Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
for the future. Up to now technology development has the main responsibility to adjust the technology processes to achieve the required lifetime. In future, reliability can no longer be the task of technology development only. Device degradation becomes a collective challenge for semiconductor technologist, reliability experts and circuit designers. Reliability issues have to be considered in design as well to achieve reliable and competitive products. For this work, designers require support by smart software tools with built-in reliability know how. Design for reliability will be one of the key requirements for modern product designs. An overview will be given of the physical device damage mechanisms, the operation conditions within circuits leading to stress and the impact of the corresponding device parameter degradation on the function of the circuit. Based on this understanding various approaches for Design for Reliability (DfR) will be described. The function of aging simulators will be explained and the flow of circuitsimulation will be described. Furthermore, the difference between full custom and semi custom design and therefore, the different required approaches will be discussed.
Advances in Radio Science
Device reliability challenges for modern semiconductor circuit design – a review DEVICE DEGRADATION
¨ C. Schlunder
Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) and Hot Carrier Injection (HCI, also6,called carrier Germany stress’ Æ HCS) are nowadays Infineon Technologies AG, Corporate Reliability Methodology, Otto-Hahn-Ring 81739‘hot Munich, the most critical device degradation mechanisms and became a limiting factor in scaling of modern CMOS technologies [1-3].
Abstract. Product development based on highly integrated semiconductor circuits faces various challenges. To ensure the function of circuits the electrical parameters of every device must be in a specific window. This window is restricted by competing mechanisms like process variations and device degradation (Fig. 1). Degradation mechanisms like Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) or Hot Carrier Injection (HCI) lead to parameter drifts during operation adding on top of the process variations. The safety margin between real lifetime of MOSFETs and product lifetime requirements decreases at advanced technologies. The assignment of tasks to ensure the product lifetime has to be changed for the future. Up to now technology development has the main responsibility to adjust the technology processes to achieve the required lifetime. In future, reliability can no longer be the task of technology development only. Device degradation becomes a collective challenge for semiconductor technologist, reliability experts and circuit designers. Reliability issues have to be considered in design as well to achieve reliable and competitive products. For this work, designers require support by smart software tools with built-in reliability know how. Design for reliability will be one of the key requirements for modern product designs. An overview will be given of the physical device damage mechanisms, the operation conditions within circuits leading to stress and the impact of the corresponding device parameter degradation on the function of the circuit. Based on this understanding various approaches for Design for Reliability (DfR) will be described. The function of aging simulators will be explained and the flow of circuit-simulation will be
Correspondence to: C. Schl¨under (
[email protected])
Fig. device d points o leading factor l mechani adjoinin change o electrica circuit s malfunc Besid HCI, w plasma i paramet during p degradat review, semicon conditio reliabilit variation continuo
Window for correct circuit function
Process variation / mismatch
Fig. 1: Specific window for correct circuit function Fig. 1. Specific window for correct circuit function. In worst case process variations and parameter degradation add up.
described. Furthermore, the difference between full custom and semi custom design and therefore, the different required approaches will be discussed.
Device degradation
Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) and Hot Carrier Injection (HCI, also called “hot carrier stress” → HCS) are nowadays the most critical device degradation mechanisms and became a limiting factor in scaling of modern CMOS technologies (Schl¨under, 2005, 2007; Martin, 2009). Figure 2 shows the chain of causation of circuit IC failures based on device degradation. The circuit function determines the operation points of every involved device. The operation of the transistors leading to device stress depending on the operation point and other factor like operation temperature, device geometry etc. Damage mechanisms occur leading to changes mainly of the gate oxide and adjoining parts of the transistors. These damages lead in turn to a change of the electrical behavior of the devices, which is described by electrical parameters. If this electrical parameter degradation
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the URSI Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
Hot paramet lateral e transisto carriers carrier o gate ox illustrate
Methodology, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-81739 Munich, Germany
the degradation. VGS affects the amount of carriers within the channel and also the energy which carriers can collect. These effects lead to a specific VGS for maximal damage.
557544; e-mail: 202
[email protected]. Schl¨under: Device reliability challenges for modern semiconductor circuit design
ductor ts the ndow. ocess nisms arrier on top
oduct The anged main e the sk of es a xperts esign work, uilt-in e key
mage stress on on arious . The rcuitn full quired
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Circuit function Device Stress conditions
chain of causation
D V ds S
V gs
Damage mechanisms Electrical parameter degradation
Fig. 3: Schematic Hot carrier stress condition Application failure
V c p
Fig. 3. Schematic Hot carrier stress condition.
At lower VGS the amount of carriers within the inversion layer is voltage also the gate-source voltage has an effect on the decreased. For higher gate-voltage the drift zone will be reduced and degradation. VGS affects the amount of carriers within the correspondingly the carriers can collect less energy. The worst case channel and also the energy which carriers can collect. These Fig. 2 shows the chain of causation of circuit IC failures based on gate-source a givenV drain-source voltage can be determined effectsvoltage lead to for a specific leaves a circuit specific window, the circuit fails and GS for maximal damage. device degradation. The circuit function determines the finally operation by set of a measurements. The gate current of p-MOS devices is a At lower VGS the amount of carriers within the inversion the application malfunctions. points of every involved device. The operation of the transistors measure for the amount electron hole pair generation under hot carrier Beside the two important degradation leading to device stressmost depending on the operation mechanisms point and other layer is decreased. For higher gate-voltage the drift zone stress conditions. For n-channel device the injected gate current will be reduced and correspondingly the carriers can collect is hard NBTI HCI, which cause transistor durfactor likeand operation temperature, device parameter geometry shifts etc. Damage toand measure (especially for thicker oxides) since the injected electrons less energy. The worst case gate-source voltage for a given ing IC operation, plasma inducedmainly damage canoxide also mechanisms occur leading to changes of (PID) the gate drain-source be determined by setand of adrain measurein the voltage electriccan field between gate node. The contribute MOS drifts. PID a degraadjoining partstoof the transistor transistors.parameter These damages leadisin turnslow to a down Theisgate currentalternatively. of p-MOS devices a measure forcurrent substrate current measured Whileisthe measured dation of MOS devices, which occurs during processing and change of the electrical behavior of the devices, which is described by ments. only the quantity electron holeand pair electrical If this the electrical degradation leaves a the amount in fact,parameters. it can accelerate NBTIparameter and HCI degradation durhighlights only thehighlights quantity of potentially injected carrier not their hot carrier for stress conditions. n-channel circuit window, thePID circuit fails and finally the application ing specific circuit operation. is not discussed in this review, energy,generation the worstunder case condition HCS damagesFor is at slightly lower device theSince injected current isofhard measure (especially malfunctions. details can be found elsewhere (Martin, 2009). Generally, gate voltages. thegate maximum thetosubstrate current curve is Beside the two most manufacturing important degradation mechanisms NBTIinand for thicker oxides) since the injected electrons slow down in in a semiconductor environment variations reasonably flat, the error is negligible. HCI, which cause transistor parameter shiftsthe during IC operation, the electric field between gate and drain node. The substrate processing conditions influence not only parameter mis- Furthermore, HCS shows temperature dependence. At lower plasma induced damage (PID) can also contribute to MOS current is measured alternatively. While the measured curmatch but also vary reliability degradation. In order totransistor keep temperature the mean free path for the carrier is longer. They can parameter PID is a degradation MOS devices, which occurs rent highlights only the quantity of potentially injected cartrack ofdrifts. the reliability variations,ofvery fast reliability meacollect higher energies. Accordingly, thecase worst case forfor HCS during processing and in fact, can accelerate theonNBTI and HCI rier and not their energy, the worst condition HCSis at the surements are performed onita continuous basis productive (product-) injected Since carriers impact the degradation during and circuit operation. PID is not discussed inlowest this damages is at temperature. slightly lower The gate voltages. the maxwafers (Martin Vollertsen, 2004). review, details can be found elsewhere [3]. Generally, electrical in a imum parameters of stressed devices, especially the threshold of the substrate current curve is reasonably flat, the semiconductor manufacturing environment variations in processing ). For n-MOSFETs the HCS voltageerror andis the carrier mobility (g m