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Diet and Metabolic Syndrome: An Overview Deirdre Keane, Stacey Kelly, Niamh P. Healy, Maeve A. McArdle, Kieran Holohan and Helen M. Roche* Nutrigenomics Research Group, Food for Health Ireland, UCD Conway Institute & UCD Institute of Food and Health, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland Abstract: The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex multifactorial disorder and its incidence is on the increase worldwide. Due to the definitive link between obesity and the MetS weight loss strategies are of prime importance in halting the spread of MetS. Numerous epidemiological studies provide evidence linking dietary patterns to incidence of MetS symptoms. As a consequence of the epidemiology studies, dietary intervention studies which analyse the effects of supplementing diets with particular nutrients of interest on the symptoms of the MetS have been conducted. Evidence has shown that lifestyle intervention comprising changes in dietary intake and physical activity leads to an improved metabolic profile both in the presence or absence of weight loss thus highlighting the importance of a multi-faceted approach in combating MetS. Nutritional therapy research is not focused solely on reducing energy intake and manipulating macronutrient intake but is investigating the role of functional foods or bioactive components of food. Such bioactives which target weight maintenance and /or insulin sensitivity may have a potentially positive effect on the symptoms of the MetS. However the efficacy of different functional nutrients needs to be further defined and clearly demonstrated.
Keywords: Diets, fatty acids, functional foods, glycaemic index, metabolic syndrome, nutrition. 1. DEFINITION OF METS The term “Metabolic Syndrome” (MetS) is used to describe a combination of medical disorders which confer an increased risk on individuals of coronary heart disease (CHD) [1], stroke and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) [2]. A single definition of the MetS has yet to find worldwide acceptance. In the absence of this “gold standard” there were a number of closely related but individual definitions put forward by various respected worldwide organisations. In 2001 the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) published the results of their Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) including their definition of MetS [3]. The NCEP diagnosed MetS when three or more of the following risk factors occurred together; abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension, insulin resistance, pro-inflammatory state and/or pro-thrombotic state [3]. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) defined MetS as being central obesity in addition to any two of the following factors, raised triacylglycerol (TAG) levels, reduced HDL-cholesterol, hypertension or elevated fasting plasma glucose [4]. Despite the coordinated work of many organisations in defining the MetS there is ongoing controversy over whether the term should be in use at all. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) in conjunction with the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) put forward the assertion that there was no need for the term MetS due to the fact that all its associated factors are treated individually as a *Address correspondence to this author at the Nutrigenomics Research Group, Food for Health Ireland, UCD Conway Institute & UCD Institute of Food and Health, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland; Tel: +353 1 7166845; E-mail:
[email protected]
1570-1611/13 $58.00+.00
matter of course once diagnosed [5]. Notwithstanding the debate over the use of the term MetS as a clinical diagnosis – which the World Health Organisation (WHO) has also commented on recently [6], what is not disputed is that the factors that contribute to the MetS are increasing worldwide [7, 8]. More recently there has been an attempt to reconcile these definitions [9]. This integrated definition of the MetS assigns equal levels of importance to the elements involved and removes central obesity as a core component. This most up to date definition includes abdominal obesity as measured by waist circumference, elevated TAG, low HDL cholesterol, elevated blood pressure and elevated fasting glucose levels [9]. 2. AETIOLOGY & PATHOGENESIS OF THE METS 2.1. Obesity The precise molecular mechanisms which lead to the pathogenesis and progression of the MetS have yet to be fully defined. Obesity, T2DM and the MetS are complex multi-factorial disorders with no single derangement driving the epidemic. What is clear is that there are both genetic and environmental influences (See Fig. 1). As there are numerous symptoms of the MetS so too are there numerous causes – all inextricably linked. Traditionally adipose tissue was thought of purely as an energy store – wherein excess nutrients were stored principally in the form of TAG. More recently our knowledge of adipose tissue has expanded with the demonstration that adipose tissue is not simply an energy sink but a functioning endocrine organ. Correct adipose tissue function to allow for both these roles is a crucial aspect of whole body glucose and fatty acid (energy) homeostasis. Obesity is the result of a © 2013 Bentham Science Publishers
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Fig. (1). Representation of the main features of the MetS.
pathological increase in adipose tissue mass, either as the result of adipocyte hyperplasia or hypertrophy. Concurrent with this increase in adipose tissue mass there are important and detrimental changes in adipose tissue function which are important in the etiology of MetS. Obesity is an important risk factor for the MetS which shows strong inheritance patterns [10], and increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes [11] and MetS [3, 4, 12]. The environmental factors associated with development of insulin resistance and MetS include obesity, poor diet excessive in energy, lack of physical activity and age. Obesity is not an isolated disorder. When adipocyte biology is perturbed, important systemic effects and alterations in adipose derived cytokines (or adipokines) are evident. Obesity impedes adiponectin secretion. On the other hand leptin secretion is seemingly unaltered – resistance to its signalling is associated with obesity and also with increased fatty acid release. The current literature states that obesity is associated with elevated release of free fatty acids (FFA) or non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA). The conventional wisdom in this area of obesity is starting to be questioned. Whilst recent studies are exploring the possibility of normalised plasma NEFA levels in some obese patients, elevated NEFA in the peripheral tissues still exists [13]. Immune cell infiltration with subsequent chronic low grade inflammation promotes insulin resistance in adipose and other peripheral tissues. The term meta-inflammation is used to describe the situation of chronic low grade inflammation associated with an obese and MetS phenotype [14]. Chronic low grade inflammation is associated with increased levels of IL-1, IL-6, TNF- and C-Reactive Protein (CRP), among other pro-inflammatory cytokines upon macrophages infiltration of the adipose tissue. There is also a decrease in the secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines and so called “protective” adipokines e.g. adiponectin [15].
