb – Accessing a Corpus of 100 Million Words over the Internet Universiti Sains Malaysia, Georgetown (Malaysia) Corpus Linguistics and the BNC Oxford University (UK) BNCweb: Managing 100 Million Words from your Armchair – Demonstration of a Web-Based Interface to the British National Corpus Queen’s University, Belfast (UK) Corpus Linguistics and the BNC Intensive course for third-year students (together with Hans Martin Lehmann). Gothenburg University (Sweden) • The Student as Corpus Linguist • Searching the BNC with BNCweb (Software demonstration followed by hands-on session) Stockholm University (Sweden) A Corpus-Based, Diachronic Study of Complex Prepositions. Definitions and Methodology Uppsala University (Sweden) The Student as Corpus Linguist



June 2011

Helsinki Corpus Festival; University of Helsinki (Finland) Paper: The Historical Corpus of Post-Colonial Englishes – Aims and First Steps (with Peter KW Tan) ICAME 2011; University of Oslo (Norway) • Paper: Which came first, try to or try and? A chicken-andegg story (with Gunnel Tottie) • Paper: Canonical tag questions in Asian Englishes: Forms, functions and frequencies in Hong Kong English, Indian English and Singapore English (with Anne-Katrin Blass and Joybrato Mukherjee)

Sept 2010

Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE); Vilnius University (Lithuania) Paper: In Search of Answers: The Category of Complex Prepositions Revisited (with Anne-Katrin Blass)

July 2010

Seminar on Corpus Linguistics; University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Paper: Manual Annotation

May 2010

ICAME 2010; Giessen University (Germany) Poster: Towards an International Historical Corpus of Post-colonial Varieties of English

May 2009

ICAME 2009; Lancaster (UK). Lancaster University and University of Central Lancashire. (No paper given – main organiser)

Sept 2010

Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE); Vilnius University (Lithuania) Paper: In Search of Answers: The Category of Complex Prepositions Revisited (with Anne-Katrin Blass)

Oct 2008

ISLE; University of Freiburg (Germany) Paper: Using Internet-derived data as a proxy for authentic spoken language – an evaluation.

Oct 2008

Anglistentag (Annual meeting of the German Association for English Studies); Tübingen (Germany) Paper: Patterns across varieties: Verb-complementational profiles of Old and New Englishes (with Joybrato Mukherjee)

July 2008

Symposium; University of Bamberg (Germany); “Variation in English”. Invited paper: Using a Heavily Annotated Corpus for the Description of Grammatical Variation in Present-day English ICAME 2008; Ascona. University of Zurich, Switzerland. • Invited participant in panel discussion on “Frequency” • Paper: If Indian English were/was an emerging epicentre in South Asia, what would the evidence look like? (with Marianne Hundt and Joybrato Mukherjee) • Poster: Variability in Child Language (with Katie Alcock, Kate Cain, Andrew Hardie, Nicola Pooley and Paul Rayson)

May 2008


Sept 2007

July 2007

May 2007

August 2006

April 2006

Sept 2005 July 2005

May 2005

Feb 2005

Feb 2005

SHEL 5; University of Georgia, Athens (USA) Paper: The English Tag Question: The First Centuries (with Gunnel Tottie) Corpus Linguistics 2007; University of Birmingham (UK) Paper: Corpus Tools Today and Tomorrow: Incorporating Userdefined Annotations (with Paul Rayson and Nicholas Smith) ICAME 2007; Stratford-upon-Avon. University of Central England, Birmingham (UK) • Pre-conference tutorial: Quantitative and Statistical Analyses in Corpus Linguistics – a Practical Introduction (with Stefan Evert and Stefan Gries) • Paper: The Meaning and Functions of Tag Questions in the History of English (with Gunnel Tottie) • Paper: Indian English – an Emerging Epicentre? Insights from Web-derived Corpora of South Asian Englishes (with Marianne Hundt and Joybrato Mukherjee) ICEHL 14; University of Bergamo (Italy) • Paper: From Question to Tag: The Development of Tag Questions in the History of English (with Gunnel Tottie) • Software presentation: BNCweb (CQP-Edition) and Beyond (with S. Evert) “Directions in English Language Studies”; University of Manchester (UK) Paper: Verb-Complementational Profiles across Varieties of English: Corpus-Linguistic Perspectives on Indian English (with Joybrato Mukherjee) Anglistentag (Annual meeting of the German Association for English Studies); University of Bamberg (Germany) Corpus Linguistics 2005; University of Birmingham (UK) • Workshop: “The Web as Corpus” (with Marco Baroni and Adam Kilgarriff). Paper: The Usenet Archive: Internet-based Data and Corpus Linguistics • Software-Demonstration: BNCweb (CQP Edition): The Marriage of Two Corpus Tools (with Stefan Evert) ICAME 2005; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (USA) Paper: Tag Questions in American and British English (with Gunnel Tottie and Andrea Roesle) Workshop; Thammasat University, Bangkok (Thailand) “Corpora Applied to Linguistics/Language Teaching” Paper: BNCweb Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (Belgium) “From Ideational to Interpersonal: Perspectives from Grammaticalization” Paper: Grammaticalization Theory and Corpus Data


