Developing a Framework for the 3D Visualization of underground ...

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Abdul-Lateef Balogun *, Abdul-Nasir Matori, Dano Umar Lawal. Civil Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. * Corresponding ...
April 2011, Volume 2, No.2 International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Developing a Framework for the 3D Visualization of underground petroleum pipelines Abdul-Lateef Balogun *, Abdul-Nasir Matori, Dano Umar Lawal Civil Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia * Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract A common source of damage to subsurface petroleum pipelines is their accidental cutting by excavation workers, oblivious of the precise underground location of the pipelines. Such blind cuttings have had catastrophic consequences in the past. Lives and properties are often lost in the wake of explosions that accompany blind cuttings of underground petroleum pipelines. Because of their capability to render accurate, three dimensional views of these pipelines thereby drastically reducing the possibility of accidental cuts, three dimensional (3D) maps are increasingly becoming popular. However, one major drawback is the exorbitant cost of most of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) packages that support the 3D modeling and visualization of subsurface pipelines. Furthermore, the advanced languages used in building many of these packages make it difficult for non-GIS experts, field workers, and other professionals to relate with them. Since people from diverse disciplines (without strong GIS background) need to visualize and analyze these subsurface pipelines on a regular basis, it is pertinent to develop a system capable of performing basic 3D visualization functions, in addition to being user-friendly and highly affordable. This paper, which proposes a framework to achieve this purpose, is part of an ongoing research on the subject matter. Keywords— 3D, visualization, Petroleum, Pipeline, GIS.

1. Introduction The petroleum pipeline sector is among the crucial industries that support the fundamental user needs in the society. Similar to other important utilities like gasoline and electricity, subsurface cables are needed to move this essential human need from a particular location to another. From Kuala Lumpur to Alberta, numerous cities and towns across the globe provide underground pipes performing similar functions. Because of the significance of these petroleum pipes, it really is essential to come up with effective methods of safeguarding them from a wide variety of damages. Considering the tremendous influence of this system on the human existence and well-being, a pipe failure will most likely bring about disastrous consequences, as would a prolonged repair outage. Past experiences and reliable statistics have revealed that a lot of pipelines become broken or busted when construction workers mistakenly strike pipes buried underground, in the course of excavation or other tasks which usually necessitate digging the ground. This could be attributed to the basic fact that a lot of existing pipes are depicted in two dimensional (2D) formats and the contents of 2D maps are not altogether precise. When presented to third parties such as unskilled labourers, and even nonprofessionals, the information therein is usually misunderstood [2]. This kind of misinterpretations have resulted in major accidents that include blind-cutting off of water supply, natural gas, heat supply and so forth

[7].Many lives are lost because of the deadly explosions that accompany such accidental cut-off of oil pipelines. This limitation in 2D visualization causes it to be challenging to properly comprehend or conceptualize the pipelines underneath the ground; therefore, it is necessary to have a significantly more robust means of visualizing the underground petroleum pipes. To be able to fix these recurring problems, three dimensional (3D) visualization of underground utilities is paramount [4; 7]. Three dimensional visualization of pipelines has since been identified as an essential approach for the design of urban pipe models since it can distinctly show the location and spatial connection of all pipelines in a manner which can be grasped by all.

2. Geovisualization of oil pipelines-justifying the 3D approach Oil pipelines running through the length and breadth of several metropolitan areas are vulnerable on account of (blank) numerous building constructions taking place in and around the surroundings, likewise the likelihood of developmental projects that will be executed in future; therefore the most effective means to protect these delicate pipelines would be to have the ability to visualize them properly prior to the start of this kind of works. Published investigations [14] have shown a disturbing rise in the volume of damages of all sorts to these pipelines, and several government authorities have arrived at the

conclusion that the 3D visualization technique is without a doubt crucial to enhancing the understanding of underground infrastructure [4]. Previously, 2D visualization was utilised in order to satisfy these needs, however 2D visualization of underground utilities has some limitations and draw-backs. As an example, map distance in 2D is considerably different from the actual distance in 3D which is measured linearly across the pipe axis [13]. In addition, because the positions of the pipelines are visualized on 2D maps, trying to differentiate between pipelines with the same x,y coordinates, but different heights is usually a challenging and problematic task [19]. The implication of all these tends to be that members of the building workforce usually find it frustrating to recognize the exact locations of these pipes anytime they are carrying out work around them and this raises the possibilities of unintended cuts and destruction to the buried pipes. Visualizing different probable situations will give considerable insights which could be hugely beneficial with regard to successfully organizing construction operations, thus steering clear of preventable accidents. Bearing in mind the steady growth in the number of building projects across a good number of metropolitan cities, a properly visualized pipeline network in 3D is definitely going to be beneficial to civil engineers, city planners, government authorities and agencies, the oil pipeline companies, and all other stakeholders in viewing the proper position of pipelines before carrying out any digging or excavation activity. By doing this, destruction to pipelines is going to be averted, and members of the community won't be subjected to the preventable discomfort and severe bodily injuries resulting from explosions triggered by oil pipeline cutting or burst. Likewise, tons of funds which had been hitherto utilized to repair or change broken pipelines destroyed as a result of blind cutting in the course of this kind of construction operation are likely to be conserved.

