ISSN 0976-111X
(An International Quarterly Published Online Research Journal)
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Title: Development of Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Microbial Growth Rate of Bacteria and Fungi in BTX Contaminants Degradation in Soil Environment C.P. Ukpaka Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering Rivers State University of Science and Technology Nkpolu, P.M.B 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria E-mail; chukwuemeka 24 ABSTRACT Mathematical models were developed to simulate the microbial growth rate of bacteria and fungi upon the degradation of benzene, toluene and xylene contaminated soil obtained in Omuigwe Aluu in Ikwerre Local Government area of Rivers State. Analysis was carried out to determine soil pH, electrical conductivity, available phosphorous, total nitrogen, organic carbon, organic, porosity, sandy, silt and clay and textural class was sandy clay. Because of the fact that level 0 -1 has significant available phosphorous of 8.52 mg/kg, organic carbon percentage of 0.90 higher them other level was chosen as the best for the remediation of benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) contaminants. Microbial population of growth test was carried out to determine the total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) and total heterotrophic fungi (THF) of the contaminants with time. Toluene shows a significant value of bacteria population of 8.6 x 105cfu/g, benzene (4. 1 x 105 cfu/g) and xylene (3.5 x 105 cfu/g) at 28days. Benzene shows a significant value of (3.6 x 103 cfu/g) and toluene (3.2 x 103 cfu/g) for 28days. A conclusion was reached that the microorganisms in the soil were effective in toluene degradation. Keywords: Model, Prediction, Microbial, contaminants, BTX, Degradation. IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
INTRODUCTION Various studies with benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) contaminants degradation have shown that this organism is suitable for the testing of degradation characteristics of BTX mixture to ascertain substance that are environmental friendly. The main advantages of using bioremediation processes are that they (i) produced substances that are environmental friendly at the disassociation of enzyme- substrate complex to form enzyme and product, (ii) are easy and cheap to culture in the laboratory, (iii) are sensitive to pollutants, (iv) have a short/ long life- cycle based on the nature in time of toxicity of contaminants as well as the process conditions, (v) are model organisms for a widespread species on soil environment several monitoring studies were preformed for the assessment of the aromatic compounds degradation in both batch and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) (Joner et al; 2001; Fismes et al; 2002; Benincasa et al; 2004; Kaiser & Guggenberger, 2003; Mohapatra et al 2006; Ghosh et al. 2006; Ukpaka, 2006; Kumar, 2007 & Meenu et al. 2007). Furthermore, two guidelines were developed for the routine testing of bacteria and fungi activity on benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) contaminants degradation in a batch reactor. Assessment of degradation rate of BTX contaminants upon the activity of microbes were carried out. These guidelines are well established in microbiological research and standard testing, because various characteristics, properties and kinetic parameters can be observed to detect possible impacts of substances on the development of mathematical model to predict the microbial growth rate of bacteria and fungi in BTX contaminants degradation in soil environment (ASTM, 1986 & APHA, 1995). Therefore, we used batch reactor as a model procedure to predict the relation between pollutants and their effect on the microbial growth rate of bacteria and fungi (population) is investigated (Wick et al. 2003 & Straube et al. 2003; Hansen et al. 2004; Raza. et al. 2006; Newman et al. 1997; Bhabjit & Sarma, 2007; Utpal, & Sarma, 2007). The aim of the baseline experiments reported here was to determine the effect of benzene, toluene and xylene degradation on bacteria and fungi growth rate characteristics. In this paper the concentration- response curve for BTX and time as well as microbial concentration - response curve with time was also established. 2. MATERIALS and METHODS 2.1 The Model A chemical’s transformation rate will vary with differing aquifer redox conditions. Aerobic redox conditions will tend to occur in oxygenated (high levels of oxygen) shallow groundwater. Therefore, the advection dispersion equation can be written as: ∂ 2c ∂c ∂c − λc + DL = −V R ∂x 2 ∂x ∂t ……………………………………………….(1)