2.2. Insulin Resistance Insulin resistance results in impaired glucose uptake by the peripheral tissues e.g. muscle and adipose while at the liver gluconeogenesis is unchecked resulting in hyperglycemia and possibly at a later stage diabetes [16, 17]. Insulin resistance exists when a normal concentration of insulin elicits a subnormal biological response [18]. Many years prior to manifestation of the MetS or diabetes, insulin resistance is detectable in the body [19]. It was during his Banting award lecture in the 1980’s that Reaven put forward insulin resistance as the fundamental cause of what he described as “Syndrome X” [20]. However Reaven did not recognise that obesity was a core component due to the fact that he identified insulin resistance in patients who were not obese [20]. Obesity and IR both cause and exacerbate each other. There is no clear evidence that the presence of one of these factors alone is the cause of the MetS. 2.3. Peripheral Tissues & Biomarkers In obesity, there is a significant increase in the production and release of free fatty acids from adipose, leading to lipotoxic effects at peripheral tissues. Elevated FFA levels impair insulin signalling and increase the risk of MetS and type 2 diabetes (See Fig. 2). FFA do this by causing insulin resistance at the muscle and liver and they have the added potential for damaging pancreatic -cell function [21]. Insulin resistance in the adipose leads to no suppression of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) which in turn leads to increased lipolysis exacerbating the elevated FFA situation. Lipotoxicity can result not only in insulin resistance at the peripheral tissues but also oxidative stress and inflammation as demonstrated by elevating FFA levels in healthy individuals [22]. Analysis of data from the United Kingdom Prospective study
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Fig. (2). Multiple organs illustrating the pathophysiology of the MetS.
and the Paris Prospective Study emphasized the role of dyslipidaemia amongst risk factors for CHD & therefore MetS particularly amongst women [23, 24]. Elevated plasma TAG and reduced HDL-cholesterol are recognised across all definitions as factors of the MetS [3, 25]. Hypertriacylglycerolemia is associated with increased hepatic output of verylow-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles. This hepatic production of VLDL is increased in cases of lipotoxicity [26]. Insulin resistance also leads to a reduction in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. Without LPL, VLDL particles are not metabolised resulting to continued elevation of TAG levels [27]. Reduced levels of HDL-cholesterol alone is classified as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) [28]. This reduction in HDL-cholesterol is thought to be due to increased HDL catabolism in the presence of insulin resistance [29]. Correlations between LDL-cholesterol and abdominal obesity are less obvious. The Framingham study could not define LDL-cholesterol as being associated with increased risk of deaths from CVD in patients with MetS [30]. However the same study identified LDL-cholesterol levels as being elevated in the MetS and this was correlated with elevated TAG levels [30].
risk of developing T2DM and CVD. This concept is known as “primordial prevention” a term coined in 1978 by Strasser and approved by the American Heart Association [31]. Unfortunately the number of people who manage to achieve primordial prevention is very low – less than 5% of middle aged Americans have what is defined as ideal cardiovascular health as set out by the American Heart Association [31]. Primordial prevention is an ideal situation which when obtained is capable of conferring an additional 10 years of life to an individual [32, 33]. However given that atherosclerosis has an early age of onset and also that childhood obesity is increasing worldwide the likelihood is that primordial prevention percentages will not rise in the near future. With this in mind reversal of existing risk factors becomes of critical importance. Pharmacological agents to treat the symptoms of the MetS are aimed at reducing LDL-cholesterol, hypertension and impaired glucose tolerance. The drug therapies aimed at reducing these metabolic risk factors include statins, fibrates, nicotinic acid, angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, metformin, thiazolidinediones or acarbose [34]. The remainder of this review will focus on the role of diet in treating the MetS and its symptoms due to the principal role played by obesity in the aetiology of the MetS.
3. TREATMENT OF THE METS The principal aim of the clinical management plan of the MetS is to reduce the risk of T2DM and CVD. The ideal situation would be to avoid the MetS, thereby reducing the
4. INFLUENCE OF DIET ON THE METS While primordial prevention and pharmacological intervention represent extreme ends of the treatment spectrum for
4 Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2013, Vol. 11, No. 00
Table 1.
Keane et al.
Prospective Cohort Studies Identifying The role of Diet in the MetS Study Name
Framingham Study
Wolongevicz et al.
General Population
Iqbal et al. Mente et al.
2008 2010
General Population
Carnethon et al.
Young Adults
Mirmiran et al.
General Population
Lutsey et al.
General Population
Amsterdam Growth & Health Longitudinal Study
Ferreira et al.
Young Adults
NURSES Health Study
Field et al. Oh et al.
