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premier-mini stris milocva
premier-ministris milocva
Ramadan Bayram Greetings
Ramadan Bayram Greetings premier-ministris gamosvla evropis sakonstitucio sasamarTloebis me1 7 k o n gr es ze
Prime Minister’s Speech on the 17th Congress of European Constitutional Courts p r e mi er ma ze s ta f on i -qu Taisis SemovliTi gza ga xs n a
Prime Minister Opens ZestaponiKutaisi Bypass Sua xevi hesis mSe nebloba dasrulda
Consturction Completion of the Shuakhevi HPP giorgi gaxaria: „mezRvauris specialoba Cveni qveynisTvis gansakuTrebulad mniSvnelovania“
Giorgi Gakharia: Seafarer is a profession of outmost importance for our country
“awa r mo e s a qar T ve lo Si “ f a r g le b Si „n o va s “k i d e v erTi axali sawarmo amoqmedda
One more new enterprise “NOVA” has been launched in “Produce Georgia
ramazan bairams vulocav Cvens musliman Zmebs. Cven erTi samSoblo gvaqvs da Cveni Tanacxovrebis istoria saukuneebs iTvlis; Cven gvakavSirebs didi megobroba da es aris Cveni qveynis simdidre. Zalian saamayoa, rom Cveni siaxlove da urTierTpativiscema Taobidan Taobas gadaecema. mjera, es urTierTobebi kidev ufro gaRrmavdeba da Cven erTad gavaZlierebT Cvens saqarTvelos. kidev erTxel vulocav Cvens musliman Tanamoqalaqeebs am did dResaswauls, mTeli guliT vusurveb maT mSvidobasa da keTildReobas. saqarTvelos premier-ministri giorgi kvirikaSvili
Happy Ramadan Bayram to Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters. We share one homeland, and we have lived together for centuries. Our friendship is solid and strong, and this is something our country treasures. We are proud that the rapport between us is handed down from generation to generation. I am convinced that these relations will grow even stronger, and together, we will make our Georgia even stronger. Once again, I wish our Muslim compatriots a blessed great feast of Ramadan Bayram. I sincerely wish them peace and prosperity. Giorgi Kvirikashvili Prime Minister of Georgia
premier-ministris gamosvla evropis sakonstitucio s as a m ar T loe b i s m e -1 7 k o n g r e s ze
Prime Minister’s Speech on the 17th Congress of European Constitutional Courts
batono prezidento, batono parlamentis Tavmjdomarev, batono sakonstitucio sasamarTlos Tavmjdomarev, qalbatono uzenaesi sasamarTlos Tavmjdomarev, mogesalmebiT. mivesalmebi aWaris mTavrobis Tavmjdomares, evropis sabWos veneciis komisiis prezidents, mivesalmebi evrokavSiris warmomadgenlobis xelmZRvanels saqarTveloSi; mivesalmebi di plomatiuri korpusis warmomadgenlebs, pativcemul mTavrobis wevrebs, deputatebs da ra Tqma unda, mivesalmebi sakonstitucio
Greetings, Mr. President, Mr. Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Chair of the Constitutional Court, Ms. Chair of the Supreme Court! I welcome the Chair of the Government of Adjara, the President of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, and the Head of the EU Delegation to Georgia. I welcome representatives of the diplomatic corps, honorable members of the Government, members of the parliament, and, of course, chairs of constitutional court and our very dear guests. First of all I would like to thank
sasamarTloebis Tavmjdomareebs da Cvens Zalian Zvirfas forumSi monawileobisTvis. CvenTvis namdvilad udidesi pativia, rom saqarTvelo maspinZlobs evropis sakonstitucio sasamarTloebis me17 kongress, romelsac namdvilad aseTi farTo warmomadgenloba eswreba. namdvilad saamayoa, rom bolo wlebis ganmavlobaSi saqarTveloSi sul ufro xSirad tardeba aseTi maRali rangis saerTaSoriso RonisZiebebi. amasTan, Cvens qveyanas is Zalian maRali privilegiac xvda wilad, rom saqarTvelo evrokavSiris erTaderTi arawevri qveyana gaxlavT, romelic evropis sakonstitucio sasamarTloebis gaerTianebis Tavmjdomared airCies. megobrebo, yvelas mogexsenebaT, rom demokratiul princi pebze dafuZnebuli da dabalansebuli konstitucia qveynis demokratiuli ganviTarebisa da winsvlis garanti gaxlavT. saqarTvelom 2010 wels ganxorcielebuli sakonstitucio cvlilebebis Sedegad, samwuxarod miiRo konstitucia, sadac sakmaod bevri xarvezi, Seusabamoba da konstituciuri logikiT dauSvebeli araerTi norma iyo Setanili. swored amitom, Cvenma politikurma gundma moaxdina konstituciaSi cvlilebebis ganxorcielebis inicireba da uprecedento masStabis saxalxo ganxilvebis safuZvelze, politikosebiT, arasamTavrobo organizaciebiTa da damoukidebeli eqspertebiT dakompleqtebulma sakonstitucio komisiam saboloo jamSi SeimuSava sakonstitucio cvlilebebi, romlis Sedegadac saqarTvelos eqneba demokratiul princi pebze dafuZnebuli, dabalansebuli konstitucia. konstitucia, romelic uzrunvelyofs: 1.srulfasovan saparlamento mmarTvelobis models; 2.mkafiod ganawilebul pasuxismgeblobebs xelisuflebis Stoebs Soris; 3.Zlier parlaments Tavisi bunebrivi roliT; 4.parlamentis mier mTavrobisTvis undoblobis gamosacxadeblad gamartivebul procedurebs; 5.ufro efeqtur mTavrobas; 6.prezidentis, rogorc neitraluri arbitris, kidev ufro metad dakonkretebul funqciebs; 7.adamianis, sazogadoebis daculobis ufro maRal xarisxs; 8.konstituciis gardamaval debulebebSi calsaxad dafiqsirebul qveynis sagareo politikur arCevans. amasTan, aucilebelia gaviTvaliswinoT, rom saqarTvelo gadadis proporciul saarCevno sistemaze swored Cveni gundis politikuri nebiT da es aris didi miRweva, radgan Cven gvaxsovs araerTi sxva xelisufleba, romelT apirobebSic es sakiTxi
