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the Dictionary will be found in the Klamath-Englislh part. As to orthogra- ...... c Ii a r- g e r, loadl-gauger, sbla'yaksa ...... a, fJe2 tiues, titatam ; frA a short t. mPnilk ...




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rT'Iie preparation of this second part of the D)ictionary of the Klamatl Language has been a mnuchal more arduous task than would at first appear, and therefore I add a few remiarks sup)p)leLnLe11tilg- those introductory to the Klainath-English part of the i)ictionary in order to set forth the principles that guided ine in my work. To be of practical and scientific value, a nl1allUal of this kind should be something more than a inere accuinulation of the ternis corlespollndiii in each language. When several Klanath terms correspond to one English term the reader should be taught which expression mIust be used in one acception of the termn and which in another. This discrimination can be made only after a careful examnination, based upon practical use and etymology, of the real signification of each tern. iBy thus preventing as much as possible the misapplication of terms in usinhg the lantiuage, I have tried to make a fair start toward a sv-nonvymy of tile tongule which I now introduce to the public. In cases of doubt, however, thereIniust be a reference to time word in Part First under which are given the manifold practical applications of the termn. In the following pages the various Klinaatim terms corresponding to one English termn are introdueed by synonyinic and idiomatic English expressions in italics, arranged alphabetically, unless, for soIIe reason, another arrangement was found to l)e desirable. In the case of verbs the equivalents are enumnerated in alphabetic order after the preposition accomn495




panying the verb. Full information on the equivalents of certain English nouns and verbs of wide and general signification can be obtained only by looking up its synonyms; as, for ey, mple, assist: to aid, help, cooperate. bad: abject, mischievous, mean, wicked, wretched. bring: to carry, fetch, haul, transport. It will be observed that in the Klamath, as well as in many other unwritten languages, there are no single equivalents for such abstract English terms as the substantives hope, hurry, love, time, or for the verbs to cause, let, prompt, but there are plrases, locutions, and compound terms by means of which these ideas can l)e expressed with accuracy. Compound English words are noticed only when they correspond to simple Klamath terms. Phrases and sentences when wanting in this part of the Dictionary will be found in the Klamath-Englislh part. As to orthography, accentuation, and pronunciation, the Klamath words are written precisely as in Part First, save in a very few instances where circumstances seemed to make a change desirable. Where differences occur between the two dialects, the Modoc term stands after that of the northern, or Klamath Lake dialect. Names of localities are usually identical in both English and Klamath; therefore a few only-the more important ones-will be found in Part Seeond. The meaning of many of the Klamath topographic names is involved in obscurity. Of persomal names, only those of well-known Indians are recor(led as such; others are inserted according to their ordinary signification, as, for instance, the name J1l6kosh will be found under lap, v. t. T'lle Klamath terms having the initial y-, which is interchangeable with 1-, iy-, are for convenience of reference inserted in Part First immediately after those beginning in i-. In this part, however, the E nglislh y, as well as tell, occupies its usual place in the alphabet. Althoughi many additions have suggested themselves, the author deemed it preferable to restrict himself to the terms given in the KlamathEnglish pmal t. rnle majority of verbs, however, can form derivatives of an inchoative ineaning in -tumpku, or -ieqa, -ega, or completives in -41a, -ida, and other forms, which stu(dents of this language will readily understand when

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conversing with the natives. They will also readily reconstruct the diminutive form in nouns, when not met with in this Dictionary. Since Kilanatli makes no formal distinction between the direct and the the indirect object, which is expressed by our dative case, the terms transitive anid intransitive verb cannot mean the same thing in Klamath that they do in English. English intransitives are sometinmes rendered by Klamath trallSitives, and vice versa. In the Klamath language the transitive verb is governed by its object, a rule which can be comprehended in its full import only by a study of the Grammar. In their prefixes, verbs and their derivatives indicate the form and iumber of the object acted upon, and intransitive verbs the form and number of the subject. Thus it may be seen from the prefix attached to many terms, whether the action or state refers to one or many, or to a long, flat, threadlike, rounld, bulky, erect, animate being or inanimate thing. For the sake of brevity, shape and number could not always be referred to in the following IpCages, hence reference to the section "Prefixes" in the Grammar is necessary. LIST OF PREFIXES.

The most common prefixes, simple and compound, are as follows: aClong-shaped object-in the singular number or collectively. i-, iy-, ylong or animate-generally in the plural. k-, kiact performed laterally, obliquely. ksh-, kslong or animate object-in the singular or collectively, especially when held in the arms. lround, rounded or bulky object or subject. iithin, thread-like or sheet-like object or subject; also refers to what is seen on the horizon. pproprietary prefix; inalienable ownership. p-, pelong, round, or animate object-generally in the plural number. sh-, smedial prefix. shilolbect enveloping the whole body. shinobject round, rounded, bulky, in a medial sense. t-, ta-, te- subject or object standing erect-singular number. tell-, tssubject or object a liquid, as water, etc. a-, vulong or animate subject, or direct and indirect object standing or being above. 32






The abbreviations used are those of Part First, and only a few new ones req~uire explanation here: Coil,. collective objects; collectively. du. (with verb intransitive) referring- to two, tluee, or, at tile utmost, 110 ex. eq.

four subjects only. no exact e(Inivalellt.

1)1. (with verb intransitive) referr1ing" to- a plurality Of Sttbjects. 1)1. (with verb transitive) referring, to more than oiie object. S.




v. caus.

causative verb.

v. i. v. t.

intransitive verb.

transitive verb.

A. a b a n d o i, v. t., hIuslilfndslia du. tuslilindslia, pl. tilindsha; a. maliciously or not klewidslina;


from a., p'laiknii; coating from a., p'laitalklli, plaitalAntni, ttt'slini; the one, those a., p'ldrtanknii; who, what

away, inan. obj., pd)tedsbla; anini. or inan. Iedslia, kMlshna; leave

is (high) a., p'lalkni, p'laftani. Cf. hapa. behind, tulfiia; run awayfroin, gft'- a b o v e, prep., p)'laitana, p'ldntant, shka, guikaka; to be abaniloned, but mostly expressed by pre- and straying, 161alxa; cf. stray, v. suffixes; to stand or be a. others, or aabdou 1)d o mn en, e n , nka'sh. a. the one speaking, tkalamna, du. nkah abd auc t, v. t., one anini. obj., slplftXai lia'lamna, pl. lhulamnia. to carry away on one's arms, kshrl6a, a b) r at p t, steep lalatko, m'laikstni; to be a., steep, LIla. r i p t 1 y, adv., referring to slopes, M'laf. a. in character, a b s e n c e; in the a. qf kelianta, loc.

ksliukdtkal. Cf. abstract, kidnap. a b li o r , v. t., mtt'tclika, sniuitcha, sln6kakia. a b j e c t, kI'-idshi;


kilidshi stefnash, tclh'kalsh, pdpaof kdliak. lish. Cf. bad, mischievous. ab s e n t, gone, niig; to be a., ki'gi; a 1)I e, t o b e; usually expressed by to be a. again, kd'gipole. the particles ak, ak a, akAi, ka; not a b st r a c t , v. t., animn. and long ol., to be able, kesliga, tchlna, or the tnmeshka, pl. yinieshka; filch, ant6particles Ak kl-i, kd-i aka.

Cf. un-


steal, p~illa;

a. again, re-

able, to be. peatedly, pa'lapele; abstracted,filchcd a b o Lit, (1) prep., expressed- by the object, anulipkniish. Cf. abduct. case-suffixes -ti, -tat. (2) adv.; cf: absurdly, hun-a'shak. around, near. abusively, huna'shiak a 1)ove, adv.,

tU~, tut; at a distance a b y s s, gintvish.

a., tut; lit, mostly in the suffixed accelerated, kIllitko. form: -ui, a. tkere; a., up there, a c ci dent a 11 y, hunmi'slbak; to find high up, lItu, p'lai, l)'laitala; a., on a., gc'wal; ndakal, pl. itkal; one who finds a., i-Atklish. the top oJ; p1'lntant; acting, doing 499



a c c o m p a n y, v. t., sha-ulanka, dsha, cf ford, v. What goes a. a shawalina'a; a. on a trip, travel, solid body from end to end, tunsha-ulankanka; to some distance, sXantko. Usually expressed by sha-ulaintcha, sha-ulaintchla; a. in verbal suffixes. a chorus, shuinAla. act, v.t., and v. i., to do, gi, cf. gi(5); *accompIlice; to be an a., pekalui. to make, achieve, shblta; a. so, in this a c c o u n t, relation given of a fact, manner, huniasht gi; na-asht gi, shashapkelash; to give an a., shaMod. ne-asht gi; a. thus, in such a shapkelIa; on that a., hlumasht manner, o-6akgi; having acted thus, hiumasht giulank, Mod. h. giuglug, hu'masht gislit, htlnkanti, lan; acting on one's own -iripulse, hunkantcha'; person of no a., kafshepelpeLttko. tua shayuaksh. a ccurn u late, v. t., shiu'lka, shiui'lki, a c t of doing something; is expressed by the verbal in -ish, cf. l6luidshish, Mod. hushto'lki; a. in a stack, pile, lulalkish. sh6palxa. Cf. gather, v. t., heap a c t i o n, in war, shellualsh, shish6up, v. kish. accCu m u l a t i o n of hard material, akuash; of snow, k6knish; place of active; to be a., to move about, sliwina. a., shii^'lkish; to form a., liwa, liwA- a c t o r, _a'kl'kish. actually, at, apoc.a.; ata; ha-i, 1-i; la, lIupka. Cf. crowd, heap. accustomed to, gelxatko; to be| atutu, atiu, Mod. Atu, Atui, Atui t0. Cf now, presently. a. to, nftu; gilxatko gi. Cf. habit, habitual. Adam's apple, laggalagash, wakalwakalsh; sxutkanu'tkish lakish. a c 1h e, v. i., kahaha, kaik~tya. a c h i e v e, v. t., vu'na; a. by work- a d d, v. t., ndta, n6tna. ing, shb'ita, shotel6la. a d d i t i o n; in a. to, tchkash; tcbi'sh, a c knowledge, v. t., shaynakta. ndtnnk; afterwards, gintak. a c o r n, and a. seed of the white oak, address, v. t., to speak to, hUniht'dsha; a. of the black oak, kli'sh. kanka, hem'ta, shapiya. acquai nted, shllyuaksh; to be a. address, s., hemkaiiksh; a. previously delivered, hcmnikankitish. with, shayuakta. a c r i d, mbf'kamnnatko, ka-a ma- ad h ere to, v. i., to hany on, l6vilta, shetko, tchmniyufiatko; to be a., d. l'uluta; to stick to, to be adhesive, gintana; guita. tchmiuya. a cross, prep., on the other side of, gu- a d h1 e s i v e, adhering to, gintanAtko. nigslhtant, guinitana; when nearer: a d j o i n, v. t, to add, ne'ta, netna. ge'kshta, gdtant; a. a river, lake, admini ster, v. t., to rule, dispose, tfi'gshtanta; to go a., glikua, kak6'nu-ulxa; to superintend, shualaii


