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a Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, ... Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP); Biomimetic Design; TRIZ; Sustainable Product; BoP ...
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ScienceDirect Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 629 – 634

The 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering

Developing Sustainable Innovative Products for the Bottom of the Pyramid by Biomimetic Design Concepts Jahau Lewis Chena*, Chang-Lin Leea a

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, 70101, Taiwan

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-6-2757575-62166; fax: +886-6-2352973. E-mail address: [email protected]

Abstract This paper presents a sustainable innovative design method for developing products suitable in the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) by integrating biomimetic design concepts, TRIZ techniques, BoP innovative case database and BoP innovative evaluating principles. Designers can find suitable cases by selecting of index tags and the calculation of similarity with the existed cases in database to get related biomimetic keywords from TRIZ innovative principles. Designers can use biomimetic searching method with the keywords to find suitable innovative biomimetic design concepts to match the needs of BoP. © 2017 2017The The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. © Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering Keywords: Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP); Biomimetic Design; TRIZ; Sustainable Product; BoP innovation

1. Introduction Many people have prosperous life because of technology, but there are still 4 billion people living in poverty now. Professor Prahalad [1] used the definition "Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP)" to describe them. He thinks that innovations can lead them to the better life and proposed 4A’s [1], such as affordability, awareness, access and availability, as BoP innovative principles. Niti [2] presents 5D principles (development, design, distribution, demand and dignity) as the design principles for BoP product innovation guidelines. Kirsten et al. [3] suggest the concept of frugal innovation which can help designers to break the limitations of resources, finance and institute and to turn them into favorable factors. Crul et al. [4] develops D4S (design for sustainability) approach for BoP innovation. ASME [5] presented a network platform to propose the E4C (engineering for change) concept for developing different engineering solutions for BoP innovation. Chen and Chung [6] proposed an eco-innovation method for BoP products by using TRIZ and case-based reasoning methods. Biomimicry Institute [7] proposed “The Design Spiral” concept to find solutions of design from nature. Hacco and

Shu [8] used key word to find corresponding biology features to generate biomimetic idea and applied to design for remanufacture tasks. Vincent and his co-authors [9-13] collected a biological effects database and integrated with the theory of inventive problem solving (Russian acronym: TRIZ) method. Mann [14] tried to develop the biological TRIZ Shu and her co-authors [15-22] contradiction matrix. developed a biomimetic design method through natural language analysis to bridge engineering and biology terminology. Chen and Huang [23] proposed a biomimetic design process for eco-product design by adding the biomimetic design cases into the TRIZ approach as a “Biomimetic Principle” to offer biomimetic solutions for designers. Chen and Jian [24] presented an eco-innovation process for eco-product design by linking engineering terminology with biological terminology and using method of searching keyword to find suitable biomimeticc cases for ecoinnovation problems. A table of inventive principles corresponding keywords and related bionic cases is proposed to offer the designer a quick searching tool. Chen and Yang [25] proposed a method of eco-innovation by integrating biological design with TRIZ ideality and evolution rules. Chen and Hung [26] presented a low carbon PSS eco-innovation

2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering doi:10.1016/j.procir.2016.11.244


Jahau Lewis Chen and Chang-Lin Lee / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 629 – 634

method by using biomimetic concepts and TRIZ method. Chen and Chen [27] presented an eco-innovation method by integrating ARIZ method with biomimetic design concepts. This paper presents a sustainable innovative design method for developing products suitable in the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) by integrating biomimetic design concepts, TRIZ techniques, BoP innovative case database and BoP innovative evaluating principles. The aim of this method is to assist designers developing innovative product concepts for BoP through this systematic design process. More than 100 BoP cases are collect in BoP innovative case database. Designers can find suitable cases by selecting of index tags and the calculation of similarity with the existed cases in database to get related biomimetic keywords from TRIZ innovative principles. Designers can use biomimetic searching method with the keywords to find suitable innovative biomimetic design concepts to match the needs of BoP. An assessment method for innovative BoP products is also developed in this study to evaluate the new concepts. Finally, some BoP design cases are illustrated to demonstrate the capability of the proposed method.

such as the case number, the name of BoP case, the BoP domain, the “subject”, “verb”, “object” which were transferred from the concept of TRIZ su-field analysis, the TRIZ contradiction parameters and biological related keywords, as illustrated in Table 1. Currently, we collected 124 BoP cases in the BoP case database.