2007 2005
Female Nurses
the vast majority of cases of the MetS changes to diet and lifestyle are suitable. In fact one study in particular highlighted that a change in lifestyle – including increased exercise and dietary changes was more effective than metformin in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes [35]. The idea that diet can influence health is not a new one, “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is a phrase attributed to Hippocrates the Ancient Greek father of modern medicine. There are numerous studies both ongoing and concluded which are providing evidence for the role that diet plays in the development or prevention of the MetS (Table 1). The Framingham study is the primary source of information for markers of MetS. Framingham has demonstrated that diet quality is inextricably linked with obesity and therefore the MetS particularly in women. A diet low in energy, carbohydrates and micronutrients but high in saturated fatty acids and alcohol was found to correlate with increased obesity. In addition women who consumed a diet which was high in energy, derived from protein, carbohydrates and fat were also at risk of increased obesity. On the other hand a high intake of energy, based on high fibre and vitamin E was inversely related to obesity [36]. The Framingham study is a local study and fails to take into account dietary patterns based on global location – which is precisely what the INTERHEART study has attempted to do. One method which this study has made use of is the classification of diets into “Oriental”, “Western” or “Prudent”. The oriental diet contains tofu and soy and various other sauces. The western diet is high in fried foods, salty snacks, eggs and meat. The Prudent diet depends on large amounts of fruit and vegetables. What they demonstrated based on this classification system is that the Oriental diet had no association with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), while the Prudent diet in addition to no association with AMI had a protective effect at higher levels. The Western diet in comparison was associated with AMI [37]. As it is the INTERHEART study which has highlighted a link between AMI and MetS similar to the levels in type 2 diabetes the link between a Western diet and MetS prevalence is hard to ignore [38].
There has been an increase in the number of national and multinational prospective cohort studies all emphasising the influence of diet on the risk of MetS, type 2 diabetes and CVD. The coronary artery risk development in young adults (CARDIA) study correlated increased BMI and weight gain due to a diet high in carbohydrate and low in crude fibre with increased risk of MetS [39]. The following years have seen at least one study published per year which emphasises the role that diet plays in prevalence of MetS. The Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal Study established a link between increased energy intake rather than any one macro or micronutrient and the MetS [40]. The Framingham study highlighted the link between 1 soft drink daily and increased waist circumference, altered glucose tolerance and MetS [41]. The Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS) highlighted a dose dependent relationship between dietary intake of carbohydrates and fats and the incidence of MetS [42]. Confirmation of the role played by a western diet based on meat and fried foods and the incidence of MetS was demonstrated in the Atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study – this also offered further evidence of the possible protective role to be played by the prudent diet high in vegetables, fruit, fish, and poultry [43]. 5. ROLE OF DIETARY COMPONENTS ALONE OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH EXERCISE IN TREATING THE METS What all these prospective cohort studies have in common is that they are pointing the way towards new dietary guidelines and a nutritional strategy to reduce the prevalence of obesity, type 2 diabetes and the MetS and thereby reduce the number of deaths from CVD. The evidence outlined to date provides a convincing argument for the adverse effects of the western diet and two macronutrients in particular –fats and carbohydrates. 5.1. Fats Despite the recognised role of fats and fatty acids as a vital fuel source (37 kJ or 9 kcal per gram), research shows their potentially deleterious effects. Convention dictates that fatty acids are classified based on double bonds within their
Diet and Metabolic Syndrome
Table 2.
Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2013, Vol. 11, No. 00
Dietary Intervention Studies analysing the effects of PUFA on factors of the MetS
Duration (Weeks)
Replacing SFA with PUFA
Patients with MetS
PUFA improved TAG levels
Seal oil and Fish oil Supplements
General Population
Seal Oil & Fish Oil supplementation reduced plasma TAG and blood pressure
PUFA diet
PUFA Supplementation
Obese Adolescents
Diets higher in Fish and PUFA
Patients with Diabetes
Moderate -3 Supplementation
General Population
structure. In so doing saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are associated with certain biological effects. 5.1.1. Trans Fats Trans fats, for example, are unsaturated fatty acids that are created during the industrial process of partial hydrogenation; converting vegetable oils to semi-solids. Trans fats are positively correlated with plasma CRP, TNF, Eselectin, sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 [44, 45]. Trans fats have been shown to be inversely related to HDL and LDL:HDL in women [45] and positively related to total cholesterol and serum LDL [46] and so, increased consumption of trans fats raises the risk of CHD [46]. 5.1.2. Saturated Fatty Acids & Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids SFA are acknowledged as “bad” fats associated with an increased risk of MetS. The most abundant SFA in the diet and in the body are palmitate and stearate. Studies have shown that replacing SFA with a diet enriched with PUFA decreases LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol:HDLcholesterol ratio [47] and reduce the risk of MetS developing [48, 49]. There is also evidence that substituting SFA with low-GI foods (or wholegrain carbohydrates) could lead to a reduction in MetS incidence [50] however high GI foods or refined carbohydrates may have the opposite effect [48]. As opposed to SFA and MUFA, dietary intake of n-3 and n-6 PUFA are essential for normal growth and development. Of all fatty acids n-3 PUFA are the longest recognised as having beneficial effects on human health (Table 2) [51]. There is strong evidence that n-3 PUFA can reduce TAG levels [5254], and also may improve hypertension [53, 55, 56]. Increased intakes of n-3 PUFA are inversely related to plasma CRP, IL-6 and E-selectin [57]. EPA and DHA are inversely related to the soluble adhesion molecules, sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 [57] Thus, n-3 PUFA reduce inflammation [58] and decrease cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients [59]. However, despite PUFA reducing the risk of CHD, there is no evidence that increased consumption of LC-n-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of T2DM in men and women [60].