Ampka, hashtaltAmpka; a. help in sickness, tchtita, tchultena; said of conjurers only, yA-uka; to commence to a., ne-ulakiega. a (Imini stration , netno'lxish. a d n i n i s t r a t o r, shuashulaliamp]islh; laki. a ( nirable, mci tidshi. a

I it; a. person,


male a., a.

man, hifshuakslh, Mod. hishuAtchZash; warrior, sheshal6lish; a. girl, shiiwf'ga; a. female, shnAwedsh.

a d v a n c e, v. t., one's head, elka, ei'kana; one's fingers, sp'lslhna, spelsha. Cf put out, under: put, v.

a d v a n c e, v. i., to go before, aheadi of


a f f r a y , shishu'kash; to have an a., shutka; siss6ka, d. of shinga. afloat; to be a., ef. drift, float, v. afraid of, vuislish; to be a. of, yayakia, shinamshta, vulsha; to tremble through being a. of liulfwa. Cf. frighten. a f t, adv. loc., tapi. after, adv.; some time a., ma'ntc-l g'tko; mci'ntchak=gitko; one, two days a., wait6lan, L'tperi wait6lank. a f t e r, prep., tapitana; frequently expressed byverbal suffixes: a. this, a. that time, gintak, netnak, at pii'n,

tchiui pen, tchu'i tchdi (tche); tche~'k; tchi'teh; a. some time, a. a while, Uin-

tchek, undshe'k tcih6'k; a. acting thus, hi'imasht gfulank; one who remains a. another, tapitankni. ries, Ntwa; to project, long sitbj., after, eonj., ta'nkt; at, apoe. a.; at tOipka. a d v i s e, v. t., often expressed by a; tehl'ii. The pluperfect tense is usually introduced by means of the suffixes of causative verbs: a. the particle at. to help oneself to, v. caus., aniga. after-birtlI, genali; k'lekila. a f a r. Cf. far. aft e r n o o n, pshekshltgiula, shea f f e c t e d, steinslhaltko. a f f e c t i o n; having sensitive, moral wat~t'tlashl. afterwards, (1) adv., g-intak; affections, steinshaltko. some time a., mr'ntch=gitko, mai'na f f i rm, v. t., shlwala. tchak=gitko; shortly a., taInktak; a f f1 i c t e d, in a miserable condition, untche'k, Mod. tehe'ksla; long a., ya.nhduini; yuyAlkish; yuyallkislima'ntch gintak. (2) conj., after ptchi; to be a., shdshana, shunulyta; that, hereupon, connecting sento be a. by bereavement, shlamia; hI'tka; to be a. mentally, steinash tences: tankt; tapi, tapitana; tche'k, tche'ksh, tcha; at, apoc. mai'sha; to be a. with disease,mdsisha, a., k'lewiank; tchuii, tchulyuk, shila. tchL'iyunk. a f f1 u e n t, s., sheno'tkatko. a f f o r d, v., t.; a. mutual help, hasha- a g a i n, adv., ple'n, penak; also expressed by the suffix -pdi, -pele, tunya. Cf. give, v. others, gayaya, gay4l-idsha; a. im front file, ii-itclna; a., as promnonto-

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ing with, adverbially expressed, natasht, shtihank, shuliank-shitko. a g a i n s t, prep).; expressed by ver- a g r e e a b I e, tidshi; a. to the taste, bal affixes, or case-suffixes; a. each as a flavor, l'likiyatko. agr eemenit, shutAnkish; to conother, shipapdinkstant. A g-'aw e s li, nomn. pr. of a Modoc clude an a., shlitanka. settlement on Lower Klamatl agricultural; a. land, kiiila= shiu'tesb, ne-*sh; a. planting ground, Lake, Cal.: Ag-Awesli. ag-e; prior, first in a., txe-u; second in Ih!1shuash. a., tapini; cominq in a. righlt after ahl! olle! o, o'. another, tapinkani; lasting for ages, a Ihe a d; straiqlht a., tAlaak, ti~la; gitala; standing a. ifi age, time, tchfishmnni. Cf. bent. rank, tXZ'-ll; to go or be a. of others, a-g c d 1)erson, t'shika, k'mutch(wat-p'lI; when used as additive conj., netn~tk; tchbli, tch'lyunk.

lamlncdslla, tamni'Idsha. ko; a. male, k'mutceli'ttko; a.female, wele'kasli; to become a., t'shika. Cf. a i in; to take a., hlya, layipka; shtiold. awidshlna. a g e n c y; locality and buildings of a. a i r; no ex. eq.: up in the a., p'lai, p'lalon an Indiani reservation: agency; tala; to emit a., wika, shhlewi; to fill pertainin~g to an a., agenci'mi. with a., pn tiwa; to be fitl of a., windl, a g e n t of an Indian reservation, sA pith; to puff a. out, pinlukshla; to shmashulaliatnpkish laid, shluashlput on airs, .suvagfger, s1alkilci-a, shunlaliAmp)kish, laki. tAkta. Cf. blow, v., pass through. a g g 1om e r a t i o n of debris, 'kuas]h; A i s i i s Ii; nom. p1. of a deity of the Klamatlh Lake alud Modoc l)eol)e, cl: accumulation, heap. a g g r i e v e d, yiudlkish; to look a., Aishish; "OldAishish," Atsliiai teli. like one bereaved, shliinmiia; to feel a I i e n , wvennikni, atflifki. a li k e, a(lv., shithiiank, shllth'ank= a., shuunnlyua, lAtka. Cf. afflicted. a g i t a t e d; to be a., waters, IkAn; Shlt](O. violently, lkapAta. a'

a short or longr time a., nia, itna; a while a., nia, i'na'; a short while a., te'-in, te-intaks nma, tAnkak; long a., 0r;


a Ii k e t o, adj.; resemblances seen, heard, tasted, etc., are expresse(i 1)y

CA'na gin, nmli ; mat'nteh-

gitko; tArlkitak, tlink; done long a., mali telhlli, t 'inkni, tA i i ak. agree, v.i.; a. with, hunuislht gi, n1a'asht gi, Mod. nah(ltgi; to assewnt, A shew-lula; toconsent, shi-ilia ; a(grpe-

suffix -ptcli, -mtcli, and by=shttko, -shftk a 1 )1 )en(led: a. to this, iil'itchli: a. to that, gcemlnptchli, shultlankptcllii a. to men, persons, niAklakstshitko;

to be a. to, yada; cf. ia ; to be or look, a. in featurros, tuI1na. Ii k w .a, or Ytirok Inflian, 1rom. pr. Skatcelpa.ltkni.

against-and. al, nalnuk; a. things, imnuktua. allege, v. t., shapa; "as alleged," "as reported": mat, if referring to facts only; nen, if referring to sayings. a 11 i a n ce ; to form a., shitchia, slhitchhlala; to be in a. of war, thiinta, tehilla. a 11 i g a t o r, mniklaks=papi'sh. a II o W , V. t., W&ula, witchta; a. to somebody, wewalta; a., agree to, slhew4-ula; not to a., lewe-ula. a I r i g h t ! that's well! i-i tidsh! allure, v. t., shnapnmpemna, Mod. shnepetmpema. Cf. coax, v. a 11 y, shawalineasli, Mod. sbiftcllip a

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a 1o

S t,


n e, tdalt; belonging to me a.,


ttala Sometimes expresse(l by ak (No. 2), abbr.: 1kic, ht'k; a., Sla(ndineg a., when referring to the verb of the sentence, nit'dshiak; solcly, only, but, referring to a noun, pila. aI Io° 1 WI thl, tChi'shI, tchk6aslh; tt'ila. al n g S i d e o f, alon/q the brink of; vulalina; verbal and nominial sutfix -tana. a I o nd, d k'l, kilank; to sing a., kIlank shuina; to halloo, cry a., nde'nnl; to wefp a., stuitxislhla; to speak a. in priblic, Aimnadsha. al r e a d(y, ktutu, Mod. c'tu. a 1 s o , together with, tula; tchi'sh, connecting coordinate nouns only; adv. temp., tchkAish, q. v. alt e r, v. t.; a. the voice, ku-a'nkuana; as boys dIo, wAkena. although, gintak; -tak, -taks, -toks.


altercation; to start an a., lishtchliktna, hushtlina, shukfkshlea. al w a y s, tcht'ishak; adj. used adverbially, tchl-'slni.i tchfl'shniak. ambling horse, wilitgish. ambulance-bed, skt1'lhash pet. a m b u sh, no ex. eq.; to lie, hide in a, sing. and pl. of subj., Ihishualla, pl. 1iuktya; shuillpka, pl. wiw>inlpka; to hide in a. for wvatching, w'lxa; to place oneself in a., kin'ikIxa, wll~a.

