Diffusion MRI quality control and functional diffusion map results in ACRIN 6677/RTOG 0625: A multicenter, randomized, phase II trial of bevacizumab and chemotherapy in recurrent glioblastoma Benjamin M. Ellingson1-4, Eunhee Kim5, Davis C. Woodworth2,3, Helga Marques5, Jerrold L. Boxerman6, Yair Safriel7, Robert C. McKinstry8, Felix Bokstein9, Rajan Jain10,15, T. Linda Chi11, A. Gregory Sorensen12,16, Mark R. Gilbert13 and Daniel P. Barboriak14 1
UCLA Neuro-Oncology Program, David Geffen School of Medicine, Departments of 2Radiological Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine, 3Biomedical Physics, David Geffen School of Medicine, 4Bioengineering, Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; 5 Center for Statistical Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI; 6Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Rhode Island Hospital and Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI; 7Radiology Associates of Clearwater, University of South Florida, Clearwater, FL; 8Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA; 9Neuro-Oncology Service, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Israel; 10Departments of Radiology and Neurosurgery, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI; 11Department of Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; 12A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA; 13Department of Neuro-Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; 14Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA Received November 20, 2014; Accepted December 30, 2014 DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2015.2891 Abstract. Functional diffusion mapping (fDM) is a cancer imaging technique that quantifies voxelwise changes in apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). Previous studies have shown value of fDMs in bevacizumab therapy for recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The aim of the present study was to implement explicit criteria for diffusion MRI quality control and independently evaluate fDM performance in a multicenter clinical trial (RTOG 0625/ACRIN 6677). A total of 123 patients were enrolled in the current multicenter trial and signed institutional review board-approved informed consent at their respective institutions. MRI was acquired prior to and 8 weeks following therapy. A 5-point QC scoring system was
Correspondence to: Dr Benjamin M. Ellingson, Department of
Radiological Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, 924 Westwood Boulevard, Suite 615, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA E-mail:
[email protected]
Present addresses: 15Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Langone
Medical Center, New York University, New York, NY, USA; 16Siemens Healthcare, Malvern, PA, USA
Key words: diffusion MRI, functional diffusion maps, functional
diffusion mapping, glioblastoma, magnetic resonance imaging, bevacizumab
used to evaluate DWI quality. fDM performance was evaluated according to the correlation of these metrics with PFS and OS at the first follow-up time-point. Results showed ADC variability of 7.3% in NAWM and 10.5% in CSF. A total of 68% of patients had usable DWI data and 47% of patients had high quality DWI data when also excluding patients that progressed before the first follow-up. fDM performance was improved by using only the highest quality DWI. High pre-treatment contrast enhancing tumor volume was associated with shorter PFS and OS. A high volume fraction of increasing ADC after therapy was associated with shorter PFS, while a high volume fraction of decreasing ADC was associated with shorter OS. In summary, DWI in multicenter trials are currently of limited value due to image quality. Improvements in consistency of image quality in multicenter trials are necessary for further advancement of DWI biomarkers. Introduction Approximately 20.6 people per 100,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with a primary brain tumor each year (1). GBM constitutes the most common and aggressive form of malignant glioma, occurring in ~54% of gliomas (1) or 3.2 per 100,000 US citizens, and carrying a dismal prognosis of a median survival of around 14 months (2) with 27.4%, had significantly shorter PFS (Fig. 4E; median PFS =77 vs. 120 days; log-rank, P=0.042). Results also suggest patients with a large volume fraction of pretreatment enhancing tumor with decreasing ADC at follow-up or %ADC(-) >2.7%, had a slightly shorter PFS (median PFS = 107 vs. 240 days), but this was not statistically significant (Fig. 4F; log-rank, P= 0.121). Overall survival (OS). A total of 56 of 64 patients with evaluable DWI expired by the end of the study, while 45 of 64 patients expired by 12 months from the first post-treatment time-point. No difference in mean pre-treatment contrast enhancing volume or fDM characteristics were observed between patients alive at 12 months compared with those who expired at 12 months (P>0.05 for all metrics). Patients with DWI QC ≥3. Neither continuous measures of enhancing volume or fDM characteristics were significant predictors for OS [Cox, P>0.05 for volume, %ADC(+) and %ADC(-)]. When patients were stratified by median pretreatment contrast-enhancing tumor volume (14.9 cc), no significant difference in OS was observed (Fig. 5A; log-rank, P= 0.125). Th optimal cutpoints for %ADC(+) and %ADC(-) were 17.3 and 26.2% when the outcome was OS; however, neither %ADC(+) (Fig. 5B; log-rank, P= 0.158) nor %ADC(-) (Fig. 5C; log-rank, P= 0.219) significantly separated these groups in terms of OS.
