Determinants of Store-Level Price Elasticity Author(s ... - Chicago Booth

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Author(s): Stephen J. Hoch, Byung-Do Kim, Alan L. Montgomery, Peter E. Rossi. Source: Journal of ... obtain store-level price elasticity estimates in each of 18.
Determinants of Store-Level Price Elasticity Author(s): Stephen J. Hoch, Byung-Do Kim, Alan L. Montgomery, Peter E. Rossi Source: Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 32, No. 1, (Feb., 1995), pp. 17-29 Published by: American Marketing Association Stable URL: Accessed: 15/07/2008 17:56 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission.

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STEPHENJ. HOCH,BYUNG-DO KIM, and PETERE. ROSSI* ALANL.MONTGOMERY, Using weekly scanner data representing 18 product categories, the authors estimated store-specific price elasticities for a chain of 83 supermarkets.They related these price sensitivities to a comprehensive set of demographicand competitorvariables that described the trading areas of each of the stores. Despite the inabilityof previous research to find much of a relationshipbetween consumer characteristicsand price sensitivity,11 demographicand competitivevariablesexplainon average 67% of the variationin price response. Moreover,the authorsfound that the consumer demographic variables are much more influentialthan competitivevariables.Theirfindingsopen the possibilityfor more effective everyday and promotional pricing strategies that exploit store-level differences in price sensitivity.





design of promotions, choice of regular shelf prices, and pricing of privatelabel brands. Using store-level scanner data from Dominick's Finer Foods (DFF), a major chain in the Chicago metropolitan area,we develop price elasticity measuresfor each store.We obtain store-level price elasticity estimates in each of 18 productcategories.These elasticities exhibit a great deal of variation across the diverse set of DFF store locations, demonstratingthat individual stores have distinct price response profiles. These distinct store price profiles for each store provide the necessary condition for successful micromarketing. To provide insight into the determinantsof price sensitivity and for predictivepurposes,we then relateour price elasticity estimates to consumerdemographiccharacteristicsas well as to measuresof the natureand extent of local market area competition.Our findings can be used to predict price sensitivityon the basis of readilyavailabledemographicand competitiveinformationfor undevelopedstore locations, or to help retailers who are unwilling or unable to conduct time- and computer-intensiveeconometricanalyses of store scanner data. A small set of demographicand competitive environmentalvariablesexplains two thirdsof the variation in the price elasticities across stores. For the most part,there areconsistentpatternsin the sign and size of the relationship between the explanatoryvariablesand the price elasticities across the 18 categories. We use pooling methods to summarize the informationfrom individual category analyses and provide furtherevidence on the commonality between categories. The approachof the paper is as follows. First, we develop a conceptual frameworkthat guides the selection of demographic and competitive variables and review work on the correlatesof price sensitivity that uses either household

Micromarketingseeks to customize retailing policies to exploit differences across stores in consumercharacteristics and the competitive environment. This store-level customization presupposes the existence of significant and identifiable differences in consumer response to retailing policies across stores. To implementa micromarketingstrategy, the retailermust develop quantitativemeasuresof relevant aspects of consumer response to differentmerchandising policies and then adopt a method for computing these measureson a store-by-storebasis. The retailercan then implement customized pricing on the store level. In addition, retailersand manufacturerscan work togetherand lever existing promotional expendituresthrough more precise micromarkettargetingof stores. The premise is simple: Spend disproportionatelymore in stores that are most sensitive to changes in promotionand price. We focus on consumerresponse to price changes, as capturedby price elasticity measures.Price sensitivityis fundamental to many importantaspects of retail policy, including *Stephen J. Hoch is Robert P. Gwinn Professor of Marketingand BehavioralScience at the Universityof Chicago GraduateSchool of Business. Byung-Do Kim is Assistant Professor of Marketing at Carnegie-Mellon University GraduateSchool of IndustrialAdministration.Alan L. Montgomery is Assistant Professorof Marketingat the Universityof Pennsylvania WhartonSchool of Business. Peter E. Rossi is Professorof Marketing and Statistics at the University of Chicago GraduateSchool of Business. The authors thank Dominick's Finer Foods, InformationResources Inc., and MarketingMetrics for their assistance and the provision of data, and Xavier Dreze and Mary Purkfor their indispensablehelp throughout They acknowledge useful comments from Greg Allenby, Bob Blattberg, Ed George, Rob McCulloch, and Carol Simon. Fundingfor this work was provided by the Micro-MarketingProjectat the GraduateSchool of Business, Universityof Chicago.


Journal of MarketingResearch Vol. XOXII(February 1995), 17-29



or store-level data. Sources of data are then discussed. Second, we presentthe item-level sales responsemodels used to estimate store price elasticities, which are related to variables thatmeasurethe store areademographicand competitive environment. The results of the individual category analyses are provided, followed by material on pooling acrosscategories.Finally,we presentthe implicationsof our findings for everyday and promotionalpricing policies. OF CONSUMERAND COMPEIl lVE CORRELATES PRICESENSITIVITY Household-LevelResearch We view shopping activity as a part of an overall household productionprocess (Becker 1965). Returns to household shopping,which allow the consumerto take advantage of price reductions, are balanced against various costs, including inventory, transportation,opportunity (time), and searchcosts. This viewpoint provides some discipline in selecting and constructing variables from the rather large menu of availabledemographicdata. Inventoryor storage costs influence price sensitivity by affecting a household's ability to take advantageof deals. Households with largerstorage facilities have the ability to buy larger quantities.Transportationcosts also may influence price sensitivity; vehicle ownership increases one's ability to take advantageof deal prices and to stockpile. Sensitivity to price requiresan awarenessof the distribution of prices, which requiresconsiderabletime and psychological effort. Therefore,factors that influence the opportunity cost of time should in turndrive price sensitivity.From an economic perspective, consumers will make trade-offs between expendingtime on shoppingversus otheractivities, dependingon the returnsfrom each activity. The prediction is that consumers with high opportunity costs (in particular,wealthy consumerswith a high marginal value of time) will be less price sensitive. This implies a negative relationshipbetween price sensitivity and level of education, though some have argued that education might contemporaneouslyreduce the psychological costs of price comparisons. It also implies that all else being equal, we would expect elderly consumersto be more price sensitive, because of greaterleisure time. Moreover,we expect large households to be more price sensitive; because of the large amountof disposableincome spent on groceries,the greater the potentialreturns(savings) from shopping. Standard economic demand theory suggests that the household allocates disposable income over various expenditure categories, taking into account the relative price indices of each category. Measuredhousehold income, however, may play only a small role in determiningthis price response, because the observedprice response of a household to changes in the price of items in any productcategory depends on many factors. Blattbergand colleagues (1978) adoptedBecker's (1965) point of view in their study of diary data. Using data from the Chicago TribunePanel for five productcategories collected over the years between 1958 and 1966, they discovered threedemographiccharacteristicsthatwere mildly predictive of deal proneness:car ownership,home ownership, andhouseholdswith unemployedwives. However,theirdata