negligible. conditions influence not only the parameter mismatch but alsodegradation vary leads to an increase of the threshold voltage of and Furthermore, HCS shows temperature dependence. At to a 2 Hot Carrier Stress reliability degradation. In order to keep track of the reliability reduction oftemperature the carrierthe mobility. The current lower mean free pathdrive for the carriercapability is longer. of nvariations, very fast reliability measurements are performed on a Theydegrades. can collect higher energies. Accordingly, the worst case Hot Carrier Stress describes a degradation of the electrical MOSFETs continuous basis on productive wafers [4]. HCS is at the lowest temperature. parameters of MOSFETs under a dynamic stress mode (Hu Forforthe degradation of (product-) pMOSFETs we haveThe toinjected consider the carriers impact the electrical parameters stressed et al., 1985; LaRosa et al., 1997; Thewes et al., 1999; Chen technology node, especially the gate lengthofand the devices, work function Hal., OT2004; CARRIER TRESS the threshold and the carrier mobility (gm ).channel et al., 1999; Lu et BravaixSet al., 2009). The lateral formedespecially by the material for thevoltage gate electrode. A classic buried For n-MOSFETs the HCS degradation leads to an increase electrical field between source and drain of a current drivHot Carrier Stress describes a degradation of the electrical p-MOS device degrades in the opposite direction to n-MOSofdevices. thresholdleads voltage and tothreshold a reduction of the carrier mo- drain ing transistor can lead to high energetic carriers. A part ofThe thetrapping parameters of MOSFETs under a dynamic stress mode [5-10].Electron tooflower voltages, increased bility. The drive current capability of n-MOSFETs degrades. these “hot” carriers cause impact ionization (electron hole lateral electrical field between source and drain of a current driving current and higher off-currents. For modern technologies with boron pair generation). of the pair drains subFor the degradation of pMOSFETs we have to consider transistor can lead to One high carrier energetic carriers. A part in of the these ‘hot’ doped polysilicon gates for surface channel pMOSFETs (dual strate, the other one can damage the gate oxide and adjacent the technology node, especially the gate length and the carriers cause impact ionization (electron hole pair generation). One workfunction) the p-channel show a contrary behavior. carrier of the pair drains in the substrate, the3other one canthe damage the work function spacer oxides. The schematic in Fig. illustrates stress formed devices by the material for the gate elec- In this case the damage is dominated by hole trapping. In general the gatecondition oxide and adjacent spacer oxides. The drives schematic in Fig. 3 trode. A classic buried channel p-MOS device degrades for HCS. A gate-source potential the transisdegradation is comparable transistors. Thetrapthreshold illustrates stressinversion, condition and for HCS. A gate-source potential drives tor intothe strong the drain-source-voltage forms in the opposite directiontoton-channel n-MOS devices. Electron voltageping increases thethreshold drain current decreases. modern the lateral field. In a classic model lucky electrons can colleads toand lower voltages, increased At drain cur- dual work function HCS leads to a reduction of drive lect enough energy within the drift zone beyond the pinch rent and technologies higher off-currents. For modern technologies withcurrent capability of the transistor independently of channel type.pMOSoff point to create impact ionization. The injected carriers boron doped polysilicon gates for surface channel can damage gate- and spacer-oxide at the drain side of the Also FETs workfunction) the p-channel devices showwith a conthe(dual worst case condition for HCS differs different transistor. Therefore the device is damaged inhomogenously, trary behavior. In this case the damage is dominated by technology nodes. In modern technologies (below quarter micron) the
s s f f N H o g
Fig. 2: Chain of causation of IC-failures Fig. 2. Chain of causation of IC-failures.
the device is no longer symmetrical. Beside the drain-source Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009
hole trapping. In general the degradation is comparable to
a r s o r c o c F c
d a s t p
t e g o t t
r the nction annel vices. drain boron (dual n this l the shold dual urrent
ferent n) the
Fehlstelle im Oxid oxide
Si Si Fig. 5: Schematic of theInterface interface region of MOSFETs. O Si Grenzfläche Si Si Slightly different lattice structures leads to dangling bonds Si Si Si Si O satured by SiSihydrogen. Under NBTI stress the bonds break O O Si Si and the dangling bonds act as interface states Si Si
Furthermore the charged interface can reduce the carrier mobility. monokristalines amorphes mono-crystalline amorphous Silizium SiOoxide Fig. 6 illustrates a simplified cross-section of a NBTI silicon stressed Si silicon 2 p-MOS device. Positive oxide charges and filled donor-type interfaces are symbolized with circles and rectangles. NBTI has a pronounced process impact up to theunterschiedliche passivation layer. TheFehlstelle process imfor Oxidgate oxide oxide different lattice growing and the hydrogen inventory of the entire process influence the Gitterstrukturen imperfection structures NBTI behavior. SiON gate oxides show enhanced NBTI, but the Fig. 4: Schematic NBTI stress condition Fig. 4. Schematic NBTI stress condition. nitrogen fraction is necessary as a diffusion barrier in the gate oxide Fig.5: 5. Schematic Schematic ofof thethe interface region region of MOSFETs. Slightly of Fig. interface of MOSFETs. surface channel p-MOSFETs. The barrier prevents boron penetration The high electrical field across the gate oxide in combination with different lattice structures leads to dangling bonds satured hySlightly+ different lattice structures leads to dangling by bonds doped poly-silicon into the channel. from the p an elevated temperature leads to an electrochemical reaction in the drogen. Under NBTI stress the bonds break and the dangling bonds n-channel transistors. The threshold voltage increases and satured by hydrogen. Under NBTI stress the bonds break region of the interface between silicon and gate oxide. Fig. 5 shows a and act the as interface states. dangling bonds act as interface states the drain current decreases. At modern dual work function schematic of this interface. Due to slightly different lattice structures technologies HCS leads to a reduction of drive current capaof monocrystaline silicion and the amorphous oxide, an interface Furthermore the charged interface can reduce the carrier mobility. negatives Potenzial bility of the transistor independently of channel type. negative potential region is formed during and after gate oxide processing, which Fig. 6 illustrates a simplified cross-section of a NBTI stressed p-MOS Also the worst case condition for HCS differs with differconsists of only a few atomic layers and many dangling blonds. The device. Positive oxide charges and filled donor-type interfaces are entdangling technology In modern technologies quar- symbolized with circles and rectangles. NBTI has a pronounced open bondsnodes. act as interface states. They can (below catch (channel-) ter micron) theformean freetime pathand plays longer carriers, trap them a certain emitno them back the intodomichannel. process impact up to the passivation layer. The process for gate oxide + + + + inventory + + of + nantinterface part forstates the p-MOS The energy of reduce the hotthe growing and the hydrogen Filled shift thedegradation. threshold voltage and can + + + + + the+ entire + process influence the carriers andmobility. therefore, the degradation has its maximum at NBTI behavior. SiON gate oxides show enhanced NBTI, but the channel carrier p+the gate oxide of p+ is necessary as a diffusion barrier in higher temperatures. Thesteps worstafter case gate operation shifts During high temperature oxide point process these nitrogen fraction surface channel p-MOSFETs. The barrier prevents boron penetration to VDSbonds =VGSwere . For passivated the latest technology (belowAdditional 65 nm dangling typically bynodes hydrogen. n from the p+ doped poly-silicon into the channel. anneals hydrogen atmosphereis support this Such node),under the worst case condition at VDS =V and higher GS process. Fig. 6: Simplified cross-section of a NBTI stressed p-MOS saturated bonds are nofor longer electrical active and not disturb Fig. 6. Positive Simplified cross-section of a NBTI stressed p-MOS device. temperature even n-channel devices. Fordo a lifetime as-the device. oxide charges and filled donor type transistor function. negative bias stress these Positive oxide charges and filled donor type interface states are symsessment it has During to be considered thattemperature the operation point interface states are symbolized with circles and rectangles. negatives Potenzial bolizedholes with circles andthe rectangles. Trapped holes impact elecpassivated break open within an electrochemical reaction. negative potential VDS =Vbonds very untypical within circuit function. Trapped GS =V DD is impact electrical behavior of thethe device. trical behavior of the device. The bonds ‘dangle’ again and act as interface states. Filled donor Only the charge/discharge of very large capacitances can lead typetointerface states counteract gate electrode. For operation points close to the VDScharge =VGSon =Vthe DD . each trapped hole in an interface state one electron of the charge on the The n-channel transistor of standard CMOS-technologies with SiO2 + +by bias + + + trap + them or SiON oxide +is+carriers, almost temperature stress. gate electrode is missing for controlling the channel. In other words catchgate (channel-) time and + + not + affected + + for + a certain There is no comparable electrochemical reaction between the interface one carrier is missing in the channel. As a result the absolute value of emit them back into channel. Filled interface states shift the 3 Negative bias temperature instability p+ p+ and threshold electron voltage channel. technologies offering the threshold value increases. Additionally holes can be trapped within andFor canfuture reduceCMOS the channel carrier mobiltransistors with an High-K gate stack also ‘Positive Bias Temperature the oxide bulk with the same effect. n ity. NBTI for pMOSFETs describes the parameter degradation Instability’ (PBTI) a severe device reliability concern. Fig. During 6: Simplified cross-section of after a NBTI p-MOS highbecomes temperature steps gatestressed oxide process