PUFA improve hypertension 17
PUFA supplementation reduced inflammation as measured by certain cytokines PUFA can be recommended as part of a diabetes management programme
No effect of PUFA supplementation on insulin secretion
5.1.3. Monounsaturated Fatty Acids Little is known about the nutritional implications of MUFA however, there is increasing interest into the potential of MUFA and, in particular oleate, in benefiting health. The MUFA in Obesity (MUFObes) study was a 6 month dietary intervention study comparing Willet’s Healthy Eating Pyramid (a high MUFA diet), the current recommended diet (a low fat diet) and a control diet (typical Western diet) [61, 62]. The 6 month intervention, significantly reduced the LDL:HDL ratio in the MUFA group with no change in the other two groups [63] Studies into the effect of a diet enriched with MUFA on healthy individuals has identified beneficial effects on MetS risk factors including reductions in LDL-cholesterol, TAG and elevated HDL-cholesterol levels [64, 65]. Furthermore as part of the KANWU study, MUFA are associated with a reduction in blood pressure in healthy subjects [66]. From the MUFObes study, it was seen that the MUFA group had reduced fasting glucose and insulin concentrations while the low-fat group and control group had increased concentrations of glucose and insulin [61, 63]. The large scale KANWU study determined the effect of substituting SFA for MUFA on insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals [67]. KANWU demonstrated that insulin sensitivity was reduced on the SFA diet but, contrary to the initial hypothesis, insulin sensitivity was not improved by replacing SFA with MUFA. What was interesting to note, that post hoc analysis determined that the positive effects of the MUFA diet were only discernible in individuals with a reduced total dietary fat intake (< 37% of total energy) [67]. The LIPGENE project concluded similarly – indicating that there was no difference in the effect of a high MUFA diet compared to a high SFA diet as the total fat intake at 36% of total energy was too high regardless of quality of fat [52]. Moving on from dietary intervention studies in healthy volunteers, there has been evidence to suggest that substitution of SFA with MUFA or carbohydrates in insulin resistant individuals, can lead to increased insulin sensitivity associated with elevated postprandial adiponectin levels [68]. Adiponectin and its association with improved insulin sensitivity at the peripheral tissues in animal models [69]. This effect on
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adiponectin levels is in addition to the positive effects of MUFA on body fat distribution as seen in diabetic patients [70], highlighting the importance of including MUFA in a dietary intervention for the symptoms of the MetS. 5.1.4. Mediterranean Diet With the positive effects of MUFA being recognised there is a renewed interest in the so called “Mediterranean Diet” as an optimal healthy eating approach. It is rich in foods common to the Mediterranean region with an emphasis on olive oil which is approximately 75% MUFA. The Mediterranean diet is also high in fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans, nuts and seeds. There is a very low amount of red meat consumed. Red meat is associated with an increased risk of CVD and the risk for CVD in vegetarian populations is reduced relative to non-vegetarians [71]. The evidence in favour of the Mediterranean Diet over the traditional Western Diet points to a reduction in LDL-cholesterol and an increase in HDL-cholesterol and improved insulin sensitivity in healthy [72] and insulin resistant patients [73]. Whilst these intervention studies are positive, long-term dietary intervention studies in high-risk groups are required to confirm the efficacy of a Mediterranean type diet as a long term healthy eating approach. 5.1.5. Total Fat What the studies mentioned above have highlighted is the importance of total fat in the diet. Several studies have shown no association between total fat intake and obesity and the markers of the MetS [74-77], while only one prospective cohort study has demonstrated a link between total fat intake and CHD incidence [78]. While the number of prospective cohort studies linking fat intake with MetS symptoms may be limited there are studies which demonstrate a loss in weight and an improvement in metabolic parameters in response to reduced total fat intake. A metaanalysis conducted by Astrup which included 16 low fat intervention studies found a maintenance of weight in normal weight individuals and a reduction in weight of obese/overweight individuals [79]. What is important to bear in mind is that in order to prevent essential fatty acid deficiency and to maintain normal absorption of fat soluble vitamins and maintain energy levels it is recommended that fats should account for minimum 15% of total energy intake [80]. As for the maximum dietary intake of fats a recent comprehensive study compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) approved a maximum of 3035% of total energy intake to be derived from fats to be acceptable for most individuals [81]. The value of this maximum cut off is seen in the results of the KANWU and LIPGENE studies [52, 67]. 5.2. Carbohydrates 5.2.1. Glycaemic Index & Glucose Load Carbohydrates are another macronutrient which have been investigated on the basis of their contribution to MetS incidence. In 1981 Jenkins introduced the concept of the glycaemic index (GI) as a classification of carbohydrates according to their postprandial effects on blood glucose lev-
Keane et al.