were collected more than 30 years ago, and the radical changes in the work force and in family structurethat have occurredsince then may have alteredthe empiricalregularities. Many women work because they have to (e.g., single motherfamilies) and thereforethey may be more price sensitive. Income had no effect on deal proneness when controlling for other relevantfactors, despite theory suggesting a negativerelationship. Most otherattemptsto identify demographiccorrelatesof price sensitivity and deal proneness using household panel dataconclude thatthereis a weak to nonexistentrelationship (Frank,Massy, andWind 1972; Montgomery1971; Webster 1965). In theirevaluationof differentaggregationapproaches to developing marketsegments, Elrod and Winer (1982) relatedobserveddifferencesin price sensitivityto socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and found only weak associations. Price response increasedwith age, educationallevel, and householdsheadedby females. Rossi and Allenby (1993) found little relation between household characteristicsand household-level estimates of logit price coefficients. Narasimhan (1984) found relationships between coupon usage and household demographiccharacteristics. Under a price discriminationtheory of couponing, this would suggest indirectlythat there is a relationshipbetween price sensitivity and the demographicvariablesconsidered by Narasimhan.In related work, Bawa and Shoemaker(1987, 1989) found thatpropensityto use an off-price coupon increased with education, income (weakly), and household size. Thereis also substantialliteraturethatinvestigatesthe determinantsof price search behavior (e.g., number of store visits and prices paid). The theory is well developed, but there is a paucity of supportingempirical findings. Carlson and Gieseke (1983) found that price search behavior increased with age and was single-peakedwith respect to income. Marvel (1976) and Maurizi and Kelley (1978) found an inverse relation between income and search. Goldman and Johansson (1978) related a combination of attitudinal and economic variables to self-reported search behavior. Marmorstein,Grewal, and Fishe (1992) found that the subjective value of price comparisonshopping time decreases with wage rates and increases with enjoyment of the shopping process. In all cases, the percentage of variance explained was small (< 15%). To summarize,previous research at the household level has not been able to explain a very large fractionof variation in price sensitivity on the basis of observed consumercharacteristics.There are severalpossible reasons for lack of explanatorypower.First,most of the researchhas utilized consumerpanel data;such dataoften containsmanyhouseholds with very short or sparse purchase histories. Second, the purchasehistories usually involve only one or two product categories and do not capturebehavior across the multiple categoriesthat make up consumers'weekly marketbaskets. Third, in-store and competitive promotionalactivities may overwhelmany demographic-basedconsumerprice proclivities that might exist, that is, short-termenvironmentalfactors swamp individualdifferences, much as has been found in the field of personality psychology (Mischel 1984). Finally, the variation in demographicattributesis often less

Store-LevelPrice Elasticity among scannerpanel membersthan in the store populations found in a majormetropolitanarea.1 Store-LevelResearch We expect observedprice sensitivityto be relatednot only to consumercharacteristicsbut also to the competitiveenvironment. Price sensitivity can be reflected in switching among brandsof the same productcategory,between product categories in the same store, and across differentstores. As the number of alternativeretail outlets increases, the household is given more substitution possibilities and should be more price sensitive unless the prices are perfectly correlatedacross stores. The competitive environmentis determinednot only by the numberof shopping alternativesor substitutionpossibilities but also by the cost of searchand the formatof the competition.The costs of searchshould increaseas a functionof the physical distance and driving time between stores. The greaterthe dispersion of prices in the market,the higher is the expected savings from search.Therefore,we would expect tradingareas with greaterretail density (more different outlets in a given area) to display greaterprice dispersion, which in turn drives greaterprice sensitivity on the part of the consumer. Most consumers shop at a numberof stores, both within and across weeks. Depending on whethera shoppingtrip is primary(buying groceries to last 1 to 2 weeks or more) or secondary (filling a immediate need resulting from an outof-stock condition at home), consumers may place more or less emphasis on convenience versus price. Larger stores will tend to attractmore primaryshoppers(because of wider assortments),whereas smaller stores will attractmore secondaryshopperswho are interestedin convenience. We might expect that, relative to the competition, larger volume stores would be more price sensitive than smaller stores. To stay in business, larger stores have to draw from largertradingareas;consumersmust be willing to drive farther. Consumers who frequent smaller, more proximate stores may self-select on the basis of location and the ability to get in and out of the store quickly ratherthan on selection/assortmentor price. Store-level scannerdata has been used to study this competition between stores. In general, the research suggests that within-store price effects are much greater than those observed between stores. Kumarand Leone (1988) studied the disposable diaper category and found that though there is significant promotion-inducedstore substitutionbetween proximatestores, within-storesubstitutionrates were two to three times greater.Walters (1991) examined both withinstore and between-store substitutionand complementarity. Store substitutionrates were very low compared to brand switching within a store. Bolton (1989) used store-levelscannerdatato relateprice elasticities to a varietyof variablesthatcharacterizethe promotion and performanceof each brand.She consideredthe IFor example, the standarddeviation of our ETHNIC variable across stores is .34, whereas the median standarddeviation among the census tracts that make up each store is .10. Similarly, the standarddeviation of HOUSE_VALacross stores is .33, with a median of .26 within store market areas.

19 extent of couponing, market share, price activity, and display/feature activity and found that these were correlated with price elasticities. All the variables considered by Bolton arejointly determinedby the marketingstrategyand not fundamentallyexplanatoryin nature.The characteristics of consumersand the competitiveenvironmentstudiedhere are better seen as the primitives that determine price sensitivity. To summarize,the store-levelresearchhas focused on the patternsof substitutionbetween and across stores. In the empiricalwork discussed subsequently,we examine the relationshipbetween store price elasticity and detaileddataon the competitiveenvironmentsurroundingeach store. SOURCESOF DATA There were three main sources of data:Dominick's Finer Foods (DFF); InformationResources, Inc. (IRI); and Marketing Metrics.Dominick's has approximately90 stores and a marketshare of approximately20%. Store-LevelSales Data Dominick's provided the University of Chicago with weekly store-level scanner data by UPC, including unit sales, retail price, profit margin,and a deal code indicating shelf-tag price reductions(bonus buys) or in-store coupons. The categories are displayed in Table 1. There is an average of 270 UPCs in a productcategory,from a low of 57 in bath tissue to a high of 637 in cookies. The time span for DFF scannerdata is 160 weeks, the first 80 of which are used for elasticity estimationand the next 80 are reservedfor model validation.Because some of the stores had limited historical data, we limited our attentionto a sample of 83 stores. Chain and Market-LevelPromotionalActivity InformationResources, Inc. provided us with InfoScan data for the Chicago market that was broken out for Dominick's and the remainingcompetitorsas an aggregate;for our purposes,we focus only on Dominick's promotionalactivity. The IRI data is based on a representativesample of approximately60 stores drawn from the population of all major Chicago-areachains and independents.We utilized this data to obtain informationon promotionalactivity. By week we had available the percentage of All Commodity Volume(ACV) of a particularUPC that(1) receivedin-store display along with a price reduction,(2) was featureadvertised along with a price reduction,or (3) was both displayed and featureadvertised. Because feature advertisingis a chainwide corporateactivity, an individualUPC will either be featuredor not featuredin all stores duringa particularweek. Display activity is more discretionary,and except for largerpromotionsthe decision is left up to the store managers.Except for the extremecases where no stores or all stores display an item, we do not know which stores actually displayed the item. The percent ACV data from IRI provide probabilisticinformation about the likelihood that an item has received display support. Given the measurementerror that is likely to be presentin any display variable,we used only informationon chainwide featureactivity in the demandmodel.



