Difference sequence spaces defined by a sequence of ... - SciELO

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Let F = (fk) be a sequence of modulus functions and p = (pk) be a bounded sequence of positive real numbers. Then we define the following sequence spaces :.
Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics Vol. 30, No 2, pp. 189-199, August 2011. Universidad Cat´olica del Norte Antofagasta - Chile

Difference sequence spaces defined by a sequence of modulus functions KULDIP RAJ SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI UNIVERSITY, INDIA and SUNIL K. SHARMA SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI UNIVERSITY, INDIA Received : March 2011. Accepted : May 2011

Abstract In the present paper we study difference sequence spaces defined by a sequence of modulus functions and examine some topological properties of these spaces. Subjclass[2000] :40A05, 40C05, 46A45. Keywords : Paranorm space, Difference sequence space, Modulus function.


Kuldip Raj and Sunil K. Sharma

1. Introduction and Preliminaries A modulus function is a function f : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) such that 1. f (x) = 0 if and only if x = 0, 2. f (x + y) ≤ f (x) + f (y) for all x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, 3. f is increasing, 4. f is continuous from right at 0. It follows that f must be continuous everywhere on [0, ∞). The modulus function may be bounded or unbounded. For example, if we take x , then f (x) is bounded. If f (x) = xp , 0 < p < 1, then the f (x) = x+1 modulus f (x) is unbounded. Subsequentially, modulus function has been discussed in ([1], [7], [8]) and many others. Let X be a linear metric space. A function p : X → R is called paranorm, if 1. p(x) ≥ 0, for all x ∈ X, 2. p(−x) = p(x), for all x ∈ X, 3. p(x + y) ≤ p(x) + p(y), for all x, y ∈ X, 4. if (λn ) is a sequence of scalars with λn → λ as n → ∞ and (xn ) is a sequence of vectors with p(xn − x) → 0 as n → ∞, then p(λn xn − λx) → 0 as n → ∞. A paranorm p for which p(x) = 0 implies x = 0 is called total paranorm and the pair (X, p) is called a total paranormed space. It is well known that the metric of any linear metric space is given by some total paranorm (see [9], Theorem 10.4.2, P-183).

Let w be the set of all sequences, real or complex numbers and l∞ , c and c0 be respectively the Banach spaces of bounded, convergent and null sequences x = (xk ), normed by ||x|| = sup |xk |, where k ∈ N, the set of positive integers.


Difference sequence spaces defined by a sequence of ...


Let Λ = (λn ) be a non decreasing sequence of positive reals tending to infinity and λ1 = 1 and λn+1 ≤ λn +1. The generalized de la Vallee-Poussin means is defined by 1 X tn (x) = xk , λn k∈I n

where In = [n−λn +1, n]. A sequence x = (xk ) is said to be (V, λ)-summable to a number l if tn (x) → l as n → ∞ (see[5]). If λn = n, (V, λ)-summability and strong (V, λ)-summability are reduced to (C, 1)-summability and [C, 1]summability, respectively.

In [4], Kizmaz defined the sequence spaces ½

X(∆) = x = (xk ) : (∆xk ) ∈ X


for X = l∞ , c or c0 , where ∆x = (∆xk ) = (xk − xk+1 ) for all k ∈ N. Et and Colak [2] generalized the above sequence spaces to the sequence spaces ½ ¾ X(∆m ) = x = (xk ) : (∆m xk ) ∈ X

for X = l∞ , c or c0 , where m ∈ N, ∆0 x = (xk ), ∆x = (xk − xk+1 ), ∆m x = (∆m xk ) = (∆m−1 xk − ∆m−1 xk+1 ) for all k ∈ N. The generalized difference operator has the following binomial representation, Ã ! m X m (−1)v xk+v ∆m xk = v v=0 for all k ∈ N. The following inequality will be used throughout the paper. If 0 ≤ pk ≤ sup pk = H, D = max(1, 2H−1 ) then (1.1)

|ak + bk |pk ≤ D{|ak |pk + |bk |pk }

for all k and ak , bk ∈ C. Also |a|pk ≤ max(1, |a|H ) for all a ∈ C.


Kuldip Raj and Sunil K. Sharma

Let E be a Banach space, we define w(E) to be the vector space of all E-valued sequences that is w(E) = {x = (xk ) : xk ∈ E}. Let F = (fk ) be a sequence of modulus functions and p = (pk ) be a bounded sequence of positive real numbers. Then we define the following sequence spaces : [V, λ, F, p]1

(∆m , E, u)


= x ∈ w(E) : lim n

´ipk 1 Xh ³ m fk ||∆ uk xk − Le|| λn k∈I ¾


= 0, for some L , ½

¾ ´ipk 1 Xh ³ m [V, λ, F, p]0 (∆ , E, u) = x ∈ w(E) : lim fk ||∆ uk xk || =0 n λn k∈I m


and ½

¾ ´ipk 1 Xh ³ m fk ||∆ uk xk || 0 and choose δ with 0 < δ < 1 such that f (t) < 0 ≤ t ≤ δ. Write yk = fk0 (||∆m uk xk ||) and consider X

[fk (yk )]pk =


[fk (yk )]pk +





[fk (yk )]pk ,


where the first summation is over yk ≤ δ and second summation is over yk ≥ δ. Since fk is continuous, we have (2.4)


[fk (yk )]pk < λn



and for yk > δ, we use the fact that yk yk ≤1+ . yk < δ δ By the definition, we have for yk > δ, fk (yk ) < 2fk (1)

yk . δ


Kuldip Raj and Sunil K. Sharma Hence


ipk ³ ´ 1 X 1 Xh fk (yk ) ≤ max 1, (2fk (1)δ −1 )H yk . λn 2 λn k∈I n

From eqn. (2.4) and (2.5), we have [V, λ, F, p]0 (∆m , E, u) ⊂ [V, λ, F ◦ F 0 , p]0 (∆m , E, u). This completes the proof of (i). The proof of (ii) follows from the following inequality: h


(fk0 + fk00 )(||∆m uk xk ||)



≤ D fk0 (||∆m uk xk ||)



+ D fk00 (||∆m uk xk ||)


Corollary 2.6 Let F = (fk ) be a sequence of modulus functions. Then [V, λ, p]X (∆m , E, u) ⊂ [V, λ, F, p]X (∆m , E, u).

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Difference sequence spaces defined by a sequence of ...


[6] Maddox, I. J., Elements of functional Analysis , Cambridge Univ. Press, (1970). [7] Malkowsky, E. and Savas, E., Some λ-sequence spaces defined by a modulus, Archivum Mathematicum, 36, pp. 219-228, (2000). [8] Savas, E., On some generalized sequence spaces defined by a modulus , Indian J. pure and Appl. Math., 30, pp. 459-464, (1999). [9] Wilansky, A., Summability through Functional Analysis, North- Holland Math. stnd. (1984). Kuldip Raj School of Mathematics Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra-182320, J&K India e-mail : kuldeepraj68@rediffmail.com and Sunil K. Sharma School of Mathematics Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra-182320, J&K India e-mail : [email protected]