TaPPeR's diamOnd buyIng guIde ... small inclusions that are only visible under magnification are not likely to diminish
ta pp e r ’ s d i a m o n d b u y i n g g u i d e
diamond buying guide
Purchasing a diamond, especially an engagement ring, is not only a very exciting time in a couple’s relationship, but it can also be a purchase that may cause considerable apprehension. Are you ready to pop the question?
There are some key components in the purchase of a diamond that will help you make the best decision for your budget, and for your partner. Visit Tapper’s to discuss this important and thrilling step in your relationship.
The 4 C’s When most people talk about diamonds, the more important aspects to consider are “the 4 C’s,” which include the Cut, Clarity, Color and Carat of each diamond.
You may also want to think about the shape and style when selecting an engagement ring. Shape
Diamonds come in all shapes and sizes from the more traditional to more distinctive shapes. Each has its defining characteristics and has something different to offer each wearer.
Tapper’s has created 6 classifications of engagement rings as an easy guide to select the perfect style that is right for you.
Micro Pavé
Three Stone
Shared Prong
Channel Set
CUT The proportions with which a diamond is cut greatly affects the way the diamond performs in the light. Diamonds with carefully crafted proportions, symmetry and polish have optimal interaction with light causing increased brightness, fire and scintillation.
Star Length
Excellent Cut
Table Size Crown Angle Crown Height
Girdle Thickness
When light enters an ideally cut diamond it is refracted from facet to facet and comes back through the top to the eye.
Thick Cut Total Depth
Pavilion Depth
Pavilion Angle
If a diamond is cut too deep much of the light is refracted at poor angles and lost out the side.
Cut Grades Round brilliant diamonds This pyramid represents the total volume of gem quality diamonds on the market.
Excellent Cut
Lower Girdle/ Half Facet Length
Very Good Cut Good Cut
Thin Cut
If the diamond is cut too shallow much of the light fails to be refracted at all and leaks out of the bottom.
Two diamonds with identical color and clarity, but cut differently, will vary in value by as much as 50% — sometimes even more.
Fair Cut
Poor Cut
Tapper’s only sells the top three grades of quality.
CLARITY The clarity of a diamond is determined by the number and size of internal characteristics (inclusions) and external characteristics (blemishes) which both occur naturally in diamonds. At Tapper’s, we approach the clarity of a diamond as its unique personality and what makes the diamond specific to the wearer.
Small inclusions that are only visible under magnification are not likely to diminish the beauty of a diamond. Most inclusions are not visible to the naked eye and the smaller the inclusion, the less likely it will interfere with light as it passes through the diamond causing unhindered sparkle.
Very Very Small Inclusions
Very Small Inclusions
Small Inclusions
Contain minuscule inclusions difficult to locate even under 10x magnification.
Contain minor inclusions in a range of sizes, number and locations.
Contain noticeable inclusions easily visible under 10x magnification.
Contain obvious inclusions visible under 10x magnification.
Pinpoints, faint clouds, tiny feathers, bruises of internal graining.
Both difficult and somewhat easy to locate under 10x magnification.
May disclose inclusions to the untrained eye, but only when placed table down on a white surface.
May be visible to the unaided eye in the face-up position.
Small included crystals, small feathers and distinct clouds.
Clarity grades of VVS-1 to SI-2 have very little impact on the appearance, or sparkle, of your diamond. If anything, the clarity of your diamond merely connects it to its origin in nature.
COLOR Many people think of gem quality diamonds as colorless, however, truly colorless diamonds are actually very rare. Most diamonds that are used for jewelry are near colorless with tints of yellow and brown; these tints are rarely noticeable to the untrained eye.
Diamonds are compared to a master set to determine their coloring, and then the diamond is given a letter grade that corresponds to the range of noticeable color.
The difference between one grade and another is very subtle, as can be seen by the number of grades within any one category.
CARAT The weight of a diamond seems to be the most popular item to discuss, and it is relatively simple to determine: A carat is 200 milligrams (1/5 of a gram) and is divided
0.50 carat
0.75 carat
1.00 carat
1.25 carat
into 100 points, much like a dollar into pennies. Thus, a half carat diamond is 50 points and is listed as 0.50 carats.
1.50 carat
1.75 carat
2.00 carat
3.00 carat
The word ‘carat’ originated in a natural unit of weight — the seeds of the Carob tree. Diamonds were traditionally weighed against these seeds until the system was standardized and one carat was fixed at 0.2 grams.
Tapper’s Difference Tapper’s is a Cut Above Our mission is to provide you with a luxury shopping experience and unparalleled customer service. As a multi-generation family-owned business, we bring a long term perspective to all of our relationships, driven by honesty, accountability, community involvement and excellence. We are committed to delivering on this promise every day.
Independent Certification Assurance Tapper’s offers a wide selection of diamonds for our clients to view and consider for purchase. We supply an independent grading certification from a recognized laboratory with the purchase of one of our diamonds. This is an evaluation and certification of the diamond’s color, clarity, proportions (cut) and carat weight. The labs performing the certification are completely objective, which delivers a special quality guarantee to our customers. There may be some differences in grading reports from the various laboratories that could have an impact on the price of the diamond you purchase.
Best Value Guarantee We are direct diamond importers, so we do not pay fees to a middleman. This allows us to offer you the best price in the market, guaranteed. If, within 30 days, you happen to find a better value for the same diamond (from a physical store location) with all the same characteristics and measurements, we will offer you a better value or refund your money.
Visit Tapper’s today to learn more about your upcoming diamond purchase, or find us online at www.tappers.com. We st B loo mfie ld 24 8.93 2.770 0
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