Basis of Aggregation

Average Category Elasticity

Standard Deviation

Average Own Elasticity

10 12 18 13 10 15 12 12 17 14 21 21

4 manufacturersand 2 size aggregates 4 brandsby water/oil,4 price tier aggregates 13 Campbell'sflavor/size aggregates,5 misc. aggregates 8 brands(all sizes), 5 manufactureraggregates 5 brands(all flavors) by 2 types 11 brands(all flavors, sizes), 4 manufactureraggregates 11 brands(all flavors), 1 miscellaneous aggregate 5 orangejuice brandsby 1-2 sizes, 4 flavor aggregates 5 brandsby 2-5 types, 1 miscellaneous aggregate 9 orangejuice brands,5 flavor aggregates 19 brands(all sizes), 5 type aggregates I10brandsby 1-4 sizes, 1 miscellaneous aggregate

-3.18 -1.79 -1.62 -1.60 -1.01 -.86 -.77 -.74 -.72 -.55 -.20 -.09

.39 .47 .22 .25 .57 .36 .46 .51 .35 .32 .22 .26

-2.59 -.96 -1.66 -.90 -1.46 -.79 -1.65 -2.24 -1.44 -1.95 -1.14 -1.49

9 10 8 13 11 12

8 brands,1 aggregate 4 brands(all sizes) by 2 forms, 2 form aggregates 3 brands(all sizes) by 2 forms, 2 form aggregates 6 brandsby sizes, 2 size aggregates 4 brands(all flavors) by 2 sizes, 2 size aggregates,kids 7 brandsby 2 sizes, 2 size aggregates

-2.42 -1.58 -.79 -.74 -.45 .05

.19 .21 .06 .29 .37 .52

-2.28 -1.99 -1.77 -1.64 -2.00 -1.21

Number of UPCs

Number of Items

Food Items Soft Drinks CannedSeafood CannedSoup Cookies Grahams/Saltines Snack Crackers Frozen Entrees RefrigeratedJuice Dairy Cheese Frozen Juice Cereal Bottled Juice

619 180 89 637 230 197 500 108 367 105 298 242

Nonfood Items Bath Tissue LaundryDetergent FabricSoftener Liquid Dish Detergent Toothpaste PaperTowels

57 303 140 178 296 90


StoreTradingAreaData Metricsprovidedus withtradingareadatafor Marketing each of the 83 stores.Theydeterminetradingareasfor all stores with yearly sales volume greaterthan $2 million, modelsthattakeinto accountpopulation using proprietary density (e.g., urbanversus suburban),competition,road conditions,and various regional differences.Marketing Metricsdefines a tradingarea by expandinga polygon aroundeach storelocationto enclosean arealargeenough to supporttheACVof the store. functionsbasedon the Bureauof Householdexpenditure LaborStatisticsConsumerExpenditure SurveyandMediamarkResearchInstitute's1990Doublebasesurveyarecombinedwithcensusblockdatato estimatethesize of thepopulationneededto supporttheACV.Thesetradingareasalso who areshartakeintoaccountthe presenceof competitors totalfor a givenareaas well as ing the groceryexpenditure geographicalbarrierssuch as expresswaysand riversand times. differencesin estimatedtransportation EventhoughDFFoperatesin a generallyhighlycompetthereis stilla greatdealof variationin the itiveenvironment, natureand extent of competition.In some locations,the DFF andcompetingstoresare locatedside by side andin otherlocationsthe DFF storeis not nearany majorcompetitor.Tomeasuretheextentandnatureof thecompetition, aboutthetoptencompetiwe reliedon detailedinformation tors in the tradingarea,includingdistancefrom the Dominick'sstore (in miles and estimateddrivingtime minandwarehouse superstore utes),retailformat(supermarket, outlets,andfood/drugcombos),andestimatedweeklysales volume.Thislevel of detailon thecompetitiveenvironment is uniquein studiesof competitivebehavior. Censusblockdatafrom1990provideveryextensivedeon householdsize andcomposition, mographicinformation income, housing, educationalattainment,ethnicity,and manyothervariables.The marketareadefinitionsareused

to formweightedaveragesof theblockdatawithinthetrading area.The weightsdecayat differentratesfor everydirectionfromthe storelocation. DATAANDAGGREGATION ISSUES STORE-LEVEL Becauseourempiricalworkis basedon store-leveldata, it is importantto recognizethe advantagesand disadvanover On the positiveside,aggregation tagesof aggregation. individualconsumersto the storelevelmaytendto average householdout individualstochasticbehavior.Temporary factors(e.g.,existinginventorylevelsafspecificsituational fectingresponseto a deal)will tendto be equalizedacross consumers,leadingto a reductionin systemwidenoise.Alternatively,store-levelanalysiswouldseem to be counterproductiveon the independentvariableside, becausethe couldwashout interestingdifferhighlevel of aggregation encesbetweenindividualconsumers. In our analysisof storemarketareas,we mustrely on thedistribution of keyexsummarystatisticsto characterize in area. market over the consumers the variables planatory As in manymajormetropolitan areas,Chicagohas always been a city of manydistinctand homogenousneighborto the suburbshas inhoods;in recentyears,out-migration creasedthe patternof residentialseparationby wealthand the variationin consumercharacethnicity.Consequently, teristicsacrossdifferentstoremarketareasis substantially withineachmargreaterthanthevariationin characteristics ket area.This,coupledwiththe averagingoutof individual stochasticbehavior,mayaffordus witha betteropportunity betweenpricesensitivityandmarket to detectrelationships areacharacteristics. A simpleexamplewill help clarifythesepointsfurther. betweenpricesensitivityandconConsidertherelationship sumerwealth.Withconsumerpaneldata,we couldattempt to measurepricesensitivityforeachconsumerandthenperforma cross-sectionalregressionof price sensitivityon a

