This document is published as intermediate or nearly mature version to get
feedback. ... Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering. 2
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering by Gerrit Muller Buskerud University College e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract Teaching systems engineering differs from teaching a mono-disciplinary course, because the focus is much more on skills and less on transferable facts. The teacher must trigger a learning process in the students that stimulates the student to become active with the subject in a perceptive, reflective, and explorative way. This paper provides a number of recommendations for interaction, illustration, soft skill development, the use of media and student feedback.
platform approaches reduce lead-time, cost, ...
Distribution This article or presentation is written as part of the Gaudí project. The Gaudí project philosophy is to improve by obtaining frequent feedback. Frequent feedback is pursued by an open creation process. This document is published as intermediate or nearly mature version to get feedback. Further distribution is allowed as long as the document remains complete and unchanged.
October 20, 2017 status: concept version: 0
platform developments in practice increase lead-time, cost, ...
teacher counter-intuitive examples
"What do patient or insurance company need or expect?" sudden changes of viewpoint
Introduction INCOSE 2004 Academic Forum Systems Engineering Education: graduate and postgraduate, but often an extension of regular engineering education.
didactic recommendations
Experience in SE education "effective transfer of know-how requires an active attitude from the audience" Experiences of Teaching Systems Architecting, Gerrit Muller at INCOSE 2004
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 2 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEintroduction
Example Postgraduate Programs Systems Engineering
Stevens Institute Systems Engineering and Engineering Management MIT System Design and Management University of South Australia
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 3 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017
BA Graduate SE Programs in USA BS program at:
credit hours
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Pennsylvania
University of Virginia
U.S. Naval Academy
Washington University
less than 5% of complete curriculum!
+ Credit hours for BS programs varies between 120 – 143 + All BS programs build on basic engineering and science courses. + Programs differ in their emphasis areas from university to university although the systems engineering fundamental courses remain the same. + Some universities offer considerable amount of flexibility in their BS programs by creating emphasis areas. source: Professor Cihan H Dagli, PhD at INCOSE 2004, Toulouse Undergraduate Education in Systems Engineering in USA
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 4 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEprogramsUSA
Systems Architecting Curriculum root technical designer apply theory in practice mathematics physics chemistry mechanical engineering computer science electronical engineering
ESA SW ESA silicon
business, application insight
technical generalist
process insight
become all-round ESA s ystem ESA
ESA mechatronics
System design methods EXARCH
Execution architecture
maturity CAFCR Multi-Objective System design Architectural Reasoning
engineering QFD and more
experience the non-technical aspects
psycho-social interests see every human as an individual advanced SARCH
Thomas Gilb - EVO, requirements eng Bredemeyer Role of the architect marketing, process and many more
Bredemeyer SW architecture legend conventional curriculums
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 5 Gerrit Muller
ESA : Embedded Systems Architecting EVO : Evolutionary Project Management QFD : Quality Function Deployment version: 0
October 20, 2017 SXcurriculumSA
Active vs Passive
Practical Illustration
E xe rcis e
n ctio tra Abs
Interaction active
vivid Spin-off: cross-fertilization
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 6 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEpassiveVsActive
80 70 60 50
% active
Finding the Balance Active-Passive
insufficient know how transfer
40 30
insufficient digestion of know how
20 10
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 7 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEbalance
+ Pose questions to the students + Keep the communication open in all directions + Keep the students alert + Maintain a consistent mindset
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 8 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEinteraction
Example questions Provocative: "What is the most important process in your company?" differentiate between important or core processes and less important supporting processes.
Explorative: "What are the deliverables of an architect?" followed by f.i. "What are deliverables?"
Inviting experiences: "Who has seen a roadmap?" followed by the question
"What was the contents of this roadmap?"
or "What is the value of this roadmap for the organization?" Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 9 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEquestions
Keep the Communication Open
what is
how to ..
+ Allow or even stimulate discussion + Managing two-way communication, the parking flip + Creating an open and safe learning environment, rules: ·
Argue in a constructive way, no heat seeking missiles allowed!
Stupid questions don't exist
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 10 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEopenCommunication
Keep the students alert platform approaches reduce lead-time, cost, ...
platform developments in practice increase lead-time, cost, ...
teacher counter-intuitive examples
"What do patient or insurance company need or expect?" sudden changes of viewpoint Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 11 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEalert
Maintain a consistent mindset
· Be customer, market, and result oriented · Use common sense · Use multiple viewpoints · Be constructively critical · Maintain your integrity and credibility as an architect · Use facts, be specific · Communicate clearly and to the point, provide overview
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 12 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEmindset
Example maintain mindset by keeping alert
We cannot do this, because the amount of software is way too large
"Why do we need this amount of software?" "How much work is required with this amount of software?" "If the customer really needs this, how can we serve the customer anyhow?"
student Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 13 Gerrit Muller
teacher version: 0
October 20, 2017 DRSEmindsetAlert
Soft Skill Development
+ presenting + teamwork + self-reflection + providing balanced feedback
Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 14 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEsoftSkills
The Use of Media
course material + slides + reader
low-tech support + flips + yellow notes Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 15 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEmedia
Exercise instruction: short, asking for illustration and specifics show the operational organization where you are operating, mention the names of the people involved explicitly
Team size:
4 is optimal; 3 or 5 members is acceptable group dynamics: larger is better 2
active participation: smaller is better
Duration 40 minutes Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering 16 Gerrit Muller
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October 20, 2017 DRSEexercises