Developing a Perspective Plan for Growth and ... - SSRN papers

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identified through brain storming and discussions. The possible resource implications are kept in mind while developing the strategies. Some innovative ...
Developing a Perspective Plan for Growth and Enhancement of Education Prof. A. H. Sequeira NITK, Surathkal [email protected] 'By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail' -

Benjamin Franklin

'No wind is favorable if we do not know into which port we are trying to sail' - Rev. Dale Turner Abstract This working paper is an attempt to provide a road map to develop and evaluate policies towards growth and enhancement of education in the institution. The working paper provides a template to prepare a Perspective Plan focusing on the current position, desired goals to achieve, strategic gaps, strategies to fill the gaps, and resources necessary to implement and sustain the growth and development in Institution. Perspective Plan adopts strategic management principles and processes to achieve the intended goals and results. Introduction The genesis, organization, activities, governance and administration and achievements of the institution are covered under the following important titles: • Important Milestones • Divisions, Departments and Schools • • • • •

Governance & organization chart Academic Programs Human Resources Awards and Recognitions Funding and Budget

Perspective Plan Process

Perspective Plan similar to a strategic plan is a comprehensive and ongoing management process focused on achieving the long term goals and objectives of any organization. Strategic planning analyses the current and expected future situation, determines the direction of the organization, and develops ways and means of achieving vision and mission. The Perspective Plan proposed for an institution is grounded in the Vision and Mission to appropriately address the environmental changes, optimum utilization of resources and achieving success through a well-planned action. The strategy is designed to fit the organization's external and internal situation, build sustainable competitive advantage and improve the organization performance.

Perspective Plan Methodology The methodology to be adopted to develop the perspective plan would be consultative and participatory type, with involvement of all stakeholders from all segments and levels of society. Vision and Mission Vision Statement The vision statement highlights the dream of the organization, a dream to achieve in long term, challenging and big. It has an envisaged future and core values embedded in it. Mission Statement This statement highlights why it exists, what is provides to its stakeholders, its core competencies and how it is different from its competitors. Core Values The core values are the guiding force and beacon for the institutions while achieving the vision and mission. External and Internal Environment Analysis For the progressive growth and excellence any Institute, appropriate strategies are identified and designed after carrying out environmental and organizational appraisals.

External Environment Appraisal The external environment factors have changed significantly during the last 15-20 years and may include: • Economic Factors: These are macro-level factors related to means of production and distribution of wealth. • Social Factors: Factors related to human relationship within the society may have some impact on the Institute. These include demographic characteristics, environmental concerns, customs and beliefs, family structure, educational levels and life styles. • Technological Factors: These include factors related to the knowledge applied for producing services and goods. Some of the important factors are new technological developments, sources of technology, acquisition and transfer, communication and infrastructural technology. • Political Factors: The political systems, processes and legislations of government may have impact on governance and administration of the Institute. • Regulatory Factors : These consist of factors related to planning, promotion, organization and regulation of activities by the Government that have impact on the Institute • Ecological Factors: Some of the prominent factors are air, water, soil, environment pollution and biodiversity. With the increase in the number of students enrolled, the impact on the environment and resources has been significant. • International Factors: Global environment may have impact on funding, student enrollment, collaboration and acquisition of technology both equipment and knowledge. • Market Factors: The markets include students from local, regional and international geographical segments.

• Supplier Factors: This consists of factors related to cost, reliability and availability of goods and services required for production or services that have impact on the Institute. Internal Environment Appraisal The internal environment consists of factors such as Board members, students, employees both teaching and non-teaching, experience, resources and institute culture. • Customer's factors related to students and employers include needs, preferences, perceptions, attitudes, values, behaviors, satisfaction and quality of customer service. • The goodwill and the contributions of the alumni also play an important role. • Product/services factors connected with education and research include demand, brand image, reputation, features, design, utility, function, price, promotion, differentiation and availability of substitutes.

S W O T Analysis - A Tool for Environment analysis • The strengths and weaknesses are identified from the internal environment of the Institute. • The strength i.e., inherent capability of the Institute could be used to gain strategic advantage. • A weakness i.e., an inherent limitation or constraint on the other hand may create a strategic disadvantage. • The external environment provides opportunities to convert the internal strengths into competitive advantage. • Further, a window of opportunity is also provided to translate the weaknesses and threats into potential strengths.

Critical Success Factors (CSF)

Identifying Critical Success Factors at the macro level (national) and micro level (local) are necessary to plan and develop a relevant strategy for optimum deployment of resources and achieving the vision, mission and goals. Some important Critical Success Factors may include: i. Effective and efficient governance ii. Talented students iii. Competent Faculty and Staff iv. Quality in teaching and research v. Adequate funding, infrastructure and utilities vi. High placement record Vii High success rate in examination Goals and Objectives • The goal setting exercise at the organizational and department level is achieved through a participatory approach involving various stakeholders in the process. The approach adopted could be top-down at the institutional level and bottom-up at the departmental level. There could be generic goals identified at organizational level- Short Term ( 1-3 years) and Long Term (more than 5 years) , with relevant objectives to be achieved over the period . • The departmental goals and objectives are evolved through discussion and deliberations within each department. These goals and objectives are derived from the Institutional goals • Examples of organizational goals include : Effective Organization and Governance , Attract and nurture talented students , Affirm highest quality of teaching and learning process , Strengthening and nurturing Human Resources - Faculty and Staff ; Mobilization, optimum allocation and utilization of financial resources ; Provide modern infrastructure and facilities ; Enhance Research activities , etc. Strategy identification To achieve the short term and long term goals, innovative strategies are identified through brain storming and discussions. The possible resource implications are kept in mind while developing the strategies. Some innovative strategies include: student centered teaching and learning, ICT based education, in-house staff development, green buildings, nature

friendly infrastructure development, green energy utilization and conservation, value education and MIS in decision making.

Strategy Implementation, Evaluation and Control

Strategy implementation process envisages the resource implications and the action plans for implementing the strategy. The resource implications include infrastructure, human and financial resources needed for realizing the goals. In order to achieve the envisaged plan, an effective and efficient monitoring and evaluation system should be in place. Corrective actions and feedback assessment should be taken up on continuous basis in order to improve the overall results.

Conclusion The Perspective Plan could have several unique features and involve a systematic and comprehensive effort of strategic change with the participation of a large number of stakeholders. Most of the inputs to the Perspective Plan could be provided by the internal stakeholders and some by external, thus making the strategic planning process truly participative. The Perspective Plan should consist of an integrated and interdependent set of action plans that must be viewed and acted upon in a holistic manner. The process should be one of guided type and directed towards organic change, which would lead to achievement of short and long term goals, an ongoing process.
