to the Dietetic Internship. ... Submitted a letter of intent through DICAS. ... Three
letters of recommendation are required for the internship application which can ...
Intent to Apply to the FSU DI PROGRAM Applications for admission into The Florida State University Dietetic Internship are considered only after admission has been granted into the graduate program in the Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences (NFES). Application for admission to the graduate program in the NFES Department should be submitted as early as possible in the Fall Semester preceding the D&D deadline. Deadline for the graduate school application is November 1st for Spring Admission – prior to the April D&D match date. Applications for the internship through DICAS should be submitted by January 31st prior to the D&D deadline of the same year. Note: Admission to the graduate program in the NFES Department does not automatically grant student admission to the Dietetic Internship. Internship applications are reviewed by a department selection committee after admission to the graduate program in NFES. Internship appointments are awarded on a competitive basis through the computer matching process used by ADA in co-operation with D&D Digital Systems, Ames, IA. Please complete the information needed below and submit online. Full Name
SSN (last 5 digits): XXX-X__-_____
Phone No.
E-mail address:
Before submitting this form you should have already:
1. Applied to FSU graduate program. 2. Submitted a letter of intent through DICAS. Since this internship is in conjunction with the graduate program, your letter of intent should be approximately 1-2 page(s) long, single-spaced, and typed indicating your reasons for your interest in a combined graduate and dietetics internship program and why you want to become a dietitian. Highlight your major interest in dietetics, i.e., clinical, management, community, sports/exercise or other. List pertinent experiences that will contribute to your success in the dietetic internship. Discuss what you plan to gain from participation in the FSU Dietetic Internship and your reasons for pursuing graduate work at The Florida State University. This letter may be used as your application letter for the graduate program which you are submitting to the Graduate Coordinator. 3. Completed DICAS online application. 4. Participated in D&D digital computer matching. Please ask your references to submit their recommendations directly to DICAS and the FSU graduate school online application. Three letters of recommendation are required for the internship application which can be used for the graduate program application as well. One recommendation should be from your DPD director; one from an employer or supervisor, and one from a DPD instructor (if there is no former employer, 2 letters from DPD instructors are acceptable). If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact: Maria T. Spicer, PhD, RD, LD/N Director of the Dietetic Internship Department of Nutrition, Food, and Exercise Sciences The Florida State University 400 Sandels Bldg Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1493 850-644-1784
[email protected]