V gs
under a static stress mode at elevated temperature (Jeppson and Svensson, 1977; Schl¨under et al., 1999; Krishnan et al., 2003; LaRosa et al., 1997). A high gate-source voltage drives the device in inversion. The carrier channel is formed, but since the drain-source voltage equals zero, no current flows in the channel region. Figure 4 illustrates the schematic for the NBTI stress condition. Due to the missing lateral field in contrast to HCS, a homogenous damage of the whole active region can be obtained. Therefore, NBTI shows only weak dependence on the geometry, based on oxide edge effects. The high electrical field across the gate oxide in combination with an elevated temperature leads to an electrochemical reaction in the region of the interface between silicon and gate oxide. Figure 5 shows a schematic of this interface. Due to slightly different lattice structures of monocrystaline silicion and the amorphous oxide, an interface region is formed during and after gate oxide processing, which consists of only a few atomic layers and many dangling blonds. The open dangling bonds act as interface states. They can
device. Positivebonds oxide and filled by donor type these dangling werecharges passivated typically hydrogen. interface states are symbolized with circles and rectangles. Additional anneals under hydrogen atmosphere support this Trapped holes impact the electrical behavior of the device. NBTI RECOVERY
process. Such saturated bonds are no longer electrical active andthe dostrong not disturb the degradation transistor function. During negative Beside parameter another phenomenon of NBTI The temperature n-channel transistor ofthese standard CMOS-technologies withopen SiO2 bias stress passivated bonds break challenges reliability assessments. The stress induced parameter orwithin SiON gate oxide is almost not affected by bias temperature stress. anrecovers electrochemical reaction. degradation very fast after reaction end ofbetween stress the [14-21]. The There is no comparable electrochemical interface The bonds “dangle” again and act as interface states. parameter valueschannel. drift back values before the stress. This effect and electron Forto the future CMOS technologies offering Filled type interface states the Temperature charge hastransistors to be donor considered for correct parameter extraction during on stress with an High-K gate stack alsocounteract ‘Positive Bias the gate electrode. For each trapped hole in an interface state experiments. The flow-chart on the right hand side describes the Instability’ (PBTI) becomes a severe device reliability concern. one electron the charge on themeasurement gate electrode is missing problem: Due to of delays of the used equipment andfor time controlling the channel. In other words one carrier is missing in the channel. As NBTI a result the absolute value of the threshold RECOVERY value increases. Additionally holes can be trapped within the Beside the strong parameter degradation another phenomenon of NBTI oxide bulk with the same effect. challenges reliability assessments. The stress induced parameter Furthermore the very charged the carrier degradation recovers fast interface after end can of reduce stress [14-21]. The mobility. Figure 6 illustrates a simplified cross-section of a parameter values drift back to the values before the stress. This effect NBTI p-MOS device. Positive oxide charges and has to bestressed considered for correct parameter extraction during stress experiments. The flow-chart on are thesymbolized right hand side the filled donor-type interfaces with describes circles and problem: Due to delays of the used measurement equipment and time
Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009
with di draw-bac method i [17]. The extracted mentione paramete measurem time. The decades without s the elect before NB
VT-shift ( mV )
lower y can at the t the shold HCS d to a of n-
unterschiedliche different lattice
Gitterstrukturen C. Schl¨under: Device reliability challenges for modern semiconductor circuit design structures
and n clock Vt consid differe introd demands thewithp drawcharacter metho voltage is [17]. In c extrac measurem within pr menti long reco param andmeasu next clock freq time. Vth decade consider witho different the el introduce before
VT-shift ( mV )
yer is d and case mined s is a arrier s hard ctrons . The urrent their lower rve is
NBTI stress condition. Due to the missing lateral field in contrast to HCS, a homogenous damage of the whole active region can be obtained. Therefore, NBTI shows only weak dependence on the geometry, based on oxide edge effects.
Fig.-17 and thres -1 betw
Af in the symbo falsifi Nowa Fig. 7:aU and and re under thresho field between severe grows
After in the ti symbols) falsified Nowaday and a lim understoo field eve severe d grows up
measurement card. Fig. 7 shows recovery curves a different stress device. Positive oxide charges and filled donor-type interfaces are time. The threshold is measured continuously after end of stress. for 11 symbolized with circles and rectangles. NBTI has a pronounced decades of time (black symbols). ). A Vth measurement sequence process impact up to the passivation layer. The process for gate oxide without stress was done for verification (red line).After end of stress growing and the hydrogen inventory of the entire process influence the the electrical parameterformoves backwards very fastcircuit to the design values NBTI behavior. SiON gate oxides show enhanced NBTI, but the reliability 204 C. Schl¨ u nder: Device challenges modern semiconductor extraction routines, the device is already recovered at before NBTI stress. nitrogen fraction is necessary as a diffusion barrier in the gate oxide of time of surface thechannel p-MOSFETs. The barrier prevents boron penetration from the p+ doped poly-silicon into the channel. The threshold
V @ T dela y=1 µs
10 0
experiments. The flow-chart right poly-silicon hand side describes boron penetration from theonp the doped into thethe problem: Due to delays of the used measurement equipment and time channel. The n-channel transistor ofVstandard CMOS-technologies = -2.8V Stress with SiO2 or SiON gate oxide is almost not affected by bias T=125°C temperature stress. There is no comparable electrochemical reaction between the interface and 50% ofelectron VT-shift channel. For future CMOS technologies offering transistors "lost" until start with an HighK gate stack also “PositiveofBias Temperature Instability” conventional (PBTI) becomes a severe device reliability concern. measurement
NBTI recovery
aft er 1s
de la y= 1s
Beside the strong parameter degradation another phefinal nomenon of NBTI challenges reliability assessments. The relaxation stress induced parameter degradation recovers very fast afcurve ter end of stress (Rangan et al., 2003; Reisinger et al., 2006; Campbell et al., 2006; Reisinger et al., 2007a; Grasser et al., 2007; Reisinger et al., 2007b; Schl¨under et al., 2007; Grasser parameter values drift back to the values et al., 2008). The V w/o stress T before the stress. This effect has to be considered for correct parameter extraction during stress experiments. The flow-4 -2 in Fig. 7 describes 2 4 6 chart due 10 10 1 10 the problem: 10 10 to delays of the used measurement equipment and time demands of Vth exstresstime & routines, measuring delay ( srecovered ) traction the device is already at the pointast Vth measurement as a function stressof-time of the characterization. Theof threshold voltage is aly time. ready Afterrecovered. 100s stress the degraded
tage recovers by 50% in the timeframe nd 1s after end of stress Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009
ress the degraded threshold voltage recovers by 50%
50% of VT-shift "lost" until start of conventional measurement
aft er 1s
final relaxation curve de la y= 1s
-10 -5
n methods have to effect. Several Fig. 6: Simplified cross-section of a NBTI stressed p-MOS ods have device. been Positive oxide charges and filled donor type he literature,interface each states are symbolized with circles and rectangles. Trapped holes impact the electrical behavior of the device. advantages and Characterization 20]. A very The fastn-channel transistor of standard CMOS-technologies with SiO2 duced in [15] and gate oxide is almost not affected by bias temperature stress. or SiON There is no comparable electrochemical reaction between the interface old voltageFig. can7. be Flow-chart illustrating the critical time delay between end and electron channel. For future CMOS technologies offering y within of 0.5µs after end of gate stress. It toThe beNBTI stress and characterization ofstack the test-device. degratransistors with an High-K alsohas ‘Positive Bias Temperature dation recovers very fast. this cannot be achieved witha severe today’s available Instability’ (PBTI) becomes device reliability concern. zers. We recorded the data with a self-developed rd. Fig. 7 rectangles. shows recovery a different NBTI hascurves a pronounced processstress impact up to the NBTI RECOVERY old is measured continuously after end of stress. for 11 and the passivation layer. The process for gate oxide growing Beside the strong parameter degradation another phenomenon NBTI (black symbols). ). A Vthof measurement sequence hydrogen inventory the entire process influence the of NBTI challenges reliability assessments. The stress induced parameter SiON gatevery oxides enhanced NBTI, but the as done forbehavior. verification (red line).After degradation recovers fast show afterend end of of stress stress [14-21]. The nitrogen fraction is necessary a to diffusion barrier in This the gate parameter values drift back theasvalues beforevalues the stress. effect arameter moves backwards veryto fast the oxide channel p-MOSFETs. barrierduring prevents has toofbesurface considered for correct parameter The extraction stress ss. +
Delay to + + + + + due + + + + + + equipment and measurement n routines +
10 0
VStress= -2.8V T=125°C
VT-shift ( mV )
critical time!
af t er
V @ T dela y=1 µs
End of device negatives Potenzial negative potential stress
y recovered. to experimental nditions, transistors ircuits do not have mes between stress on (determined by
0 -6
VT w/o stress 2
stresstime & measuring delay ( s )
Fig. 7: Ultra fast Vth measurement as a function of stressand recovery time. After 100s stress the degraded Fig. 8. Ultra fast V measurement as a function of stress- and rethreshold voltageth recovers by 50% in the timeframe covery time. 100 s stress degraded threshold voltage rebetween 1µs After and 1s after endthe of stress
covers by 50% in the timeframe between 1 µs and 1 s after end of stress.