TRIZ inventive principles

2. Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP)

Biological related keywords

The Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) is a socio-economic group with more than four billion people who live on less than say $2.50 per day [1]. There is a need to develop new business models and innovative design of products to satisfy their needs. Currently, there already have many successful innovation cases developed for BoP. 2.1. Innovation design criteria for BoP The innovation design criteria for BoP are summarized as five items. (1) availability: affordable by local consumer; (2) functionality: whether to complete the design goal function, or in the case of lower-cost, before reaching the same functionality as the previous generation , and at the same cost, can achieve better than the previous generation of product functionality; (3) applicability: the user -friendly operating environment , operation need to go to technical, different ages users to achieve the same easy maneuverability; (4) sustainability: Encompassing whether the ease of recovery and resource requirements easy maintenance or not, the product cost and dependence on energy , and whether the use of environmentally friendly materials, the product uses less resource and energy; (5) framing: can be used in high or low population density of the city , the availability of this product to enhance the growth of the economic development of the local communities with this design service. 2.2. BoP case database This research will collect different BoP innovations and find associated TRIZ innovative principles to build BoP innovative database. Designer can use keywords to search related innovations and get new product concepts by innovations and TRIZ innovative principles. Each BoP case is recorded in the database with information about this BoP,

Table 1. Partial list of a BOP case database. Case number





Gravity light

Bicyclepowered corn shelter

Deliver drug by existing access








Business model









Contradiction parameters




Loss of Energy



#1, #6, #13, #16, #12, #25, #28

#12, #17, #26, #32, #1, #5, #6

#1, #15, #29, #4, #5, #7

charge (1410), gravity (691), light (6820), transform (547), power (2800), convert (786)

shell (1030), peel (185), skin (5510), strip (418), rotate (136), roll (2790)

attach (721), transport (2670), detach (106), stick (1220), adhere (252), carry (2170), load (639)

3. Biomimetics Biomimetics, biomimicry, and bionic design [7] are a subject to mimic the organic characteristics and to practice these in product design. They will offer sustainable design solutions to engineering problems. From ancient to present, there have been a lot of successful biomimetic designs made. These design concepts from nature are becoming more and more important for the designer recently. It is difficulty for designers to find suitable biomimetic design cases for the eco-innovation problem. However, key vocabulary can help designers searching related cases which associated with each vocabulary [18]. Therefore, this paper proposed an eco-innovation process for eco-product design by linking engineering terminology with biological terminology and using method of searching keyword to find suitable biomimetic cases for eco-innovation problem. 3.1. Linking between BoP and TRIZ with biological terminology It is difficulty for designer to find suitable bionic design However, key cases for his eco-innovation problem. vocabulary can help us searching related cases which associated with each vocabulary [28]. Therefore, this paper proposed an eco-innovation process for eco-product design by linking engineering terminology with biological terminology and using method of searching keyword to find suitable bionic cases for eco-innovation problem. A table of inventive principles corresponding keywords with related BoP cases and bionic cases is proposed in this paper to offer the designer


Jahau Lewis Chen and Chang-Lin Lee / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 629 – 634

a quick searching tool. The first step is analyzed TRIZ 40 inventive principles and its associated descriptions to find “verb” with similar meaning as key vocabulary of this inventive principle. Then, one can using “WordNet3.1” web [29] to find synonym of the key vocabulary. The “BiologyOnline” web [30] can be used as a tool to check “biologically significant” of each vocabulary by searching the number of data in this web. Finally, related biological cases can be obtained by searching key vocabulary in biology books, such as Life [31], Biology Demystified [32], and Biology [33]. Table 2 show the key & corresponding vocabulary, related BOP cases and associated biological cases related to TRIZ inventive principle 1 – segmentation, respectively. The number in bracket following each vocabulary is the data number in “Biology-Online” web of this vocabulary. Table 2. Biological cases and vocabulary related to inventive principle 1. TRIZ Inventive Principle #1.segmentation