Store-LevelPriceElasticity wealthmeasurefor each household.Givenpreviousfindin thisconings, we wouldexpecta veryweakrelationship sumer-level data.To reducemeasurement noise, we might averagepricesensitivityoverconsumersof exactlythesame wealthlevel andregresstheseaverageson ourwealthmeasure.This amountsto averagingthe regressionerrorterms verticallyat eachof somegroupof wealthpoints. Ourstore-leveldatadividestheconsumerpopulationinto groupsby marketarea.Wecomputetheaveragepricesensitivityfor each marketareaandregressthis on the average wealthfor eachmarketareagroup.Thisis analogousto averagingthe regressionerrorsboth vertically(acrossconsumersof the same wealthlevel) and horizontally(across consumersof differentwealth levels in the same market area).Thus,the successof ourempiricalanalysishingeson the trade-offbetweenreducingnoise in the dependentvariableandthe loss of informationthroughaggregationof the variablesto marketareas. independent Inthenextthreesectionswe will describeourmethodand results.We adopta two-stepprocedure.First,we estimate store-specificprice elasticitiesfor each of the 18 product categories.2Second,we relatethese store/product category andcompetitivevariables. elasticitiesto demographic OBTAINING PRICEELASTICITY ESTIMATES Obtainingpriceelasticityestimatesfor an entirecategory is a complicatedtask involvinga numberof decisionson bothaggregationandmodelspecification.In a typicalgrocery category,supermarkets carryupwardsof 250 UPCs. Ourapproachis to builda detaileddemandmodelat a low level of aggregationto avoidthe extremeassumptionsand possibleaggregationbias thatwouldaffecta highlyaggregatedanalysis.This detaileddemandmodelcan be usedto measurethe sales responseto changesin the priceof individualitemsandsubaggregates or to predicttheresponseof the whole categoryto a uniformprice changeacrossall itemsin the category. We concentrateon measurementof the category-level pricesensitivity,whichis at thecoreof theretailer'scategomostretailershavefairlyunirypricingproblem.Currently, formpricingpolicies(e.g., theyfollowor leadthe competition), whichare not customizedto store-specificclientele. Exploringsystematicpatternsof pricesensitivityon thecategorylevel canopenthepossibilityof improvingprofitabilpricing.Reity by store-specificeverydayandpromotional tailersalso may be interestedin individualitem or brand elasticities,whichcan be used to predictpatternsof differentialpromotional response. DemandModelSpecification Our aggregationscheme startswith the total of 4636 UPCs thatmakeup the 18 categories.Even with our 160 weeksof data,it wouldbe difficultto preciselymeasure83 x 4636 store-UPCelasticitycombinations.Furthermore, 2An alternativeapproachwould a one-step procedurein which the elasticity coefficients in the demandmodel in (1) are made functions of the demographicvariables.To implement a one-step strategy,we would need to make specific distributionalassumptionsregardingthe store elasticity random component or asymptotic argumentswhich requirea large numberof categories. Our approachis a nonparametricfixed effects one, which estimates a store elasticity component in the first step.

21 the pricesof manyUPCsareperfectlycorrelated,because theyarepricedandpromotedtogether(e.g.,differentflavors or formsof the samebrand).Therefore,we formedaggregatesin eachcategory,consistingof top-sellingbrandsand aggregatesof otherUPCson thebasisof size, form,flavor, andtype.As shownin Table1, we formed265 itemswithan averageof 15 aggregatesper category(columnlabeled "Number of Items")fromthe4636 UPCs. Theaggregation schemevaried,dependingon thelevelof andconcentiation differentiation in thecategory.Forexamin the ple, refrigerated juice category,the top ten selling UPCsaccountfor morethan53%of dollarsales volume, whereasin ready-to-eat breakfast cerealsthetoptenaccount forless than17%of sales.Incategorieswithdispersedsales, we aggregated acrosseithersizesand/orflavors/forms to get to a pointwherethetop 10 to 20 itemswouldaccountforat least50%of sales. Thechoiceof modelspecificationalsorequiresa number of tradeoffs in orderto maketheproblemtractablefroman Forexample,we mighthavestarteconometricperspective. ed with a flexiblefunctionalformfor the utilityfunction overall brandsin eachof our 18 categories.Wethencould derivea hugedemandsystemthatwouldfeaturehundreds of of thousands of parameters. Instead,our pricesandhundreds approachis to specifya simplelog-lineardemandmodelin whichthelog of unitsalesfor eachitemis regressedon the log of priceof thatitemandotheritemsin the samecategory. In addition,we includepromotionalvariablesand a laggedsales volumetermin each item equation.Thus,we specifym log-lineardemandequationsfor each of the m itemsin a category.The parameters fromthis demandsystemarethenusedto definea categorypriceelasticity,as describedsubsequently. Thebasicdemandsystemstartswiththevectorof log unit sales(standardized by size) in storej duringweekt, qjtand thevectorof log pricesof eachof them itemsin eachcategory, Pjt (throughout,we denote the logs of variables in

lowercase).Eachelementof thevector,qjt,is denotedqijt,i = 1,...,I, whereI is thetotalnumberof itemsin the category; in the equations,i will alwaysdenotethe index of an item.Thepriceof eachof the itemsin eachcategoryis defined as the geometricshareaverageor the Divisiaprice indexof all of UPCsthatmakeupthatitem.Forexample,in therefrigerated juicecategory,thereare12itemsthatareaggregatesof the 108UPCs.Foreachweekandstore,we computethe share-weighted averageof the log priceof eachof the UPCsin eachitemto formthe Pjtvector,whichis a 12 X 1 vector. For each category,we define a standardlog-lineardemandsystem: (1) q


oa + Tj + (N + Aj)pj + (qj,-I + A Dealjt+ B Fjt+


Lis a m X 1 vectorof ones,Aj= kjI, = 4 0. measure,so we musttakethelimitof thisderivative (2)


lnV(p +h)lh=o=

y'j = w'j

wj is the vectorof volumeshares,w. = Qij/V,whereQ. is theunitvolumeforitemi in storej. Thecategorypriceelasticity measurein (2) providesan estimateof the expected changein categoryunitvolumefora 1%uniform percentage increasein the pricesof all the itemsin the category.For each category (c = 1, ..., C) and each store (j = 1, ..., J), we

use (2) to computea categoryelasticity,lcj.Weshouldnote thatthese are short-runelasticities;the long-runelasticity wouldbe scaledup by the factor1/(1-4). on the level and Table1 presentsdescriptiveinformation dispersionof the categoryelasticityestimates.The categoriesaresortedfirstintofoodandnonfooditemsandthen rankedon the basis of the size of elasticities.The average deviacategoryelasticityis -1.06, andthe averagestandard tionacrossstoresin thesamecategoryis .33, indicatingthat thereis a greatdeal of variationacrossstoreswithinthe samecategory. Table1 presentsthe averageownpriceelasticityin additionto the categoryelasticity,whichis drivenby the degree of substitutability amongcategoriesin the same storeand betweencompetingstores. Substitutionor switchingbetweenbrandsin the samecategoryhas a smalleffecton the categoryelasticity(it canhavesomeeffectif the volumeof purchaseschange).Thissuggeststhatthecategoryelasticity shouldbe smallerthantheitemorbrandelasticity,as shown in Table1, whichis the case in 13 out of the 18 categories. for thosecategoriesin whichthereis intense Furthermore, storecompetitionand widerretaildistribution(e.g., drug, conveniencestores,anddiscountstores),we shouldexpect highercategoryelasticitiesdrivenby substitutionacross stores.This is the case in the soft drinkand bath tissue categories. Figure1 is a mapof the Chicagoareawith each of the DFF storelocationsmarkedwith a dot.Aroundeach store to thesize of locationis a circlewhoseradiusis proportional the price elasticityestimatesfor the soft drinkcategory. variationin the size of elasticities,clustering Considerable of similarsize elasticities,andsmoothtransitionfromone geographicareato the next areapparentin the figure.The challengenowis to relatethisvariationin elasticitiesto market areacharacteristics. RESULTSFOR INDIVIDUALCATEGORIES

Giventhe categoryelasticityestimates,we examinethe betweentheseestimatesandmeasuresof conrelationship A regressionrelasumerand competitivecharacteristics. tionshipbetweenthe elasticityestimate,nj, andthe independentvariablesis postulated. (3)

ncj = xj'Pc + eCj


- iid N(0,c)

c = 1, 2,... 18

Store-LevelPrice Elasticity There are 18 category-level regressions each with 83 store observations on consumer and competitive characteristics (these are in the vector xj). Because the ncjare based on regression coefficient estimates (see (2)), they could be heteroskedasticover stores in the same category. This regression equation assumes that the estimates are homoskedastic within a category and heteroskedasticacross categories. To check this assumption,we computed the standarderrorsof the n,c using standardregression theory and (2). We found very little variationin these standarderrorsacross stores for each of the 18 categories,justifying our errorspecification in (3). We now turn to the constructionand selection of independentvariables.