you for participating in this important forum. It is an honor to host the 17th Congress of European Constitutional Courts, and its wide range of participants, here in Georgia. We are genuinely proud of the growing numbers of frequent highlevel international events in Georgia over the past few years. In addition, our country has been granted a great privilege of being the only non-EU state to be elected Chair of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts. Dear friends, It is common knowledge that a well-balanced constitution grounded in democratic principles guarantees a given country’s democratic development and progress. After the 2010 constitutional amendments, Georgia wound up with a largely flawed constitution with numerous inconsistencies and norms contradicting constitutional logic. Consequently, our political team came up with a set of constitutional initiatives and, based on unprecedented public debates, the Constitutional Commission bringing together politicians, NGOs, and independent experts ultimately developed constitutional amendments that will enable Georgia to have a well-balanced constitution stemming from democratic principles. We are talking about a constitution that ensures: 1. A comprehensive parliamentary model of government 2. Clearly distributed duties between the branches of government 3. A strong parliament with its natural role 4. Simplified procedures for a parliamentary motion of no confidence in the government 5. Greater effectiveness of the government 6. Better defined functions of the President as a neutral arbiter 7. Stronger protection of human rights and society as a whole, 8. Interim constitutional provisions enshrining the country’s foreign policy trajectory. In addition, we should bear in mind that Georgia is about to switch to proportional representation, a clear demonstration of the political will of our team, a great achievement, because although this issue may have been raised under the previous governments, still none of them had enough political will actually to make these changes a reality. As for the day of introducing proportional representation, a consensus has been reached on the year 2024 with the majority elected by our citizens, which will be reflected in the constitution. We deeply appreciate the fact that the Venice Commission of the
msjelobis sagnad iqca, magram arc erTi maTganis pirobebSi ar arsebobda realuri politikuri neba, rom es cvlileba realurad ganxorcielebuliyo. xolo, rac Seexeba proporciul sistemaze gadasvlis TariRs, aRniSnul sakiTxze konsensusis miRweva xalxis mier arCeul umravlesobasTan SesaZlebeli gaxda 2024 welTan dakavSirebiT da es konstituciaSi iqneba asaxuli. CvenTvis Zalian mniSvnelovania, rom evropis sabWos veneciis komisiam aRniSnuli sakonstitucio cvlilebebi da misi ZiriTadi princi pebi saqarTvelos demokratiuli ganviTarebisTvis wingadadgmul nabijad procesis saboloo warmatebisTvis Cven aqtiurad ganvagrZobT veneciis komisiasTan TanamSromlobas da ra Tqma unda politikur dialogs adgilze. amisTvis minda kidev erTxel didi madloba gadavuxado komisias da piradad baton jani bukikios, Zalian mniSvnelovani daxmarebisTvis am procesSi. Cven gvqond aZalian saintereso Sexvedra, sadac ganvixileT ganvlili procesi da me gamovTqvi mzadyofna, gavagrZeloT rogorc komisiasTan TanamSromloba, aseve - politikuri dialogi. yvelas mogexsenebaT, rom nebismieri demokratiuli saxelmwifo efuZneba kanonis uzenaesobis princi ps. kanonis uzenaesobis realizeba ki, SeuZlebelia damoukidebeli sasamarTlo xelisuflebis gareSe. miukerZoebeli sasamarTlo gadamwyvetia demokratiul princi pebze dafuZnebuli saxelmwifosTvis, rac, TavisTavad, ganapirobebs sazogadoebis ndobas sasamarTlo xelisuflebis mimarT. aqve minda xazi gavusva konstituciuri kontrolis ganmaxorcielebel organoebs Soris mWidro TanamSromlobisa da uwyveti dialogis mniSvnelobas. amitom, darwmunebuli var, rom kongresi sainteresod warimarTeba, konstituciur marTlmsajulebaSi arsebuli praqtikisa da gamowvevebis kuTxiT gamocdilebis gaziareba Zalian waadgeba yvela monawile qveyanas da maT Soris, ra Tqma unda, Cvens qveyanas - saqarTvelos. nayofier muSaobas gisurvebT. didi madloba yuradRebisa da CamobrZanebisTvis.