A m e r i c a n , s. and adj., B6sshtin. 136shtin makliaks, ')llpali-tchi'lleks. 6 a In i d, between, i-utAtnsxa; tA4Xlam, Mod. tza'laim. Cf among, between. a m o n g, i-utAnimsxa; i-ukak; when on same level, tz~llam, KI. tAtxelam; being, sitting, standing, etc. a., amnid, tZAlamni, KI. tatZ61anmi; a. each other, shipapdlankstant; a. the hills, mountains, i' a, i-ukak. amount; to what a.? tAnk? tAnni ? to that a., tAnni. amuse, v. t., oneself at, le-una, lwa; kIA-ika; a. by jests or tricks, slmnandshma-a, sheshleile'a. a n a I f i n, shiuidshaslhksAksin kfdshash. a n c e s t o r s, mnt'ntchni mraklaks, tankni miAklaks. a n c e s t r a 1, ma'ntchni, t.nkni; wheen said of mythologic beings, genii, etc., amtehiksh, abbr. -amtch a n c i e n t, same as ancestral, q. v. a n d, no ex. eq ; connecting co~irdinate nouns, tchi'sh; often not expressed at all. Connecting coirdi-

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nate sentences, tchu'i, tchuyuk, (ini sight) tchl'lyunk, (out of sight of the one speaking); at pe'n; in numerals pe'n; a. if, a. when, but if, hii'tchui, hi'tch, ha'ts. a n e w, pe'n, p6nak, or expressed by verbal suffix -pole, -peli. angelica, puldsho, q. v. an g I e, s. shtchakaliatpish; having angles cut out, stu'kshaltko; to form an a., shtcliaklilka. a n g l e, v. t., shuewa, cf. kndwa; a. habitually, shue6-utka; to go angling, shu&udsha; to return from angling, shud-utka; angling line, shue-ush. a n g r y , kil6sh, tcha'kalsh, shawigatko; to be a., kila, shitchatka, tcWakela; to be or become a., kilua, shawiga; to be a. at somebody or something, hishtclaliktna, shitchi'ktna, hushtlina; to become a. at each other,

a n n o y, v. t., slmnumaitchka. annular, kalkali. an o t h e r, a. one, na'dsh, nayensh; at a. place, welftana; to a. place, wenni; at, on, or to a. place, na'dshash. Cf. other. answer, s.; to give an a. or answers,

vuIlxa, kedsha. ant, kim-a'dsh; black a., lukam kima'dsh; a.-hill, kima'dsliam yaila-

aga, kiina'dsham sbulti'lkish. antecedent, in space or time, lupini; in time, age, rank, tX&u. a n t e 1o p e, Antilocapra americana, tche-u; young a. wi'hla, dim. wi'blaga; " Old Antelope", a mythic animal, Tche'wamtch. a ll ti CS lushuatxaslh; to perform one's antics, shesbgx'la. a n t i q u e, ma'ntclmni, tAnkni. a n t I e r, t6ke, din. tnkioga; provided with antlers, IZdwaltko. hlislitchlckta, hishtchlcktna. animal, no generic term; a. hunted, a n u s , kilit, kfu; vent of animals, game, if a quadruped, ] flhanksh. kilit? tsa'-i. Cf. Texts, p. 145. a n v i 1, wi-ul6tkish. a n k 1 e, pdtcham n" walslh; to let a a n y, anyblody, a one, kani; anythinq, tu.S; in the sense of everything, garment or blanket reach the ankles, nanuk tua, n4nuktna. u'hlfitua. a n n i h i l a t e by breaking, tdkua; a p a r t; to place the legs a., sk6ka, ptclika, bushp i'tXa; to sit with leqs kdwa, pl. nguildsha, pekewa; a. almost, partly, shne-uyalca; a. by presa., shkdktlexia; to hold the legs a. sure, ndshapka. putchkanka. Cf. divide, v. a•n n o u n c e, v. t., shapIya; stilta, a p a r t m e n t, in lodge, shi'lltish; a. stfltpa; tpewa; a., as a messenger in house, shalatchg-Apslitisli. does, stfltchka; to go and a., stil- aperture, orifice: kilit; gintchxish, gintZish; as of a bottle, inkstand, tchna. gUinantko; of ear, nose, metchish; announcement, stiltish; tp&a. in the ground, sti'i, dim. stawash.



Aga; a. for going out or in, gekdin- app r oach, v. i.; a. close to, gakikish, gutekuish; a., cleft, ndsTalish; ainma; a. closely while running, hlmlas a keyhole, miet'hli; a. on lodqe tampka, du. tu'shtampka, pl. tintop, smoke-hole, ginZish; a. scratched tampka; a., go over towards, gok'tta; out, ibekantko; a., thoroughfare,gina. in a hostile or friendly intention, sxish; a. of a tube or of the bowels, galdsh twia, g'tldshui; a. on the sly, kilit, cf ginka; a. made bypiercing, garlta, hushuitanka; a. setting time punching, shdkish; a. made by light(sun, moon), tinolena; a. to, in the ning, nute'ks; to close an a., yankasense of touching, genuila; a. by the pshti; to place into an a., yank.1ipshti. trail, road, sh,'tkatla. apex, wi'hla, wflhashlash; of a con- appropriate, shipatch ; at 17l ical body, tree, Ifthpa. Cf. point. a. time, tcH-etak; a. for working, a p p a r a t u s; expressed by the sufshu'tesh. fix -6tkish, contr. -'tch, -u'tch; a. A p r i 1; inaccurately rendered by for making fire, shlikuy6tkisli; a.for kaptchelam shlinc'tktish, v. measuring, skilul~otkisli; a. for a p r o n, shikpiiiyash ; large whole shooting, bow and arrows, t'tldshi, a. buttoned on back, heslhlaklaslh; nt6-ish. Cf. implement, tool. skin a., small a., s~inia-isli. a p p e a r, v. t., heshla; a. as, ne'pka; A r a or Kdrok Indian, nom. pl.; a. first, said of daylight only, niSkatchpallkni. lakla; appearing as, -ptchi, =shltko. a r g u e , v. t., shempeta, hasltmt'ltala. Cft alike to. Cf. dispute, v. ap)pellation, sheshash; a r is e, v. i., hu'tkala, du. tlishtkala, a p p e t i t e; tia'mish ; to satisfy one's pl. tintkala; a., as fog, smoke, luyea., shlolhta, a'-una. ga; a. from sleep, p.ttkal, patkala p p I e , ii'plesh. peli; a. when sitting, tgai-ulexa, a p p 1e - t r e e , ii'p'lsam anku, ellipt. tg 6 lxa, pl. lual6'lxa; a. suddenly, .i'p'lsam. hutkalslina. a p 1 y , v. t.; a. over, Ildsxa, nedsxa, a r mi, of human body, we'k; on the idsca; what is applied, rubbed to the arms, wektat; an armful, we'k stlibody-surface, shatelakish. ni; to balance on one's arms, shi,'tkapp))ortion, v. t., she-a'ta. shiaga; to beckon with one's a., a p p r e c i at e, v. t., stInta, witchna. nikanka, nepatka shahanluya; to a p p r i s e, v. t., teach, hashiulga ; to carry under one's a., shaktila; to report to, inform, stiltpa, hishltc'lta; carry, hold on one's arms, lon(g obj., apprised qf, shiiyuaksh; to be apkshe'na, kshllyarnna; to carry off, prised of, shllymiakta, 1-lume na. Cf. abJout, in the arms, ksulkilitkal; unannounce, v. der one's a. or arms, shayantildslia;



to carry, hold under one's a., arms, gatpankshka; a. at the camp, lodge shAltila; something long, shutila; gatpamna; a. and depart, gatpant'to lean on one a., kiapka; to put the la; a. home, geluipka, gempele; a. a. out of, extend it, nIka wii'k, or on horseback, hush6tpa; a. at the top in'ka, nikuilka; to put under one's of an eminence, ga'ixi; a. by the trail, a. or arms, shayantIla; to go about road, shalkatla; a. while traveling in with something under one's a., shathe distance, glitkapsha; a. with yantildsha. somebody or something, gatpen6ta. arrow; hunting a. with wooden point, a r m 1 e t, small arm, wdka-a. a r m o r, made of doubled -np (elk-) tdildshi, dim. taldshiaga: war-a., skins, kakn6lsh; to be dressed in with stone point, nge-ish,44lak; to such an a., kakn6la; man arrayed shoot arrows, nge-isha; arrows at, with the kaknolsh, kt'anai, yantani; coming fiont' b., bei~ng leccp )., inunatallknii; to le, lie b., ittila; be, sit, lie, stay li., tchutila, pl. ) e r ea v e m e nt; to sufer b., tchakl6xa, lititila, wawatlia; be, exist, sit, lie b., _'lek ila. Cf. bereaved, lose, v. said of round ob;., lutfla; to bring b e r r y , iwam, lutish; a species of firo11 b., y'ina;

to put b , utilaT to

b., kdlaltchl; deadly berries, kla-

.stand b., tgutila, pl. levutila; to kUi'tch \!a'-uks; b.-paste mixed with tand(l 1).the one speaking, tliya. camass, shlikalsh; to gather berries, 1)e I t; skin b., kailish ; to put a b. on, sta-ila, habitually, I-nmala; to return kaIli. fronm b. harvest, i-uimaltka. 1) e inc It, tchAwalkish. besmear, v. t., kakndga, or kaknega b e it d , v. t. ; b. backward or downshlli57

ni; e.-water, tear, keImasl; white

e x t r a v a g antI V ; to act, to behave

e., kAi-ika, kfi'la, sliesbi6'la;

f a II



minteb; e.-lid, shkaipshtehiili'liksh;

upper e.-licl, slehlaltiash, or bilpam shlhialuash; lower, lllp)am yvaintanl- e y)r i e



F. fa b 1 e,

fabulous story, shashapk6- fa i n


v. i., pemptki, tcih6ktanna.

leash ; narratorof such, sblasba)ke- fa i r, adj., f-haire-d, niknilkli ; f, in the sense of beautiful, tidshi, 16-ishi. afShis]hitchi. fa c e, tdlish; provided with, having ftilly, kiittlk. such a ?(, tOlaiitko; to look into a taiti ndt:,-uli, pl. weto; nd(ev. i., to 1pcrson's f, talp)Atko, talplik)ka; Wv-i,inan. hetta.; Almn. shnint(Al;I see, recognize someebody's f from a f acci(lentally, ilan. g 1/ta; f: afsdistancc, telItankpka; to scrattch the f, telfilapka; to trurn the fi ulpards, der in two, sleowAt/a; f doaeCi, ndc-uli, pl. vot(Ali ; Vi/li to topple tiiuala; to make faces, ni(slhlonfdover, IIdwa; to drol), as Ieaves, h('tshma, slinasim'tia mnaking faces, Za;f, technical termni g-amies, kshadistorting the features, kowitivina; f: down from a height, n(m'watko. Cf. paint, wvash, v. ut/i, v4i'txi; a small distance, nidefl d e o u t, v i., kn:ikoltg:ti; towithher, 1tlhia; f down obliquely, nde-utnkif'la. kuela, p)1. Avtikula; f: (lown byt a iII 1 adv.; sometimes expressed by becoiin- detached, ndc-ushka; J: kann, kninl, q v.






