National Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (NCMMME-2016), NIE Mysuru, Karnataka, India, May 23 – 24, 2016
Development of Automatic Sorting Machine for Cooked and Dried Turmeric Rhizomes Arjun A. Kadam Department of Mechanical Engineering Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar Islampur, India
[email protected] Abstract— India is a leading nation in a turmeric production. Size is the most important feature for accurate sorting of a turmeric rhizome. Because of the growing need to supply a high quality turmeric rhizomes with in short time, automatic sorting machine of a turmeric rhizomes is the priority of many Indian farmers. The Indian farmers used to a turmeric rhizomes sorting in conventional processes and this processes is time consuming. In this paper the different concepts to develop in a turmeric rhizomes sorting. The selecting the one out of these concept and develop the prototype and do a successful testing a turmeric rhizomes sorting process using image processing as per required parameters. The sorting efficiency increases if we comparing a conventional process and the new process by up to 70 % to 80%. The final design is a compact also a less cost machine which can be also used to another dry fruits sorting. The aim of project comes under the important parameter i.e. automatic turmeric sorting machine for cooked and dried turmeric rhizomes. The main object of a paper is to develop a sorting machine by using image processing and give the maximum efficiency of a turmeric rhizome sorting. Keywords — Development, Sorting, Machine, Turmeric rhizomes.
I.INTRODUCTION Turmeric is used as condiment, dye, drug and cosmetic all over the world. India is a leading producer and exporter of turmeric in the world. The plant grows up to 60-90 cm high, with a short stem and tufted leaf. Plants are gathered annually for their rhizomes, and reseeded from some of those rhizomes in the next season. Fresh turmeric is cured and dried for obtaining dry turmeric power. The fingers are separated from mother rhizomes. Mother rhizomes are usually kept as seed material. Curing involves boiling of fresh rhizomes in water. Curing is followed by Sun drying to improve shelf life of rhizomes. In the traditional method of curing, the cleaned rhizomes are boiled in a shallow pan filled with water on a wood fired stove. It takes about 50-60 minutes to boil the water and next 40-45 minutes to cook the turmeric. The processing of turmeric is to be done within 2 or 3 days of harvesting, the delay in processing spoil rhizomes. Although a rhizome feeding is very important part of boiling process, no atomization is done in this field. After this process farmer required a sorting of turmeric rhizomes of three different sizes. Because of the market requirement if they do perform the sorting the rate of turmeric rhizomes increases. Indian farmers
Narendra K.Chhapkhane Department of Mechanical Engineering Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar Islampur, India
[email protected] even today use the same traditional methods used for turmeric sorting in agricultural works. 8 to 10 workers are required to sort approximately 200 kg. of turmeric rhizome per day. Thus around 200/- rupees are required to sort the turmeric rhizome per day per person. These techniques are time consuming and require more man power. There is a problem in getting labour at required time. The sorting and grading is useful for farmer as the price of turmeric depend upon the size of rhizome. If an automatic machine developed for sorting then it is highly beneficial for farmer. II.STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF TURMERIC THIZOMES SOTING MACHINE A. Problem Statement The process of sorting of the turmeric is time consuming and labour intensive process. To overcome the issue of non-availability of labourers and for timely sorting of turmeric rhizomes were divided into three different grades namely [6] 1) 25–35mm, 2) 36-45 mm, 3) 46–55 mm with respect to its major dimension. We gathered the information about working of conventional turmeric sorting processes. For this purpose we conducted the visit on available conventional turmeric process factories at sangli, we collect information like overall dimension of the turmeric rhizomes. Also efforts required for human labour for completing the turmeric sorting process. From that information we found that human required to do lot more effort for sorting process.