0 ?

Selection of IndependentVariables Because of the comprehensiveamountof backgroundinformationavailable for each tradingarea, we spent considerable effort identifying a parsimoniousmodel of price sensitivity that containedboth consumer and competitivecharacteristics. Our intent was not so much to find the one true model but to identify factors consistent with the household productionand economics of informationapproaches.Relating specific demographicvariablesto economic concepts is difficult. For example, a numberof demographicvariables could be relatedto wealth or to the opportunitycost of time. We use multiple variables as proxies for key concepts and anticipatethat some collinearity will exist between the demographic variables. The final model that we report here contained 11 predictorvariables. Consumer characteristics: Seven of the predictor variables were consumer characteristics.The percentageof the populationover 60 years of age (ELDERLY),the percentage of the populationwith a college education(EDUC), and the percentage of households with five or more members (FAM_SIZE)relate to opportunitycosts. Elderlypeople and largerhouseholds were expected to be more price sensitive, leading to negative relationships with price elasticity. The log of median income (INCOME)and the percentageof the homes with a value greaterthan $150,000 (HOUSE_VAL) are related to income constraints on purchasingbehavior. We also included the percentage of women who work (WORK_WOM).If this variable representsthe higher opportunitycosts of working women, then we would expect it to be positively relatedto price elasticity. If, however,many workingwomen face budgetconstraints,then the sign might reverse.We tried to isolate demographicsthat might capture differentiallevels of storageand transportationcosts, but we could find no systematic relationshipsto price sensitivity. In addition, we included the percentage of consumers who were black and Hispanic (ETHNIC)as an independent variable. This variable is best regardedas an intermediate construct that captures underlying characteristicssuch as certainpatternsof income, household composition, and personal wealth for which economic theory makes price response predictions. We experimentedwith model specifications in which the ETHNIC variable was replaced by associated measures (e.g., percentagebelow the povertyline, unemploymentlevels, telephone ownership, percentage of singles); however, ETHNIC capturedsomething additional,so we retainedthe



variable. In addition, the ETHNIC variable has obvious value as a predictorin the event that this analysis was used to forecastprice sensitivity at locations for which we do not have detailed scannerdata. Competitivecharacteristics: Four of the predictor variables were competitivecharacteristics.We divided the competition into two sources: traditional supermarkets and warehouse or superstoreoperations.Distance in miles and drivingtime were closely related.We calculatedthe average distancein miles to the nearestfive supermarketcompetitors (SUPER_DIS) and the distanceto the nearestwarehouseoperation(WARE_DIS).Distance in urbanareaswas scaled by a factor of two to reflect greatercongestion and density.We also calculated the sales volume (a proxy for store size) of each store relative to both the supermarket(SUPER_VOL) and warehouse(WARE_VOL)competitors. Examinationof the distributionof the independentvariables across each of the 83 stores shows that there is considerablevariationin both the demographicand competitive characteristics.For example, there are DFF stores in market areas in which less than 5% of the adult populationis college-educated,whereasother locations have more than 50% of college-educated consumers. Figure 2 shows the difference in the EDUC variable on the map of DFF locations. Some DFF stores are located right next to both supermarket and warehousecompetition,and others are located as far as


24 Figure 2


We now turnto an analysis of the directionof the effects of each independentvariable. In inteipreting these coefficients, it is importantto rememberthat the dependentvariable is a negative number.A positive coefficient indicates that as the associated independent variable increases, the price elasticity moves closer to zero. These coefficient distributionscan be summarizedas follows: variablesreducepricesensitivi*TheEDUCandHOUSE_VAL ty, as evidencedby the overwhelmingmajorityof positive coefficients. variablesin*TheETHNIC,FAM.SIZE,and WORK_WOM creasepricesensitivityforthemostpart variablesarea mixedbag,with *TheINCOMEandELDERLY almostequalnumbersof positiveandnegativecoefficients. increasesprice sensitivity as expected, and *WARE_VOL reducespricesensitivity. WARE_DIS variableshaveweakand *TheSUPER_DISandSUPER_VOL mixedeffects.

18 miles from warehouse competition and 4 miles from majorsupermarketcompetition.In addition,most of the intercorrelationbetween the 11 independentvariablesis below .5 in absolute value, with the exception of a .89 correlation between HOUSE_VALand EDUC. Results of CategoryRegressions The 18 category regressions of elasticities on this set of independentvariables are listed in Table 2. The categories are listed in alphabeticorderacross the columns of the table. Below each coefficient is the standarderror,and the bottom two rows give the adjustedR2 and standarderrorof the regression.The last column displays the varianceinflationfactors (VIF) for each independentvariable(see Weisberg1985 for a definition of the VIF). Note that the VIF depends only on the independentvariables, which are the same in each of the 18 regressions.The regressions have an average adjusted R2 of .67 (median, .78), rangingfrom a low of .34 for toothpasteto a high of .86 for frozen entrees.The regressionsshow a remarkablygood fit, especially in light of previous attemptsto explain variations in price response. In addition, our success in explaining variationsin price elasticity measures suggests that the measurementerrorin these elasticities is low relativeto their store-to-storevariation.

To assess the potential problems associated with collinearity,we computedvarianceinflation factorsfor each of the independentvariables.The only large VIFs were associated with the EDUC and HOUSE_VAL variables, reflecting their high degree of intercorrelation.Even these VIFs were around7.0, which shows that there is still considerableindependentvariationin these variables.All other VIFs are 4 or below, with most below 3. Thus, the diversity in the DFF marketarea allows us to isolate effects that are difficult to find in the relativelyhomogenous cities in which scanner panel data is usually collected (e.g., Sioux Falls, SD, and Springfield,MO, for ERIM data and Marion, IN, and Rome, GA, for the IRI academic data sets). Although Table 2 provides informationabout the direction of the effects and the statisticalstrengthof the evidence, it does not directly address the substantiveimpact of the variables.To better gauge the relative importanceof demographic versus competition variables, Table 3 presents the results of a series of four sets of regression equations. It startsin column 2 with the root mean squarederror(RMSE) for the base model, which is a simple category-levelmean. The rest of the columns presentthe ratio of RMSE from regressions with differentsets of independentvariablesto this base model. The addition of the demographicvariables to the base model results in a large decrease in RMSE (the column marked DemographicVariables).On the other hand, the competitionvariablesadd little eitherincrementallyover the demographic variables (Demographic 1Competition Variables)or comparedto the base model alone (Competition Variables).This is an interestingresult, given retailers' typical focus on their competition. Despite the large qualitative differences between the product categories, the regression coefficients consistently cluster aroundpositive or negative values for many of the independentvariables.However,there are a few exceptions; for example, althoughmost of the coefficients for the EDUC variable are positive and most of the coefficients for the ETHNIC variablesare negative, there are a few significant coefficients of the opposite sign. For other independentvariables, such as the ELDERLY variable,there are a numberof significantpositive and negative coefficients. The elderly may display a preferencefor



