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Some history (III). 2007: Equality Observatory in Paris Diderot-Paris 7. 2008-2009: Equality Officer in Lyon 1, Strasbou
Gender Equality Officers in French Universities Colette Guillopé Université Paris-Est Créteil

New perspectives for women scientists careers in Europe

European Platform for Women Scientists Paris, June 11, 2014

Some history (I) 2000: Mitterand (President), Jospin (Prime Minister), Allègre (Minister for Higher Education), Schwartzenberg (Minister for Research). 2000: Bureau for Parity at the Minister for Higher Education 2000: First Equality Ofciers in universities, under the impulse of Francine Demichel (Chief Executive Ofcer of Higher Education), and with the support of European Social Funds : Paris 7, Lyon 2, Toulouse 2, Reims, Montpellier 3

Some history (II) 2005: The Minister names only men at the Council of CNRS (part of it was elected): this is an only men council, whereas 30 % of employees are women 2006: Law for Research: « fair representation of women and men in committees » 2006: Creation of the Committee for Equality in Higher Education and Research, linked directly to both directions (Formation and Professional Insertion; Research and Innovation) 2007: Law for « Liberty and Responsibility of Universities »

Some history (III) 2007: Equality Observatory in Paris Diderot-Paris 7 2008-2009: Equality Ofcer in Lyon 1, Strasbourg 2009: First Charter for Equality in Universities, signed by the Conference of University Presidents, built after the Lyon 1 Charter, inviting the nomination of an Equality Ofcer in every university 2011: Creation of the CPDE – Permanent Conference of Equality-Diversity Ofcers of French Universities (legally established in 2012) 2010-2012: More Equality Ofcers are being installed (Evry, Lille I, Paris 12, Paris 5...)

Some history (IV) January 2013: First State Charter for Equality in Higher Education, signed by the Minister for Higher Education and Research, the Minister for Women Rights, and the Conferences of University Presidents and of Higher School Directors July 2013: Law for Higher Education and Research : it is compulsory to establish an Equality Ofce in Universities 2014: Decrees following the Law (elections of the university councils, recruitment committees, status of the academic staf)

CPED: Permanent Conference for Equality-Diversity Officers 2011 Creation in Strasbourg: 10 universities attended (out of 17 identifed) - Two to three 2-day meetings a year : Strasbourg, Toulouse, Créteil, Lille, Bordeaux, Rennes, Paris Descartes, La Rochelle, Marseilles - Meeting in Marseilles in May 2014: 57 universities or higher schools, 30 attended - Working group: Recruitment Committees; Usage of the Feminine Gender; Indicators; Sexual Harassment; Gender and Cultural Events

CPED: State Action Plan (I) I - Human Ressources Politics for Professional Equality - Recruitment committees, Gendered statistics in the annual social audit, Help the women in view of their promotions II – Promoting the Culture of Equality - Workshops about Gender (« Gender at Noon », Créteil), Observation of subjects treated in meetings of the Councils

CPED: State Action Plan (II) III- Better articulate research and public politics - Guidelines for non-sexist writing, Guide of courses on gender equality, especially for future teachers, Actions for promoting women scientists or scientifc studies for women (exhibitions, portraits, videos, conferences) IV – Fight against violence towards women - Bureau against sexual harassment (Lille 3, Lille 1), Conferences, Classes for doctoral students, Education sessions for all students (Amiens)

Conclusion - Very Ambitious State Program, « compulsory », But - Very Little Human Ressources and Very Little Funding The Gender Equality Ofcier is very fragile (she or he depends on the governing team of the university)