down, as rain, tislhka; as water in a clown, drip, as eascade, nt'itki; f liquids, kiuliga, tiul6la, tilka; f (town a hill, nde-ukuea, pl. wetku('la; again, ndle-uklueblipli; f: i with, gAwal; again, gawilp6k1i; f into, hinua jf into the water, ndeWa, pl. tinua; to Come near falliny into the water, ndldwakslka; f near, between, or on, inan. hinslixa; f to pieces, as mold, te-utewa; f from. a sitting pOsitiOfl, iidc'wanka; f from an apright position while going, standing, nd6-ulxa; f in quantities, r in, liquids, kit'loka; f: sick, sIht'laka, shilLlla; f while stamblihqj, iidsiikl~a; f with noise, roar, tivi, iftnna; f under sometihin-, i-utiila, imintila; f upon, on, aumin. vt ;', ijant. hfnua; upon the grou dc,vfiit'ti, i ana.hlinui;fallcn tree, linmpo(ks5; to let f, heslhka, kt'la; shnintoi'l~a, slnint6la; to letf in the sense of


long obj., s~lnikta

the time being, sta-ota; to look


pdhmalka Cf. ravenous. ta n, s., shiulopkoltkislh, Mod. shiuloksls6tkish. fa n,

v. t., shiulina, shiulapk6tkish-

tka shuiilxa, uli-ukshla. f a n g, of bird, shte'kshm; of beetle or other insect, naishl'tkgisl; t6ke, dirn. tukid'ga.

far, adj., atini, abbr. fitti. f a r, far off, adv. ati, hti, -u, kft ]t'li, tit, t'mslh; f away, tP'talis att; f. from house, camp, ki'datg, i'wa; f out there, tUsh; not f off, tehlnta, wigaak, wvka; as f as, pa1ni; b1y f:, atf; comnuq from afar, klikiiki, atikiii. fa rme ell; to bidf, slh(ka. faarmin, lidslumaslh, kiUila; if tilled, plotldied~, kdiila- shltteshl


fa 1' t l e r, p1(lni; iwtit; p) thtan, p'laitamia. C(f further. fast, v. i., st'wa, sta-6ta. f a s t, ad; , swfJt, killitko; to be(f at rUnnioll', ridin-, ete., kilni f horse, tidshi wAtch. f a s t , adv., swiftly, kL'l, kdlank; pnlak, Mod. pdak; palaknidlaink; very fi, p'taknk; to run f, killikaiika; k1'I, or killank gena or lhUdslina; kshiLii-

to let f on, upon, ke'ltania; into the water, shnindldwa, ktW]xa; on tlle (1701111(d shuni to'tXi; liquids, iwaka; to Iclt oncself'f into the water, ktWla. fa11 of the year; ef. autumn. ta-ki, hikl'] kcsil'tkci. t'a I s e 1 y , hunm-i'sliak, kfI-i kUttak. fa in i v of children, wewe'asl; f', f a s t e n , v. t.; f Onl something, staikda; as strings, etc., stuf'nta; f at relatives included, slm'da.

f l o w er, s., I-ushani, more frequtently d. ]el'-uslham f budding or juist opened out, sliilpsli.

flat - i ron -fol



f lowe r , v. i. ; to produce flowers, fo a rn , v. i., sh6kiinka. shalia ; flowering, shliipshaltlko. f o d der, as oats, etc , lhishpkish. fI ittter, v. i., vtiya; nefna, ninia; fo e, enemy, shish6kish. .t: around, li'Intchna, shnayena, fog, luash; f.-maker, -producer, 14kslh'kanslha; f when on ground or malaks; gray asf, liashiptclii; the ini tie water, KI. n 'na, Mod. sline'f goes down, lMash Itt'IZa,, Miash dshla f, when said of many birds, 1t'txi; there is a f, Ilia; the f is insects, etc., gathered at a certain thick, ka-'t lIa; to make f at will, sl)ot, wAi. Cf. flap, fly, v. Iuhmalxa; to produce ground-f, te11 y, 'V. i., generie, hilintclina; mola. m1?ove about in one l)lce, medium, foggy; it isf, lua. pl. of subj.: wv4; f after, shuwv'lt- fol d, crease, pakalaksh, spagalaks]1; ktcha; f around, about, away, h'infold, adj., in: threefold, ndd'iiash tchna; f., flutter around, kshdkanp1'kalaksh, etc. sha, shnavena; f: away, up, shitcha; f o 1d u p, v. t., spdgalxa f to distant parts, shluwA'ltktcha, folk l ore, shashapk61-ash; erx"Iiytntcha; f back7 or home, hunpounder off, shashapkOl6-islh. tclhamlipli, shitch't/epele; f, rush fo l k s, miklaks; pshe-utfwash. down upon, hulntakia ; in a winding f o Il o w, v. t; f, march behind, gafliqht, kitchco'tki; to be flying, prosh'ktchna; f, be next in order, jectiles, yuldslha; f habitually, retilpeluii; f in a file, g'ldampagp, peatedl/y, li'inkanka; f high above kinslhakshna; f close to, shiAlamnil; the ground, shuwf'lka; f near the f, pursue, in the sense of drifting (/round, hulla; f on, ulponr, toafter, Illdamna; f and catch up with, war(ls, 1hunktya; towards the one 1)eno'dslia; f or hunt in pursuit, s})eakillg, h1inntchlil)ka; f off into gashAktchna; f up, hunt, laitchlna; distance, round )o(lies, nith(slhna; f up, hunt, with a hostile intention, f in a straifht line, hitlrtchlna; in kh4-ilia; f up, hunt for expelling, serpentine, winding lines, kakidslia; kptlaktcha, kpu'tcha; f 'up towards, f slimmxing the waves, while half in slitidshiipka; f 'Up closely, shulithe water, hft'nua; f skyward, t'nka; f pell-mell, genaslia; f nuwvilla. steadily, shu'kanka; f through the fly, 1nt'nk, dim. mfAnkaga; f -bug, air, shuwaltktcha; " as fbllows," I)robably an Atenchus - 1s1ecies of ke, nt-asht, Mod. kie, ne-aslht. b)eetle, shlki'slhkish. f o I I o w e r, shawalineaslh, Mod. shifoal, v. t., hlda-a. tchlip. f o a m of waCter, waves, n di-/kalsli, fo l o win g, adj., tapini; a(1v. tapi; shx'ktunkslh. f in time, tapini, adv. tapi: f qfter,

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in sp)ace, tul)ehlish; .t, in the sense 1 f o o t p r i n t, knhelsh ; to leave footprints, ko-ena,. of the next one, the other on', na'dsh, f o o t r a c e, silakatpeampelegish; to na'sh, nr'vlensh. take part in a J:, shilina. Cf. race, f'o n d; to be f: of, shana-uili, wvftclna; of a person, stinta, witclhta; to bef7 S. and v. f o r, in the interest of, is frequently of each other, hislitilnta. expressed synthetically by the verf o n t a n e 1 of children, wewash. bal suffix - a, e Dgn 6 -ulxa, to give f'o o d, pAThs; Chiin. J.: mi'tkamutk; orders; ne-ulzia, to give orders for, to gather f for winter, palshla; to give f, liashlpa; to han(l over, ten7der thef, in the intcrest of 'somebodv. If for stands for the dative case, it is hiashpa; to take f, eat, pAn, pa-ula. often expresse(l by the objective kt-ika, k-i'li. f. around, o 1, v. i ; fo case in -ash ; f oneself, -gianggin; f o 0 1 , v. t., slinapemgpema, Mod. slinep6mpena. (Cf. (leceive, v. ,f rnyself, nutaghinggi; f yourself, itakianki, etc. fo o I i s h, le'talani, tchawikatkofMod. keliak kxlpash; to act in a f man- fo r ) i d I v.t., lew6-ula. forc e s., killitko, litchlitchli. ner, kt-ika, kVla. f o o l i s h I y , hin-a'shak; acting f, f orce, v. t, is generallyexpressed by the causative affixes of verbs: e. g. kU-ikash. sihnikshlu'l];an, f to dance, to miake fo o t, pe'tclh, dim. petchl-ga; both dance, from kshlii'la, to dance; f. to feet, lhpok p6'tcli; f of deer, horse, or ruminant, k'ldishinksh, dim. kutfo, Ihnslifiiktgi ; f through, stLtLndshli'nkshika; provided with a f., pVshna; f: out of house, etc., ktiugra; f out of'fir somebody, ktiugia; f tchaltko, dim. petchdkaltko; ball of ope)n, ktiugit'la; f out of, mian. obj., the f, stAklinsli; f-ball, sliiktdkatnsh5i1p)o'cdsha; f liquids into, tilla. ksh; f-log, sxuf'tchgusih; f-step, fprint, kneish; to hold the feet apart fo r c ib1) , kI'l, kIillakIl, 1 IkIAta ; to an(i to move them quickly, ptutchkantltllf, kilh'tana. ka; to hurt one's f, kuatilZa; topart f o r dc,s., kak6'kishi; wading f, p '0the feet, plitchka, husi'txa; to put out thefeet, spila pe'tch, spiika; to f o r d , v. t., a river, etc., while travstep on one's onin f, sliuhAtchia; to eling, kako'dsia; f: on foot, pAnkua; let a garmient reach the feet, ankles, f on horseback, haslhp'rkna; f on ui']l'itua; to stand on one's feet, tgoAta wagon, stilankua; fording place, alea, t-'lxa, pl. of subj. lhalo'lxa; kak6'kisli. Cf. cross, v. to touch w.vith the feet, p])tCetna, ptL- f o r e a r m , shilApshkish, KI. slluipshaksh; f with hand, ne'p. telita f o r e e n d of boat, canoe, pfash f o o t hi i I I, katokiwashi.

fo n d-fragament.

