Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift

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Germany. Phone: +49(0) 30/20 93 85 19. Fax: +49(0) 30/20 93 85 28 e-mail: .... Statement concerning the publication status of the DEZ 1944 volume.
Special Issue in Honour of Günter Tembrock Wessel, A. (Guest Editor): Foreword


Editorial Note


Tembrock, G. (1944): Versuch der Darstellung der Verbreitungs- und Stammesgeschichte eines Carabus (C. ullrichi Germ.) Historical Biography and Phylogeny of a Carabid Beetle (Carabus ullrichi Germ.)


Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift

Special Issue · 2004

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin


Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift

Wessel, A.: Catalogue raisonné (1940–2003) of Günter Tembrock

Special Issue · 2004

DEZ4UmSp1u 25.03.2004 13:11 Uhr Seite 1

Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Special Issue · 2004 in Honour of Günter Tembrock

ISSN 1435-1951 Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Dtsch. entomol. Z., (2004) Special Issue, 1– 84

Editorial Office: Prof. Dr. Hannelore Hoch Editor-in-Chief Dr. Manfred Asche Managing Editor Ms Petra Keßling Assistant Editor Dipl.-Biol. Andreas Wessel Guest Editor Institut fu¨r Systematische Zoologie, Museum fu¨r Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universita¨t zu Berlin, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany Phone: þ49(0) 30/20 93 85 19 Fax: þ49(0) 30/20 93 85 28

Editorial Board: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Ba¨hrmann, Jena Prof. Dr. Holger H. Dathe, Eberswalde Dr. Christoph L. Ha¨user, Stuttgart Dr. Wolfram Mey, Berlin Dr. Michael Ohl, Berlin Drs. Jan van Tol, Leiden Dr. Michael R. Wilson, Cardiff

2004 Special Issue

Advisory Board: Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Aspo¨ck, Wien Dr. Thierry Bourgoin, Paris Prof. Dr. Athanasios Drosopoulos, Athen Dr. Neal L. Evenhuis, Honolulu Prof. Dr. Bert Ho¨lldobler, Wu¨rzburg Prof. Dr. James K. Liebherr, Ithaca, N.Y. Prof. Dr. Alessandro Minelli, Padova Prof. Dr. Rainer Willmann, Go¨ttingen

e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift An International Journal of Systematic Entomology

Special Issue in Honour of Gu¨nter Tembrock


Deutsche Ent. Zeitschrift

Heft 02/2003



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Assistant Editor: Petra Keßling, Museum fu¨r Naturkunde, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany; telephone: þ49 (0) 30/20 93 85 64, telefax: þ49 (0) 30/20 93 85 65. e-mail: [email protected] Publishers: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Postal Address: Bu¨hringstr. 10, 13086 Berlin, Germany Publishing Director: Alexander Grossmann Production at: Druckhaus „Thomas Mu¨ntzer“ GmbH, Bad Langensalza, Germany Printed on chlorine- and acid-free paper. Cover Design: Mohn, Bu¨ro fu¨r Gestaltung, Berlin. Cover photo: MAURITIUS-Thonig. Photo page III: Andreas Wessel. The journal is published in one volume per year consisting of two numbers. The annual subscription price 2004 in Europe is 1 304,––; in the Rest of the World $ 378,00 incl. postage and handling. All Wiley-VCH prices are exclusive of VAT. Prices are subject to change. The publishers must be notified of a cancellation of a subscription not later than three months before the end of the calendar year. After that date the subscription is automatically prolonged for another year. All rights reserved (including those of translations into foreign languages). No part of this issue may be reproduced in any form, by photoprint, microfilm or any other means, nor transmitted or translated into a machine language, without written permission from the publishers. ª 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Special Issue sponsored by

Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Dtsch. entomol. Z. (2004) Special Issue



Günter Tembrock, about 1995


Special Issue in Honour of Günter Tembrock


Günter Tembrock, 1941

Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Dtsch. entomol. Z. (2004) Special Issue




Special Issue in Honour of Günter Tembrock


Statement concerning the publication status of the DEZ 1944 volume. [Final Proofs The train carrying the printed volumes of this year from Neubrandenburg to Berlin has been destroyed, and with it all copies of the volume [it carried]. Additional copies remaining in the Neubrandenburg printing office were burnt during its destruction. The present corrected proofs are all that remains from the 1944 volume. Thus, the 1944 volume has not been published, and the [taxonomic] descriptions provided herein are not available according to the nomenclatural code. E.M.Hering, at that time provisional editor of the journal]

Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Dtsch. entomol. Z. (2004) Special Issue