Council of Europe has commended said constitutional amendments, and the key principles thereof, as an important step toward Georgia’s democratic development. To ensure the ultimate success of this process, we are continuing our active cooperation with the Venice Commission and political dialogue on the ground. I would like to once again express our immense gratitude to the Commission and personally President Gianni Buquicchio for their invaluable assistance in this process. We had a very interesting meeting. We discussed the process implemented so far, and I expressed commitment to continuing both cooperation with the commission and political dialogue. As you know, any democratic state is based on the principle of rule of law, which, for its part, is impossible to implement without an independent judiciary in place. An independent court is key to a genuinely democratic state in that it instills public trust in the country’s judiciary. Our country has experienced firsthand how important the role of the judiciary is in nurturing faith in civic values and legal institutions. Georgia has been through a lot on this path. Today, however, I am convinced that this process continues in the right direction, as the Constitutional Court, as the main guarantor of Georgia’s Constitution, will make a tremendous contribution to developing the highest standards of legal culture in our country and society. In addition, allow me to emphasize the importance of cooperation and dialogue between institutions in charge of constitutional control. Therefore, I am convinced that this congress will prove a success, allowing for interesting exchange of ideas and experience that will benefit all participating states, including Georgia, of course. Please accept my sincere wishes for productive work. Thank you for your time. Thank you for joining us.
premierma zestafoni-quTaisis SemovliTi gza gaxsna
Prime Minister Opens Zestaponi-Kutaisi Bypass
zestafoni-quTaisi-samtrediis 56.5 kilometriani gza eqspluataciaSi srulad Sevida, - Cqarosnul avtomagistrals zestafoni-quTaisis SemovliTi gzis 15.2 kilometriani monakveTi Seemata. gzis gaxsnis ceremoniaSi dRes saqarTvelos premierministrma giorgi kvirikaSvilma, regionuli ganviTarebisa da infrastruqturis ministr zurab alaviZesa da iaponiis sagareo saqmeTa saparlamento vice-ministr motome takisavasTan erTad miiRo monawileoba. mTavrobis oTxpunqtiani reformebis gegmis erT-erTi mniSvnelovani mimarTulebis sivrciTi mowyobis Sesaxeb isaubra da aRniSna, rom quTaisi gaxdeba saqarTvelos yvelaze mniSvnelovani kvanZi, romelic aRmosavleTsa da dasavleTs, CrdiloeTsa da samxreTs daakavSirebs. “imereTi aris guli saqarTvelosi. proeqtebi, romlebsac vaxorcielebT - Cqarosnuli magistralebi; Zalian mniSvnelovani gza, romelic quTaiss daakavSirebs mestiisa da TeTnuldis kurortTan; magistrali, romelic quTaiss daakavSirebs abasTumansa da samxreT saqarTvelosTan; quTaisis aeroportis gafarToebis proeqti,romelic axla iwyeba; aRmosavleTdasavleTis rkinigzis samgzavro ganStoeba, rome-
The 56.5 km Zestaponi-Kutaisi-Samtredia highway is fully operable now that the 15.2 km Zestaponi-Kutaisi bypass section has been added to it. The road’s opening ceremony today was attended by Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Zurab Alavidze and Japan’s Parliamentary ViceMinister for Foreign Affairs Motome Takisawa. The Prime Minister spoke of spatial planning, one of the key directions under the Government’s four-point reform agenda, emphasizing that Kutaisi will become Georgia’s most important hub linking east to west and north to south. “Imereti is the heart of Georgia. We are implementing important projects, such as the highway connecting Kutaisi to the resorts of Mestia and Tetnuldi, the highway linking Kutaisi to Abastumani and Southern Georgia, the upcoming expansion project of the Kutaisi Airport, the shuttle sleeve of the East-West Railroad that will lead to the doorstep of the Kutaisi Airport, and the vital Kutaisi University Complex project, with its cooperation agreement recently signed with the Technical University of Munich. All these, along with Kutaisi’s rich cultural heritage, will turn this place into a genuine hub. We also plan to de-