5437 56)7

fo r e g o i n g, former, mi'ntchni, or ma'ntchni mo klaks; f location of t.'nkni; the vowel -n- in the noma lodge, shlok6pasli. Cf. ancestral, inal suffix -nish also p)oints to the early, foregoing, past. for m e r l y, tAnk, tanktak. p)ast. Cf txe-u. fore head, lalki. fornicator, shesht6lkisli, shishnish. f o r e i g n, wennini, atikni; to becomie Fort Klamath, non1. loc.; 1-ukak.

f, wenniala. f o r t i f y ; f. oneself by exercise, shpott. fo r e i n e r, atikni, wennflni, w'en- fort u ito u sly, hun-a'shak. fo r t u n ate; i-Atklish, tidsh tinf o r e I e g, lupItni p6'tch. f o r e n o o n; it is f, simpash a tinie'kska. fto r e s t of timber, anku; fi with bushes, underbrush, gatchdl-ko. foretell, V. t.; f a violent death, tZO'tZ a. fo r e t o o t h, tatOIel.mni tuit, shokotantko tu't. f o r e v e r, tcihuslak; adij. used ad-


f o r t y, viinepni tc-unel). fo n r, viinep, v!'lnepni; f times, vitIneplni; f-cornered, f-edyed, kinkittko. f o u r t e e n, te-unepaInta vuinep, adding: l)e-ula, lfklatko, etc. f o ii r t 11; one f part, vunipa shektatQatko; f finger, cf. finger. fo w 1, in the sense of bird, tehikass; term for most water-fowls. mii'm~ikli. verbially: tchilisini, tchlnt'shniak. fo x; red f, silver f, Urocyon cinefo r e w a r n , v. t., lewe-lnla. reo-argenteus, wi'in; other names: forge t, v. t., yamntki f o r k, s.; larqe or pitch-f., kiuriaioheilhei, kenkatilatuasl, kenkapsihaili, il~aunbliwasih; yog of 1( tkcishl; table-f., slikta, sl]Ikxiti7Ftchl; to lift p with a f, klutka. f, wantAka. wv"nam Nvewash ; yoitnq form, v. t., to give shape, sihf'tta; f male f, hikiao' xVII ; little yray f,/ a circle around, hashlimpka ; when species of Urocyon: k'tehjkatchi slin-builttf, Vulpes velox, wNvshpamoving, gaki'ma; f circles, rings in the water, tchelewa; f a company, laksh4; f-hound, mf'minish wvawalsociety, crowd, bevy, shiukfi'lki; f kaslh gitko watchiAga. conWflaence, shutandnlnka; f a cross, fr a c t i r e, v. t., kWwa, pl. ng('Ildsha, shuelita, shenok'la; f a body, sheet ngY' nislhka; f one's own I iebs, of water, telilwa; formed in this tche'wa; to remove through itactur-

iny, ngal-islhka; to be fractured, ho l low things, paka; fractured, pofo r m a t ion; slaty or schistous rock-f, lalhwash; eruptiref, tcheltchlish. katko, ke'watko. Cf. break, v. fo r m e r; f illafqe, lodge, encamp- f r a ogin e n t; broken f, as of 1)ottery, ment, tclhiwish f yeneralion, thnkni inbd,kiish. nmode, alike, genm ptchi, hU'intchi.

- _iUWmWW_, I


W_ -i


f r a i 1, adj., tehe-Ini.

fr a m e; solid woodenf of lodges, stu-

f, vf'isha,

shlfnanslhta; to tremble

fromn f, liuliwa f r i g h t e n, v. t,

iushipTttcIta, hfi'tIlash; f of sweat-lodges, etc., Ishil'klak; to make one, Ishiklakuiiga; sht~a; sptltchta, shn-ldo'ka; to b)e shed, lodge, house existing as a f frightened, vulsha, shinam shta, tionly, just begun, Itehiklakuftko. ka; tchbAnmptki, Mod. tehAmptakia; fr-ightened, vi'lshish. Cf. afraid. F r an k, nom. pr., Ple'nk; Frank f r i n g e , or set of fringes, while not Riddle, nom. pr., Telrll-Ctcli, Skayet on gaprment, ptuish; while on kiiwash, q. v. f r e e , said of animals: untamed, wild, garment, puitlUtchishl, pukewish; fwash, koin'isllni; f of spots, tsukkhaving friniqes on, pinitlantchAtiitko; to cut into fi inqes, pi'li; to adorn tsi'tkli; to setf, sp'nka, spunkltmpeli; taslika, telina. with fringes, pUiti. f r e e z e , V. i., wel ; frozen, wetko; fri n g e d, pilitko, puitlantelhtntlo. to be frozen, twa; to have nose, ears f r o g; green f, weketashi; laryera kill(1s of fro-s, as bNUllfrog, k6e; trieef, frozen, klitka; hands, feet, ndal-itia. fregll, v tIta f:a bateawoc, 5' e, i grIut, v. t , ita j:a boat, canoem yamnati weketasll; horm'd1 f, naivu'nslhtat ili'pka; f transversely, shlashll-isl =gftko; f-like7, kolong, oblj., heIslhtloka, pl. etle'zi.


F r e n e IIm an, nom. pr , Pashliyllks. froli ck er, sh('slitalka sldi; lekI'1nkish: vompany of frolielerx, sheslifresh, te-ini; qreen, ntel'lldkni; to be f, ntectilka. ZeiAA-ash. fri ab1l e , tehe-Ini; to be or become f, f r o m . prep.; awg~l f, when referring to inani. objects, is often exl)presse(l Ielii'ma. fri e t i on, v. t.; f against each other, by the locative case in -tat;f hrere, shateliktchaka; f oneself, shatahthi'tkslh; to hand orer f below, vi'ina. front; inf. of, ililtalilt, li'tpil, Itpika. Cf. rub, v. Fri d ay, tunepni waIta st'lnde3=gIutana; to stand in f qf a groetp, tanididsha, lamaldsha; to procced in f lank, or tune'pni waIta. fri en d , shawalineash, Mod. shIfile, il-itelna; f tooth, tat/ela1ilii tchlip; to be friends, shawaliniifa, tehilla; to be or become friends, shi-

tilt, shok6tanntko titt. f r o s t, kfltas.

tellalla, MIo(1. shitchla. Cf. compan- f r o s t y , said of' weather, k('ita-s; it ion, coml)any. is f weather, wind, sk i. f r i e n d s h i p ; to form f, shitchla, f r o t h, s, of water, nd&'kalsh, shl6shitehljla; to be on terms of f., kunksh; to develop f., sholiknnla. tehilla. Cf. companion, company. fr o w n , v. i., sbltatxa; frowning, fr i g lit, s.; from f, vi'lshlnk; to take kowitiwitko.

frail-gambIe. f r u it; round f, also small f., berry, lutislh; rounded f guroviigr on surface of soil, Ilf'tka; large turnip- or bulb-shaped f, inthbilika; f of long shape, 6'tislh; what produces f, w.islh; to gatherf, sta-ila; to start ot for yatheringf, stii-ildslla; to pick f from bushes, trees, and eat it, Igllya, ltakeiya; hard-shellf, ndsi'cdslh. f ry, v. t., slinitcliiya, shnftclikaa;.fry_igpan, epninslh, Alod. Hpaslh. fii 11, staini; to be :, stdt; of a liquid(, ewa, tclilpka, tclhiwa; to make f,


f II 1 , 11il1; f-skin, r'1 ; (0ored(';ith v f, ni'laltko, nT'l gftko; f-skin mat, f

dress, kailill; f-skin mantle, kailitnlam ski'tash.

f it r i o u s , kilosh, shawlgatko; to be or become f, klHim, shawlga. Cf. angry. f 1 1'i i t ii r e of house, tturmi niinuktuia

,(Jinlierlfm, tidshli tchaix-A:(lkishl


f iti r o iv, asf made by the plow, splut IdIsllannish, spl-Ithyiish, slhLtidsliann1i sh. stAogi; f of willows, yflslialtko. fri r r o wv e d , wrrinikled, kniapat'li('f 1t1 y , adv., stA; in the sense of eniiatko. Cf. wvrinkled. tirely, much, ha-Al, mIt1t, tfrnl. f u r t 11 e r1: f than, prep., gimIgsltant, f ItIn l('slitatxashl; f-maker, IT-ikasli, giinitana, iwutit; a little? f on, adv., slieslhxeilai-.is-; to make f. of, luaixa, wig-A- ak, wfka ; ot fl than that, ishulnAkta, tAlxea; to continue maktak; 'what is f down, yvIntalIi. Cf.

ingJl of, slinilitiktclia. fu n e ral, aI lsa; to attend, have a f, Iktchla, islha, ishnilla.

farther, nether.

f it t ie ; in the f, as to the fl, netnai; in a J. tim.e tAnkt gratp llanapkslh'-

f 1i11 11 Yt fellow, slhslhtalklaslh.


G. gag, v. t., tlikiia. gallop, v. i., liusli6tclna, slini'g a i n , V. t.; 9., to profit, slhitta; ,q. by nldsha, wAkslia; ff. towar(ls, up to,

winnirzq at pla-, gamblig,, iklga; imnshfi'dsbla. Cf. slltilutya. g. aqain, once more, ikfakpole; q., g a 11 o w s, kslhaggay6tkislh. win froin each other, sAMi- aa. g a in b 1 e, v. i, to play for valtial)les, ga i n , s., ikaks; to make a y., gains, shlikla; y. habitually, s~lbkalslua; to tkaga. mence gambling, yow slhakalin'a- to gal e, killitko sl1vish ; shklewislh; qo to the gambling-place, sine'dslra; it blows a Y., killan slileuwi. to y. habituallly when on1 a journey, ga 1I, bile, pisli. slmedslialit.imia; to ?w'in by gamg a I1a nI t, killitko. bling, ikaga.



- - '3





aI t 1) 1 e r, professional,shaklotkisb. a In e , s., of aily description, shAikalshl; g. of dropping beaver's or

woodchuck's teeth, skVshbaslh; to play it, sklt'sha; g.-stake, la'slikftshi; y.sticks, g.-utensils, shaklotiish; yaming sticks used in the spWlshnagameshiilshiesh; to play a g., slaikia, cf. play, v.; to play a ball-g., lWwa; to play the Indian guessing-g. with four game- sticks, sW('lslhna, slhulshceshla; to start the y., shakaliga; to be on a gamning toui, sAnudslhna. g a m e , s., animal hunted; either specified b)y its name, or expressed

by, lIllanksh, if a. quadruped; g.baq, shultflash. r 0 (T'

a11in e s t e r , sbaklmtli.ish i r Nv



stikl l;


make a g., stfit'shla. Cf ncoise. r e p o s e , v. i., to rest, kedshik6la. r e p r e s e n t, v. t., shaplya, shbY'slha; r. wronygl, shikIta, shilkitno. r e p r i in a n (1, v. t., shakakta, shkanadoga; r. in a forcible anner, kil-