3. Previous Studies Since beginning of the ’90s, GIS has grown into a sophisticated system designed for managing and analyzing spatial and thematic information on spatial entities. The demand for 3D information is rising swiftly mainly because of the limitations of 2D GIS in analyzing occurrences like water flood models, geological models, Air pollution models [17]. A potent decision making tool, GIS is progressively being relied on by a diverse array of personnel from many different career fields for the unique role of accessing, viewing, relating and analyzing maps and geographic information. When merged with other applications, GIS has the unparalleled potential to manage, aggregate, quality-control, preserve, and secure data. GIS Operations are generally categorized into different components including spatial data input, attribute data management, data display (2D and 3D maps), data exploration, data analysis and GIS modelling. Table 1 below shows the classification of GIS activities.

Table 1: Classification of GIS Activities Spatial data input

Attribute data management Data display Data exploration

Data analysis

GIS Modeling

Data entry: use existing data, Create new data, Data editing Geometric transformation Projection and reprojection Data entry and verification Database management Use of maps, charts and tables Attribute data query Spatial data query Geographic visualization Vector data analysis: buffering, overlay, Distance measurement, Map manipulation Raster data analysis: local, neighborhood, Spatial interpolation: global, local Region-based analysis Network analysis, and dynamic segmentation Binary models Index models Regression models Process models

For a long time, experts within the GIS community presumed just about every person visualising GIS works is able to comprehend the 2D presentation of information however this is not at all times correct [16]. Considering the fact that our planet, the earth, is three-dimensional, it is only normal that displays of GIS information ought to progress in this direction too. Despite the fact that GISs are evolving from static modeling in 2D to dynamic modeling in 3D, it is estimated that a considerable period of time will elapse before the earth is entirely defined within a complete three or four-dimensional solution. Apart from that, a 2D approach is arguably the most economic alternative. The concept of 3D GIS is similar to that of 2D GIS; the significant variation between these is that data files contained in the former are pertaining to threedimensional spatial phenomena [1]. Thus, it is expected that 3D GIS will ideally possess the functionality to undertake similar tasks as 2D GIS. Despite the fact that advancement of 3D GIS appears as being sluggish, the developments within this field are starting to be improved upon as a result of a soaring demand for 3D information, in addition to the breakthrough of new technologies [15]. Hardware accessories including processors, memory and disk space gadgets have witnessed remarkable transformations which leave them considerably more reliable with regard to processing bulky data sets, most notably graphic cards. At the same time, intricate resources needed to view and interact with 3D data are originating, albeit gradually [15]. While Computer-aided-design(CAD) software programs are generally known for their historical antecedents in managing information in three dimensions, and their design centered on creating impressive 3D editing solutions and effective visualization, a similar scenario cannot be painted with respect to the


advancement of GIS which tends to lay considerable emphasis on database management rather than visualization. It has since been realized that an integration of CAD applications and GIS is actually of great benefit to the two sides. Aware of their apparent interdependence, the advancement of CAD systems and GIS are currently shifting both systems nearer to one another [11]. For example, while CAD is designed and imbued with the capabilities to operate with 2D projections, outline sophisticated hierarchy of attribute, in addition to undertaking GIS-like analysis, the GIS community in contrast desires greater practical 3D visualization, 3D editing capabilities, and increased navigation prospects [12]. “Fig 2” below presents a graphical description of the integration of GIS and CADD.




Manual Process

Automated Process

Figure 1: The Integration of GIS and CADD (After Yelakanti et al, 2003)

Even though this newly established symbiotic association between CAD and GIS deserves commendation, it is necessary to take cognizance of the fact that some obstacles remain to be confronted while seeking to integrate CAD and GIS. The noticeable differences between the data types and file formats supported by these two systems continue to be a primary reason for concern [12]. The main impact of this could be observed in the complications involved in attempting to export features between these systems with no data loss recorded. For instance, the fact that GIS does not support every single primitive which CAD supports will most likely bring about a loss of geometry when exporting from CAD to GIS [11]. The uniqueness of GIS lies in its ability to store geographic and semantic data within a system as well as to support analysis in both domains. Despite these constraints, the GIS (DBMS)-CAD integration has without a doubt brought about enormous benefits within the field of visualization and editing data files .By Having 3D pipeline data stored inside a database, locating, editing and examining a specific pipeline feature or attribute underground also becomes less complicated, quicker, and hassle-free [1].