els [82]. Refined grains are classed as high GI foods due to their rapid digestion and the large fluctuations that they cause in blood glucose and insulin. On the other hand wholegrain foods are classed as low GI, they are digested slowly and therefore cause a gradual increase in glucose levels and as a result a more controlled insulin response [82]. In addition to GI measurement, studies involving carbohydrates in the diet also take into consideration the glucose load (GL). The GL is defined as the carbohydrate content times the GI [83]. There is no accepted definition for dietary fibre however it is often referred to as non starch polysaccharides and sources include whole grain cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables and they are associated with possible prevention of the MetS and T2DM [84, 85]. 5.2.2. Relationship between Glycaemic Index and MetS In an eight year follow-up of 91,249 female nurses, a diet high in rapidly absorbed, high GI foods was strongly associated with an increased risk of T2DM and this association remained high after adjusting for BMI and other lifestyle factors [85]. The same relationship between high GI foods and incidence of T2DM has been demonstrated in men [86]. In a prospective study of EPIC-NL participants, diets high in GL, GI, and starch and low in fibre were associated with an increased diabetes risk [87]. High GI foods are positively correlated with haemorrhagic stroke and replacing high GI foods with low GI foods could reduce the risk [88]. A metaanalysis of 37 prospective studies on GI and GL reported that diets with a high GI or GL independently increased the risk of T2DM and heart disease [89]. Plasma C-peptide is a marker of insulin secretion and higher concentrations are associated with IR. High intakes of high GI foods are associated with higher concentrations of plasma C-peptide than low GI foods. A diet enriched in cereal fibre, demonstrated reduced levels of plasma C-peptide [90]. High-GI is also associated with an increase in highsensitivity-C-reactive protein (hsCRP) concentration. hsCRP is a sensitive marker for inflammation, Liu et al. investigated whether this association was modified by BMI [91]. The Women’s Health Study showed that GL was significantly associated with hs-CRP and this positive association was significantly modified by BMI [91]. 5.2.3. Glycaemic Index Intervention Studies These association studies have demonstrated a clear need for intervention studies to establish if substituting high GI with low GI alternatives is capable of reversing the incidence of T2DM and the numerous symptoms of the MetS (Table 3). Some intervention studies have been carried out in healthy individuals, however reducing the GI content of the diet had little to no effect on the markers of the MetS. However it is important to note that these studies have been short in duration and perhaps a more sustained low-GI diet is necessary. In high-risk subjects, the impact of a low-fat, highcarbohydrate diet, in which carbohydrate was either low-GI or high-GI, on energy intake, body weight, composition and risk factors for T2DM and ischemic heart disease (IHD) in overweight healthy subjects was examined by Sloth et al. [92]. High- versus low-GI diets had no significant effect on fasting serum insulin, TAG and NEFA and HDL-cholesterol concentrations, homeostasis model assessment for relative
Diet and Metabolic Syndrome
Table 3.
Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2013, Vol. 11, No. 00
Dietary intervention studies investigating the benefits of a low GI diet with regard to factors of the MetS
(Weeks) Wolever
Alternating Low GI and High GI
Patients with Type1 & 2 Diabetes
Reduction in Blood Glucose Levels & Serum cholesterol levels
Low Vs High GI
Patients with CHD
Improved Insulin Sensitivity
Low Vs High GI
Female – Family history of CHD
Improved Insulin Sensitivity
Alternating Low GI and High GI
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Lowers Blood Glucose & Insulin Levels Improved Lipid Profile – Reduced LDL & HDL-cholesterol
Low GI Vs High GI
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Reduction in LDL-cholesterol but no change in glucose management on Low GI diet
Low GI Vs High GI
Overweight but Healthy
No change in -cell function, TAG, NEFA or HDL-cholesterol. Decrease in LDL and Total cholesterol with the Low GI.
High GI, Low GI & Low Carbohydrate
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
HbA1c not altered. Sustained reduction in postprandial glucose on Low GI diet.
Low GI/GL Vs High GI/GL
Overweight but Healthy Men
No Significant effects on markers for MetS
Varied Protein Content & GI
Overweight but Healthy who achieved initial targeted weight loss
Diet high in protein but low GI was most successful @ maintaining weight loss.
Varied Protein Content & GI
Overweight but Healthy who achieved initial targeted weight loss
Diet low in protein or low GI reduced hsCRP
Diogenes Gogebakan Diogenes
insulin resistance (HOMA) levels or homeostasis model assessment for cell function. However, a 10% decrease in LDL-cholesterol and a trend towards a greater reduction in TC was demonstrated in the low-GI group relative to the high-GI subjects. Shikany et al. determined the effect of high- or low- GI/GL diets in 24 overweight or obese men who were otherwise healthy and showed that neither intervention had a significant effect on glucose metabolism, inflammatory markers (CRP, IL-6, TNF- or TNF-RII) or coagulation factors (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-I) or fibrinogen) [93]. Fat mass reduction and an increase in lean mass with high-GI/GL diet was significant relative to the low-GI/GL diet, however the absolute differences between the groups was small. The high-GI/GL diet resulted in a significant reduction in TC, LDL-cholesterol and HDLcholesterol compared with the low-GI/GL diet. The reduction in TC and LDL-cholesterol with the high-GI/GL intervention may be attributed to the higher PUFA and lower SFA content of this diet. Jarvi et al. compared the effects of high-GI versus lowGI diets in a cross-over study conducted over two consecutive 24 day periods and noted that insulin sensitivity im-
proved significantly with both diets but particularly with the low-GI diet; in addition serum TC and LDL-cholesterol were significantly reduced with the low-GI diet relative to the high-GI diet, however HDL-cholesterol was reduced in both groups [94]. Heilbronn et al. determined the effect of a high SFA diet run-in for 4weeks, followed by an 8 week low- or high-GI intervention in T2DM patients with low, median or high glucose tolerance. Both diets induced weight loss and lowered fasting glucose and TAG concentrations however this was not significant between intervention groups. The low-GI diet resulted in a greater reduction in LDLcholesterol concentrations in subjects with low glucose tolerance [95]. Overall the low-GI intervention studies in T2DM patients have been limited to small cohorts and therefore further research is needed to establish whether or not a low-GI diet can have a positive effect. To date, studies have shown that the glycaemic index of a diet alone is not sufficient to resolve the symptoms of the MetS. The most recent attempt to target obesity and its various associated risk factors has involved a combination of altered protein intake and altered GI levels. Diogenes (Diet, obesity and Genes), investigated the