reproach, v. t., shaka'kta- kill' tana. Cf. scold, v. r ep Idi a t e, v. t., vut6dslha, vut6dshna, k6dsha. Cf. reject. I e p u 1 s e, v. t., as an enemy, tpugidsha; tpnll; r. repeatedly, tpugi| dshaplit- nmla. wizard, litatka. r e q u e st, v. t., villa; r. by calling e Ieri s h, v. t, ewa; sttg!i; to up, sh'tina, shetina. be replenished, fi. d, cwa. Cf. fill, v. r e q u i r e, v. t., shaim-uli, hbaimenii, vlta; r. to do something, shdtta. e p 1e t e , adj., stdni; to be r., std'i; to repletion, adv., sta r e s e u e , v. t., hislhtehi, slinekshita. re 1)1y v. t, to a question, vul.za; l e se mb e , v. i; r. as to features, w.ilxa, d.ofvt'dxa; kedsa.a ;r.,lhen t'lha; resembling, -ptclii, shitko, nOgaged in conversation, sfi'ogslia, shuhankptebi ; resembling a little, vuixa;. be1n1tchna. ketcha shuhAnkptcbi. Cf. alike to. r e p o r t , v. t.; r., tell, slihapa; r. to, r e s e n t, v. t., ne-ulakta; r. when adeAw sbapiya; r., to make a r., lieslUgsha, person's name is mentioned, slihtnia. sh6gsha; r. truthfully, sbegsh6wa; r e s e r v a t i o n ; Indian r., inmklar.falsely, shikita, shikitna; r. against, ksamn shlii~ilkish, shiCt'lkish. unfavorably, hesle'slila; to commence r e s i d e , v. i., r. at, tehiagi; r. amony reporting to, shapitdlm-pka; to cease others, tchawina, pl. shit'kla. Cf live. reporting to, shapiylyla; r. in the capacity of a messenger, stilla, stil- r e s i d e n c e, tehi'sh, wa'sh; former 7., tcfwish. teblka; r., carry newes, stillidldnlk ; r. back, stillshamnpli ; r. after return- r e s i n, stfya; liquid r., walikisli





r. of the sugar-pine, tchltchalpelu; pine-gum, lalhigo; containing r., stialtko. r e s i s t , v. t., lewitclhta. r e S ) 1 u t C , adj., tfdslh shepelpelAtko. resolve, v. t, n '-ul~a. r e s o t it d, v. i., hui'nla; eplicat.7 hlimnila; r. Ikxe thunder, shilshila; r., as a bell, waIta. r e sp)iration, hukfsh. r e s p) 1 e n d e n t; to be r., ktchtllviu, ktchalda, ktcliAlui; slintlya; to yitter, tchldtchela. r e s t , v. i., r. on, lie on, skft'lha; r. on the ground, imn. Ibtllka, iisha, hisba; r., stay on the top of, wiliaslashina; r. on the way, t!'tkiAXa; (t times, tukhIktchrna. e , s.; to take a r., kedshikula; to go to r., slee), kta'iidslia; aniiimals, k1i''shlIa; time for r., sleep, spumi'ksh. Cf. lie, v. i., lul'lkish r e s t i n g - p 1 a e e , couch, shAlliash. Cf. bed. r estless, to be, tchiizat;t,011 (iiio:iiy ;ii:d teii-nary, -.G..468, 490, 491 I ompotiiilnd s,-iit-iice, t1, .. . 656 664 fouiuiipil Viislh .. . .is . G- 63-6:35 Coipulsn:,, holix -vextpri"oidl(;(i; Con, (ssive clause ........ G 1(i0 Concrete ii-lesii 5(0i 51i toliditioiiial i-house(- (58-6i6t Coniditioiial mode (r 405 589, 590 Coiij unctioii, thii (;-G- 556-il, 649-656 69", 693, 6(15,6(6 Coimjurres tpraltice, e t a its of . xiii.T. 71,72

Coujurer's iiicatatioiis .T.


Commso3Ziliontsniute . . G 2.. 209 sellii-vo' els .. 1 210 Consonantic inhflection of tlhe verb .... 13>....455-4157 (r Convoisatiomial form of ]:ii-





Cooimig anid Wooing ..- T-. 182-189 Correlative sciiteiice, thi.. G.. 657 C.ottxiin-ood CreekXxI Crater Lake orGiwash -xvii-xix,xevidi (Cf 1,6wa.d Creation . lxxx,lxxxiv, IXXxv, xcii, ciii, cv of ien-Ixxx lxxxi, xcill of the meoons -. . T. . 15 Cre, mation of the dead ... T-85, tii



708 Page. Crook, Maij. Gen. George. . lx, lxi Crooked River .. . xix, xx Dalles, the lvi, lix --T-93 Dave lill, suibehiefxxviii-xxxii, lix, IX1.. T --6,7 Of the "Texts" many were contributed by him, as T. 16-33, 58-65, 70, 72-73, 77-79, 83-84, 99-103, 107 108, 129-131, 142-143, 145, 162-164, 195. Declarative mode . G- - 405, 588 Deities, aniimal ciX-(yV, cv.T. 102 elementary






sllirit ....

Demntiistrative pronoun-. G-- 537-540 Derivationi-

of verbs


GG of adjectives .. G of nisnierals . G. Des Clhutes River anid Valley



of noUns -.


515 535-536 xvi, xixlxiii

Diaeresis Dialectic differences-

... G-232 G 681-687 '1' 4 ililoLl(s . . T.. 140 Dintuiiiitive adjectives and pronouns-I ........ . - 311, 515 Iliminoli e noun .s -. G. 310, 311, 503 D)ipilthongs . G- 208, 209 Direct oIbtjoct-G -.621--623 Direct q1 nt-stion--- G- 040, 0g2 Directive case in -tala .. G. 489 Distr ibiative lorniin verlbs ad nouns--. 611-614, 688

in iiusins G 46:t-46C,491-496 ii adjci tivs -- - . 511-515 1)istiibitive redonplication ill dicatiitg it nut1beli in the vel-b G.. 435, 438

Dissinil ation .n. ( 234 loctor .fttin tIied bl the chi(efs---I--.. r 64-68 l)tial ill the iitranisitive veilI, Gtr 4:38-441 1)wa-al'.xcix D warl,g id]......................... Eaglt-, gotlie ...........

Fatil 3 ti aditiouaal Slodeis -'T]'.:ll 11l,thel





of -

. . .. . ...


lil, Xei-ill

Eliltttitary deities is ..lxxviii, lxxi x-xcxEliniltn-ces, list of, onl Utpit Klaiialith Lako




Ertipiatic adessive case iii -ksaiksi . G 48S-489 Eliitltiatic tprolnutun … U.... G-. 552 l'mill-tilt1 acceit tiiatioi (1-- 241-243 RIlFa1%t, list otf. .) 703-705 EIsseleii lutguiage, California..

Etyoiologioi terilis ...


of Klamaniath .. G 697-711

Itr-li tsiikni ................



(Cf. Kslamitattt Lake lidiaiis E xtlamttilorv senitenice ..... (-- 568, 648 Exhortative alode -. G 400, 590

Page. xiii, lxxxviii. G - 710 Fauna of the Klamath Highlanids .. - ...... xxiii-xxv Female sex in toines -. 11, lxxxviii. .G 501, 503 Fights between Klamath Lake and Rogue River lIdians T.. 16-18 Five, 'inastie" niinber lvii, lxxxvii, xc, cii, ev Flora of the Klamath Highlands xxii-xxiv Foreign terms .......... G 220-222, 466 Fort Klamath .............xx, xxvii, lxIi, lxill, IXxi, lxxiv Freoanit, Col. J. C xiiilxvi T 7 Frequeiicy of sounds . . G217 Froben, Minnie . . T7, 8 Among the "'Texts"contributed by her are 65-68, 71-72, 79-80, 82-83, 87-88, 94-99, 105-106, 109-125, 148162. Father ..


Funeral of warriors .. '. T_ 8 Future tense -. G.403, 586-508, (88 Ganies of the Klaniath Lake people . .T79-81 Cetilnation _.. . 233 Geography of the Kltaimath Highlands- ..... - . xv-xvui, IXII Gender, animate and inanimate G.. 462, 40 Gender, feminine . . II, lxxxviii- G 501, 50'i Geology of the lKlamiiath lighlands ....... . xvii, xivi

GI the veb tobe G- 430-433, 59s, G14, GS paradigm G- - 442, 441i Giants -.xeviii Goose Lake xvi-xviii, xxii, xxxv Gradatiotiof the adjective .. .. G 520-3 of the adv-ert (: 531 Graphic signs explainedT 12 (;_ 214,213 Greiat i3asin ol the interiir -x ii Grouipinig of sounds G 217-220 G wiitwin, awarf dw............ XCIX hai, ai, particl .e .. G 650 -52 See also eral particle, Gi. 696 tale, Horatio . - .. x-i, lxvi Hiarney Lake, Oregoii - . xvi, xxxv ii, particle ......... G. 659 1istioric period, the ..-.... lvii-lxi the Mlodoc war . . lxx-lxxiv Lomnoiy ...... .G- 244,243 lrot springs oax, xxx Hot Slpriing Inidianes, P'it River scalley . .... . x How the Lake Men fmilght the Snalke Iidiats 'l- - 28-32 Idioms ... . G 673-677 I-initlectioe ........... - . G 454 Illative case- iii -X. i ...... 42, 483 limperative ilotde .. ( 405, 406, 591, 592, 647, 689

Page. Imperative sentenceUG 647, 68t Impersonal voice; objectless and with personal object G - 429, 430 paradigm . G 452 Implements...... . .... lxix Inanimate gender G 462, 463 Incantationgs, suiject list of T- 179-181 Incantations; Dr John's list T- 176-179 Iicantations of Modoc conjtirers -. T 173-176 Imicantations of the Klamath Lake coiii trees -. _T 164-172 Incantations of the Klamnath Lake people ..........- . 'IX-T 153-102 Itmcoerpratioit .-.-.. G G64-609 Inldefiltite pronoun-n .G 542-545 Tiidirect object. G 623-628 Iiili-ect questit .G.. G 663 Iiiessive iase in -i (_G- 485, 486 ''18 Iiiflnitive, the . .G 409, 596, C90 Intixes ili the radix ..... - 303 30t Tinflection---.... 39G-553 of the veib C- 401-458 Tlihiimatioai,



ofInstrumental case ii -tka

G 87, 8 (G 478, 479, 098 G.. 568-570 -G. -541, 691 92 6.92 ---- G.51G0,541

tutemjectioni, ti-e . Interrogatixe p:aticles t i-nu wak itt erro-i-igt3


liii ci etgat ix- cci te ite,'-^ (} G401 Intiamisit voice -- -426-'G9,595,tiY1 it btir in the intranititive veil. -. . - 437-441 patradigim . 432 .Ilixtatpotsitivecastilt 4tiia G 490 Kihlalomtiaa xxxvi, xlvi, lvi, lxxxi T 15 Ka•a use or "Old Cavyisem"xlv, Iln ili K~ilntliasfi

or Calpt



Mlilailth Ageicy

--xx, lxiii, lxvilxxv T 7,8 KlaiiaIth I nidians of southw estirit Oregon, ol MIahlall s fitdiaiis .xxxiii ''- 4 See Maklaks Iniliamis. lKilititth lindianis, tiui orf--axvi -xx ii, axxix, Ivl, Ixiii KIliitiatb Laho dilect G-- 081 -t7 Klamiiath Lak-, lttxr(ci(oi Little) xvi-xvi ii, xtx,



Agdiwslt. Klaaililta Laltm






MvIi Sq,



xxii, xxiii, Ixii, lxiII,

lxvi,lxxi, lxxv T 4 Klamath Lake, Upper xvi-xvidi, xix, xxx xxXixxxiixxxiv, lxiii,




lKlaniathi luingiaige, ftmits a linguistic fani il) for Itself Ix-lvii, lxvi


INDEX. rage.