4. Utilizing spatial information in managing petroleum pipelines While other disciplines such as urban planning, environmental monitoring, telecommunications, public rescue operations, landscape planning etc have met the need for 3D geoinformation [15], the same cannot necessarily be said for pipeline management ;most of the existing pipelines today are viewed and managed in 2D [20]. In spite of its many unique and flexible features, the pipeline industry did not fully embrace the GIS applications in its initial stages of development due to cost implications and lack of awareness [18]. It was not until the latter parts of 1980s that the pipeline industry started adopting this technology. Pipeline management, which is an integral part of subsurface utility engineering (SUE) is effective when it comes to identifying the placement of subsurface utilities, establishing and recording the value of subsurface utility information, as well as properly handling such degree of information to be utilized in utility, roadway and site construction. Several instances abound of construction works which resulted in very costly utility infrastructure repairs because of the non-availability of comprehensive and reliable utility mapping details, which a pipeline management information system (PMIS) may well have offered [10]. Appropriate mapping of the underground facilities does assist in keeping pertinent records of the pipelines. Furthermore, it also assists in accurately detecting the defects developed with the passage of time. The final layout generated utilizing GIS tool is generally referred to as a thematic map that will be adopted as the primary resource for monitoring and locating the pipes [18]. The integration of GIS with infrastructure management Information system (MIS) presents a novel and creative approach for making smart maps that can dramatically boost presentation and communication of spatial information. Considering the fast tempo at which GIS is gravitating towards the 3D environment , it is imperative to make available the requisite graphical and information management technology needed to record pertinent information on all buried utilities in userfriendly, three dimensional underground maps. The third dimension, i.e. depth, is vital for the advancement of ideal three-dimensional models of all buried utilities. These 3D models are set to play prominent roles in the setting up or on-line replacement of utilities by cutting edge trenchless techniques [5]. Hence, the need for 3D modeling and visualization of these utilities. The following criterions have been identified as essential factors which ought to be present in-order to have detailed, reliable models of real world objects like petroleum pipelines [9]. 1. The resolution of the rendered model should ideally match what is perceptible by the human eyes on a real visit or physical interaction. 2. For the acquired data, accuracy and noise level must be sufficiently high, otherwise all subsequent processing


on this data will be negatively affected. It also has to guarantee that the accuracy of the final model matches the application specifications. 3. Data collection and modelling tools should be highly automated in all operations in order to complete a given project in a reasonable time. 4. Generate efficient sized models, without loss of desired details, so they can be viewed interactively by the application software and hardware. 5. Overall low cost. Regrettably, there isn't a sole system with the capability to satisfy all these conditions for each 3D visualization case. Contemporary technologies enforce a compromise considering that it is largely unlikely, for instance, to obtain data with image resolution matching the tiniest detail on top of a surface within a short period of time, or that we are able to achieve considerable precision and resolution with full-scale automation at a very affordable price all at once [9]. Consequently, the aim of numerous research pursuits is to seek out remedies to these recurring concerns. This paper proposes a framework for visualizing subsurface oil pipelines utilizing comparatively lowcost GIS and CAD software thereby advancing a technique with an overall affordable price, which is equally effective and reliable.

7. Stage 7 3D modeling and visualization of pipelines Literature Review

User Requirement Analysis (URA)

Geodatabase Creation

Data Collection

Data Processing & Analysis

Modelling Pipelines using GIS programme

5. Research Model

3. Stage 3 Geodatabase creation for the storage of the pipe features and other relevant features in a database. From this database, various queries can be performed in-order to extract vital information. I.e. what is the distance of a particular underground pipeline from the earth surface? Knowledge of such information before hand will help field workers determine the extent to dig in-order not to strike the pipes underneath. 4. Stage 4 Data collection 5. Stage 5 Data Processing and Analysis 6. Stage 6 Exportation of data from one data format to another i.e. from GIS environment to CAD environment.

Export to CAD System for better Visualization

Check for Data consistency and ensure there’s no data loss

3D visualization of pipelines using an Ensemble of GIS and CAD

The research procedure will be divided into stages and these stages will be followed in a sequential manner inorder to achieve the laid down objectives. 1. Stage 1 Extensive literature review 2. Stage 2 User Requirement analysis to determine the needs of the end users of the proposed model and identify the types of data to be acquired.

Storage of Pipeline features and other datasets

Figure 2: Model for the 3D Visualization of Underground petroleum Pipelines in Perak, Malaysia.

6. Conclusion The long term goal of GIS practitioners world over is to make relevant data available to all people at the needed time. Such data availability will be utilized in various decision making processes thereby saving cost and enhancing the general quality of human lives. This paper has articulated the fundamental steps that will be adopted in developing a much needed low-cost system capable of rendering subsurface oil pipelines in cylindrical, 3D formats. Due to its affordable cost, ease of use and reliability, such a system will be readily available to a cross-section of industry workers who intend to work in vicinities with underlying petroleum pipelines. The next phase of this ongoing research will attempt to implement the proposed framework. Efforts will be made to acquire and utilize substantial amount of pipeline data which will provide an opportunity to see how the system will perform when handling very large datasets. This is necessary because many GIS visualization platforms perform well when handling small data sets but find it difficult to manage or manipulate large datasets.


Furthermore, the proposed ensemble system will be validated by comparing its output with similar results from other 3D GIS visualization platforms. In the end, this 3D visualization technique will go a long way in ensuring that petroleum pipes are not accidentally cut-off or tampered with by workers during construction or other projects that require excavation works thereby saving lives and valuable properties.

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