BoP design criteria

a. The object is divided into separate parts b. Made modular object ( for simple assembly or decomposition ) c. Increase the degree of object segmentation d. The blocking of harmful substances Related BoP cases and concepts 1. Cases (2)(40)(65): Removable parts 2. Case (52): Toilet with separating storage of urine and excrement function 3. Case (113): To reduce the number of irrigated cropping patterns. 4. Case (117): Bicycle modules with easy to remove & restructuring features 5. Case (121): A cultivation method of few plants grown in different bags Key Vocabulary Biological Cases [24] [24] segment (v.) ȆThe DNA double helix structure is composed of the smaller molecular structure. ȆSpine. ȆAbdominal muscle. Ȇ Insect body's sectionalization, for example ant, centipede and so on. ȆPlant's stem or the root will separate many branches. ȆThe annulata uses for to promote the movement the bodily sectionalization. fragment (v.) ȆThe sunlight separable becomes the monochromatic light. Ȇ In blood's red blood cell, white blood cell, blood platelet. ȆA portion of air plants can be grown after it fall into land. divide (v.) ȆCell division. ȆXY chromosome distinction. ȆThe humanity digesting system will digest and the absorption separates the execution. ȆLung's bronchial tube branch. Biological related derivative keywords Key Vocabulary Synonyms Hypernyms Hyponyms segment (743) separate (1340), change (3860) quarter (253) part (11500) fragment (977) break (1110), change (3860) grind (50), separate (1340), crunch (20), split (458) bray (25), crush (66) divide (611) split (458), change (3860), format (264), separate (1340) move (1720), polarize (13), displace (30) chip (197)

3.2. Biological related derivative keywords If the key vocabulary unable to find related biomimetics cases for innovation in BoP application, some biological related derivative key words can be obtained through the searching of related hypernyms and hyponyms from using ȾWordNet3.1” web [29]. As shown in Table 2, “change”, “move”, and “displace” are the hypernyms of “divide”. On the other hand, “format” and “chip” are the hyponyms of “divide”. The designer can select suitable biological meaningful derivative words to search biological cases for biomimetics design. 4. TRIZ contradiction matrix and inventive principles The TRIZ method [34, 35] is a tool for designers and engineers to handle conflict problems. The method was developed in the former Soviet Union by Altshuller, who had analyzed over 400,000 patents. The most fascinating and amazing part of the TRIZ method is the contradiction matrix constructed through investigating and classifying the patents. The contradiction matrix is composed of 39 engineering parameters and 40 inventive principles. When people face design contradictions, they can search for the appropriate parameters, and then locate 1-4 suitable design principles for resolving the particular problem. Su-field analysis is a modelling approach in TRIZ for the analysis and innovation of physical phenomena in product systems. This method is performed by building a substancefield model for your design problem and analysing the modification possibility of this model to innovate new solution for your design problem. Substance is any objects or tools within product system. Field refers to the energy required for the interaction between two substances. Two substances (objective S1 and tool S2) and the energy of their interaction (field, F) are the minimal requirements to build a minimal Su-field model for performing one function. Several standard modification rules can help the designer to modify Su-field model to eliminate harmful effects [34, 35]. 5. The relationship between BoP design criteria and biomimetics design concept Table 3. Relationship between biomimetics design and BoP design criteria. Biomimetics design Efficient using substance and energy Self-assembly High adaptability to environment

Independent & self-adjustment

Functional design High environmental tolerance Architectural versatility Environmental friendly Hierarchical organization

BoP design criteria Weakening resource intensity , prices Detechnicalization Adjustable user interface , operating in adverse environmental Operate in adverse environments , broad architecture Broad architecture Operate in adverse environments Broad architecture, Mixed techniques Weakening resource intensity Broad architecture


Jahau Lewis Chen and Chang-Lin Lee / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 629 – 634

Scientists believe that products can get inspiration idea from nature with the eco-friendly concepts. The sustainable design concepts from nature are very similar with the design concept of BoP and they can be used as a innovative tool for designer to perform biomimetics design for BoP. The relationship between BoP design criteria and biomimetics design concept is illustrated in Table 3. 6. The procedures of BoP eco-innovation by TRIZ and biomimetics concepts The design processes of including biomimetics concepts with TRIZ method through key vocabulary in eco-innovation for BoP is described in the Fig. 1. The TRIZ tools use in this process including Su-field analysis, contradiction matrix and inventive principles. The procedures can be explained by four steps as follows