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efficacy of moderate fat diets that vary in protein content and glycaemic index in preventing weight gain and obesity related factors following an initial weight loss phase [96]. Diogenes aimed to investigate if improvements in hs-CRP, TAG, TC, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and blood pressure all factors involved in the MetS that were achieved during the initial weight-loss phase of the study, could be maintained or indeed improved with the intervention diets and additionally whether these diets elicit additional weight loss–independent effects [97]. hsCRP levels decreased significantly during the run-in phase and continued to decrease during the 26-week intervention, there were distinct changes between the dietary groups, the low-GI group displayed greater reduction in hsCRP when compared to the high-GI group, a combination of low-protein and low-GI was most beneficial in respect to hsCRP reduction. This result corroborates that of a prospective Canadian study [98] and a cross-sectional study of a Dutch population [99]. In this study of a Dutch population, GI was shown to have a significantly inverse association with HDL-cholesterol. A low-GI diet (high in dairy and fruit, but low in potatoes and cereals) was assoicated with improved insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism and with a reduction in chronic inflammatory factors This was in agreement with a study conducted in a female US cohort [100]. However the findings of van Dam et al. and Oxlund et al. do not support these associations [101, 102].
5.4. Lifestyle Interventions Combining Exercise and Dietary Advice
5.3. General Healthy Eating Advice
The results of the Diabetes Prevention Study were complimented by a similar lifestyle intervention the Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP) in the US, which focused on the relative efficacy of lifestyle intervention versus pharmacological therapy (metformin) to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance [121]. The DPP showed that for every 5% reduction in dietary fat intake (%fat) during follow-up, diabetes incidence was reduced by 25% [122]. The DPP suggest that lifestyle intervention may have the potential to preserve -cell function and prevent T2DM. Weight loss in the lifestyle intervention group was particularly associated with increased adiponectin levels [123] [124]. Persons with impaired glucose tolerance have elevated levels of C-reactive protein which has been shown to predict the development of type 2 diabetes and MetS [125, 126]. In the DPP study, levels of CRP were reduced in the lifestyle intervention and in response to metformin treatment but not in the control group [127]. The control group had increased prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia the lifestyle intervention was more successful even than the metformin treatment in reducing hypertension and dyslipidemia [128, 129]. The results show that a reduction in diabetes incidence by either lifestyle intervention or metformin treatment persists for at least ten years [130].
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the DASH diet for reaching and sustaining a healthy weight and for the prevention of diet-induced diseases. The DASH diet was established as a means of reducing blood pressure by dietary patterns as opposed to nutrients alone [103]. The control diet represented a typical Western style diet and was compared to a high fruit and vegetable diet and the DASH diet which consisted of increased consumption of low-fat dairy, fruit and vegetables, dietary fibre and whole grains and decreased intake of refined grains, saturated fat and total fat [103]. The DASH diet significantly reduced blood pressure especially in African Americans and those with existing hypertension [104-106]. The DASH diet also had favourable effects on blood lipids by lowering total, LDL and HDL cholesterol but it had no effect on TAG concentrations in overweight people [107]. Blood pressure and blood lipids were markedly improved in diabetic patients [108]. Among diabetic individuals, the DASH diet reduced the inflammatory markers CRP, fibrinogen, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase more so than the standard diet for diabetic patients after just eight weeks [109]. A longer-term study showed that the DASH diet may prevent the occurrence of T2DM, but the effect was greater for white individuals than for minority groups [110]. Positive outcomes were noted for weight and fasting blood glucose as well as for blood pressure and HDL cholesterol among men and women with existing MetS [111]. The DASH could prove to be effective at not only preventing the risk factors associated with the MetS but also treating them.
Alterations to diet alone have demonstrated an improvement in markers of the MetS as outlined above. Further studies investigated the role of dietary intervention in conjunction with physical activity as a treatment option for MetS [35, 112-115]. One of the first controlled, individually randomised trials to test the effect of lifestyle intervention on components of the Metabolic Syndrome was the Diabetes Prevention Study, a multi-centre study based in Finland [116]. In the intervention group, a frequent individual consultation with a nutritionist was provided and subjects were recommended to follow a lifestyle intervention (Table 4). There was a significant reduction in body weight and waist circumference in response to intervention compared to the control cohort in years 1, 2 and 3 [116, 117]. The incidence of the MetS and risk factors associated with the MetS, including abdominal obesity, blood pressure, HDLcholesterol and TAG concentrations were significantly improved in the intervention but not in the control group [118]. Importantly, the diet and lifestyle intervention led to a reduced number of patients with MetS and T2DM at the end of 3, 4 or 6 years [117] [118] [119]. The most significant dietary predictor for achieving large weight reduction was energy density. In particular low-fat and high-fibre intakes predicted decreased diabetes risk independently of body weight change and physical activity [120].