Klatnatli Marsh x.......7vi-xviii, Marten and the Weaslet, nii>tli Nuslhaltfligakni -........ xx xix, x,.xi, xi,,xxxv, of-------------1T.. 107 [Objective case in -ash -..6-471-474, G697 Ixi, lxiii, lxii, lxxx, cii imat, oral particle-....... 652 Objective i-elation.---G .571, 620-628 camping places on-.. ... xxviii Mteacliam, A. 11-..... .xiv, lxvii, Object pronoun-..... .. G419 Klamath Reservation, Oregon. xx, lxix, lxx. ,T.6 Obsidian-..... ..... lix T .16 xxfiiilxiHiixxv..TK. 5 See also Notes to Medic war Old Marten, mythic itale of-T'.. 109-118 Klainatli River-.........xvi, xix, Medial voice----- G..295-297, 423, 424 Old Modoc country -...... xxi,lIxxx xxxiii, xlvi, lviii, Medlele languages and races.. Oral particles: K1iiiifikaiilucli--------lxxix-txxxv, xliii..-Cf. lxviii See hai, meat, nen. lxxxvi-viii, xciii-iv, cii, ciii, CY Mental qualities ------xxxviii-xl Oregoii Central Miiitar> Road Kinilkainich attempts ti, dleMetathesis, phonetic -----.. 235, 236 Co-l.............. xi, lxv struction of bis son Aishish, Mcteiiipsycliosis ofliuioaiisouls Origin oflhuiman races-...T.- 103, 104 T_ 94-99 Mi.ntofish-....... K. .. 129-1'1 Panama, chidef-.......... xi KEimikaratch, the five Lynxes Mdatoiaii, etc -......... xxxiv Paradignisand the Anlelope, myth Modes of thle verb .0.. .00-406, 580-591 (if the verb . 0..... 441-45,7 of-............. T -125, 126 Motodoc JIidians .... xxii, xxxii-xxxv, of thle noun-...... .... 40!- 496 K'inotcliaiii L~tsuslikshi. ---- xxxii, Ilxxx xxxvii, xl, lvii, lix, lxii, lxiii, ci.i.1T 4 ot the adjective-.....G_- 51II-5 15 KoIldshiti- .... ..... xx,xxx, Atodoc Point-... ... xx, xxiv CMi of tlie numeral-..... G.528, 529 lviii, lxv, lxvii, lxxx.A. T M8Aodocw~ar, tll-, of51872-1073..lxx-l xxiv oftliepironouii-0..G 5i2-55t 1t16-i Tiipiksi, or "Staii lug, T2.5. .T2..32-53 (tdn, text). Participles 0.__. G407,400, 591 595 -Rock-.... .. xx, xxix, xxxii, lxx Modoccdialect ----. 601-607. -12.14 in -ukl, -nt (piesenit particiKunabatwasli, or Koinbatwash. xxi, Molale Indians _xxxvi, xlvIii, lii, INxvi ptle)-............592, 690 xxxiv, xxxii, lxxiT..Tl-4 Monthis of thle > ear, the-...2.. 74-77 iii -thu (past participle) .593-595, 650 Kuts, onl Coos Bay -------xlv Moon-.........lxxxiii, lxxxvii-ix Partitive case lit -ti ..-. 0. .476-478, 003 Lakeh Mlen anid Siiaik todiatis. Moons, creation of-......T 105 Piisyanuash --.. ....... xxxiv 1..- 20-33 Morphology of the Klatnath Passive voice -....... 0.. 421, 422 L akes of the l-laiatli Uplaiids 1-ing' g ---T..9..G..246-570 Past and perfect tense .... G.-i 502, 503 xviii-xix, xxii Mount Hood, Cascade, Iango xvii Pus ate Indians------xxxiii, xxxv, Ii tanient over it wife's loss .-- 03,04 loiintJeffersonl,Cascadeliange xvii I',-i-soiial pronoun----0...G 545-549, 680 Larynlgeal iiiode of iittniiiice. Moiuit t'itt -- xviii, xxv -(Notec) _xxx its abbreviated foriiisG-.540,549 G.. 215-217 M out Scott ------xvii, xviii, xxx connected with the verb Lanigbing Riaveii, t lie s peI Muonatikrii -.......... xCiii 0G_ 417-419 of- ... ..... T_ 131 Mjutsiii dlialects-........xlvi, 1 of lurst lierson-........ xlix Lavai Bedls, CJaliforiiia .. xxi, lxxi-lxxiii M -ltifiialtiou, priiiciples of ... civof secoiid te soii-......xlviii 5 Legal custuoiis of tIlie 1&laiiiith NaiesIPionietic figiiri-s-..... ... 227-236 Laike peotpl --........ 58-63 of pci-sons, aniiunitls. plaiits, Phoniietic table-..... r-10-12 0, 211 Lelu~kaslu, thief......xxxi-ii, Ivi-i, lix adiiinianiimatetlliigs G 498-505 P'loiuology-of Klfuiiallu laiigiage Le-thahudiwasli, a bud -l--xxxvaiiso pros .19 T__ .0. .206-245 Lfiva, the, islaiid of Crater xxxiiici-i--68 Pne, variouisspecies of...xxiii.-12 152 Lake .......... .viii,xcvii local (of caipin~gxvpla,'cs)ixxiiiPit River, of Californila----xv-KI Life,icuigili of.--1----2 - 103-104 xx\iii xviii, xxv, lX L- inflection - ......... c 455 lusowed on' loc'alities--T1.. 142, 14:3 Pit IRivei Iiidians, Cal iforniiia xxii, Linguistic attinii ies-......xliii -1vii Nat u-a Bridge Xxi xxxhl-uii, Xxxxi, lviii-lx huhk River, or uI-talibi, YiiNaitiural philosophy -----lxxvii-,- ipit, River Inudianus ia iledl by tallins, Inaanui------xix, xxx, lxxx Negative seiutence ----0..644 laUuintlu Lake ix arriors (li Linik ille, TItake Coiiii ts xi x-x 1 iw-n, oi-al pauitici-.c.....i -- 65:3,696 twe 1505....1 - .... T. 19-27 xxvii, xv Nllakhsli Mountiaiii----- - xv, xxi, Pit Rh-i-i- lanuguuage-.......xlii, lii, Loeative caseiiin-lit 5..471) 432, 692-6at xxx, xxx i, lxiii, lxxx lvii, lix-Ix '..' .152 Loirdi P'rayer, the -.... . 1:9 Nilakshi, camnping-place-.. -~.xxxix-v Pulses, nioutuslii riilgii-----x, xxxi Lost Ri vi~r-. vi, x%iii, xix, xxxii, lxxi N-inflection -0-..... G. 455-457 P'l~ilkni Kiln-. (Cr. Spraguei Lost River Valbey .---xxi, xxiii, Noja language-........xlvi, Ii, Ili River aiid Sprague lii er Villxxe'ii, xxxiv, xlii, lxi, xciv Noiiiia actoris -(..... ... 501 ley Lower or Little, Kixuiialh ILake, Nomiaui agentis-........ -_ 501 Pa1tnii, iir the lIndians onl ci. Agiiwesu Noiiiina propria -0.......G-502, 505 Sprague Riuvir-.... xxv, lviii, lxiii Liiuuaiiii-..... ....... iii, 34 Nomiiiia Yet balia 0.... G. 203,401, 461 Plumu Stills ---------xi Maidlu dialects-.......xlvi, li, lvii See also Names ". 1Pluper-fect teiise--...G_583-586 M. tu.n>IIi--------lxxxii Nortlisinih, or hinuashi -..... lxxxii, PluralityMakl~aks Io lanus ...... xiii, xxxiii, lxxx ii, xci .'1' 160 iiithe veib. .0 .419,4:14 -411,570,579 Nxxxi, xxxix, XI, lvii, lxii, Nniaii qiialifii-d by at iiouin - G.. 655-639 ill tI~c iiuuiiii -. 1...1 - 464-4663 lxvi (and] of'ten).12. A, 5 Nunuher, verubal luullectioc for Poetry auntI songs.-,evi-~'.T-.1,4,15,3, sqq. Male sex in iiiins-.... ..G. 503 0.. 433-Mi4 Polar lights --.......... civii Mlaislauglhter through witchNiuneral, the-.....xiii -.1! .521-33 Polysyuithesis -........ - 669, 666 craft iuiiisbed -..... T -- 68, 69 numiiieral series, the ----_ G5 5 527- 1'ouuii dialects--........ xvisMap, tu-,iigixplhic, of' the Kiusads-erbial uiiniueralh HO 53-532 P'ondl lity, oi wtuhashi~--- xxiii, math hieadwatei-s, hiy U. S. origin of .--G_535 xxxv- -T- -. 76 Geological Survey-...... lxx -Nushalktkiga, near B3ou-uuza -xx i Pond sonices -----------xxi, xlii





-1 IN - I

710 rage l'-pnilation ......-.............. lxxv-x i Position of words in the sentence .. . .. G 639-642, 658 P'ossessive ease in -am, -lain xlvii, lit G U474-476, 693 Possessive proin o . .. G 549, 550 Possession, ittetibods of expressig gG.4-616, ............ 693 Possibilitv .... - 619, 695 l'ostposition, the -........... -; 553-556 Potentiality ...... U -17, G 6...... 618, 695

INDEX. Page Root, structure of 248 -G origin ant classification of rottts ................250 G 253 vocalic alteration of. _GG cososuantic alteration of 258 G.. Saxldrc Moisutaii .. xxi Saliaptiti dialects .......-.... vii i-liii-lvi Saliaptiti Indians XXX ili, xliv. xlv, lii- liii, xcii xxxiii Saidloka ............ ........................ xxxiv Scat-ract- Charlcy T55-57