lic pirdapir quTaisis aeroportis WiSkarTan miva; quTaisis Zalian mniSvnelovani sauniversiteto kompleqsi, romelmac ramdenime dRis win moawera xeli miunxenis teqnikur universitetTan TanamSromlobis xelSekrulebas - es yvelaferi erTad da ra Tqma unda, upirveles yovlisa, is umdidresi kulturuli memkvidreoba, romelic quTaiss bunebrivad gaaCnia, gadaaqcevs am adgils WeSmarit centrad. Cven aseve vgegmavT, logistikuri centri ganvaviTaroT quTaisis aeroportTan da sul erTi saaTis savalzea anakliis Rrmawylovani portis proeqti, romelic aseve mniSvnelovan impulss SesZens ara mxolod am adgils, aramed mTlianad saqarTvelos. Cven momswre varT saqarTvelos istoriaSi uprecedento ganviTarebis monakveTisa”, ganacxada premierma. mTavrobis meTauris TqmiT, xorcieldeba uamravi proeqti, rac arasodes yofila da momavali wlis meore kvartlidan erTdroulad kidev araerTi mniSvnelovani proeqti daiwyeba;sainvesticio da infrastruqturis mimarTulebebiT, kapitaluri danaxarjebi gaormagdeba, rac partniorebis monawileobiT aris SesaZlebeli. premier-ministrma iaponiis mTavrobas da saerTaSoriso safinanso institutebs saqarTvelos ganviTarebis procesSi Setanili mniSvnelovani wvlilisTvis madloba gadauxada. “gzis es monakveTi aris Semadgeneli nawili im mniSvnelovani gardaqmnis procesisa, romlis monawilec yvela Cvengania. mxolod saerTo CarTulobiT aris es warmateba SesaZlebeli”, - aRniSna giorgi kvirikaSvilma. saqarTvelos premier-ministrs TanamSromlobisTvis madloba gadauxada da ori qveynis 25-wlian di plomatiur urTierTobebze isaubra iaponiis sagareo saqmeTa saparlamento vice-ministrma. motome takisavam aRniSna, rom saqarTvelos, rogo0rc satranzito habis mniSvneloba dRiTidRe izrdeba da imedi gamoTqva, rom axali avtomagistrali pozitiur wvlils Seitans ara mxolod saqarTvelos, aramed kavkasiis regionis ganviTarebaSi. zestafoniquTaisis SemovliTi gzis mSeneblobis proeqtis farglebSi, aSenda cement-betonis safariani 4zoliani Cqarosnuli gza, 9 paraleluri xidi, ori satransporto kvanZi, oTxi safexmavlo xidi, miwisqveSa gasasvlelebi da rkina-betonis wyalgamtari milebi. proeqtis Rirebuleba 71 milioni lari da 22 milioni evroa da is iaponiis saerTaSoriso TanamSromlobis saagentos dafinansebiT ganxorcielda.
velop a logistic center at the Kutaisi Airport and in just an hour ride by car, we have the Anaklia Deep Sea Port project poised to give tremendous impetus to not only this area, but also all of Georgia. We are witnessing an unprecedented period of development in the history of Georgia,” the Prime Minister said. According to the Head of Government, more projects than ever are in full swing, and there are more vital investment and infrastructural projects expected to launch in the second quarter of 2018. Capital costs will double, which will be made possible with more partners participating. The Prime Minster thanked the Government of Japan and international financial institutions for making a significant contribution to Georgia’s development. “This road section is part of the larger transformation process, with all of us as its participants, and this success is only achieved through total engagement,” Giorgi Kvirikashvili stated. Japan’s Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Motome Takisawa thanked the Prime Minister of Georgia for cooperation and spoke of the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. He emphasized the growing importance of Georgia as a transit hub. Takisawa hopes that the new highway will contribute to the development of both Georgia and the wider Caucasus Region. As part of the Zestaponi-Kutaisi bypass construction project, four-lane highway with a cement and concrete surface was built, along with 9 parallel bridges, 2 transport hubs, 4 pedestrian bridges, underpasses, and reinforced concrete water pipes. The value of the project financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency is 71 million GEL and 22 million Euro.