The positive effects of lifestyle intervention seen in the DPS and DPP studies were corroborated further by another detailed study “The study on lifestyle-intervention and impaired glucose tolerance Maastricht (SLIM)” [131]. Dietary recommendations were based on the Dutch guidelines for a healthy diet (Dutch Nutrition Council 1992). Lifestyle intervention again led to a reduction in weight and BMI [131, 132]. Total cholesterol, HDL and LDL concentrations did not change over time within the two groups. Prevalence of
Diet and Metabolic Syndrome
Table 4.
Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2013, Vol. 11, No. 00
Outline of dietary and physical interventions to achieve goals of the DPS study.
Dietary Intervention
>50 % of energy derived from carbohydrate
Amount of total fat 30 % of energy
10 years) benefits of lifestyle intervention and the fundamental role of physical activity in conjunction with dietary modifications in reducing the prevalence of the MetS. 5.5. Functional Foods – bioactives for Treating MetS
Long chain (LC) n-3 PUFA, derived from fish oils, may also be considered as bioactives as they have multiple potential health benefits which when incorporated into a food matrix that would not usually contain LC n-3 PUFA can also be classed as functional foods. Evidence from in vitro studies has demonstrated that LC n-3 PUFA have anti-inflammatory potential which results in improved insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue [141]. With the rising health costs associated with the MetS and the recognised links between food and the symptoms of the MetS there have been attempts to identify bioactive compounds and functional foods which might be able to attenuate the risk factors for MetS. The bioactive components of various functional foods have been found to have beneficial effects on risk factors associated with MetS. For example, beta-glucan a soluble dietary fibre readily found in oat and barley bran has been associated with reduced insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension and obesity [142].
5.5.1. Definition of Functional Food
5.5.2. Animal Derived Bioactives
The term functional food was first coined in Japan to describe foods which were fortified to have a positive physiological effect [133-135]. Therefore a functional food can be defined as a food that contains bioactive compounds present as natural constituents or added as fortificants which have the potential to exert health benefits beyond the basic nutritional value of the product [136]. The “bioactive” compound is defined as an “extranutraceutical” and is where the potential for health benefits lies [137]. Bioactive compounds normally occur naturally in small quantities and they can be isolated from marine, animal or plant sources [136, 138, 139]. The bioactive components of functional foods are released either by digestion processes in vivo or through food processing methods. Functional food research is being driven by commercial benefits for the food industry and a need to reduce healthcare costs in an increasingly ageing population. What is important to note is that the power of foods to have physiological effects both positive and negative has been realised and therefore worldwide there is an effort to define these foods more rigidly and to formulate and apply legislation to their production [140]. The original bioactives were what we know of as micronutrients – vitamins and minerals which were used to “fortify” existing food stuffs in order to maintain or enhance normal physiological functions [140].
Bioactive peptides from milk, meat, soy and plant sources have also shown favourable effects on risk factors associated with MetS [143]. For example, milk casein BPs such as Val-Pro-Pro and Ile-Pro-Pro both have shown antihypertensive effects through inhibiting angiotensin Iconverting enzyme (ACE) [144, 145]. Furthermore, lactoferrin, a bioactive component of the whey fraction of milk has shown anti-inflammatory activity in vitro and, in clinical studies has been found to reduce visceral fat in men and women with abdominal obesity [146-148]. Studies have also assessed the effects of glycomacropeptide (GMP), a -casein fragment on weight loss and cardiovascular disease risk. Total and LDL-cholesterol, TAG, glucose, insulin, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure have been shown to decrease at 6 and 12 months compared to baseline with an additional increase in HDL-cholesterol at 12 months compared with baseline using meal replacements containing GMPenriched whey protein isolate (GMP-WPI) containing 90% GMP [149]. Whey-born multifunctional peptides called lactorphin and -lactorphin affect adipocyte lipogenesis due to their ACE-inhibitory activities and also they may reduce food intake via peripheral opioid receptors, similarly to casein and soy protein hydrolysates [150, 151]. Meat derived
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BPs have also shown anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive properties in rodent models [152-154].
glucuronide and sulfate conjugates would be more effective due to the fact that they are absorbed as conjugates [178].
5.5.3. Plant Derived Bioactives
Bioactive compounds are reinforcing the concept of “you are what you eat”. There is rapid progress being made in isolating and understanding bioactive compounds and the list of functional foods is being added to at pace. Functional foods occupy the market between traditional foods and what we consider to be medicine. They have demonstrated that they have the potential to reduce the risk of disease or improve markers of health. However there is much more work to do to classify these compounds and regulatory bodies are putting in place the necessary legislation to ensure that there are no health scares as a result of functional foods cross reaction with “normal” foods or prescribed medication. There are a number of ongoing studies evaluating the benefit or risk of foods and functional foods e.g. BEPRARIBEAN, PLANTLIBRA and BRAFO. In the USA, functional foods are under the regulation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In Europe, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for evaluating health and nutritional claims for functional foods. Aside from issues of food safety further research is needed to establish scientific proof of efficacy and bioavailability of the bioactive components of functional foods in human studies. Human intervention studies into functional foods must take into consideration – subject selection, background diets, length of intervention, maximum effective dose of the active ingredient, possible food matrices, appropriate controls, methods of establishing compliance and finally the biological markers of the endpoint [179].