Page. Spi it land .................. xcvi, x lii Sprague River ----------------- xlx-xxli Xxxiv, Iviii, Ix, lxiii Sprtlgue River Valley .. xxi i, xxxv, lxX, lxxiv Statistics ..... . 1lxxiv-vt Steamboat Frank ....- lxxiii..T. l 55,57 Steele, JudgoE ................Ixii Subject prtnottit -.. G 417, 5, t Stillject of the veib ........G 578, 579 Stibjective case--G 471 Powers, Stephen, author ...-.. xiv, xv, Substaithive, tle ---G. 4G1505, 693, 694 xxxviii-xIii, xlii, xliv, 1lxi. SulfixeiIviii,lx,lxix, lxxviii,lxxxiii list of .............. G 104-395 Sciellifific i-esarlies onte ilieitPrairie-wolf. or coyote cii. T 105, recapititlatioi of -----miathliftlianis . G- 395-:98 1 xvi-lxx (ii Still t .... 106,127 Selisti -- xiv, xlv i lxi,Iiv Ixx :Xix, lxxi. i,1lxx xi Vxil Prelicative relation .i - 571,577-620 Seveti-Alile Ciek X Suitu-disk-l . ............ .xxxiii Prefixes offor f-..... ... 3sGt,460, 461 SexveraltySitrprist Valloy ..............x x ii, xxxx Prefixesexpressed bytii- v-rbai illSean Lake Point .............. xxi list of ........-...... G 282-3()' Siveat-lodge. Seo spttlllishilll)'y. Ifection -..... G 262 -267, 419 their recapitulation ---G. - 302,303 I -xpi- - by Se-i-at-lodges, ce -te-tittu oial - xiii,xxx, uotiial ihPrehistorie 262-"67 peritl .............. xxxi..T .8 2 83 xl-l ,xi flet-ion ,. -t Present tense ............ S3 kati or SAiie'tit Marsht G 580 xx, xxxv 276, 277, 463-166 P'reston, Chlrlews. xxxixxxNi iT Symvless tL3 Sliaitanititlaiiceelirectitxins T . 70,71 -. 231, 356 'rototin, 1he .-. t, Ixxx G - - 536-353 ShapSlaiX'lli S3 tltictic o-xacpii p.... i s .. G-- 6G8-6G'6 .x Pronunciation of tbliI soiitls SLIstIa Bhitte, or Moun xv-iiI, S5311 ax of tchi Klath laitit Shasta lix,c i giiage ---------------.(i 5714t 72 Gi.. 212-214 Quatirupeds .. xxiV, ci-v --vT579,18ti tiidsb, p. ictle-(. GSbastiITidians 51 .. xx xi........ xxYXii, '.T 54 tak, -foolis, paitile- ..... G.. 654, 6,55,19G (r - 502-5, xxxvi, lix Quiantity . -. -T 132 . G Talm.l i... 243 45 Siasti laiigtage-xl xivl Iii Quaapawx esItl t-e xxxv, 'It aticitabidoager, l ilt. -xix . .. Ixxxv SltvShoslit(Iantfl atita Quiltny systi-it of tititi'll tt..t...i. ...... xxxxvi xlix%iv, xix, li, Itxi, xxix 'lxxxix lvii -i 535, 536 (Cf. Dv:I a. cd M olaie Shoshorlil Itiants ) (see Simko Ti btislkci,oe the Weasel- -lxxx,lxxxii, Rabbit ..... -lix holittls.) Radieals xxhil-h Klttamtatlh tolds xciv lXxxiii, lxxxVii, xci, 'itci, Silihasl, or Wlhitxl .ti .. fitcolailtiot sxith oilerIIIItelti-, tsi-, ratix rtft-ring to Silver Fox, or WaiAka -Ii ',1xxxii flit-s .,.,xlvii-I ------xxii, SilxerfLakea xxatet-, hlilqds --------.. UG cudVallex, 300 Oitg-ii, Radical se liable cotuectet xxiti ii,xxxv TchitchatsXi'-ash,ll Big Belly. XCV xxi affixes ... .2 (I 2 719 39.......... 8 Sitiple sente ee, ltbs- (i G 642-t ,G; Tetmiperatuvre -x ii ( (.l t (lxie s ittifi xe Teimiporalc case, ii -teitti anti G . 48(; 4.4-4 4 ll Stnit s teno s eitx- fttrii GG 581, 582 sitllixi s ut xmrttat sitljje (1t Giuigtla 4:17 liTeseRatict i vxilil, thet---i G_ f olo-t if littestr l 247 Skl-lot POie-tritat. G 57t-5s8, 68 .txxx -lxxxi , .'-cii, viv init1Xation 1l)rl ax en, oi i ---..G ..... - . .. x xi-......... , xci, i-t 41124o1 lxxxi,iil,xci Xt-x xtx ii ci rll t lSt,-it-i[(Y ti-i af{ t .asctl,-~ti . Retipl It lt 1i1O1i0tit ........ G1 xXV I 352 (ICf cIIstislia.) Ret viial c xoici l G 284, 959,t296, 425 amlitlde-ts, the Sketb tif H -- xc, Xili fll ll arrii-td ifi,,, a Reduplictit os .I ------. i7-t 7 -t tt6 i ti r AIthipiskatt. i258 xliv, xlv, 1x, T _itetaive ..... . .. -2 i -262 -.... lix Sketch ofl of Iie ratimnatic tt-itiibsti bu Titby Riddle ----------.-2U2,27G _ 2 , 2i; _T6, tc tieof Khtinatit 54-57, ------202, 203 G noioosyllabiG- 269 273 skoiks, or gbttsts of tfet tde173-176, 18-188 dissyllatic Tikxxv irTt Tiiku, .a-xxxi, - G2... 274, 273 iii, lix, lxxx pard . Il onotottal vubatlia thus T'radiitiot ba-tiniig upon hisStiIimh-I tl an -i xlii. xxiixxi \vxx fortci --G,276,277 t ry .......... .... ...... xli, xlii, lvii vivlx-lIxili, X, lxxxi Rfetilet-tiveuisoft-x-l viery- T li. Tnlstitionail clot- itt -it, 1G 136 Snittlktl it iano flt igh G 484 b t Like leftlecti elpronioun -. - 350, Trantsitive \i r i ........ . tI t-. .51 G 420-126, 594 T 28-35 ihtleetivo voice G G.84, 285, 295-297, 423 utlulier h S3ttigs, iiiiscell.meuit T..-. it the tiaisiti x .. - 192-194 Belaptse, the -xiif xi-i..T.. T 72, 73 Sotngis if satie-x -h U . 434-437 - - T. 169-191 T'ra aty 8 tf fI f-- -- - x-i, Reluitiiisltiittt-rttis for --li, lv- ...........275, IMc ill._ - lx i . xcv, xcevi 276, 36:, 364, 566, 502 Tritial talies coil slotiix uions itituds toccurriniltg itt the Klii-elative clatsse (. . 662 to at i lanhguage, list orf .-.-'1 10-la xxxtI -Xxxvu Relative pronount -. . G- 541-542 itlnc--G..540, 541, 692 (G 296-214 Rhetorical tigtres-......... G_ 669-672 'tile, ct reed Siuth sitt, or- Mitast--.... . xxii lxxxii, RidLdle fatitily, the ... T Tnite Lake, California and OteG |xxxili, l.. Ni _T_ 167 Rlogue Rix-er anut triutat-is xix, xxxxi gout, '-idetllictil sxitt Rhelt ant Specters -. -Rogue River Ili ...... ... xxxiii, ISlothc ithla-- --- xx xxi iii, xxi, Slitit i-s - -v-Xcix, citii-cvxxxxiv,lviilxxi-Ixxiiilxxx_. T 14 lix --TV- -16-18 Cf. a6tlt-ti txeU kIt ta Dt I


IINI)EX. IPa'3 I'age.




songs -

without -1' G.

_T inflection . tJktIifosh, the moontsitatitix-e tense-ftotin

. --

194 197 45:,154 l xxxi

(i (i tO-


401 toil i itsi itrctiile Vt--list ailjelixve~s i -tko Gt- 593,55195 Verbal causal ix e ii -lig -1 415, (0- G-(iG91 i 41t, Vetbal cioilitioial ini -slit it 682-6 O3,li'Jl Velrbial dilideiiativo iii -shitka (r 413, GoO,6OI Vib-l dlii aiix iii fita - (G- 416,608 658 Virlbal ilndeliiite .-410, 59G1-Ge,691 4It416, Verlbial iiiteiioniil ii -tki (I CO1,610,691 Veibhl lireteric ini tiil G(i -414,G605,(i06 --...- 417, 595-6it, Vetbaihalo , 690, t91 Viicalic infl,-ction of thi vierb G - 441-454 Vi iesof thii xrh 3284X 285, 295-'97, 302, 303,420-430 Volition ............... G 6620 Veil

---.... ------(T t> 20G-208 it thealilplpoaclh of 1tho T. 138 fatal hour -

V is Wa ili 2 Milpiaii


VWari-i Spring ITidians


-xxxiii, lvi, lxxil. IxxxI t6 lit,-ir latiguagei -, 5, -55 (('t ilio Do)goClilibas Rlixir ) Waitier Like, or Cliiistiia:xs L.aki- ---- x-ixxli,xxxx-,lxii Waxeso Iidiansi-

I'IIe W oodlRiver -xix,xx,xlxilli, Wolf, gra.s ,. -- ,', Word-comipositio'



xi i1 ' 629

Wright, Ben. l...... Ivii, lxix,,T lf,14 cave called after hlin .Axxii, ixxii Wright Lake. (Cf. Clear Lake ) Y'L-aga ----------xxix,xxxiv - -- 56 Yalihiohki .n ........... xxxv, lxi, lxii his Modoc massacro



-xv _

. -xx, , lxx, opinion abot -93 Yinsi Peak Tl 108 xci, xcx. ii 93 , theii alfliiity X\,XXi Kniiisl, iii Gray Foxxcviii Yiiialti, mt1ouiitatn spulr-. So \VWaslis lidiilais ---xlyfineks .. . .-,, xxvil, xxxi, Wat lletpl dilea s -- --- xxxvi, xlx-, xxxil, xxxv, lxx, lxv lu- fvii !a lulksi't.iti e xxi xxxi xx-i, lxx Yineks siihigency -.xx, xxxi,lxx, lxxv iiVil (;oo. W Wh'lcrLieelrt, xlx-xxl ((Cf. also Sprague River and WVillialiisoi RSvelr-xxxiv, lx, lxill, lxxx, xcix P'laiktni.) xxvii Yayayli-ash-, xc, xcevii T. 70,71 Wiiilet-lil., .. .-. Wintaln dialect-s-, ,. xlvi, , li Yuki dialects ........... . xlvi Wishosk lstigiiage , xlvi Yiilaldna. (Cf. Linkville ) Witchelraft, pun is hm in oit of Yumatilla ., . -, .. xxxvi, xlv manslaughter through T.,T 68,69 Zoodeinoiiis-l .......... lxxvil-viii