98. Development of a Multimedia Learning Tool for a Computer-Aided Design
Course. D. B. Wittenborn. Department of Computer Graphics Technology.
Development of a Multimedia Learning Tool for a Computer-Aided Design Course D. B. Wittenborn Department of Computer Graphics Technology Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906
ABSTRACT - Studies have shown that it is beneficial
enjoyable, but they must address the objectives of the
for instructors to employ a variety of teaching methods
curriculum and prepare students for the future.
to satisfy different learning styles and situations. One
Furthermore, these activities can be beneficial to
of these methods involves the use of active learning
students by providing them an alternative way to learn.
strategies to foster student participation. This paper
In the field of computer graphics it is reasonable to
will focus on how educational learning games can be an
assume that many of the students will be visual and
effective way to teach students, while adding an
spatial learners. In other words, when learning new
enjoyable and relaxed atmosphere to the classroom.
information it may be easier for them to retain and
This paper will review the learning game
transfer that information if they are able to see it in a
integrated into a Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
graphical format, rather than as plain text in a book
Technology (CIMT) course at Purdue University. This
(Mayer, 2001).
particular learning game used a PowerPoint template
learning game including words, pictures, and sounds
based on the popular television game show ‘Who Wants
was developed to help students review for the final
to be a Millionaire’. This paper includes a summary of
exam in CIMT 311, Computer-Aided Design for
how the game was developed, possible improvements of
Manufacturing; a 300-level constraint-based modeling
the game for future use, and the benefits associated with
course at Purdue University during the Spring semester
this learning game.
of 2004.
With this in mind an interactive
In most university courses students are either given I. Introduction
a text-based study guide or a verbal listing of topics to
Engineering graphic educators have used a variety
help them prepare for exams. The goal of this activity
of very creative activities in the classroom to help make
was to give students a new way to prepare for exams, a
learning more meaningful and enjoyable for students.
way that would include multimedia instructional design.
Recent activities include project-centered education
Multimedia learning includes the use of both words and
(Barr, Krueger, Aanstoos, Horan, & Moore, 2002),
pictures in the delivery of instructional content (Mayer,
interactive three-dimensional (3D) animation (Kovak,
2001). The case for multimedia rests in the premise that
2002), dynamic modeling assignments (Wiebe, Branoff,
learners can better understand an explanation when it is
& Hartman, 2003), reverse engineering activities
presented in words and pictures than when it is
(Branoff, Hartman, & Wiebe, 2002), and Lego group
presented in words alone. Therefore, by using multiple
projects (Branoff, Hartman, & Wiebe, 2003; Kelley,
forms of media, students are more likely to retain and
Brattain, & Lucas, 2003). Activities should not only be
transfer the information.
II. Development of the Original Template This particular learning game uses a PowerPoint template originally created by Mark E. Damon in 2000. The template is based on the popular television game show Who Wants to be a Millionaire. The idea behind the creation of this template is that it will be easy for anyone to use. While the file is intended to be basic enough for first time PowerPoint users to understand, it may be beneficial if the user is already familiar with the Figure 1. Title slide of the original template file.
program to some extent.
This will involve inserting 15 multiple-choice
The Original Template File The original template file can be found online at
questions, each with four possible answers, into the
appropriate question slides. Each of the 15 questions
m. There, Mark Damon offers the Who Wants to be a
will be placed on a slide which represents a dollar
Millionaire template file for free download, along with
amount that can be won in the game.
three other PowerPoint game templates.
The file to
polygon on each question slide is to then be moved by
download is a *.zip file that includes the PowerPoint
dragging it over the correct answer (see Figure 2). Once
template, music clips to accompany the presentation,
you move it over the correct answer, you will then need
and a text file that serves as an instructional manual for
to right click on the green shape and click "Order" and
getting started.