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Mixture without Activator Single Enzyme Catalyzed Reaction Generally an enzyme catalysed reaction of a given substrate such as petroleum hydrocarbon can be presented. Ukpaka, (2006) reveal that the rate of product formation depends on the dissociation of enzyme- substrate complex, the rate of reaction can be s written as V = Kp [EH ]…………………………………..………………………(2)
A material balance equation for the distribution of the total enzymes in the reacting system can be expressed as Et = [E ] + [EH ]…………………………..…………..(3) Combining equation (1) and (2) E Ep [EH ] = [Et ] [E ] + [EH ] The dissociation constants Ks can be expressed as the ratio of the rate constant K -1 and K1. K K H = −1 = [E ] / [EH ] ……………….…………………………………..……………(4) K1
[EH ]
[E ] [H ] KH
Combining equations (2), (3) and (4) we have [E ] [H ] ……………………………….(5) [E ] [H ] Kp S Kp KH V KH = [Et ] [E ] + [E ][H ] [E ] + [E ][H ] KH The reaction rate will be maximum when the total enzymes form a complex, hence S V max = Kp [Et ]......................................................................................................(6) Combining equation (1) and equation (1), we have [E ] VS ………………………….…………………………………..(7) = S [ ] + K H H V max
Hence, V S = V max S
[H ] K H + [H ] IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
This equation is the usual, form of Henry Michael’s equation. With petroleum hydrocarbon mixture as growth limiting substrate, assuming H 1 , H 2 , H 3 …..H n as the hydrocarbons present, equation (1) can be expressed thus; [H1 ] [H 2 ] • [H 3 ] • • • [Hn] .................................(7a) S • V S = V max K H +[H1 ] K H + [H 2 ] K H + [H 3 ] K H + [Hn] But the rate of hydrocarbon degradation is dH S V 1 = dt …………………………………………………………………….(7b) Hence combining equation (7a) and (7b) and on rearrangement we have [H1 ] [H 2 ] • + [H 3 ] • • • + [Hn] dH ………………….(8) • V S dt = + K Hn [Hn] K H S 1 [H1 ] K H 2 + [H 2 ] K H 3 [H 3 ] Equation (8) can be expressed as n n K Hn + H i K S S V max dt = π [Hi] dH or V max dt = π 1 + [HiHi] dH ...........................(8a) i = 1 i =1 For a single enzyme system
[ ]
S max
K dt = π Hi + 1dH ..............................................................(8b) [H ] i = 1 i
On integrating equation (8b) yields H S V max dt = K H in H + (H 0 − H ) ....................................................................................(8c) 0
V max t = K H Inγ S
+ (1 − y )...............................................................................................(8d )
Equation (8d) represent the model equation for a single enzyme catalysed reaction and can be applied in the computation of maximum reaction rate ( Ukpaka, 2006). 2.3 Reaction Catalyzed by Multiple Enzyme Occasionally, multiple enzymes have been found to catalyse a given substrate particularly in biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon. Consequently, the velocity at any given time is the sum of the velocities contributed by each enzyme. Thus, for petroleum mixture we have H 1 , H 2 , H 3 , H n , the rate can be presented as; IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
[H ] m m m V = V max 1 K +1[H ] + V max 2 H 1 where Vm =
[H 2 ] + .... + m [H n ] V max n K + [H ] ………………………….(9) K H + [H 2 ] H n
dH ……………………………………………………..……………..(9a) dt
Substituting equation (9a) into equation (9) thus, equation (9a) becomes
[H1 ] + dH m = V max 1 dt K H 1 + [H1 ]
m max 2
[H 2 ] + .... + m V max K H 2 + [H 2 ]
Equation (9b) can be re-written as n m dH [Hi] dH = = ∑V dt dt K H + [Hi ] i =1 max i
V Where
m max
i = 1
V ∑ m
i =1
[H n ] ……….(9b) K H 3 + [H n ]
[Hi] iK H + [Hi ]
m max
Equation (9c) can be written as n [H ] m V max dt = ∑ iK H +i [Hi] ........................................................................................(11) i i =1 Separating the variable and integrating equation (11) we have n n n H m H − H V max t = ∑ K H ∑ In i H 0 + ∑ 0 H i …………………………….(12) i =1 i =1 i =1 n n n
t = ∑ K Hi ∑ In yi + ∑ yi ……………………………………………..(13) i =1 i =1 i =1 Equation (13) represents the model equation for the rate of a reaction being catalysed by multiple enzymes (Ukpaka, 2006).