After 100s stress the degraded threshold voltage recovers by 50% in the timeframe between 1µs and 1s after end of stress (blue symbols). Neglecting the NBTI recovery phenomenon leads to In contrast to experimental conditions, tranfalsified measurement value andmeasurement inaccurate lifetime estimations. sistors within circuits not degradation have longmechanism recovery Nowadays NBTI product is the most serious do device and a limiting factor for and technology development. It is not completely times between stress next operation (determined by clock understood and measures like metal gates will lead to higher electric frequency). field even at fixed gate oxide thicknesses. With PBTI an additional Vthdevice extraction methods to consider Sevsevere degradation of have n-MOSFETs with this Hi-Keffect. gate stacks grows up. eral different methods have been introduced in the literature,
each with different advantages and draw-backs (Reisinger et al., 2007b; Schl¨under et al., 2007). A very fast method is introduced in Reisinger et al. (2006) and Reisinger et al. (2007a). The threshold voltage can be extracted directly within 0.5 µs after end of stress. It has to be mentioned that this cannot be achieved with today’s available parameter analyzers. We recorded the data with a self-developed measurement card. Figure 8 shows recovery curves at different stress time. The threshold is measured continuously after end of stress for 11 decades of time (black symbols). A Vth measurement sequence without stress was done for verification (red line). After end of stress the electrical parameter moves backwards very fast to the values before NBTI stress. After 100 s stress the degraded threshold voltage recovers by 50% in the timeframe between 1 µs and 1 s after end of stress (blue symbols). Neglecting the NBTI recovery phenomenon leads to falsified measurement value and inaccurate lifetime estimations. Nowadays NBTI is the most serious device degradation mechanism and a limiting factor for technology development. It is not completely understood and measures like metal gates will lead to higher electric field even at fixed gate oxide thicknesses. With PBTI an additional severe device degradation of n-MOSFETs with Hi-K gate stacks grows up.
A SRA The impact of degraded electrical device parameters ondynamic digital stress conditions. In region the inverter from has to discharge conduct the 1)current VDD tocanthe be us the next stage, the output signal has to be driven down to zero (better: cuits can be easily explained at an inverter as a simple basic block shows the capacitance. In this region mainly HCS low level). For that mainly the n-MOS device has to drive the digital applications. necessary current to discharge the (gate-) capacitance of the next stage. for this p-MOS transistor occurs. C. Schl¨under: Device reliability challenges for modern semiconductor circuit design 205 Region 4) defines again a static stress V in mode. In this case the p-MOSFET of the inverter is loaded by NBTI stress. The gate electrode is on low level, all other terminals are on high level time (VDD). An elevated temperature accelerating NBTI V out can originate from the environment or V in V In out this region mainly Hot Carrier Stress for this n-MOS device ACT ON CIRCUIT FUNCTION circuits itself. occurs. After finishing this job the circuit is infrom a staticthe mode (region 2). on after HCS or NBTI has an impact on circuit In this region no current but leakage current flows within the The induced degradations of the time trical parameter of one device leaves a specific inverter. The n-channel device is c underdPBTI condition. The input e f ircuit function can not be guaranteed any more. signal and therefore the gate of the n-MOS iselectrical on high level,device the drain-,parameter impact the Fig. 9: Example for a chronological sequence of an inputnot necessarily destroyed (e.g. gate oxide source- and substrate contact is 10. on low level. n-MOSFETs function ofwith the inverter. First Fig. Example for a chronological sequence of an inputand (Fig. cor-of all and corresponding output-signal ofSiO2 an CMOS inverter Fig. a 10: radation of the electrical behavior can lead to IC or SiON gate oxides are responding almost notoutput-signal affected, a high-K n-channel of an CMOS inverter (Fig. 9). Four differ8). Four different regions are marked with numbers cell. The reduction of the current drive capability wing examples for typical analogue and digital describing static and dynamic conditions. device would degrade underent these PBTI conditions. Entering regionsstress correspo regions aredifferent marked with numbers describing different static and thisup stage occurs. Furthermore the given. Furthermore a possible impact of ‘Low 3) the capacitance of the next stage has to conditions. be of charged to high level. dynamic stress ill be introduced. For this task mainly the p-MOSFETs is required. The device has to switching thresholds of the inverter egraded electrical device parameters on digital conduct the current from VDD to the shifts and duty cycle (high level to low y explained at an inverter as a simple basic block capacitance. In this region mainly HCS Fig. 9. CMOS inverter as a simple example for the degradation ims. levelRegister ratio) changes [22]. This changed for this p-MOS transistor occurs. g. 8: CMOS inverter a simple for the pact on circuit function. Theas capacitance at the outputexample symbolizes Region 4) defines again a static stress behavior of one circuit block influences egradation impact circuit The the capacitance at a following stage. on The inverter has tofnction. charge or discharge gate mode. In this case the p-MOSFET of the capacitance of the next stage. the entire circuit. e output symbolizes a following stage. inverter has to inverter isThe loaded by NBTI stress. The gate electrode on low level, all other On the right hand side a part of a harge or discharge the gate capacitance of isthe next stage. terminals are on high level (VDD). An logic path is pictured. The degradation 5 Impact on circuit function elevated temperature accelerating NBTI of the different elements leads to longer canhas from on the environment or VFig. V in Device degradation after HCS or NBTI impact 8 shows a outschematic diagram of originate a anCMOS inverter. The from the circuits itself. signal rise times. As a result the time dela the electrical parameter of one device pacitancecircuit at thefunction. outputIfsymbolizes a following stage. The inverter The induced degradations of the leaves a specific window, a correct circuit function can not (propagation delay) is increased. The set-up electricalofdevice parameter s to charge discharge the gate the next stage.impact Fig. the 9 be or guaranteed any more. The capacitance transistors are not necessarily changes. Furthermore the degradation im function of the inverter. First of all a destroyed (e.g. gate oxide breakdown), the degradation ofan the input- and ots an exemplary chronological sequence of reduction of the current drive capability immunity. This is critical especially at electrical behavior can lead to IC CMOS failures. Ininverter. the following rresponding output-signal of the Four different of this stage occurs. Furthermore the examples for typical analogue and digital application will be of the inverter nominal (low power applications). switching thresholds gions aregiven. marked with anumbers describing different static and Furthermore possible impact of “Low power techA SRAM cell is another typical basic shifts and duty cycle (high level to low niques” will be introduced. namic stress conditions. In region 1) the inverter has to discharge level ratio) changes [22]. This changed nverter as a simple example for the can be used as another good example for of degraded electrical parameters on zero behavior ofdown one circuit block (better: influences ectnext stage,The theimpact output signal has to driven to on circuit fnction. The capacitance at bedevice shows the schematic diagram for a typical 6 digital stage. circuitsThe can be easily explained anentire inverter as a simcircuit. lizes a following inverter has to atthe w level). For that mainly the n-MOS device has to drive the ple basic block of digital applications. On the right hand side a part of a ge the gate capacitance of the next stage. cessary current the (gate-) of theThe next stage. Register Figureto9 discharge shows a schematic diagramcapacitance of a CMOS logic path is inverter. pictured. degradation
The capacitance at the output symbolizes a following stage. leads to longer of the different elements schematic diagram of a CMOS inverter. The The inverter has to charge or dischargesignal the gate risecapacitance times. As a resultFig. the11. time delay for for aloading the next Example logic circuit path.stage Due to device degradation utput symbolizes a following stage. The inverter (propagation delay) is increased. The set-up and hold time of flip-flops of the next stage. Figure 10 plots an exemplary chronologithe set up and hold time of flip-flops can change. IC-failures can harge the gate capacitance of the next stage. Fig. 9 changes. Furthermore impacts speed and noise cal sequence of an input- and corresponding output-signal of the degradation occur, especially in lowthe power application with supply voltages less Vy inchronological sequence of an input- and immunity. This is critical than especially supply voltages less than the CMOS inverter. Four different regions are marked with t-signal of the CMOS inverter. Four different nominal (low power applications). numbers describing different static and dynamic stress conwith numbers describing different static and A SRAM cell is another typical basic block of digital circuits and ditions. In inverter region (1) inverter has to discharge the next itions. In region 1) the hasthe to discharge can be to used as(better: another good example for circuit stage, the output signal has to be driven down zero The input signal and degradation. therefore theFig. gate10of the n-MOS is on utput signal has to be driven down to zero (better: shows thehas schematic diagram for level, a typical 6drain-, transistor SRAM cell. low level). For that mainly the n-MOS device to drive high the sourceand substrate contact is on low t mainly the n-MOS device has to drive the the necessary current to discharge the (gate-) capacitance of level. n-MOSFETs with SiO2 or SiON gate oxides are aldischarge the (gate-) capacitance of the next stage.