Phytochemical –or plant derived bioactives such as cinnamon, green tea, berberine and ginseng have all demonstrated an ability to modulate signalling pathways in metabolically challenged in vitro cell models and animal studies [155-160]. Cinnamon extract decreased oxidative stress, body fat and improved fasting glucose levels in glucose intolerant subjects, however these studies involved a relatively small cohort and due to the reliance on self reported food diaries it is not clear if those involved had reduced their energy intake thus the reduction in body fat observed [161, 162]. Epigallocatechingallate (EGCG), the major bioactive in green tea, lowered cholesterol and improved insulin sensitivity in obese mice, and lowered blood pressure in spontaneous hypertensive rats [163, 164]. Epidemiological studies have found that regular consumption of green tea is inversely associated with cardiovascular mortality, risk of hypertension and of diabetes, and with percent body fat and body fat distribution [165]. Supplementation of an exercise regime based on walking with the same green tea extract has demonstrated improvement in glycaemic control and a reduction in heart rate in overweight females however this study recognised that the dose given was not sufficient to induce fat loss [166]. Berberine has traditionally been recognised for its antibiotic properties however recent studies have demonstrated that supplementation with berberine can improve blood glucose levels and improve dyslipidemia in diabetic patients [167, 168]. Two bioactive polyphenols found in fruits, resveratrol and quercetin have been noted for their favourable effects on components of MetS. Both bioactives improved insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism in cell culture models, including 3T3-L1 adipocytes and adipose tissue isolated from rats and cultured ex vivo [142, 169, 170]. Quercetin given to obese rats improved inflammation, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and hyperinsulinemia [171]. In a human study, quercetin supplements given to overweight subjects with MetS traits reduced systolic blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol concentration [172]. Mice fed a high fat diet and supplements of resveratrol lived longer, weighed less and, had increased insulin sensitivity compared to control mice. In another study, obese rats given supplements of resveratrol had lowered blood pressure, plasma glucose, cholesterol and TAG compared to control animals [139]. Recent evidence in healthy obese adults has corroborated the early work conducted in animal models of obesity [173]. Epidemiological and experimental studies have revealed that drinking red wine attenuates cardiovascular risk factors, highlighting resveratrol as a protective agent [174, 175]. Human intervention studies have demonstrated a beneficial effect of resveratrol supplements (10mg) on symptoms of CAD [176], and an improvement in insulin sensitivity [177]. However there are questions about the bioavailability of resveratrol and quercetin, with evidence that even massive supplementation doses may not be able to achieve the concentrations needed for biological effects to occur. This research also questions the use of polyphenols alone but rather stresses that their
6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES The MetS is a complex disorder involving physiological dysfunction in multiple organs and systems and which is caused by both genetic and environmental influences. The multi-factorial nature of the MetS means that there are numerous targets for therapy which is positive – however it also makes it difficult to treat as no single therapy can possibly hope to affect all available targets. Studies put forward the theory of “primordial prevention” as a way to avoid the symptoms and outcomes of the MetS altogether. However with the worldwide increase in childhood obesity this option is already taken out of most individual’s control. Pharmacological agents can be used to treat the MetS at its latter stages – however they should be a last resort, following lifestyle interventions, as none currently available are an outright cure for the MetS. In the early stages of metabolic disturbance it is possible to reverse the symptoms and prevent outright T2DM development or to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular complications. As the cost of treating MetS is increasing worldwide and therefore straining already constrained health budgets there has been an increase in the number of studies analysing alternative treatment options. The literature supports weight management through dietary and lifestyle interventions as early as possible to prevent disease progression. While initial studies focused on individual nutrients, the outcomes of these studies were insufficient. There has been considerably more success with the combination of exercise and dietary interventions in treating symptoms of the MetS. The functional food area may have further potential within the context of designing novel foods en-
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riched with “bioactives” or compounds which when isolated from their natural source have added health benefits which ameliorate one or more components of the MetS. Whilst there is the potential to develop bioactives that target the insulin resistant component of the MetS and this would attenuate the metabolic risk factors such as T2DM and CVD risk. There is promising data from both in vitro and animal studies. Nevertheless it is very important that efficacy is demonstrated in man in order to support a viable therapeutic strategy to improve health.
Total Cholesterol
Very-low-density lipoprotein
World Health Organisation
The authors confirm that this article content has no conflicts of interest. [3]
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DK, SK, NPH, MAMcA and KH work in the Food for Health Ireland group supported by Enterprise Ireland under Grant Number CC20080001. HMR is a recipient of the Science Foundation Ireland Principal Investigator Programme (11/PI/1119).
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
American Diabetes Association
Acute Myocardial Infarcation
Coronary Heart Disease
C-reactive protein
Cardiovascular Disease
Docosahexaenoic acid
European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Eicosapentaenoic acid
Free fatty acid
Glycaemic Index
Glycaemic Load
High density lipoprotein
Hormone Sensitive Lipase
International Diabetes Federation
Low density lipoprotein
Lipoprotein lipase
Metabolic Syndrome
Monounsaturated fatty acid
National Cholesterol Education Panel
Non-esterified fatty acid
Polyunsaturated fatty acid
Saturated fatty acid
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
[8] [9]
[14] [15]
[16] [17]
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