Bath Tissue

Bottled Juice

Grahams/ Saltines

Canned Seafood

Canned Soup

1.119 (.463)

2.136 (.833) 1.830 (.617)

-.942 (.399) .051 (.296)

-.70 (.436)

-1.660 (.824)

.635 (.586)

.347 (.236)

1.398 -1.405 (.777) (.671)

.819 (.323)

1.646 (.434)

-.754 (.112) .074 (.099)

-.152 (.123) -.233 (.108)

.558 (.610) -.566 (.232) .817 (.205)

-.081 (.165) -.170 (.146)

-.206 (.174) .325 (.066)

.624 (.497) .133 (.189) .227 (.167)

.884 -1.764 (.780) (.715)

-1.882 (1.476)

-.126 (1.049)



Dairy Cheese

.341 (.539) .365 (.399)

1.978 (.452) .630 (.343)

-.121 (.152) -.257 (.134)

.424 (.130) -.600 (.115)

.860 (.334) -.074 (.127) -.453 (.113)

FAMILY.SIZE -.745 -1.658 (.964) (.829)

-.023 (.809)

-.498 (.235) -.303 (.208) 1.285 (1.492)

WORK-WOM -1.475 (.625)

.464 (.524)

.100 (.967)

-.556 (.463)

-.697 (.505)

-.609 (.956)

.371 (.680)

1.172 (.265) -.000 (.008)

.273 (.127)

.605 (.139) .001 (.004)

.727 (.262)


-.339 (.537) .394 (.147)

Fabric Softener

Frozen Entree

Frozen Juice

.433 (.576)

Laundry Detergent

-2.158 (.557)

Liquid Dish Detergent

Paper Towels

-.645 (1.007)

.190 (.849 .289 (.628

-.631 (.383)

-.487 (.239

.022 (.161)

.702 (.339)

.176 (.211 -2.439 (1.52 -.386 (.985 1.34 (.270

-.606 (.648) .466 (.480) -.759 (.183)

-1.271 (1.360)

.015 (.219) -.148 (.194)

-.535 (.412) -.241 (.157) -.063 (.139)

.597 -1.906 -2.877 (.422) (1.201) (1.392)

-2.056 (.997)

-.703 (1.161)

-2.587 (2.435)

-.340 (.646) .539 (.177)

.299 (.752)

-1.118 (1.578)





.006 (.007)

.007 (.014)

-.087 (.051)

-.184 (.107)

.056 (.059)

.605 (.186)

-.255 (.273) .079 (.075)

.849 -1.365 (.902) (.778) 1.300 (.214)

.819 (.248)

.009 (.006) -.100 (.046)

-.004 (.002) .010 (.019)

-.006 (.007) .028 (.053)

.019 (.008) .030 (.061)

.004 (.006) -.021 (.044)

Refrigera Juice


-.022 (.042)

-.049 (.036)

.628 (.144) -.010 (.005) .010 (.036)


-.042 (.026)

-.003 (.022)

-.003 (.021)

.041 (.040)

.001 (.019)

.019 (.021)

-.014 (.039)

-.007 (.028)

-.004 (.011)

.054 (.032)

-.008 (.037)

.042 (.026)

-.043 (.031)

.003 (.065)

.010 (.009 -.081 (.067 -.038 (.040


.063 (.114)

.017 (.098)

-.193 (.096)

-.229 (.177)

-.045 (.085)

-.055 (.093)

-.072 (.175)

.043 (.124)

.034 (.050)

-.263 (.142)

-.293 (.165)

.031 (.118)

-.325 (.289)

-.151 (.180

5.990 .765 (1.307) (1.124)

2.576 (1.096)

.195 (2.022)

-592 (.969)

1.120 (1.057)

-9.043 (2.000)

.363 -1.449 -4.110 (1.421) (.572) (1.628)

1.692 (1.886)

-.305 (1.351)

-.057 (.138) -.768 (1.573)

-6.180 (3.301)

-2.481 (2.060



.136 (.171) .013 (.005)

-.003 (.005)

-.031 (.066)

.008 (.004) -.114 (.031)

-.045 (.034)

-.004 (.008) -.093 (.065)






































BathTissue BottledJuice CannedSeafood CannedSoup Cereals Cookies Grahams/Saltines DairyCheese FabricSoftener FrozenEntrees FrozenJuice LaundryDetergent LiquidDish Detergent PaperTowels RefrigeratedJuice Soft Drinks SnackCrackers Toothpaste

.187 .263 .474 .218 .221 .247 .569 .351 .084 .466 .324 .207 .289 .523 .517 .391 .367 .374

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0





some product categories, such as condensed soup, which may counterbalanceother factors that would lead to greater price sensitivity. It is unreasonableto expect all categories to display the same patternof coefficients. There is tremendousvariation in the size, level of aggregation,type of product,inventory patterns,and degree of complementarityor substitutability with other products across the 18 categories. Furthermore, we have estimated216 regressioncoefficients in the category regressions and it is possible to obtain a numberof significantcoefficients of the opposite sign from the population value, even when testing at the 5% level. Therefore,we conductedan exploratoryprincipalcomponent analysis to assess commonalityacross categoriesin the elasticity estimates.The first principalcomponentof the 18 X 18 correlationof the categoryelasticities across the stores explains some 54% of the total variation.Any one of the other factors explains little of the total variation.The first eigenvectorweights every categoryexcept one with positive weights, suggesting that there is a strong common component that might be interpretedas an overall store elasticity. The common patterns in regression coefficients across categories naturallyleads to considerationof methods for pooling the information across categories, both to obtain more precise estimates of the common patternand to better summarizethe centraltendencies in the data. In the next section, we explore pooling methodsfor combining informationacross categories. POOLEDANALYSIS All pooling strategiesrely on a set of assumptionsthattie together each of the individual category regressions. We startby introducingnotation and errorassumptionsfor the system of category regressions that form a multivariateregression system.