the next stage. In this region mainly Hot Carrier Stress for this n-MOS device occurs. After finishing this job the circuit is in a static mode (region 2). In this region no current but leakage current flows within the inverter. The n-channel device is under PBTI condition.
c d e f
time most not affected, a high-K n-channel device would degrade WL under these PBTI conditions. Entering regions (3) the capacitance of the next stage has to be charged up to high level. For this task mainly the p-MOSFETs is required. A The device has to conduct the current from VDD to the capacitance. In this region mainly HCS for this p-MOS transistor occurs. Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009
time A
g. 9: Example for a chronological sequence of an input-
ifferent ic and scharge (better: ve the t stage.
immunity. This is critical especially at supply voltages less becomes than clear that degradation in static mode and accordingly NBTI is nominal (low power applications). the most severe reliability concern. The NBTI degradation of the pA SRAM cell is another typical basic block of digital circuits and channel devices within SRAM cells leads mainly to a decrease of the can be used as another good example for circuit degradation. Fig. 10 of the challenges cell [23]. for modern semiconductor circuit design 206 C. Schl¨ u nder: Device reliability shows the schematic diagram for a typical 6 transistor SRAM cell. stability
inputr (Fig. mbers ons.
VB Fig. diagram a typical 6 transistor Fig.10: 12.Schematic Schematic diagram of of a typical 6 transistor SRAMSRAM cell. cell. The stress conditions for the different devices and the The stress conditions and the impact of degradation can be transFig. 11: Butterfly-diagram of a SRAM cell. The two inverter corresponding impact on the cell function ferred from a single inverter. Fig.determine 13. Buttefly-diagram a SRAM cell. area The twoof inverter curves the of form. The the curves turquoise determine the form. The area cell of thestability. turquoise square is a measure square is a measure of the fo the cell stability. Region (4) defines again a static stress mode. In this case the p-MOSFET of the inverter is loaded by NBTI stress. The Fig. 11 shows a ‘Butterfly-diagram’ of a 6T-SRAM cell. The two and accordingly NBTI is thediagrams most severe inverterin static curvesmode determine the form. These arere-used to gate electrode is on low level, all other terminals are on high liability concern. The NBTI degradation of the p-channel level (VDD ). An elevated temperature accelerating NBTI can describe the stability of the cell. The area of the turquoise square is a devices within SRAM cells leads mainlyoftothe a decrease of the has an originate from the environment or from the circuits itself. measure for this parameter. A degradation two inverters stability of the cell (LaRosa et al., 2006). The induced degradations of the electrical device parameimpact on ß- and n-/p-MOS ratio of the SRAM-cell. The static noise Figure 13 shows a “Butterfly-diagram” a 6T-SRAM ter impact the function of the inverter. First of all a reduction margin and dynamic read stability decrease.ofThe cell shows an cell. The two inverter curves determine its shape. Thesevoltage of the current drive capability of this stage occurs. Furtherincreased sensitivity against Soft Error Rate (SER), supply diagrams are used to describe the stability of the cell. The more the switching thresholds of the inverter shifts and the drops, noise, etc. Furthermore an increase of access time is possible. area of the turquoise square is a measure for this parameduty cycle (high level to low level ratio) changes (Reddy et ter. A degradation of the two inverters has an impact on βal., 2002). This changed behavior of one circuit block influand n-/p-MOS ratio of the SRAM-cell. The static noise marences the entire circuit. T RANSISTOR ELIABILITY UNDER ANALOGUE gin and dynamicR read stability decrease. The cell shows an In Fig. 11, a part of a logic path is pictured. The degraincreased sensitivity against Soft Error Rate (SER), supply dation of the different elements leads to longer signal rise OPERATION voltage drops, noise, etc. Furthermore an increase of access times. As a result the time delay for loading the next stage time is possible. (propagation delay) is increased. The set-up and hold time Reliability evaluation of MOS transistors under analog operation of flip-flops changes. Furthermore the degradation impacts requires a specifically adapted approach. The operating points and thus the speed and noise immunity. This is critical especially the at stress conditions significantly differ. Different device parameters supply voltages less than nominal (low power applications). Transistorinreliability analogue must be6 considered the circuitunder design process operation [24-29]. A SRAM cell is another typical basic block of digital cir- Fig. 12 illustrates the background for the different impact of device cuits and can be used as another good example for circuit Reliability evaluation of MOS transistors under analog operdegradation on analogue and mixed signal applications. The diagram degradation. Figure 12 shows the schematic diagram for a ation requires a specifically adapted approach. The operating plots the relative degradation of the input characteristic of a MOSFET typical 6 transistor SRAM cell. points and thus the stress conditions significantly differ. Difas a function of operation gate voltage and stress time. Typical NBTI ferent device parameters must be considered in the circuit deSince the function is based on two cross-coupled invertdegradation behavior can be obtained with strongest drift2001; close to the sign process (Chung et al., 1990; Thewes et al., 1999, ers, both the stress conditions of the device and the impact threshold voltage and weaker drift with increasing gate voltages. Schl¨under et al., 2003; Chaparala et al., 2003; Schl¨under et of degradation on the circuit can be transferred from a sinfor many analog applications the effective gate-to-source al., 2005). gle inverter. Read and write operations are dynamic modes Since voltage is in the order ofthe a background few 100mV, the different impact imof device and lead accordingly to HCS. All the remaining period the Figure 14 illustrates for the degradation muchdegradation stronger for analogue or mixed SRAM cell is in static mode, corresponding in NBTI (and pact ofisdevice oncircuits analogueofand mixed signal ap- signal PBTI). applications. In those circuits plots the operation point relies onofthe plications. The diagram the relative degradation theaccurate input of a MOSFET as a function of operation Dependent of the data the cell has to store (1 or 0), the matching of characteristic paired transistors. gate voltage and stress time. Typical NBTI degradation bep-MOS transistor of the left or of the right inverter is unhavior can be obtained with strongest drift close to the threshder NBTI stress. Since this static mode typically occurs for old voltage and weaker drift with increasing gate voltages. biggest part of the lifetime, it becomes clear that degradation Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009
The two used to are is a has an c noise ows an voltage ible.
peration nd thus ameters
device diagram OSFET l NBTI e to the . -source device d signal ccurate
nverter quoise
[%] /I I
p-MOS s. Since time, it NBTI is the pe of the
∆ID/ID [%]
both the on the d write All the ding in
our example, the connection between drain and gate of M3 and Fig. 11 shows a ‘Butterfly-diagram’ of a 6T-SRAM cell. The two between drain and gate of M6 leads to low gate-to-bulk/well voltages inverter curves determine the form. These diagrams are used to of the transistors connected to the gates of M3 and M6 (M1, M2, M3, describe stability of the cell. Thechallenges area of the turquoise square is a M6, and M7), so that these devices are not prone to high oxide fields. C. Schl¨uthe nder: Device reliability for modern semiconductor circuit design 207 measure for this parameter. A degradation of the two inverters has an impact on ß- and n-/p-MOS ratio of the SRAM-cell. The static noise margin and 0 dynamic read stability decrease. The cell shows an increased sensitivity against Soft Error Rate (SER), supply voltage drops, noise, etc. Furthermore an increase of access time is possible.