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
Kinetic Model for Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Mixture using Activator. Kinetic models for biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon mixture in the presence of activator have been developed. The developed models were for the evaluation of specific and maximum specific rates of biodegradation reaction in the presence of activator. The kinetic models formulated were tested using experimentally generated data. Both the theoretical and experimental results were comparable. The experimental results underpin the usefulness and practical application of the developed model in bioclean-up of petroleum- polluted environment and for designing treatment reactions for petroleum hydrocarbon based effluents. (Ukpaka, 2006). 2.5
Multiple Enzyme Catalysed Reaction with Activator E + + (H )
[E ]
+ [H ]
[EH ]
[E ] + [P]
[H] + [P]
The dissociation constant of enzyme can be expressed as a ratio of the rate constants of the backward (K -1 ) and forward (K 1 ) reaction. Since (EH) and (EAH) are both product forming enzyme complexes and therefore rate determining. The reaction rate can be expressed as the sum of the two product forming rate complexes. Hence. = Kp (EH) + bK p (EAH) ……………………………………….……..…….(16) At any stage of the reaction the total enzyme present is (E t ) = (E) + (EH) + (EAH) Expressing each of enzyme complexes in terms of free enzyme, (E) we have (EH) =
[E ] [H ] [EAH ] KH
[A] [H ] [E ] ………………….…………(17) αK A
Substituting these expressions into equation (16) and combining it with equation (17), 2 have;
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
K p [H ]
+ βK P
[H ][H ]
αK H K A KH [ ] [ ] [A][EH ] H A Et + + 1 + KH KA K AKH Assuming, V S Amax = K p [K ]
bV S Amax Hence
= bK p [E ] (H )
S A max
KH 1 +
+ βV S Amax
[H ]
[A] [H ] αK A K H
[A] [H ] …………………………………………….(19)
+ + KH K A αK A K H Equation (19) can be presented in the form of Henri-monten equation. S [H ] VA = V S Amax t
[A] [A] [H ] 1 + 1 + K K A A β [ A] β [ A] 1 + 1 + K α K A A
If we let [A] , X = 1 + αK A
β [A] , Y = 1 + K α A
A ……………………………(20) Z = 1 + K A
The equation (20) into equation (19) and it takes the form [H ] VS = S V Amax t K H z / y + [H ] X / Y The rate V A can also be expressed in terms of substrate [H ] VS = …………………………………………………………(22) K H z / y + [H ]X / Y The rate V A can also be expressed in terms of substrate dH VS = dtt IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
Combining equation (22) and (23) obtain, for multiple component.