Jan 2005

Jan 2005 Oct 2004

Sept 2004

May 2004

April 2003 Feb 2003

Jan 2003

May 2002 Jan 2002

May 2001

Jan 2001

Aug 2000 Apr 2000

Workshop; Universitity of Bologna, Forlì (Italy) “The Web as Corpus” Paper: Converting the CNN Transcripts to a Searchable Corpus Technical and Methodological Aspects Linguistic Society of America, Oakland, CA (USA) Symposium; University of Heidelberg (Germany) “Corpus Linguistics – Perspectives for the Future” Invited paper: From Web-page to Mega-corpus: The CNN Transcripts. NWAV 33; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA) Poster: Tag Questions in American and British English (with Gunnel Tottie and Andrea Roesle). ICAME 2004; University of Verona (Italy) • Invited participant in panel discussion on the future of corpus linguistics • Paper: Discourse Markers and Grammaticalization Theory: The Case of In Terms Of ICAME 2003; Guernsey. The University of Liverpool (UK) Poster: Using the OED Quotations Database as Corpus. Georgetown University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics (GURT 2003); Washington D.C. (USA) Paper: Constructing Authority in Internet Advice Columns (with M. Locher). Swiss Work in English Language and Linguistics (SWELL 2003); University of Fribourg (Switzerland) Paper: Identity and its Linguistic Realizations. Establishing Authority in Two Internet Advice Columns (with Miriam Locher). ICAME 2002; Gothenburg University (Sweden) Software Demonstration: BNCweb (with Hans Martin Lehmann). Swiss Work in English Language and Linguistics (SWELL 2002); University of Berne (Switzerland) Paper: Low-Frequency Complex Prepositions. ICAME 2001; Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) • Paper: Complex Prepositions Revisited: Definitions and Corpus Data. • Software Demonstration: BNCweb (with Hans Martin Lehmann and Peter Schneider) Swiss Work in English Language and Linguistics (SWELL 2001); University of Zurich (Switzerland) Paper: What are Complex Prepositions? ESSE-5; Helsinki (Finland) Paper: The Student as Corpus Linguist. ICAME 2000; Macquarie University, Sydney (Australia) Paper: In (Hot) Pursuit of Data: Complex Prepositions Then and Now.


Jan 2000

May 1999 May 1998

May 1997

Swiss Work in English Language and Linguistics (SWELL 2000); University of Berne (Switzerland) Paper: Preposition - Noun Collocations in British and American English. ICAME 1999; University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) ICAME 1998; Queen’s University, Belfast (UK) • Paper: Collocational Evidence from the BNC (with Hans Martin Lehmann) • Software Demonstration: BNCweb (with Hans Martin Lehmann and Peter Schneider) ICAME 1997; Chester. The University of Liverpool (UK) Paper: That-Omission in Mandative Sentences

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 2010 2007 - 2009 2004 - 2012 2002 - 2006 1999 - 2006

Consulting editor for the Journal of English Linguistics Independent reviewer for AHRC Research Grants (e-Science) Scheme Member of the advisory board of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME) External expert at exams for the Höheres Lehramt (high school teachers diploma) in the canton of Zurich. External expert at high school exams in various Zurich schools.

CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION: May 2015 (planned) May 2009

Main organiser of ICAME 36 in Trier, Germany Main organiser of ICAME 30 in Lancaster, UK (co-hosted with the University of Central Lancashire)


A Historical Corpus of Singapore English. Compilation of a diachronic corpus of Standard Singapore English (1951–2011); in collaboration with Dr. Peter Tan, National University of Singapore. This is the first stage of a large-scale project aiming to compile a diachronic corpus of post-colonial Englishes. Based on the results of initial studies, a grant proposal (planned submission to the DFG in early 2013) is currently under preparation.

2008 - 2012

ARCHER-3: Enhancement of ARCHER, A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers. The project is a collaboration between the English departments of: Northern Arizona University (Douglas Biber), University of Southern California (Edward Finegan), University of Freiburg (Christian Mair, Bernd Kortmann), University of Heidelberg (Nadja Nesselhauf), University of Helsinki (Matti Risanen, Arja Nurmi),


Uppsala University (Merja Kytö), University of Michigan (Anne Curzan ), University of Manchester (David Denison, Nuria YáñezBouza, University of Trier (Sebastian Hoffmann), University of Bamberg (Manfred Krug), University of Zurich (Marianne Hundt), University of Salford (Nick Smith), University of Lancaster (Paul Rayson), University of Santiago de Compostela (Teresa Fanego, María José López-Couso, Belen Méndez-Naya). 2008

Analysis of Spoken London English Using Corpus Tools. Project led by Eivind Torgersen, co-investigator Paul Kerswill, both Lancaster University. (Supported with £6,877 by the British Academy.) Consultancy and software development.