Reliability evaluation of MOS transistors under analog operation requires-20 a specifically adapted approach. The operating points and thus the stress conditions significantly differ. Different device parameters must be considered in the circuit design process [24-29]. mit characterization Charakterisierung Characterization withwith Fig.-25 12 illustrates the background for the different impact of device |V | = 1.25 V , T=125°C degradation on analogue and mixed Dsignal applications. The diagram plots the -30relative degradation of the input characteristic of a MOSFET as a function 0.5 of operation gate1.0 voltage and stress NBTI 1.5time. Typical 2.0 degradation behavior can be obtained with strongest drift close to the [V] threshold voltage and weaker drift |V with gate voltages. G| increasing Since for many analog applications the effective gate-to-source Fig. 12: Relative degradation of the input characteristic of a voltage is in thedegradation order of aof few 100mV, the impact of device Fig. 14. Relative the input a MOSMOSFET as a function of operation gatecharacteristic voltage and of stress time. degradation is much stronger for circuits of analogue or mixed signal FET asdegradation a function offor operation gatepoints voltagewith and stress Strong operation small time. gate Strong voltages applications. In those circuits the operation point relies on the accurate degradation operation points with and a weaker for impact on operation withsmall highgate gatevoltages voltagesand can abe matching of paired transistors. obtained. weaker impact on operation with high gate voltages can be obtained.
Fig. 13 shows the schematic diagram for a two stage operational Since for many Here analog thefunction effective gate-toamplifier/comparator. theapplications correct circuit relies on the source voltage is in the order of a few 100 mV, the impact of accurate matching of the input devices (M4 and M5). In the powerdevice degradation is much stronger for circuits of analogue down mode, the bias current is switched off to avoid power or mixed signal In but those operation consumption of the applications. inactive circuit, thecircuits supply the voltages are not pointdown reliesinonorder the accurate matching of paired driven to allow fast reactivation of thetransistors. circuit without switching of 15 the shows supply the lines.schematic The potentials of the Figure diagram forinternal a two nodes stageof theoperational circuit are then determined by the subthreshold characteristics amplifier/comparator. Here the correct circuitof thefunction devices, relies leakage and by the signals applied to thedevices inputs. In onpaths, the accurate matching of the input our(M4 example, the connection between drain and gate of M3 and and M5). In the power-down mode, the bias current between drain and gate of M6 leads to low gate-to-bulk/well voltages is switched off to avoid power consumption of the inactive of the transistors connected to the gates of M3 and M6 (M1, M2, M3, circuit, but the supply voltages are not driven down in order M6, and M7), so that these devices are not prone to high oxide fields.
to allow fast reactivation of the circuit without switching of the supply lines. The potentials of the internal nodes of the circuit are then determined by the subthreshold characteristics of the devices, leakage paths, and by the signals applied to the inputs. In our example, the connection between drain and gate of M3 and between drain and gate of M6 leads to low gate-to-bulk/well voltages of the transistors connected to the gates of M3 and M6 (M1, M2, M3, M6, and M7), so that these devices are not prone to high oxide fields. However, high values of gate-to-channel or gate-tobulk/well voltage can occur in the case of M4, M5, and M8 according to the values of the subthreshold currents of M1, M6, and M7 and possible further leakage paths. If in addition high temperature is applied to the circuit (e.g. provided by the environment) NBTI conditions can occur. To evaluate the effect of NBTI applied to the input devices M4 and M5 under active mode operation conditions, we must consider that a defined (fixed) current is forced through these transistors by current source transistor M1.
Fig. 13: Two stage operational amplifier/comparator. The switch drives the circuit in active or power down mode. During active mode HCS and inhomogenous NBTI can occur. However the worst case is the power down mode, where the input devices are exposed to NBTI with full VDD.
Fig. 13: Two stage operational amplifier/comparator. The switch Fig. 15.theTwo stageinoperational amplifier/comparator. The switch drives circuit active or power down mode. During active drives HCS the circuit in active or power down active mode and inhomogenous NBTI can mode. occur. During However the mode HCS and inhomogenous occur. the worst worst case is the power down NBTI mode,can where theHowever input devices are exposed to NBTI VDD.where the input devices are exposed case is the powerwith downfull mode, to NBTI with full VDD .
Therefore, M4 and M5 are operated with approximately the same drain current before and after stress. Thus the device degradation must be compensated by an increase of the absolute value of the gate-to-source voltage. Asymmetric operation of the input branches of the circuit in Fig. 15 or asymmetric degradation of the input devices under symmetrical stress conditions thus leads to a stress-induced offset voltage of the circuit which equals the difference of the stressinduced threshold voltage degradations of the input devices. 7
Low Power Techniques
In the following Low Power Techniques and their possible impact on device reliability is discussed. LP techniques are used in circuits for modern portable applications like PDAs, mobile phones, etc. to increase the standby time with accumulators. Furthermore Low Power is also used in high performance application to reduce power dissipation and accordlingly the demand for cooling (CPUs/GPUs) Low power systems/circuit designs can affect the reliability of the integrated circuits. One typical example for these techniques are systems with “Sleep Transistors”. Figure 16 helps to understand this approach. The schematic shows a block diagram of a test chip with several Low Power Techniques assembled together to evaluate the behavior of the different techniques. We focus here on the “Sleep Transistor” approach which is based on leakage power control. A p-MOS connects the external VCC to supply rails (Virtual VCC), or an nMOS connects the external ground VSS to the ground rail (Virtual VSS). These sleep transistors are distributed throughout the layout. The area overhead is about Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009
Fig. 15: Sketched block diagram of the Sleep Transistor Since process evolution willmode leadis entered to higher device stress and approach. The schematic shows a block diagram of a test chip with Low Power Technique. When idle the sleep several Low Power Techniques assembled together to evaluate the reliability transistors turnedmargins off and VCC are no in longer connected to safety decrease modern technologies, circuit behavior of the different techniques. We focus here on the ‘Sleep external VCC. Whereas idle blocks dissipate no power other reliability is not longer a task only for technology development but circuit blocks are still working without restrictions. Transistor’ approach which is based on leakage power control.
C. Schl¨under: Device also reliability for circuitchallenges designers.for modern semiconductor circuit design
APPROACHES FOR DESIGN FOR RELIABILITY In the following the function of Aging Simulators will be briefly introduced. The typical flow of circuit simulation will be discussed and a simple example for circuit design optimization will be given. Furthermore constraints for semi-custom design will be evaluated. Since process evolution will lead to higher device stress and reliability safety margins decrease in modern technologies, circuit reliability is not longer a task only for technology development but also for circuit designers.