Variables .78

Competition Variables

Demographic/Competition Variables

.46 .47 .56 .55 .47 .38 .45 .74 .39 .67 .71 .60 .71 .44 .63 .48 .89

.87 .87 .94 .93 .83 .90 .84 .86 .94 .93 .91 .92 .86 .91 .89 .85 .83 .92

.76 .46 .46 .55 .48 .46 .38 .44 .74 .38 .63 .71 .59 .69 .43 .61 .47 .81





Yl = al + Xpi + e1

' = (e', .....e ) - MVN(O,A In) 2 2 A = diag(a 1cr, ... a c) Yc =Ta

+ X3c + EC

The specification in (4) allows for category-specific intercepts. Ycis a N (numberof stores) X 1 vector of elasticities for the cth category expressed in terms of deviations from the mean category elasticity. X is the N X k matrix of values of the k independentvariables, ,Pc is the cth category slope coefficient vector, and cc is the N X 1 vector of error terms for the cth category.In our case, there are C = 18 categories, k = 11 independentvariables, and N = 83 stores. Note that our regression specification has a separateintercept for each category;this is true even for the randomcoefficient approachdiscussed subsequently. This means that we seek only to explain the variationin elasticities across stores. We do not attemptto identify factors thatcould explain differencesin mean elasticities across categories. Admittedly, understanding differences in the level of elasticities across categories is an interestingtopic, though it is not our focus here. We make two key assumptions about the correlation structureof the errorterms.First, we assume that errorsare independentacross stores within a given category, that is, that e, -~ MVN(0, or In). This is reasonablebecause of our careful selection of relevantindependentvariables.Second, we assume that errorsacross categories for the same store are independent.Our analysis of the correlationmatrix of category-level regression residuals justifies this second assumption. One standardapproachto pooling informationacross categories would be to restrictsome or all of the regressioncoefficients so they were the same across each of the C cate-

Store-LevelPriceElasticity goryregressionsin (4). The evidencereportedin section6 suggeststhatsuch severepoolingrestrictionsare not warranted.Wemightexpectthatthe coefficientswoulddisplay consistentpatternsin sign,butwe see no a prioritheoretical reasonswhy the coefficientsshouldhavethe samemagnitudeacrosscategories.To formallytest the poolingrestriction,Ho:P1i= ... = Pc, we computedlikelihoodratiotestsof this restrictionin the system(4). The restrictionis rejected at the .001 level. thepooledresultsin theconIt is alsopossibleto interpret textof a randomcoefficientmodel,in whicheachof thecategorycoefficientvectorsis viewedas a drawfroma superthatis, ic are distributediid with populationdistribution; = Vp.Tocharacterize meanE[13c]= 1 andvariance,Var(13c) the centraltendencyor commonalityamongthe categories, we wouldlike to makean inferenceaboutthe meanof this randomcoefficient distribution.The pooled regression stacksup the C regressionsin (4) into one largeregression systemwithcommonslopecoefficients.y = Xp3+ u, where y is a CN X 1 vectorof elasticities,X is a CN X (C + k) matrixof independent variables,P is the vectorof categoryink commonslope coefficients.The least and is the tercepts, of the commoncoefficientvectorin the estimates squares pooled regressionapproachis a consistentestimateof 13. However,if one subscribesto the randomcoefficientview, thenthe errortermsin the pooledregressionwill displaya In the standardrandom specialformof heteroskedasticity. reviewin coefficientliterature (see discussionandliterature Judgeet al. 1985,Chapter13), variousmethodsof estimatarecoming the variancecomponentsin the errorstructure binedwith a feasibleGLSapproachto produceasymptoticallyefficientestimatesof 13. Ourapproachis to avoidspecificassumptionsregarding the formof the heteroskedasticity inducedby the random and use insteadthe generalhetcoefficientinterpretation eroskedasticestimatorof the variancecovariancematrixof theleastsquaresestimatorproposedby White(1980).Thus, we use ordinaryleast squaresand computeadjustedstandarderrorsthatareasymptotically justified. It is importantto note thatthe asymptoticarguments requiredfor use of our adjustedstandarderrorsnecessitate that the numberof observationsin the pooled regression randomco(CN= 83 X 18 = 1494)to be large.Thestandard efficientapproachespursuedin the econometricsliterature areasymptoticin the numberof categories.A moreformal of any analysisthatdoes not requireasymptoticarguments sort can be obtainedby the use of Bayesianhierarchical andRossi(1993)conducta hierarchimodels.Montgomery cal analysisusing Gibbssampling,whichprovidesresults verysimilarto thosepresentedhere. Table4 presentsthepooledestimatesof 1 alongwiththe standarderrorsand 90% confiheteroskedastic-consistent denceintervals.The pooledanalysisreinforcesthe conclusions from individualcategoryregressions.On average across categories, the ETHNIC, FAM_SIZ, and variableshavenegativecoefficients,leadingto WARE_VOL high price sensitivityfor highervaluesof these variables. TheEDUC,HOUSE_VAL, andWARE_DIS variableshave positivecoefficients.





-.082 (.25) .76 (.17) -.27

90% Confidence Interval

(-.50, .33) (.48, 1.0) (-.43,-.11)



-.071 (.076)



(-.20, .054) (-1.7,-.0018)



-.29 (.28) .54 (.071) -.00042 (.00024) -.065 (.017) .012 (.012) -.056 (.048)

(-.75, .17) (.42, .66) (-.00083,.00003) (-.093,-.037) (-.0077, .032) (-.13, .023)


In thissection,we exploretherelevanceof ourresultsfor boththeeverydayandpromotional pricingpoliciesof theretailer.Dominick'scurrenteverydaypricingpolicyallowsfor somecustomization to the storelevel, with the assignment of storesto one of threepricezones.Thepricezonesessentiallydictatethe everydaypricingof all itemsin the store, withthepromotional in a uniformmanner pricesdetermined acrossthe chain.Ourresultssuggestthatboth theirprice zonesandthe relianceon uniformpromotional policiescan be improved. ThethreeDFFpricezonesaredefinedalmostentirelyby theextentof nearbycompetition. Thelowestpricezoneis a zone,whichis aimedat achievingcloser warehouse-fighter paritywith largeEDLPwarehouseoperations.Consumer characteristics demographic figureonlyminimallyin thedeof the pricezones.To explorethe potentialfor termination improvementin the existingeverydaypricingpolicy, we constructa table showingthe relationshipbetweenstore in eachof thethreepricezonesandthelevelof membership pricesensitivity.We computea share-weighted averageof eachof thecategoryelasticitiesforeachstoreanddividethe storesinto the top quartileof pricesensitivity,the middle 50%,andthebottomquartile(high,medium,andlow in the tablebelow). Table5 shows no relationshipbetweenprice zone and testfor independence hasp = pricesensitivity(chi-squared .28 and Spearmanrankcorrelation= .20). This opens the possibilityforanimprovedpricingpolicyin whichthemore price-sensitivestores have lower everydayprices. Hoch, in Dr6ze,andPurk(1993)discusstheresultsof experiments


JOURNALOF MARKETING RESEARCH,FEBRUARY1995 sureswill forceretailersandmanufacturers to adopta more database-driven approachto pricing.


