Dictyostelium discoideum. - University of Nottingham
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May 27, 2009 - Wadowsky RM, Butler LJ, Cook MK, Verma SM, Paul MA, et al. ... Juhas M, Crook DW, Hood DW (2008) Type IV secretion systems: tools of.
auto-digestion (reviewed by North, 1982). The cysteine ... et al., 1985) genes encodeproteins with a high degree of ... precise degree of enrichment has been published. ..... added to repair the deletion to the boundaries of the GC-rich region.
within a few seconds and a few minutes, respectively, even when cAMP ... binding activity, while the second step also induces down- regulation. ..... Natl. Acud. Sci. U. S. A. 81,2122-2126 crinol. 26.1-17. Biol. 96,347-353. Biol. 86,545-553. Biol.
solution containing 2 t@ of [m~Sl]lgG reactive with the 95,000-dahon protein. The IgG was labeled with ~2sI using chloramine T (21), and had a specific.
It is also possible to spray two or more distinct cell suspensions or chemicals. The random ... coated with vaseline in the area of contact. A hole is drilled in the.
Aug 15, 2013 - ... distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits ..... Mitochondrial reactivity did not alter over the course of the experiment from the ..... and quantified by using Adobe Photoshop CS4 (versi
not covered. In the vegetative phase of their life cycle, D. discoideum ..... respect to their ability to synthesize cyclic AMP are still able to ...... Morrissey, J. H. 1982.
May 3, 1976 - STEPHEN C. MOCKRIN AND JAMES A. SPUDICH. Department of ..... Weber, A. & Murray, J. M. (1973) Physiol. Rev. 53,612-673. 3. Pollard ... Mason, J. W., Rasmussen, H. & Dibella, F. (1971) Exp. Cell Res. 67,156-160. 13.
The stability of uridine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase was examined in extracts prepared at different stages of development in Dictyostelium discoideum.
Feb 8, 1988 - Prespore-Specific Gene D19 and of Its Product,. Cell Surface Glycoprotein PsA. A. E. EARLY,' J. G. WILLIAMS,`* H. E. MEYER,2 S. B. POR,3t E.
tants were kindly provided by Dr. Pamela Stanley, Albert Einstein. College of ...... Lemieux, R. U., Baker, D. A., Weinstein, W. M., and Switzer, C. M. (1981).
zymes, a-mannosidase and 13-glucosidase. Antipain and leupeptin treatment resulted in both a dramatic decrease in the efficiency of proteolytic processing,.
Dictyostelium discoideum. - University of Nottingham
ofdiscoitlin is blocked at the translation stage. Similarly, starving .... protein production from the actin 15 promoter (Slade. unpublished); a notable difference fromĀ ...