Fig: 1 Sorting of turmeric rhizomes
National Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (NCMMME-2016), NIE Mysuru, Karnataka, India, May 23 – 24, 2016
B. Market Survey Market survey done by the field visit, farmers interaction, visit turmeric storage market yard, and turmeric processing mills. The field visit of turmeric farms was most important to the investigating the exact requirement of a turmeric rhizomes as per requirement. The farmer interaction done by the farmers group placed on the village. The detail discussion about machine requirement they interact with and every one not need to a same machine of same quantity of turmeric rhizomes. The final conclusion is the need of a sorting machine size is different as per requirement. And also apply other product or dry fruits of agriculture. C. Customer Needs Data The turmeric rhizomes sorting machine is faster than by conventional processes. The sorting machine not only works on turmeric rhizomes but also work on dry fruit of agriculture product. The turmeric rhizomes sorting machine easy to use, operate and convey easily. The sorting machine works on each situation
1)Hopper 2) Belt conveyer 3) * camera location 4) Push pull solenoid valve 5) sorted turmeric rhizomes carry way 6) plate 7) tilting mechanism 8) piping way
Fig: -2 Concept
D. Process of a work
Layout of processes
E. Working Action The hopper container is taken to store turmeric rhizomes. The mechanism is worked on the single piece of turmeric rhizomes as some speed. After that the turmeric rhizomes enter the image processing zone this zone the turmeric rhizomes image captured and size detection done as per different length as a parameter used to a sorting of a turmeric rhizomes. This result goes through the raspberry pi in solenoid valve these valves works on the input of given information and sorting done by the machine. F. Concept Generation The product concept is the description of the technology, working principles, and from of the product. [7] The concept of a sorting machine expressed in the three dimensional sketch on designing software as CATIA VRs19 and accompanied a description. The concept generation processes being with a set of customer need and target a result in a set of product concept will make a final selection. The following parts to be used in concept design
Fig: - 3 Concept 2
National Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (NCMMME-2016), NIE Mysuru, Karnataka, India, May 23 – 24, 2016
The process of concept selection we select a concept no 4 is the most efficient concept. Therefore we select the concept no four.
Fig: - 4 Concept 3
H. Material and Methods The turmeric rhizomes sorting machine consist of a hopper through turmeric rhizomes is fed through a circular container through the container placed blade thrown a single turmeric rhizome. These rhizomes conveyer carries some distance and placed turmeric rhizomes in a certain square plate. This plate placed on the front of camera and rest on the push pull type solenoid valve. The tilting plate mechanism works as per instruction image processing by raspberry pi and microcontroller. The turmeric rhizomes separated three different grades namely 25–35mm, 36-45 mm, and 46–55 mm with respect to its major dimension. I. Model Design A Different Component Of Prototype Of A Sorting Machine.
Fig:- 5 Concept 4
G. Concept Selection The concept selection is the process of narrowing the set of concept alternatives under consideration. Although concept selection is a convergent process, it is frequently iterative and many not produce a dominant concept immediately.[7] A large set of concept is initially winnowed down to a smaller set, but these concepts may subsequently be combined and improved to temporarily enlarge the set of concept under consideration. The concept selection on two process but here we use a concept screening method. Table:-1 Concept Selection by Screening Selection Criteria
Concept 1
Concept 2
Concept 3
Concept 4
Easy to Handle Easy to use
+ -
0 -
+ +
+ -
+ -
+ 0
+ +
2 1 4 -2 3
1 2 4 -3 4
0 2 4 1 1 2
+ 6 1 0 6 1
Readability of settings Does metering accuracy Durability Ease of manufacturing Portability Sum + 's Sum 0 's Sum - 's Net Score Rank
Fig - 6 Main Body of Sorting Machine Prototype
National Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (NCMMME-2016), NIE Mysuru, Karnataka, India, May 23 – 24, 2016
square plate. The turmeric rhizomes placed in a square plate due to a sorting. During the sorting stage the turmeric rhizome image captured the camera and length is determined. By comparing the information during sorting phase with the available information in the database, The turmeric rhizomes separated three different grades namely 1) 25–35mm, 2) 36-45 mm, 3) 46–55 mm with respect to its major dimension After the image processing done the signal goes on push pull type solenoid valve. The operating this valve the sorting done by the size. Finally turmeric rhizomes classified in to three grades. RESULT The turmeric rhizomes separated three different grades namely 1) 25–35mm, 2) 36-45 mm, 3) 46–55 mm with respect to its parameters by using image processing. The processes of sorting properly done by required parameters. Fig:7- Square Plate Placed On A Tilting Mechanism
CONCLUSION The automatic turmeric rhizomes sorting machine has been developed which is able to sort turmeric rhizomes as per size. We observed that the efficiency of a sorting is increase up to 70% to 80% as compared to conventional processes. The machine need to modification of a design. The turmeric rhizome sorting machine can be manufactured at a well equipped mechanical workshop without any sophisticated machinery.
Acknowledgment I am thankful to all the persons for helping in design automatic sorting machine for cooked and dried turmeric rhizomes. Fig: - 8 Cameras Placed On Front of Square Plate
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Fig:- 9 Solenoid Valve Placed On the Tilting Mechanism
J. Testing on the turmeric rhizomes sorting machine The test the automatic sorting machine was a simple. During the test used some turmeric rhizomes. The rhizomes go through the container due to gravity and vibrations. The next stage the container placed mechanism provide single pieces of turmeric rhizomes. The curved pipe carry this pieces to a
National Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (NCMMME-2016), NIE Mysuru, Karnataka, India, May 23 – 24, 2016
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