Designing Problems

The designers can get the biological keywords directly from analyzing main functional construction of the difficulty of BoP by using TRIZ Su-field analysis technique. One can transfer the substances and field relationship in TRIZ Su-field model into a sentence. The designer can select the verb or adjective words in this sentence as the keywords. The “Biology-Online” web [30] can be used as a tool to check “biologically significant” of each keyword by searching the number of data in this web. If the keywords unable to find their “biologically significant” with enough biological cases, some related derivative keywords can be obtained through the searching of related synonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms from using “WordNet3.1” web [29]. The designers can also set the index to sort similar cases in BoP database to get the concepts and keywords to develop the biological keywords. The designer uses six indexes, such as domain, subject, verb, object, and two TRIZ contradiction parameters, and sets the ratio of the main index to sort the BoP innovative cases. To compare the similarity of indexes between database and target, the value of similarity can be computed with the following equation. ௡

Su-Field Analysis

BOP database

TRIZ matix

‹‹Žƒ”‹–› ൌ ෍ ‫ݓ‬௜ ൈ ‫݉݅ݏ‬௜ ሺ‫ܨ‬௜ ǡ ݂௜ ሻȀ ෍ ‫ݓ‬௜ ௜ୀଵ




Search in reference book

Excessive examples


no Resource Analysis



yes yes Evaluating Principles


Better design

where i is the number of the index; n is total amount of indexes; ‹ is index of the target system; ˆ‹ is index of the database; ™‹ is weighting; and ‫ ݅݉݅ݏ‬ሺ‫ ݅ܨ‬ǡ ݂݅ ሻ is index’s similarity. If the target system’s index is the same as the database’s index, the value of ‫ ݅݉݅ݏ‬ሺ‫ ݅ܨ‬ǡ ݂݅ ሻ is 1, if not, the outcome is 0 instead. The value of similarity will be affected by the weighting of database’s indexes, and designer can set the level weighting depends on the needs. Similar cases will give innovative concepts, related TRIZ innovative principles and biological related keywords for designers. The third way to find keywords is identifying related TRIZ contradiction parameters in BoP problem and using TRIZ contradiction matrix to get suggestion inventive principles. After finding related TRIZ inventive principles, designer can use this information to generate related keywords, as illustrated in Table 2. 6.2 Step 2: Searching biological cases and resource analysis



Fig. 1. Flowchart of eco-innovation method for BoP

6.1. Step 1: Find biological related keywords First, the designer can identify the biological related keywords of BOP product design problems to assess a function which required improvement. Biological keywords can be generated in three different ways including Su-field analysis, BoP database, and TRIZ matrix with 40 innovative principles, as shown in Fig. 1.

After obtaining suitable biological related keywords, the designer can search related biological cases through the biological cases related table, such as Table 2. Proper biological cases can be found in reference book with these key words. Biological resources inspecting method is applied to inspect the cases found in the reference book to provide users more information of the background of the cases, which promote the possibility for the designers to come up with new designs. Six kind of biological resources inspecting methods, such as material, structure, energy, information, motion, and molecular, are proposed in this paper.


Jahau Lewis Chen and Chang-Lin Lee / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 629 – 634

6.3 Step 3:Eco-inovation for BoP After obtaining the suitable biological case, the designer can use suitable biological case to perform eco-innovation. 6.4 Step 4: New BoP design case evaluation

Using keyword “catch” from Table 4, a biological case “the form of nonvascular plant” is selected as biomimetics design concepts. New innovative design concept of water problem is illustrated in Fig. 3. The green building can collect rainwater and dew from roof and the collection water may be directed to the centralized storage.

Finally, the new design can be evaluated with BoP principles evaluating diagram, as shown in Fig. 2. Evaluating principles are availability, functionality, applicability, sustainability and framing. These five principles can initially assess the extent of achieving BoP standard for new innovations. Each principle’s score has five levels and the score’s interval is one, and 5 represents the highest level of achieving the criterion contrarily 1 represents the lowest level. Different weightings can be emphasized on each index to strengthen the specific target. The contribution of each target can be demonstrated through the graph.