dH dtt
= V S A max
[H1 ] K H z / y + [H1 ] XIY
[H 2 ] K H 1 z / y + [H 2 ]Z / Y
[Hn] K H 2 z / y + [H 2 ] z / y
On rearranging equation (2.33)
S A max
dt =
K S 1 ( z / y )1 + [H1 ]( X / Y )1 [H1 ]
K S 2 ( z / y ) 2 + [H 2 ] ( X / Y ) 2 H2
K Hn ( z / y ) n + [H n ] ( XIY ) n dH …………………………………..(23) [H n ]
Equation (23) can be expressed as: n K ( z / y ) n + [H ii ] ( XIY )i S dH α V A max dt = π Si [ ] H n i =1 For a mono component
α V S A max dt =
K Si z / y + HX / Y H
On integrating S α V A max t = K S z / yInH / H 0 + XIY ( H 0 − H )
α V
S A max
t = K S z / yIny + XIY (1 − y )
where y = H / H 0
α V A max t = 1 y [ZK H Iny + x (1− y )] ………………………………………………………………………….. (23) S
Equation (23) represent the developed kinetic model for a single enzyme catalysed reaction with a catalyst and can be used in the computation of maximum specific rate. Multiple enzyme catalyzing the reaction with an activator. IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
[A] [H1 ] [H ] 1 + [A] K H 1 1 + 1 K A K A m + α V A max 1 β [A] β [A] 1 + 1 + K A α α K A
+ V A max 2 m
[H 2 ]
[A] 1 + [H 2 ]1 + KA KA KH2 + β [A] β [A] 1 + 1 + αK A αK A [A]
+ − − − − +V
m A max n
KH n
[H n ] [ A] 1 + [H n ]1 + [A] KA KA + β [ A] β [ A] 1 + α K 1 + α K A A
Combining equation (32) and equation (37) and substituting equation (30) into the resulting equation, we obtain. [H1 ] [H 2 ] dH m m = V A max 1 + V A max 2 dt K H 1 ( z / y )1 + [ H 1 ] ( XIY )1 K H 2 ( z / y) 2 + [ H 2 ] (Z / Y ) 2
+ V Aamx n m
[H n ] K Hn ( z / y ) n + [ H n ] ( XIY ) n
Rearranging equation (37), we have
dH m = V A max dtt Where
m A max
∑ KH i i =1
[H i ] K Si ( z / y ) i + [ H i ] ( XIY ) i
= V A max 1 + V A max 2 + V A max n m
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
V A max dt = m
∑ KH
i =1
( ZIY )i + [ H ] ( XIY )i dt ………………………………..(40)
On integrating, we have;
V A max t = m
∑ KH i n∑ (ZIY ) i
i =1
i =1
∑ Iny i + i =1
i =1
( XIY ) i
∑ (1 − y) i =1
Formulated equation (41) represents the model equation for multiple enzyme catalysed reaction with an activator. (Ukpaka, 2006). Determination of the Kinetic Constant The maximum specific rate in presence of activator is given as a
Max a H
+ βV max = KH
The limiting maximum velocity depends on the concentration of the activator.
β V A max = V A max 1 + m
KA [ A]
1 1 + K A I [ A] Equation (43) can be rearranged to take the form.
β =
K A = ([A] – β [A]I β or K A = ([A] – [1 – β])I β The kinetic constants involved in these models can be determined experimentally using line – weaver Burk plot.
Kinetics of the Reaction Kf KP (E ) + (H ) (EH ) → (E ) + P Kr Separating the reaction (45) into single reactions we shall have. K (E ) + (H ) f (EH )..................................................................................................(46)
(EH ) (EH )
Kr (E ) + (H )............................................................................................(47) → p (E ) + P................................................................................................(48) →
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
The reaction kinetics of the above reaction can be presented or represented as: From equation (46), we have µf = K f [E] [H] ……….…………………………………………………..(49) From equation(47), we have µr = K r [EH] ……………………………………………..……………….(50) From equation (48), we have µp = K p [EH] ………………………………………………………………(51) µ K [ EH ] Dividing equation (50) by (49) r = r ……………………………………(52) µf K f [ EIH ] The rate of reaction of the forward and reversible are equal meaning that µ f = µ t
Kr Kf
= K H ......................................................................................(53)