Patients with DWI QC=5. For patients with high quality DWI data available, continuous measures of pre-treatment contrastenhancing tumor was significantly correlated with OS (Cox, P= 0.006 for volume, P= 0.080 for age and 0.575 for gender). When patients were stratified by median pre-treatment enhancing volume (14.3 cc), a trend toward a difference in OS was observed (Fig. 5D; log-rank, P= 0.099). Continuous measures of %ADC(+) and %ADC(-) were not significantly associated with OS (Cox, P>0.05 for fDM metrics). The optimal cutpoints for %ADC(+) and %ADC(-) in patients with high quality DWI data were 15.2 and 3.97%, respectively. The Kaplan-Meier curves between the two groups of %ADC(+) were not significantly different (Fig. 5E; log-rank, P= 0.668). On the other hand, patients with a large volume fraction of pretreatment enhancing tumor with decreasing ADC at follow-up, or %ADC(-) >3.97%, had a significantly shorter OS (Fig. 5F; median OS = 210 vs. 413 days; log-rank, P=0.035). Discussion To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to define and implement specific diffusion MRI quality control criteria in the setting of a multicenter clinical trial in brain cancer. Results from the present study showed ~7.3-10.5% coefficient of variance in measurement of ADC across various sites. These results appear consistent with the measurements obtained by Chenevert et al (15), who estimated the variability of ADC in an ideal setting of an ice water phantom at ~5% when evaluated across vendors and platforms. It is important to note, however, that measures of ADC within a water phantom is monoexponential, thus, measurements of ADC may be quite resilient to the number of b-values and maximum b-value chosen, which may not be the case with normal neural tissues. More importantly, only 84 of the original 123 (68%) patients had usable DWI data free of distortion around the areas of tumor and only 58 of the original 123 (47%) patients had high quality DWI data with no distortions or ADC abnormalities. [In the end, only 64 patients (52%) had usable DWI data and 46 patients (37%) had high quality DWI data after patients were excluded based on other factors]. This degree of unusable data is particularly discouraging if diffusion MRI is to be considered a secondary response biomarker or a potential imaging endpoint in future prospective multicenter clinical trials. The present study clearly demonstrates the importance of performing semi-quantitative QC in the context of advanced imaging in multicenter clinical trials. Functional diffusion mapping using high quality diffusion MRI acquired before and after administration of bevacizumab is a valuable imaging biomarker for predicting survival in recurrent glioblastoma patients treated with bevacizumab. Almost all fDM metrics showed improved stratification of short- and long-term PFS and OS when examining the highest quality DWI data (QC=5) compared with usable DWI data (QC ≥3). In particular, examination of high quality DWI data showed significant stratification of short- and long-term PFS when examining the volume fraction of pre-treatment enhancing tumor with increasing ADC [%ADC(+)], while the volume fraction of enhancing tumor with decreasing ADC [%ADC(-)] showed significant stratification of short- and long-term OS. When
examining only the usable DWI data (QC ≥3), these trends were not statistically significant. Although only a subset of data was evaluable in the present multicenter study, fDM results appeared to show some trends that were consistent and other trends that were inconsistent with previous studies. For example, previous fDM studies involving radiochemotherapy (12,16,17) in newly diagnosed malignant gliomas and bevacizumab (11) in recurrent GBM showed that patients with a low volume fraction of tumor with decreasing ADC [%ADC(-)] were more likely to have a longer PFS and OS. In the present study, we observed the same trend, however, results only showed statistical significance when examining %ADC(-) in terms of OS the subset of patients with high quality DWI data. Contrary to previous fDM reports, patients exhibiting a large volume fraction of enhancing tumor demonstrating an increase in ADC at first follow-up [%ADC(+)] appeared more likely to progress earlier than patients with a small volume fraction. Since all these patients were treated with bevacizumab, which tends to rapidly reduce the amount of vasogenic edema, it is conceivable that tumors demonstrating an increase in ADC following bevacizumab may represent those tumors to which vascular permeability has increased, indicating ineffective anti-angiogenic therapy. It is important to point out that pre-treatment contrast enhancing tumor volume was one of the strongest correlates of survival in recurrent GBM patients treated with bevacizumab and chemotherapy. Results from the present study suggest that continuous measures of pre-treatment enhancing tumor were significantly correlated with PFS and OS when accounting for clinical covariates, particularly when examining patients with the highest quality MR data. This observation