Sensitivity Medium Low Total

2 6 1 9

3 Zone2 Zone MediumPrice High Price

14 25 10 49

4 11 10 25


20 42 21 83

the DFF chain that confirmthe short-runprofitabilityof sucha strategy. Perhapsthe mostimmediatebenefitthatourresultsprovide the retaileris a methodto moreeffectivelyuse a proDFFconductsa chainwidepromotionalbudget.Currently, motionalstrategyin whichpricesareloweredby a uniform percentageacrossall storesin the chain.The purposeof thesetemporary pricecuts is to stimulatesalesof the item. DFFon the to reimburse It is commonforthe manufacturer basisof increasedsalesof an item. If we viewthenarrowobjectiveof a pricepromotionas to achievinga given percentageincreasein sales, then it is clear that our price sensitivityestimatescan be used to achievea givenpromotionallift at a lowertotalcost. This for store-level nonuniform policyexploitsthe opportunities BecauseDFF gets more bang for a price discrimination. storesthanin the givenpricereductionin theprice-sensitive stores,a simplestrategyfor rerelativelyprice-insensitive ducingpromotioncostswouldbe to havesmallerpricecuts in the highlysensitivestorescoupledwithlargecutsin the insensitivestores.The benefitsof utilizinga customized strategywill dependprimarilyon the variation promotional of the item in storepriceelasticitiesas well the magnitudes priceelasticity. Toillustratehowlargethesebenefitsmightbe, let us first consideran item in the refrigerated juice categorythathas devibothhighvariationin storepriceelasticities(standard ationof .51)combinedwitha highlevelof elasticity(-2.24). We selecttheTropicana64-ounceorangejuice item,which in this hasoneof thehighestmarketsharesof ouraggregates category.To achievean expectedincreaseof 50%in unit sales over the whole chain, DFF's uniformpromotional strategywouldrequirea 10.84%pricecutata costmeasured by reducedprofitsof $570 perweek.On the otherhand,a customizedpromotional strategythatadjuststhe amountof the pricereductionfor each store,dependingon the price elasticity,wouldhavea cost savingsof 15%.Cost savings fromcustomizedpromotionalstrategieswouldbe minimal in othercategoriesthatshowlow variationin pricesensitivity acrossstores.Forexample,in thefabricsoftenercategory, a customizedstrategyfor the promotionof the Downy sheetsitemwouldresultin a cost savingsof onlyabout1%. We do not meanto suggestthatthe currentpoliciesof The optimalityof current or suboptimal. DFFareirrational to the informationprorelative be should judged policies cessing and analyticalconstraintsunderwhichDFF operates.Eventhoughthe scannerdatausedin this analysisis availableto mostmajorgroceryretailers,theanalyticaltools andsoftwareandhardware technologyarenotreadilyavailWe expectthatcompetitivepresable or well appreciated.

CONCLUSIONS As the consumerpackagedgoods industrygrows more are investing competitive,bothretailersandmanufacturers stratesubstantialresourcesin developingmicromarketing gies in an effortto capturenew economicrentsfromcustomizedpolicies. These efforts are predicatedon the assumptionthatthereare systematicand identifiabledifferencesin consumerbehavioracrossstorelocations. Ouranalysisprovidessupportfor this view by demonrestratingthatpricesensitivitymeasuresaresystematically of the consumersin the marketarea latedto characteristics andthe competitiveenvironment. Typically,morethantwo variationin elasticitiescanbe exthirdsof thestore-to-store andcompetitivevariables.The plainedby 11 demographic and directionof the relationshipbetween characteristics price sensitivityfollows those predictedby a simpleecoas follows: nomicframework. Theresultsaresummarized costs,so (1) Moreeducatedconsumershavehigheropportunity theydevoteless attentionto shoppingandthereforeareless pricesensitive. (2) Largefamiliesspendmoreof theirdisposableincomeon groceryproducts,andthereforetheyspendmoretimeshoppingto gamertheirincreasedreturnsto search;theyarealso morepricesensitive. (3) Householdswith larger,moreexpensivehomeshavefewer so theyareless pricesensitive. incomeconstraints, (4) Blackandhispanicconsumersaremorepricesensitive. (5) Storevolumerelativeto the competitionis important, suggestingthatconsumersself-selectfor locationandconvenienceor priceandassortment. (6) Distancefromthe competitionalso matters.Isolatedstores displayless pricesensitivitythanstoreslocatedcloseto their

costs. increases Distance shopping competitors.

of thecompetOurresultssuggestthatthecharacteristics arenot all thatimportantas determinants itiveenvironment of storepricesensitivity(see Table3). It is reasonableto ask measuresof whythisis so. Wecouldbe utilizinginadequate fornumerous with we However, experimented competition. mulationsof competitionwithno success.Moreover,to our knowledge,our competitivedata is more comprehensive thananythingthathasbeenusedpreviously. It is also possiblethaterrorin the competitivevariables inducesbias andreducestheirpredictivepower.No doubt thereis errorin ourmeasuresof competition,butprobably no greaterthanthe errorfoundin the consumervariables basedon censusdata.It may also be thatthe marketis alandas a resultthereareno returns readyin priceequilibrium for the consumerto searchfor, becauseretailers have alreadyadjustedtheirpricesto theirconsumersandthe competition.We find no evidenceto supportthis contention. Acrosscategories,the averagecorrelationbetweenweekly pricesattheskulevelis only .32.Althoughthere competitor is pricematchingin termsof everydayprices,promotional pricingis not coordinated.Therefore,sizable gains from consumerpricesearcharepossible. Anotherexplanationfor the failureof competitivevariandReiss ablesmaybe inferredfromtheworkof Bresnahan (1991),who findthatonce a marketis servedby morethan

Store-LevelPrice Elasticity three firms, the monopoly rents have virtually disappeared. Thus, althoughit may seem that there is a good deal of difference in the competitionvariables,it may be that all DFF locations face an extUemelycompetitive environment. Although a metropolitanarea like Chicago has few geographically isolated stores (as are found in a rural area), there are some DFF locations on the south side of the city with very little competition.These stores are in economically disadvantagedurbanareas,in which few retailersare willing to locate. However, despite little competition, these stores are among the most price sensitive in the chain. Our results cast some doubt on the optimalityof the current pricing policies of grocery retailers.All the major retailers in Chicago divide their stores into a small set (typically less than five) of price zones. These pricing practices are driven almost exclusively by local competition. On an everyday basis, shelf prices will be at most a few pennies differentthan the local competition.Although it does make sense to charge different prices at different locations, depending on the extent of competition,our analysis suggests that consumer characteristicsas well as the extent of competition are important and should inform the pricing decision. REFERENCES Bawa,KapilandRobertShoemaker(1987), "TheCoupon-Prone Consumer: SomeFindingsBasedon PurchaseBehaviorAcross ProductClasses,"Journalof Marketing, 51 (October),99-110. and (1989), "AnalyzingIncrementalSales Froma DirectMailCouponPromotion," Journalof Marketing, 53 (July),66-78. Becker,Gary(1965),"ATheoryof theAllocationof Time"EconomicJournal,75, 493-517. Blattblig,Robert,TomBuesing,PeterPeacock,andSubrataSen the DealProneSegment," Journalof Mar(1978),"Identifying ketingResearch,15 (August),369-77. BetweenMarketCharacBolton,Ruth(1989),"TheRelationship teristicsandPromotional PriceElasticities," Science, Marketing 8, 153-69. Bresnahan, TimothyandPeterReiss(1991),"EntryandCoinpetition in Concentrated Markets," Journalof PoliticalEconomy, 99,977-1009. Carlson,JohnandRobertGieseke(1983),"PriceSearchin a ProductMarket," Journalof Consumer Research,9 (March),357-65. Elrod,TerryandRussellWiner(1982),"AnEmpiricalEvaluation of Aggregation for DevelopingMarketSegments," Approaches Journalof Marketing, 46 (Fall),65-74.

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