K r [ EH ] = K f [ E ] [ H ] .......................................................................(54) Dividing both sides of (55) by K r [ EH ] = K s Since Kr /K f =K s thus,
Kf Kr
= 1
[ EIH ] ………………………….…(55)
Substituting equation (56) into (55) we shall have [EIH ] …………………………………………………….………(57) [EH] = Ks Substituting equation (57) into (51) [ EIH ] ……………………………………………………(58) µp = Kp Ks But Et = [E ] + [EH ] ………………………………………………………………..(59) Dividing equation (58) by (59)
µp Et
K p [EIH ] KH
÷ [E ] + [EH ]……………………..…………………………….(60)
Substituting (57) into (59) IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
K p [EIH ] KH K p [EIH ] KH
[EIH ] K Ht
K p [EIH ] KH
K S [E ] + [EIH ] K Ht
KH ………………………………………………..(61) K H [E ] + [EIH ]
K H [EIH ] K H [E ] + [EIH ]
÷ [E ] +
Multiplying both sides of equation (61) by E t
µr Et
• Et =
µp =
K p K t [EIH ]
K H [E ] + [EΙH ]
K p Et [EΙH ]
K H [E ]+ [EΙH ] But µ max = Kp E t
Substituting (63) into (62) µ max [EΙH ] ………………………………………………………………..(64) µp = K H [E ]+ [EΙH ] Dividing both the numerator and denominator of the right-hand side of equation (64) by [E]. (µmax [EΙH ]) /[E ] µ max [H ] = µp = (K H [E ] + [E ] [H ]/[E ]) K H + [H ]
µp =
µ max [H ]
K H + [H ]
Equation (65) is monod equation of Henry Michael’s form of equation. Taking the inverse of equation (65) KH
+ 1
Where K H µ max
= slope
µ max [H ]
µ max
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
1 µ max
= Intercep
At the maximum point slope = 0 therefore µ p
= µ max
2.7 Reaction Kinetics The mathematical formulations for the following conditions were developed. 1. A reaction catalysed by single enzyme 2. A reaction catalysed by multiple enzyme 2.7.1 Single Enzyme Catalysed Reaction Generally an enzyme catalysed reaction of a given substrate such as monoaromatic hudrocarbon (BTX) can be presented since the rate of product formation depends on the dissociation of product forming complex. Applying equation (65) [H ] ……………………………………………………………(67) µ s = µ H max K H + [H ] The equation (65) is monod equation the usual, form of Henry Michael’s equation with monoaromatic, hydrocarbon mixture as growth limiting substrate. The monoaromatic hydrocarbon substarate concentrations present are S B , S T , and S X . where B = Benzene T = Toluene E = Ethyl benzene X = Xylene [H B ] [H X ] …………………………(68) [H T ] µ s = µ H max K HB + [H B ] K HT + [H ] K HX + [H X ] But the rate of momoaromatic degradation is µ s = dH
Substituting equation (69) into [H B ] [H T ] [H E ] [H X ] ………..(70) − dH = µ H max dt K HB + [H H ] K HT + [H T ] K HE + [H H ] K HX + [H X ]
K + [H B ] K HT + [H T ] K HX + [H X ] dt = SB dH ……………………….(71) ⋅ max [H T ] [H X ] [H B ] S
Let B = 1, T = 2,
H max
X = 3 equation (71) can be written as
K + [H1 ] K H 2 + [H H 2 ] K H 3 + [H 3 ] ⋅ dt = H 1 dH ……………………….(72) [H 2 ] [H 3 ] [H1 ]
Equation (72) can be expressed as IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
H max
dt =
3 K + [H ] H K i si 1 + Hi dH ……………(73) − = dH or dt µ π π max [H ii ] Hi i = 1 i =1 3
[ ]
Integrating both sides of equation (73) t
− µ max ∫ dt = H
0 t
+ 1dH
H K Hi ∫ dt = ∫ [H ] ds + ∫ dH H0 H0 0 i
− µ max H
− µ max ∫ dt = K i s
K Hi
∫ [H ] H0 i
s H t H dH H dH t K InH H H H + ⇒ − = + µ si 0 0− ∫ ∫ max 0 H0 H H0
H µ max (t − 0) = K H (InH − InH 0 ) + H − H 0 i
H + H − H ……………………………………………….…(74) − µ max t = K H In H 0 H0
Dividing both sides of equation (74) by – 1 H µ max t = K H In H H 0 + H − H 0 ……………………………………….….(75) + H0 = K H In H −H . H H0 H0 0 where β = H …………………………………………………..………………..(76) H0 Substituting (74) into (78)
µ max t H
µ max t H
= − K Hi Inβ i + 1 − β i .......................................................................................(77)
