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Diagnostic accuracy of a clinical diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: an international case–cohort study Simon Walsh1, Toby Maher2, Martin Kolb3, Venerino Poletti4, Richard Nusser5, Q1 ¶ Luca Richeldi6, Carlo Vancheri7, Margaret Wilsher8, Katerina Antoniou9, 10 11 12 13 Jüergen Behr , Elisabeth Bendstrup , Kevin Brown , Lucio Calandriello , Tamera Corte14, Vincent Cottin 15, Bruno Crestani16, Kevin Flaherty17, Ian Glaspole18, Jan Grutters19, Yoshikazu Inoue20, Maria Kokosi21, Yasuhiro Kondoh22, Vasileios Kouranos21, Michael Kreuter23, Kerri Johannson24, Eoin Judge25, Brett Ley26, George Margaritopoulos21, Fernando Martinez27, Maria Molina-Molina28, António Morais29, Hilario Nunes30, Ganesh Raghu31, Christopher Ryerson32, Moises Selman33, Paolo Spagnolo34, Hiroyuki Taniguchi22, Sara Tomassetti35, Dominique Valeyre36, Marlies Wijsenbeek37, Wim Wuyts38, David Hansell39 and Athol Wells40 on behalf of The IPF Project Consortium41
@ERSpublications Academic status, access to MDT meetings and clinician experience predict accuracy of a clinical diagnosis of IPF http://ow.ly/k43W30cTMg1 Cite this article as: Walsh S, Maher T, Kolb M, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of a clinical diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: an international case–cohort study. Eur Respir J 2017; 0: 1700936 [https:// doi.org/10.1183/13993003.00936-2017]. ABSTRACT We conducted an international study of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diagnosis among a large group of physicians and compared their diagnostic performance to a panel of IPF experts. A total of 1141 respiratory physicians and 34 IPF experts participated. Participants evaluated 60 cases of interstitial lung disease (ILD) without interdisciplinary consultation. Diagnostic agreement was measured using the weighted kappa coefficient (κw). Prognostic discrimination between IPF and other ILDs was used to validate diagnostic accuracy for first-choice diagnoses of IPF and were compared using the Cindex. A total of 404 physicians completed the study. Agreement for IPF diagnosis was higher among expert physicians (κw=0.65, IQR 0.53–0.72, p