newspapers Using U S data on a state-by-state basis for 1850 to 1970, we have used a ..... is a listing of the regions and states within each region: (1) New England and ... (4) South Atlantic: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Vir- ginia, North ...
approach to the problem of time-series studies and model to account for the growth in demand for daily newspapers Using U S data on a state-by-state basis for 1850 to 1970, we have used a marketing approach What conditions were necessary for the survival of a daily newspaper? What conditions were conducive to consolidation? What conditions were a barrier to the adoption of social and technological innovation? The data were grouped into geographic and social regions for analysis, using a special case of generalized least squares Independent variables included price as a proportion of per-capita income, percentage of the work force in nonagricultural labor, education, voting, and s range 2 urbanization. Price proved the most powerful predictor Corrected R from 22636 (m regions where newspaper growth took place very early or late in the period) to 67543 in the Midwest and Southwest The model will be applied to data from the industrialized countries of Western Europe in later work This study offers a attempts to set up
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DETERMINANTS OF NEWSPAPER CIRCULATION A Pooled Cross-Sectional Time-Series Study in the United States, 1850-1970 ROBERT L. BISHOP KATHERINE SHARMA RICHARD J. BRAZEE University of Michigan
For several years the first author of this study has been concerned with the historical development of communications, both in the United States and in other industrialized states. Existing models and typologies seem to offer little
AUTHORS’ NOTE We wlsh to thank Professors Jan Kmenta and E P Howrey for their advlce on econometflcs and Mark Greene, computer counselor for the Department of Economics at the University of Michigan, for assistance with the computer and econometrlc ~ec/7n/