Equation (75) represent the model equation for a single enzyme catalysed reaction and can be applied in the computation of maximum reaction rate. 2.7.2 Reaction Catalyzed by Multiple Enzyme Occasionally multiple enzymes have been found to catalyze a given substrate particularly in biodegradation or bioremediation of monoaromatic hydrocarbon. Consequently the
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
velocity at any given time is the sum of the velocities contributed by each enzyme. Thus for a monoaromatic hydrocarbon mixture S 1, , S 2 , and S 3 , the rate can be represented as:
µm =
[H 1 ]
µ max i m
K H + [H i i ]
[H 2 ] K H 2 + [H 2 ]
µ max 2 m
[H 3 ] K H 3 + [H 3 ]
µ max 3 m
Combining (77) and (78) we obtain the expression −
dH = dt
[H1 ]
K H1 +
max 1
[H ] µ +
[H 2 ] K H 2 + [H 2 ]
m max 2
m max 3
[H 3 ] K S 3 + [H 3 ]
Equation (78) can be re-written as
dH = dt
∑ µ max i
[H1 ]
i −1
K Hi
or −
[H i ]
dH = dt
µ max i ∑ µ max i m
i −1
[H i ] K Hi + [H i ]
……………………………………………………………………………………………(8 0) Separating the variables −
− µ max dt = m
m max
dt =
K Hi + [H i ] dH ………………….(81) [ ] H i −1 i 3
K Hi 1 + ∑ [H ] dH ……………………………….……………..(82) i −1 i 3
Integrating both sides of equation (80)
m max
∫ dt = 0
H H K Si dH dH + ∑ ∫ ∫ i −1 H 0 H i H0 3
H − µ (t − 0) = ∑ K Hi InH +H max H i −1 0 3
∑ K 3
i −1
∑ K
H H0
3 = ∑ [K Hi (InH − InH ) + (H − H 0 )] i −1
+ (H − H 0 )
+ (H − H 0 ) …………………………..……………(83) i −1 Dividing both sides of equation (83) by - 1 −µ
t =
In H
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
m max
∑ − K 3
i −1
In H
+ H 0
H 0
H + 0 −H H0 H0 H 00 max i −1 Substituting equation (79) into (86)
m max
∑ − K
In H
∑ [− K
i −1
Inβ i + (1 − β i ) ]
3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Sample Collection The benzene, toluene and xylene samples were collected from the Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering Laboratory in Rivers State University of Science and Technology Port Harcourt and their concentrations measured in g/ml. The soil samples were collected from the Omuigwe Aluu in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State and then transported to the Rivers State University of Science and Technology Laboratory for purpose of Isolation and identification of possible microorganisms present in the soil. 3.2 Microbiological Analysis Microbiological Analysis of the samples involved enumeration and isolation of bacterial was carried out in the laboratory using the international standard equipment recommended. Ten fold serial dilution methods (Ofunne, 1999) were employed for the enumeration and isolation of bacteria. In this method, 1.0ml of sample teacheate was added to 9.0me of sterile normal saline (dilute) to give 10-1 dilution. Further serial dilutions were made by transferring 1.0ml of 10-1 dilution to another 9.0ml of diluents up to 10-6 dilution. From the 10 -1 dilution to another 9.0ml of diluents up to 10-6 dilution. From the 10 -1 dilution, 0.1ml aliquots of samples were introduced on to the surface of the sterile solid nutrient agar medium in Petric dishes. The inocula were spread plated using a sterile bent glass rod. The inoculated plates were inoculated at 270C for twenty four (24) hours, and the colonies that developed were courted and recorded and taken as the population of bacteria in colony forming unit per millilitre (Ofulme) leacheate of the samples. For the purpose of fungi pure cultures were obtained by sub-culturing discrete colonies on to fresh sterile solid nutrient agar medium, which were incubated at 370C for twenty four (24) hours identification of fungi isolates was done by reference to Buchanan and Gibbons, (1994).