Foreword Why is this issue of the DEZ special? Three reasons could be proposed: it is the first special issue since the journal was founded in 1857, it publishes a manuscript which was accepted and in press 60 years ago, and last but not least it celebrates the 85th birthday of Günter Tembrock. While it is not particularly unusual to honour a well-known scientist in this way, the case of Prof. Tembrock is different: he has gained a well-deserved reputation as one of the most distinguished ethologists, nicknamed the „man with the foxes“ by Konrad Lorenz. There is in this respect no obvious connection to entomology. However, beyond the celebration of Tembrock himself, this issue has two major aims. The first and obvious is to fulfill a historical obligation of the editors by finally publishing a paper originally printed in 1944, but never distributed due to wartime disruptions, in which the whole set of issues was destroyed by fire. Secondly, the study to be published - the PhD thesis of Tembrock formed the basis for his later success in a different field and forms a sound systematic treatise in entomology. Why so late? Apart from the desire to honour the 85th birthday of Prof. Tembrock, there has been no reason to wait 60 years for the publication of this paper. However, in contrast to Tembrock's earlier assumptions it was recently discovered, during the preparations for his birthday, that not a single copy of the 1944 issue was ever distributed. A respective volume in the library of the Berlin Museum of Natural History contains only the corrected proofs, which are all that remains of the whole edition (see p. VI). Thus, Tembrock’s PhD thesis remained unpublished without the author being aware of it. It must be emphasized, though, that the publication of this ‘lost’ paper is not intended as a mere historical curiosity. Tembrock’s work on a carabid species complex in Central Europe is also one of the first scientific studies, not just in entomology, which attempted to apply the „new systematics“ established at that time by Dobzhansky (1939) and Mayr (1940, 1942). While population thinking was barely gaining ground, Tembrock’s study is a fully-fledged exercise in applying its principles to a ‘boring’ taxonomic problem. He explicitly set out to show the potential of the Carabus ullrichi species complex as a model system in evolutionary biology. Prior to Tembrock’s work Carabus ullrichi had been treated and described as a static entity with the resulting plethora of minor taxonomic subdivisions neglecting any geographic or other information beyond the realm of observable differences among the studied specimens. Based on a thorough re-examination of morphological characters and their variation, Tembrock developed hypotheses about the distributional history of the species and aimed to explain repeatedly encountered characteristics of geographic forms by relating them to ecological factors. The historical value of his thesis arises from being one of the first studies to meet the Dobzhanskyan demand to consider variation, population size and isolation mechanisms in natural populations during evolutionary processes. While the paper was obviously a promising start in systematics Tembrock chose not to continue in this field. He has since become known as one of the founders of bioacoustics, formulating many of its basic concepts. His distinction among fellow ethologists cames from taking behavioural biology beyond its empirical foundation by firmly embedding it within a theoretical framework centered on the organism, its ontogeny and evolution. In acknowledgment of these achievements, this publication aims to complement them with a complete catalogue raisonné of Tembrock’s work. The Guest editor is deeply grateful to Prof. Dr. Hannelore Hoch, Editor-in-chief of the DEZ, for the unique opportunity he has been given in editing this issue. This project has only been made possible through her enthusiastic support. We thank the publisher for his uncomplicated and pragmatic attitude towards publishing a special issue. Doz. Dr. Anne Wessel, Dr. Thomas von Rintelen, Dr. Jason Dunlop and Petra Kessling were extremely helpful at various stages of the project. However, all our combined enthusiasm would have been in vain without the outstandingly generous financial support by the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. We especially like to thank Prof. Dr. Cornelius Frömmel, who circumnavigated all obstacles in arranging this grant.

Berlin, March 2004

Andreas Wessel (Guest editor)


Special Issue in Honour of Günter Tembrock


Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Dtsch. entomol. Z. (2004) Special Issue



Editorial Note The following paper is based on the corrected proofs of the 1944 edition. However, due to the nature of these proofs (the text contains e.g. hand-written corrections and some illustrations are incomplete, see reprint of p. VIII) they could not be used to create a simple reprint of the volume. Incomplete illustrations were supplemented using a copy of the thesis in the central library at the Humboldt-University. The original figures were destroyed along with the Neubrandenburg printing office, they had to be digitally remastered from photos in the possesion of G. Tembrock. The English summary has been prepared by the editor based on the chapter „Diskussion und Zusammenfassung“ and includes no current input from the author. No corrections from G. Tembrock beyond those already made in the proofs to be published in 1944 were included. Indeed Tembrock did not even see the paper after returning the proofs at that time. For this reason we suggest citing his paper as being published in 1944. A.W.

Special Issue in Honour of Günter Tembrock Wessel, A. (Guest Editor): Foreword


Editorial Note


Tembrock, G. (1944): Versuch der Darstellung der Verbreitungs- und Stammesgeschichte eines Carabus (C. ullrichi Germ.) Historical Biography and Phylogeny of a Carabid Beetle (Carabus ullrichi Germ.)


Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift

Special Issue · 2004

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin

Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin


Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift

Wessel, A.: Catalogue raisonné (1940–2003) of Günter Tembrock

Special Issue · 2004

DEZ4UmSp1u 25.03.2004 13:11 Uhr Seite 1

Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Special Issue · 2004 in Honour of Günter Tembrock

ISSN 1435-1951 Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Dtsch. entomol. Z., (2004) Special Issue, 1– 84