is consistent with a recent study (18) examining contrast enhancing tumor before and after bevacizumab treatment in a similarly structured phase II multicenter study in recurrent GBM patients treated with bevacizumab monotherapy or bevcizumab and irinotecan. As measures of contrast enhancing tumor remain the gold standard for response assessment and estimating tumor burden in malignant gliomas, it is important to compare emerging imaging biomarkers with this standard to determine if they truly add clinical benefit. A number of limitations and possible explanations for the relatively poor fDM performance should be addressed. First, the present study involved calculation of ADC given only 2 b-values, while the National Cancer Institute recommends that at least 3 b-values be acquired (0, >100 and >500 sec/mm 2) for estimation of perfusion-insensitive ADC (19). Additionally, many sites did not comply with the recommended diffusion MRI protocols, nor was there a mechanism in place for real-time feedback of image quality as diffusion MRI was considered a secondary measurement to standard anatomic imaging techniques. Another potential limitation was the potential influence of geometric distortions on ADC measurements. Woodworth et al (20) recently showed that post hoc non-linear distortion correction of diffusion MR images to high-resolution T2-weighted images can improve diffusion measurements in brain tumors, demonstrating that subtle distortions can cause significant differences in ADC measurements. A similar approach could have been used in the present study to improve ADC measurements, even in patients with usable data (QC ≥3). Similarly, the use of a rigid-body image
registration algorithm to align serial ADC maps to baseline ADC maps poses another potential limitation. Significant changes in mass effect from tumor growth or shrinkage, or intracranial pressure changes induced by changes in the extent of vasogenic edema may cause inaccuracies in the alignment between the diffusion MR datasets. A recent study by Ellingson et al (21) showed improved fDM performance in the context of bevacizumab therapy by using non-linear registration of ADC maps over time. It is conceivable that a similar approach may also have improved fDM performance in the context of the current study, which also involved similar therapies and registration challenges. In conclusion, the present study suggests diffusion MRI data collected as part of a multicenter trial for brain tumors may be of limited value, due particularly to the wide variety in image quality across sites, vendors and acquisition protocols. In data deemed usable, fDM results showed similar trends but lower correlations compared with previous single-institution trials involving relatively high-quality diffusion data with homogeneous acquisition protocols. Stratification of survival using fDM metrics were substantially improved by examining a subset of patients with high quality DWI data, suggesting image quality may have a significant impact on fDM performance. Future studies aimed at improving the consistency of image quality in multicenter trials are necessary for further advancement of diffusion MR biomarkers. acknowledgements The present study was funded by NIH/NCI U01 CA079778 (ACRIN); NIH/NCI U01 CA080098 (ACRIN); the ACRIN Young Investigator Initiative Grant (BME); the National Brain Tumor Society Research Grant (BME); NIH/NCI 1 R21 CA167354-01 (BME); the UCLA Institute for Molecular Medicine Seed Grant (BME); the UCLA Radiology Exploratory Research Grant (BME); the University of California Cancer Research Coordinating Committee Grant (BME); and the Siemens Technical Research Grant (BME). References 1. Dolecek TA, Propp JM, Stroup NE and Kruchko C: CBTRUS statistical report: primary brain and central nervous system tumors diagnosed in the United States in 2005-2009. Neuro Oncol 14 (Suppl 5): v1-v49, 2012. 2. Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, et al: Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for glioblastoma. New Engl J Med 352: 987-996, 2005. 3. Weller M, Cloughesy T, Perry JR and Wick W: Standards of care for treatment of recurrent glioblastoma - are we there yet? Neuro Oncol 15: 4-27, 2013. 4. Duda DG, Batchelor TT, Willett CG and Jain RK: VEGFtargeted cancer therapy strategies: current progress, hurdles and future prospects. Trends Mol Med 13: 223-230, 2007. 5. Nghiemphu PL, Liu W, Lee Y, et al: Bevacizumab and chemotherapy for recurrent glioblastoma: a single-institution experience. Neurology 72: 1217-1222, 2009. 6. Vredenburgh JJ, Desjardins A, Herndon JE, et al: Phase II trial of bevacizumab and irinotecan in recurrent malignant glioma. Clin Cancer Res 13: 1253-1259, 2007. 7. Friedman AH, Prados MD, Wen PY, et al: Bevacizumab alone and in combination with irinotecan in recurrent glioblastoma. J Clin Oncol 27: 4733-4740, 2009. 8. Macdonald DR, Cascino TL, Schold SC Jr and Cairncross JG: Response criteria for phase II studies of supratentorial malignant glioma. J Clin Oncol 8: 1277-1280, 1990.
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