fre sh 1y 10 y well A p-MOS connects the external VCC to supply rails (Virtual the VCC), or an nMOS connects the external ground VSS to the ground 200 ps sible rail (Virtual VSS). These sleep transistors are distributed throughout o the the layout. The area overhead is about 3%-6%. A control block 4ccur. Blockswitches diagram a test chipand forwatches different Low Power the of sleep transistors clock. iques. WeWhen focus sleep transistor which and idlethe mode is entered the sleepapproach, transistors turned off and VCC Fig. 16: Example for 1y a output signal of a example circuit by es consumption by toswitching off complete hat apower are no longer connected external VCC. Whereas idle blocks fre sh 10 y signal of a example circuit by an Fig. 18. Example for a output an aging simulator. The output signal can be plotted and blocks from powerother supply. But are Lowstill Power rrent dissipate no power circuit blocks working without aging simulator. The output signal can be plotted and compared compared before and after given 200 ps ques can also impact theimpact circuit restrictions. This can thereliability. circuit reliability of whole system. before and after given operation times. operation times. ame The Operation times of different blocks varies, this leads to various Fig. 14 Block diagram of a test chip for different Low Power Fig. Block diagram of a test chip for differentdelay Low within Power the must stages of16.parameter The propagation Techniques. We degradation. focus the sleep transistor approach, which Techniques. We focus the sleep transistor approach, which reduces hand degraded circuit blocks the opportunity 16: Example for a output signal of aget example circuit by for pareduces powerdue consumption switching off complete e-todifferent can vary, to different by operation (stress) time. This Fig. can other power consumption by switching off complete circuit blocks from an aging simulator. The output signal can be plotted and rameter recovery as already discussed in the NBTI recovery circuit blocks from power supply. But Low Power the have an impact on timing between the different circuit blocks. On the before and after given operation times. techniques circuit reliability. power supply.can Butalso Lowimpact Powerthe techniques can also impact the cir- compared chapter. nder other hand degraded circuit blocks get the opportunity for parameter cuit reliability. ffset recovery already discussed in the NBTI recovery chapter. 8 Approaches for design for reliability uced VCC In the following the function of Aging Simulators will be briefly introduced. The typical flow of circuit simulation will be discussed and a simple example for circuit design optimization will be given. Furthermore constraints for semipact custom design will be evaluated. s for Block Block Block . to Since process evolution will lead to higher device stress ower and reliability safety margins decrease in modern technoloA B C ower gies, circuit reliability is not longer a task only for technology development but also for circuit designers. f the For this work the designers have to be supported by smart VSS are software tools with built-in reliability know how. Already this Fig. 15: Sketched block diagram of the Sleep Transistor available are aging simulators for full-custom design. These Fig. 17. Sketched block diagram of the Sleep Transistor Low Power with LowTechnique. Power Technique. When idle mode is entered the sleep tools are reasonable for relatively low numbers of transistors When idle mode is entered the sleep transistors turned the transistors turned off and VCC are no longer connected to (analog/RF circuits). The circuit simulators with built-in reoff and VCC are no longer connected to external VCC. Whereas leep external VCC. Whereas idle blocks dissipate no power other liability can simulate entire circuit blocks. The parameter idle blocks dissipate no power other circuit blocks are still working circuit blocks are still working without restrictions. degradation can be calculated individually for each device. without restrictions. The circuit designer can adjust the characteristic of each device (e.g. geometry, type). 3%–6%. A controlFOR blockD switches sleep transistors and APPROACHES ESIGN the FOR RELIABILITY Afterwards the circuit can be simulated again and in iterawatches clock. tion reliable solutions can be found. Figure 18 shows an exIn the following the function of Aging Simulators will be briefly ample for a circuit simulation with an aging circuit software When idle mode is entered the sleep transistors turned off introduced. The typical flow of circuit simulation will be discussed tool. The output signal can be plotted after a given operation and VCC are no longer connected to external VCC. Whereas and a simple example for circuit design optimization will be given. time. The designer can check whether the results achieve the idle blocks dissipate no power other circuit blocks are still Furthermore constraints for semi-custom design will be evaluated. requirements. working without restrictions. This can impact the circuit reSince process evolution will lead to higher device stress and liability of whole system. The operation times of different The goal of circuit aging simulators is to describe the reliability safety margins decrease in modern technologies, circuit blocks varies, this leads to various stages of parameter degrachange of the transistor model (e.g. BSIM) due to dereliability is not longer a task only for technology development but dation. The propagation delay within the different can vary, vice degradation as a function of age. The information of also for circuit designers. due to different operation (stress) time. This can have an imthe deviation of a parameter as function of age is required pact on timing between the different circuit blocks. On the [1BSIM-Par=f(age)]. Different degradation effects have to
Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009
parameters (e.g For this work the designers have to be supported by smart software without stress, tools with built-in reliability know how. Already available are aging Afterwards the circuit can be simulated again and in iteration the circuit. A s simulators for full-custom design. These tools are reasonable for all different op reliable solutions can beoffound. Fig.(analog 16 shows an example for a circuit relatively low numbers transistors / RF circuits). The circuit Id simulator. In th simulation with an aging circuit software tool. The output signal can C. Schl¨ under: Device reliability challenges for modern semiconductor circuit design 209 simulators with built-in reliability can simulate entire circuit blocks. Based on the f be The plotted after degradation a given operation time. The designer parameter can be calculated individually for can each check new model car device. The circuit designer can adjust the characteristic of each device whether the results achieve the requirements. Afterwards the circuit can be simulated again and in iteration individual degr (e.g. geometry, type). aging simulators is to describe the change of the The goal of circuit reliable solutions can be found. Fig. 16 shows an example for a circuitThis netlist Id transistorwith model BSIM) to device degradation as signal a function this aged circu simulation an(e.g. aging circuitdue software tool. The output can age. The information the deviation a parameter as function of simulation of t beofplotted after a given ofoperation time.of The designer can check achieve the req age is the required = f(age)]. Different degradation effects whether results[∆BSIM-Par achieve the requirements. have be of taken intoaging account (typicallyisHCS and NBTI). In Fig. of 17 the anFig. 19 show The to goal circuit simulators to describe the change of the critica output characteristic of a virgin is degradation compared with transistor model (e.g. BSIM) due todevice device as asimulated function operational am degraded device. The of age. The information of the deviation of a parameter as functionM14/M15. of Fig. 18 shows the sketched simulation flow. The reliability potential. Thus age is required [∆BSIM-Par = f(age)]. Different degradation effects Vd simulation has to be integrated in the design flow. Based on a large mode are avoid have to be taken into account (typically HCS and NBTI). In Fig. 17 an not degrade. Th number of stress experiments with various stress- and characterization Fig. 17: Output characteristic of a MOS transistor before output characteristic of a virgin device is compared with simulated the power dow and after stress. An aging simulator simulate this operation points degradation models can be fitted to the real degraded device. leakage curren degradation for every device in a circuit degradation behavior of the device of the used technology. demand. Fig. 18 shows the sketched simulation flow. The reliability The virgin circuit can be simulated based on standard device Vd simulation has to be integrated in the design flow. Based on a large
this work the designers have supported by smartbefore software Fig. 17:ForOutput characteristic of to a be MOS transistor with built-in characteristic reliability know how. available aging Fig. 19. stress. Output of asimulator MOSAlready transistor before are and afand tools after An aging simulate this simulators for full-custom design. These tools are reasonable ter stress.for Anevery agingdevice simulator degradation in simulate a circuitthis degradation for everyfor relatively numbers of transistors (analog / RF circuits). The circuit device inlow a circuit. simulators with built-in reliability can simulate entire circuit blocks. For thisparameter work the degradation designers have supportedindividually by smart software The can tobebecalculated for each tools device. with built-in reliability know how.HCS Already are aging be taken account (typically and available NBTI).ofIn Fig. 19 Theinto circuit designer can adjust the characteristic each device simulators for full-custom These device tools are reasonablewith for (e.g. geometry, type). design. an output characteristic of a virgin is compared relatively low numbers of transistors simulated degraded device. (analog / RF circuits). The circuit simulators with built-in reliability can simulate entire flow. circuit The blocks. Figure 20 shows the sketched simulation reThe parameter degradation can be calculated individually for each liability simulation has to be integrated in the design flow. device.Based The circuit can adjust characteristic of each on a designer large number of the stress experiments withdevice vari(e.g. geometry, type). ous stress- and characterization operation points degradation