"Move backward". After you do this once, hold down
The green
After unzipping the *.zip file and opening the
the CTRL key and the press the "up" or “down” arrows
PowerPoint file, the user will notice that there are 36
until the shape is moved directly behind the correct
slides already created. If you are unfamiliar with the
answer (so the answer is visible). If you hit CTRL+
game show, the purpose of this program is to answer
“up” or “down” too many times, hit CTRL+Z to undo.
questions correctly to work your way up the dollar values to reach $1,000,000.
The first three slides
include a title screen, a credits screen and an introductory animation effect, respectively (see Figure 1). Before the game can be played however, the user must type in relevant questions and answers into the template.
Figure 2. A sample question slide from the original template file.
When the game has been set up and is ready to play,
sequentially. There are graphics on each question slide for three lifelines: “50-50”, “phone-a-friend”, and “ask the audience”.
However, at this point, you cannot
eliminate two answers for the “50-50”, nor can you cross out lifelines once they are used. Otherwise, play it just as you would on the game show. As the students continue to answer questions correctly, they will move on to the next question which is worth a higher dollar
Figure 3. An example Fastest Finger question.
amount. If all 15 questions can be answered correctly, the student or students playing will have won the game.
With the Fastest Finger question established. The III. Revisions made for CIMT 311
next step was to develop a set of 15 review questions
In order to create an interactive computer graphics
ranging in difficulty from easy to hard. The easiest
review session, the PowerPoint template was modified
question would be inserted first into the slide for the
to include questions and answers relevant to the CIMT
$100 question. The most difficult question would be
311 course at Purdue. This was done so that students
inserted last into the slide worth $1 million. For each
would be provided with an alternative way to review for
question a review question along with three incorrect
the final exam. Rather that studying black and white
answers and one correct answer were typed into the
text, the goal was to promote higher rates of retention
appropriate slides (See Figure 4).
and transfer by providing the information in a multimedia format. Furthermore, the goal was that an entertaining atmosphere would motivate the students to focus on the game and get them excited about learning. In regards to using this game for CIMT 311, many changes and additions were incorporated to the original PowerPoint template file.
The CIMT 311 class
contained 30 students, so the plan was to break them into five groups of six students. In order to determine which group would win the chance to play the game, a Faster Finger PowerPoint file was created, which is also consistent with the game show. This file contained a
Figure 4. An example slide after the question and answers have been added.
slide asking teams to list answers to a given question as quickly as possible (see Figure 3). The team that raised their hand first would have their answers reviewed and
When playing the game with the students in the
if correct, they would be the first team to try and
classroom, the professor served as the host of the game.
answers all 15 questions in the game correctly.
He controlled the movement of the slides from one to
Attempted improvements included the addition of
the next.
If the “50-50” lifeline was used, the host
working lifelines inside of the PowerPoint file. Due to
would eliminate two incorrect answers by verbally
the nature of PowerPoint however, this became a
informing the team competing which two to take away.
difficult task. The original temple file for the game uses
For the “phone-a-friend” lifeline, the competing team
a sequential order when moving on to the next slide.
was allowed to ask any other student in the classroom,
This cannot be done however when working lifelines
who was not on their own team, what they thought
are included. New slides have to be created for each of
should be the correct answer.
For the “ask the
the possible lifelines, as well as slides that include the
audience” lifeline, all students were asked to raise their
combination of both the current lifeline being used, as
hand for the answer they believed should be correct.
well as any lifelines that may have already been used
Since the lifelines could not be marked out in the game,
previously. In these circumstances, since PowerPoint
the host drew pictures on the board in the front of the
does not facilitate the use of a button that can be turned
room and marked then out after a team had exercised
on and off during a presentation, a new slide must be
the use of that lifeline. This kept teams from trying to
created for each possible scenario. For example, if the
use the same lifeline twice.
contestant chooses to use the “50-50” lifeline on
For the initial use of this game as a review session
question one, they must then be taken to a slide that
for CIMT 311, three complete fastest finger and
crosses out the “50-50” lifeline and then removes two of
question and answer files were created.
the incorrect answers. Then, the contestant must have
approximate time for inserting 15 question and answers
the possibility to answer the question, or to choose one
into the main game file and creating a corresponding
of the two remaining lifelines. For example, in Figure
fastest finger question was approximately one hour.