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
3.3 Analysis of physicochemical properties of soil sample. The physicochemical parameters of soil samples were analysis using International Standard method as recommended by world Health Organization. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results obtained from the investigation are presented in tables as shown below The percentage organic carbon, and organic matter were greater in the first level compare to other levels. From table 1 level ( 6-1) has 0.52% organic carbon, 0.90% organic matter, level (1-2) has 0.26% organic carbon, 0.45% organic carbon, level (2-3) has 0.06% organic carbon, 0.10% organic carbon, level (3 -4) has 0.24% organic carbon, 0.41% organic matter, level (4-5) has 0.11% organic carbon, and 0.19% organic matter. This implies that first level is preferred to others because of the fact that the microorganisms in the soil were used for the remediation process. Table 1: Results of laboratory analysis of five (5) Ngara Soil Samples Omuigwe Aluu. Parameters Soil Depths (m) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 Soil pH (1:25) 5.10 4.80 5.20 4.80 5.00 93 141 60 90 59 Electrical conductivity (µs/Cm) Available ρ (mg/kg) Total N. (%) Organic C. (%) Organic M (%) Moisture Content (%) Particle Density (g/cm3) Bulk Density (g/cm3) Porosity (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) Textural Class
8.52 0.04 0.52 0.90 13.88 2.60 1.68 35 57 1 42 SC
5.46 0.05 0.26 0.45 13.82 2.56 1.69 34 55 3 42 SC
3.18 0.04 0.06 0.10 14.92 2.60 1.71 34 57 1 42 SC
3.42 0.04 0.24 0.41 15.12 2.64 1.78 33 57 1 42 SC
1.68 0.03 0.11 0.19 16.49 2.56 1.69 34 55 2 43 SC
4.2 Contaminants Concentration The results of the concentration of the contaminants with respect to time are presented in table 2.
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
Table 2: Concentration of the various contaminants with time Time (Day) 0.00 7.00 14.00 21.00 28.00 35.00
Concentration of benzene (S b )g/ml 39.06 36 .42 33.96 31.66 29.52 27.53
Concentration toluene (S t ) 46.07 40.05 34.82 30.27 26.32 22.88
Concentration xylene (S x )g/ml 53.09 52.72 52.35 51.99 51.62 51.26
Benzene Concentration: The variation of concentration of benzene with time is shown in Fig. 1a. The concentration of benzene in benzene samples has optimum value of 36.06g/ml at 0 day, and then decrease in descending order as the days increases for 36.42g/ml at 7 days, 33.96 at 14 days, 31.66g/ml at 21days, 29.52g/ml at 28 days then 27.53g/ml at 35 days. Toluene Concentration: The variation of concentration of Toluene with time is depicted in Fig 1b. The concentration of Toluene in Toluene samples has optimum value of 46.07g/ml at 0 day, and then decreases to 40.05g/ml at 7 days, 34.82g/ml at 14 days, 30.27g/ml at 21 days, 26.32g/ml at 28 days, and 22.88g/ml at 35 days. Xylene Concentration: The variation of concentration of xylene with time is depicted in gig 52.the concentration of xylene samples has its optimum value of 53.09g/ml at 0 day, and then decreases to 52.72g/ml at 7 days, 52.35g/ml at 14 days, 51.99g/ml at 21 days, 51.62g/ml at 28 days, and 51.26g/ml at 35 days. The result microbial population and differentiating the microbes present are presented in table 3. Table 3: Microbial Population of Contaminated soil with Respect to Time Time Bacterial Population (Cfu/G) /Fungi Population (Cfu/G) (in days) (THB) B (THB) T (THB) X (THB) B (THB) T (THB) X
0.00 7.00 14.00 21.00 28.00 35.00
1.0 x 103 1.0 x 103 6.0 x 103 1.0 x 104 4.1 x 105 4.0 x 105
1.0 x 103 2.0 x 103 1.8 x 104 4.0 x 104 8.6 x 105 8.0 x 105