models can be fitted to the real degradation behavior of the device of the used technology. The virgin circuit can be simulated based on standard device parameters (e.g. BSIM). Besides the simulation of the circuit function without stress, the tool extracts the duty cycle for each device within the circuit. A suitable input pattern stimulates the circuit function and all different operation points during operation are integrated by the simulator. In this manner the tool collects the aging of each device. Based on the fitted degradation model the aging simulator creates a new model card for each device. After this step a new flat netlist with individual degraded model cards or subcircuit substituions is available. This netlist describes the circuit after stress. A new simulation of this aged circuit can be done and can be compared with the first simulation of the fresh circuits. The designer can check if the result achieve the requirement and can improve the circuit if necessary. Figure 21 shows an example for Design for Reliability (Thewes et al., 2001). The gates of the critical input devices M4/M5 of the already discussed operational amplifier (chapter 6) are connected to VDD via additional transistors M14/M15. The gate and all other terminals are pulled to the same potential. Thus high electrical gate oxide fields during power down mode are avoided. No NBTI stress occurs, the device parameters do not degrade. The necessary enable sigFig. 18: Circuit simulation flow. The reliability simulation nal is already available to select the power down mode. Since has to be integrated in the design flow the additional devices have to balance only leakage currents, the inserted devices lead to an only small additional area demand. Fig. 18: Circuit simulation flow. The reliability simulation has to be integrated in the design flow
parameters (e.g. BSIM). Besides the simulation of the circuit function number of stress, stress the experiments withthe various stresscharacterization without tool extracts duty cycle forand each device within operation points degradation models can be fitted the real the circuit. A suitable input pattern stimulates the circuit to function and degradation behavior of the device of the used technology. all different operation points during operation are integrated by the ENABLE The virgin circuit can the be tool simulated on standard device simulator. In this manner collectsbased the aging of each device. parameters BSIM). Besides the simulation of the circuit creates function Based on(e.g. the fitted degradation model the aging simulator a without stress,card the for tooleach extracts theAfter dutythis cycle eachflat device new model device. stepfor a new netlistwithin with IN theindividual circuit. Adegraded suitable model input pattern the circuit function and cards orstimulates subcircuit substituions is available. all different operation points operation integrated by the This netlist describes the during circuit after stress.are A new simulation of IN + this agedIncircuit can be the done can bethecompared first simulator. this manner tooland collects aging ofwith eachthe device. simulation the fresh circuits.model The designer cansimulator check if the resulta Based on theoffitted degradation the aging creates achieve requirement and can After improve circuit if necessary. new modelthe card for each device. thisthe step a new flat netlist withENABLE SI Fig. 19 shows an example for Reliability [26]. The gates individual degraded model cardsfororDesign subcircuit substituions is available. ofThis thenetlist critical input the devices of the already discussed describes circuitM4/M5 after stress. A new simulation of via additional amplifier aredone connected to Vbe DD compared thisoperational aged circuit can be and can withtransistors the firstactive mode M14/M15. gate and all other are pulled the result same simulation of The the fresh circuits. The terminals designer can check to if the potential. Thus high electrical gate oxide fields during power down achieve the requirement and can improve the circuit if necessary. Fig. 19: Exam Fig.19 18: Circuit simulation flow. The simulation mode are avoided. No NBTIforstress occurs, the device parameters do Fig. shows an example Design forreliability Reliability [26]. Theto gates Fig. 20.toCircuit simulation flow. Theflow reliability simulation has transistors M has be integrated in the design not degrade. The necessary enable signal is already available to select during the ‘P ofbethe criticalin input devices integrated the design flow. M4/M5 of the already discussed the power amplifier down ode.are Since the additional devices have to balance only via additional transistors operational connected to VDD leakage currents, the devices lead to an only small additional area M14/M15. The gate and all other terminals are pulled to the same demand. potential. Thus high electrical gate oxide fields during power down mode are avoided. No NBTI stress occurs, the device parameters do not degrade. The necessary enable signal is already available to select the power down ode. Since the additional devices have to balance only M14lead M15 M1 additional area leakage currents, the devices to an only small demand.ENABLE
IN -
M1 M5
IN -
IN +
active mode
M4 M6
M7 M5
power-down mode
ENABLE SIGNAL : Fig.21. 19:Example Example Design for reliability: The critical input Fig. forfor Design forVDD Reliability: the critical input trantransistors are protected against NBTI stress sistors M4 andM4 M5and are M5 protected against NBTI stress during the M6 M7 VSS duringDown the ‘Power “Power Mode”.Down Mode’. active mode
power-down mode
Fig. 19: Example for Design for reliability: The critical input Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009 transistors M4 and M5 are protected against NBTI stress during the ‘Power Down Mode’.
completely different approach is necessary. A possible consideration of reliability in semi-custom designs is the calculation of parameter degradation as a part of on-chip-variations. Stress induced parameter variation can be transformed in propagation-delays [30].
designer can consider reliability aspects early in the design phase and can develop reliable and competitive products. The different requirements and constraints of “Design for full custom and semi-custom design were pointed out. C. Schl¨under: Device Reliability” reliability for challenges for modern semiconductor circuit design For full-custom design capable aging simulators are already available. The function and integration into the design were briefly discussed. Forthesemi-custom design differentIf approach required. critical time pathsa again. necessaryisfurther gateBywill transferring device degradation into a shift of induced the propagation of is be replaced until every degradation time delay conflict basic gate elements ‘Design for Reliability’ can be integrated into solved. semi-custom design flows. Smart software tools can check time critical paths after simulated aging and ensures the circuit function for the entire required lifetime.
Fig. 20: Critical time path of a semi-custom design (e.g. chip). the designers do not have a direct Fig. Critical timeSince path of a semi-custom design (e.g. base band access to single devices within the design tool, a smart chip). Since the designers do not have a direct access to single deapproach is necessary to implement reliability checks into vices within the design tool, a smart approach is necessary to imthe design flow. plement reliability checks into the design flow. Smart software tools can check time paths within the product. In
9the case Constraints for semi-custom designby faster ones. On the of time conflicts, gates can be replaced other hand the tools have to take area demand and power consumption into digital account.application a more automated design approach is For The tool can selectelements one of several differentautomatically versions of gates used. The library are placed bywith the the same function (e.g. XOR). The tool decision for substitution is design tool. The designers do not know in advance where a based on single element is placed. They have no direct access to the • Performance requirements single devices. Therefore automated design environments • Stability against process variations make it•difficult to manually determine reasonable operation Stability against degradation • for Area demand conditions single library elements. • Power consumption A single library element is used in many different subcircuits, and within, exposed to a lot of different applicaThe different demands have to be weighted. This is very difficult tions/operation conditions. all of these combinations for the tool and therefore a keyFor factor of the software tool. Aftera delay-calculation would be necessary, since digital design replacement of gates the simulator checks the critical time paths. If further gate will be replaced until every degradation isnecessary delay driven. Therefore, in semi-custom design ainduced comtime conflict is solved. pletely different approach is necessary. A possible consideration of reliability in semi-custom designs is the calculation of parameter degradation as a part of on-chip-variations. Stress induced parameter variation can be transformed in propagation-delays (Pompl et al., 2006). Smart software tools can check time paths within the product. In the case of time conflicts, gates can be replaced by faster ones. On the other hand the tools have to take area demand and power consumption into account. The tool can select one of several different versions of gates with the same function (e.g. XOR). The tool decision for substitution is based on
– performance requirements – stability against process variations – stability against degradation – area demand – power consumption The different demands have to be weighted. This is very difficult for the tool and therefore a key factor of the software tool. After replacement of gates the simulator checks Adv. Radio Sci., 7, 201–211, 2009
This paper gives an overview of device degradation chalC. Schlünder, Tutorial, IRPSdesign. 2005 lenges [1] of semiconductor circuit The most critical [2] C. Schlünder, Tutorial, IRPS 2007 device degradation mechanisms NBTI and HCS were de[3] A. Martin, JVST B 2009 scribed.[4] Furthermore critical stress conditions in cirA. Martin et al., Micr.device Rel. 2004. cuits of[5]digital/mixed applications Hu et al., signal J. of S.S. Circ. 1985 and low power techLaRosa et al., IRPS 1997 niques [6] were G. highlighted. [7] R. Thewes et al, IRPS 1999 Since process evolution will lead to higher device stress [8] Y.Y.Chen et al., VLSI 1999 and reliability margins IRPS decrease [9] Lu et al., 2004 in modern technologies, circuit a task only for technology [10] reliability A. Bravaix et is al.,not longer IRPS 2009 [11] Jeppson et al.,forJ.Appl.Phys.1977 development but also circuit designers. It is a common [12] Aging/reliability C. Schlünder et al. ESREF 1999 can help to optimize challenge. simulators [13] A.T. Krishnan et al., IEDM 2003 the circuits saveetcosts. The can consider re[14] and S. Rangan al., IEDM designer 2003 liability[15]aspects early etinal.,the design phase and can develop H. Reisinger IRPS 2006 J.P.Campbell et products. al. IRPS 2006 reliable[16] and competitive H. Reisinger et al., TDMR 2007 The [17] different requirements and constraints of “Design for [18] T. Grasser et al., IRSP 2007 Reliability” forReisinger full custom and 2007 semi-custom design were [19] H. et al., TDMR II pointed[20] out. C.For full-custom design Schlünder et al. IRPS 2008capable aging simulaT. Grasser et al., TheIRW 2008 and integration into tors are[21] already available. function [22] were V. Reddy et al.,discussed. IRPS 2002 the design briefly For semi-custom design a [23] G. LaRosa et al., IRPS 2006 different approach is required. By transferring device degra[24] J. Chung et al., IEDM 1990 dation [25] into aR.shift of the propagation Thewes et al. IEDM 1999delay of basic gate elR. Thewes et al. ESDERC 2001 ements[26] “Design for Reliability” can be integrated into semiC. Schlünder al., software IRPS 2003 tools can check time custom[27] design flows. etSmart [28] P. Chaparala et al., P2ID 2003 critical[29] pathsC.after simulated aging and ensures the circuit Schlünder et al. Micro. Rel. 2005 function thePompl entire required DAC lifetime. [30]for T. et al., 2006
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