Fig. 3. New innovation concept of water problem case

7.2 Example case 2: Living space problem in BoP The living space problem in BoP society is to innovate low price and low energy consumption building material for constructing safety house. The BoP case database is selected to find biological related keywords, as shown in Fig. 1. The index of this living space problem is shown in Table 5. The most similar case in BoP database is case number 116 with similarity equal 81.82%, as shown in Table 5. Table 5. Biological related derivative keywords of example 2. Fig. 2. Evaluation diagram of new innovation concept

Two BoP problems are selected as examples to demonstrate the capability of proposed innovation method. 7.1. Example case 1: Water problem in BoP Clean water is an urgent requirement in BoP society. Otherwise, it is can cause major health problems. However, there is no water providing infrastructure in BoP society. Therefore, Bop society has a need to find innovative way to provide clean water. Using Su-field analysis method in Fig.1, designer can select the verb “collect” and “absorb” as keywords from the sentence “Devices collect/absorb clean water”. Designer can use WordNet software tool to derivate related keywords, as shown in Table 4. Table 4. Biological related derivative keywords of example 1.

absorb (594)

Living space problem



7. Examples

Key Vocabulary collect (394)

Case number

Synonyms accumulate (890), gather (192) sorb (6)

Hypernyms catch (410), harvest(287) turn (2100)


assimilate (123), imbibe (16)

116 Using local sand to construct simple brick



3 (27.2%)














Contradiction parameters







TRIZ inventive principles

#1, #11, #13,( #27, #34)

Biological related keywords

construct (772), build (1800)ĭġġ pack (429), compress (1460), accommodate (161), mix (1390), keep (5370)

Using keyword “pack” from Table 5, a biological case “Deoxyribonucleic acid stack” is selected as biomimetic design concept. Another keyword “keep” can provide another biological case “New born child is missing hair to insulation” as another biomimetic design concept. Both biological cases can inspire the innovative design concept as “The use of air within the material for keeping warm concept to develop a symmetrical structure that it can be used press machine to


Jahau Lewis Chen and Chang-Lin Lee / Procedia CIRP 61 (2017) 629 – 634

made self-locking bricks”, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. New innovation concept of living space problem case

8. Summary This research integrates Biomimetic design method, TRIZ theory, BoP innovative database and BoP innovative evaluating principles to construct BoP innovative design method, with an aim to assist designers developing innovative design for the bottom of the pyramid through the systematic process. Acknowledgements This work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan, under grant numbers: MOST 103-2621-M-006-003. References [1] Prahald CK. The fortune at the bottom of pyramid. Warton School Publishing; 2004. [2] Niti B. The 5Ds of BoP marketing touchpoints for a holistic humancentered strategy. ouchpoints_for_a_holistic_humancentered_strategy_12233.asp; 2009., [accessed October 22, 2013] [3] Kirsten B, Ian T. Our frugal future: lessons from india’s innovation system. Nesta; 2012. [4] Crul M, Diehl JC. Design for sustainability: moving from incremental toward radical design approaches. In: Transitions to sustainability, NZSSES conference 2010, Auckland, New Zealand [5] Engineering for Change.; 2014. [accessed January 25, 2014] [6] Chen JL, Chung SH. Integrating Innovative Principles at the Bottom of the Pyramid and TRIZ Theory to Develop Sustainable Product Design Method, 9th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Ecodesign15, Tokyo, Japan, December 2-December 5, 2015. [7] Biomimicry Institute. Biomimicry: nature as model, measure and menter, In:; 2010. [8] Hacco E, Shu LH. Biomimetic concept generation applied to design for remanufacture, In: Proceedings of DETC’02, ASME 2002 design engineering technical conferences, Montreal, Canada; 2002, September 29- October 2. [9] Vincent JFV, Bogatyreva OA, Pahl AK, Bogatyrev NR, Bowyer A. Putting biology into TRIZ: a database of biological effects. Creativity and Innovation Management; 2006; 14: 1, p. 66. [10] Bogatyreva O, Phal AK, Bowter A, Vincent J. Data gathering for putting biology in TRIZ. in: The 5th annual conference of the altshuller institute for TRIZ studies; 2003. [11] Bogatyrev N, Bogatyreva O. TRIZ and biology: rules and restrictions. In: Proceedings of international TRIZ conference, Philadelphia, USA; 2003, 16-18 March, p. 19/1 -19/4.

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