5, after using the “50-50” lifeline, the contestant has
Therefore the time required to construct three different
chosen to use the “ask the audience” lifeline.
sets of questions and answers was just over three hours. This was done so that after one team either completed the round or lost due to an incorrect answer being given, the remaining teams could compete again to have the next try. During a 50-minute lecture session all three rounds were played in about 40 minutes, but not all questions were seen in each round. This was due to an incorrect answer being given before reaching the final question. Therefore, the remaining questions were gone over with the class as a whole so that all review topics were exposed to the students. Figure 5. A sample question after revisions were made to include lifelines. For this question the “5050” lifeline has already been used and the contestant has chosen to use the “ask the audience” lifeline as well.
IV. Possible Improvements While the initial implementation of this game went very well, improvements were attempted at a later time to try and make the game even closer to the original.
V. Conclusion
Another improvement that was attempted was the addition of narration for the “phone-a-friend” lifeline.
After creating and implementing this multimedia
With this add-on, when the contestant chooses the
learning tool for the Computer-Aided Design for
“phone-a-friend” lifeline, they will not only be able to
Manufacturing course at Purdue University, the most
read the clue given on the screen, but will also hear a
important thing noticed was its effectivenss. Many of
narration of that text simultaneously. The goal of this
the students remarked how enjoyable and beneficial the
addition was to offer the student various ways to absorb
game was as opposed to traditional review methods.
the information, in hopes that multiple forms of media
Secondly, it should be noted that this particular learning
will improve their ability to retain and transfer the
game could easily be expanded and adapted to meet the
needs of instructors of many different courses. With the
One final improvement to the original game was
original blank template available for free download,
the addition of a link that offers an explanation to the
teachers of any course can easily insert their own
answer. The advantage to this is that if the game is
questions and answers relevant to their class with very
provided to the students to take home after the in-class
little trouble. Finally, it is important to note that not
review session, they will be given instant feedback as to
only is this idea great for computer graphics students
why the actual answer is correct (see Figure 6). This
because of their visual nature, but it can be valuable to
will hopefully, encourage students to understand the
students from all disciplines. Because of the use of
reason behind why certain answers are correct, rather
different forms of media within the instructional design,
than merely memorizing the information. However, if
students are more likely to retain and transfer the
students are comfortable with their knowledge of the
information for future use.
correct answer, a link has been provided to move on to VI. References
the next question, rather than reading the explanation.
Barr, R. E., Krueger, T. J., Aanstoos, T. A., Horan, J., & Moore, J. (2002). Industry-sponsored design projects for freshmen engineering graphics students. Paper presented at the 57th Midyear Meeting of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the Ameican Society for Engineering Education, Indianapolis, Indiana. Branoff, T. J., Hartman, N. W., & Wiebe, E. N. (2002). Applications of dynamic modeling in introductory engineering graphics classes. Paper presented at the 57th Midyear Meeting of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, Indianapolis, Indiana. Branoff, T. J., Hartman, N. W., & Wiebe, E. N. (2003). Constraint-based, solid-modeling: What do the employers want our students to know? The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 67(1), 6-11.
Figure 6. An example slide showing the correct answer, along with links for an explanation of the answer or to move on to the next question.
Kelley, D. S., Brattain, F., & Lucas, D. (2003). The Utilization of Virtual Lego Blocks within a Group Design Project. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Engineering Design Graphics Midyear Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ.
Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia Learning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Wiebe, E. N., Branoff, T. J., & Hartman, N. W. (2003). Teaching geometry through dynamic modeling in introductory engineering graphics. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 67(2), 12-20.
Kovak, K. (2002). Leveraging product visualization with interactive 3D animation. Paper presented at the 57th Midyear Meeting of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, Indianapolis, IN.