1.0 x 103 5.0 x 104 8.0 x 104 9.0 x 104 3.4 x 105 9.0 x 104
1.0 x 103 1.0 x 103 2.6 x 103 3. 1 x 103 5.3 x 103 5.0 x 103
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
1.0 x 103 1.8 x 103 3.2 x 103 4. 7 x 103 3. 2 x 103 1. 1 x 103
1.0 x 103 1.0 x 103 2.8 x 103 3.8 x 103 3.6 x 103 3.5 x 103
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From table 1, the first 28 days toluene sample has the highest population of 8.6 x 105cfu/g, followed by benzene sample of 4.1 x 105 cfu/g before xylene sample 3.4 x 105cfu/g. The microbial population of bacterial and fungi decreases as days increases. The decrease in population may be as a result of the decrease in the concentration of the contaminants and the microbial organisms involved may not have enough to feed and some will die, which implies that the microorganisms are remediating the affected aquifer. 4.3 Maximum Specific Rate of Reaction For Multiple Enzyme Catalysed Reaction Recalling the Monod’s Equation thus:
µ max (t )= ∑ [− K si Inβi 3
i −1
+ (1 − β i )]
The following computed results were obtained as shown in table 4. Table 4: Shows the specific rate of reaction for multiple enzyme catalysed reaction with time. m Time /Day µ max 0.00 7.00 14.00 21.00 28.00 35.00
0.0000 57.3643 114.9927 229.1312 229.9086 287.3145
The values of maximum specific rate of reaction for multiple enzyme catalyzed reaction µ were determined using the data in Table 3 and presented in table 4. m
5. CONCLUSION The investigation illustrates the microbial activities on gradating benzene, toluene and xylene contaminants in soil environment obtained in Niger Delta areas of Nigeria. Rapid growth was experienced on the bioreactor containing toluene and the physicochemical parameters of the soil environment favours the degradation as well the microorganisms. The following conclusion can be drawn from the research work such as; 1. Estimating the degradation period. 2. The effect of physiochemical parameters of soil environment on the degradation rate of benzene, toluene and xylene contaminants. IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
3. 4.
The usefulness of batch reactor for effective remediation mechanisms. The effective of phosphorus as nutrient for improving degradation rate as well as enhancing microbial growth rate. Product formation which is environmentally friendly by the mechanism of bioremediation of benzene, toluene and xylene was studied.
Nomenclature C = Contaminant concentration as a function of x , y, z, t H = Substrate concentration (mol%) Kp = Equilibrium constant of product formation (mol %) VS = Velocity of single enzyme (mls) K KH = Equilibrium constant ( r ) Kf E EH Ho
S max
I n β Kf Kr
S max
= = = = = = = = = =
Enzyme concentration (cfu/g) Enzyme- substrate complex (cfu/g) initial substrate concentration (mol%) Maximum specific rate of reaction for single enzyme (mol %/day) Inhibitor concentration (mol%) Integral value ie 1, 2, 3, 4, Constant Rate of forward reaction (mol%)-1 Rate of backward reaction (mol%)-1 Maximum specific rate of reaction for single enzyme catalysed reaction
(cfu/ml/day). Time (day)
Specific rate of reaction for multiple enzyme catalysed reaction (cfu/ml/day).
Maximum specific rate of reaction for multiple enzyme catalysed reaction
= =
(cfu/ml/day). First order constant (mol%)-1 Monod constant or dissociation constant (cfu/ml)-1
Maximum specific rate (cfu/ml/day)
= =
Flow rate (am3/day) Rate reactor volume (Am3)
IJPWR VOL 2 ISSUE 2 (Mar-Jun) - 2011
ISSN 0976-111X
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