Suaxevihesis mSenebloba dasrulda
Consturction Completion of the Shuakhevi HPP
saqarTvelos premier-ministri giorgi kvirikaSvili, vice-premieri/energetikis ministri kaxa kalaZe, indoeTis umsxvilesi energokompaniis „TATA POWER“–is aRmasrulebeli direqtori da kompania ,,aWariswyali jorjias“ direqtorTa sabWos Tavmjdomare anil sardana, „Clean Energy Invest”-is aRmasrulebeli direqtori biorn brandzegi, saerTaSoriso safinanso korporaciis (IFC) regionuli menejeri samxreT kavkasiaSi, ian van bilseni da ,,aWariswyali jorjias“ aRmasrulebeli direqtori, praSant joSi saqarTvelos energoseqtorSi umsxvilesi sainvesticio-infrastruqturuli proeqtis, ,,Suaxevihesis“ mSeneblobis dasrulebisadmi miZRvnil ceremonias daeswrnen. ,,Suaxevihesis“ mSenebloba 2013 wlis Semodgomaze daiwyo. proeqtis farglebSi
Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Vice Prime Minister and Energy Minister Kakha Kaladze, CEO & Managing Director, Tata Power Anil Sardana, Clean Energy Invest CEO Bjorn Brandtzaeg, IFC Regional Manager for the South Caucasus Jan van Bilsen, EBRD Director for Caucasus, Moldova & Belarus Bruno Balvanera, and Adjaristsqali Georgia CEO Prashant Joshi attended the construction completion ceremony of the Shuakhevi Hydropower Plant (HPP), one of the largest investments in Georgia’s energy infrastructure. The construction of Shuakhevi HPP launched in the fall of 2013. As part of this project, two weirs with their respective reservoirs and dams were constructed, along with diversion tunnels to channel the water. The total length of the
aSenda ori kaSxali Sesabamisi wyalsacavebiT da dambebiT. derivacia xorcieldeba gvirabebis saSualebiT. ,,Suaxevihesis“ gvirabis jamuri sigrZe 38 kilometria da is meore yvelaze grZeli hidroeleqtrosadguris gvirabia msoflioSi. proeqtis sainvesticio Rirebuleba 420 milion amerikul dolars aWarbebs. hesebis dadgmuli simZlavre jamurad 187 megavatia. proeqtis farglebSi dasaqmebuli iyo 730 saqarTvelos moqalaqe. ,,Suaxevihesi“ yvelaze msxvili hidroeleqtrosadguria, romelic bolo 50 wlis manZilze saqarTveloSi aSenebula. operirebis dawyebis Semdgom, ,,Suaxevihesis“ proeqti mniSvnelovan wvlils Seitans saqarTvelos energodamoukideblobisken svlis procesSi. hidroeleqtro sadgurebis mier gamomuSavebuli eleqtroenergia zamTris TveebSi, energodeficitis dros mTlianad darCeba saqarTveloSi. ,,Suaxevihesi“ pirveli hidroenergetikuli proeqtia saqarTveloSi, romelic serTificirebulia gaeros CarCo konvenciis klimats cvlilebebis Sesaxeb naxSirbadis gamoyofis Sesamcireblad. ,,Suaxevihesi“ gamoimuSavebs 450 gigavat/saaT eleqtroenergias da uzrunvelyofs saTburi gazebis Semcirebas weliwadSi 200 000 tonaze metiT. Suaxevihesis proeqtma mniSvnelovani roli iTamaSa energo seqtoris ganviTarebis da axalgazrda qarTveli inJinrebis momzadebis procesSi. kompaniis TanamSromlebis 90% axalgazrda qarTveli inJinrebi Seadgenen, mSeneblobaze staJirebas gadiodnen teqnikuri universitetis studentebi, romelTa umetesobac dRes ukve kompaniis TanamSromelia. ,,aWariswyali jorjia“, ,,Suaxevihesis“ mSeneblobis dawyebis pirveli dRidan xels uwyobs proeqtis arealSi mcxovrebi adamianebis cxovrebis donis amaRlebas da regionis grZelvadian ganviTarebas. korporaciuli socialuri pasuxismgeblobis farglebSi kompaniam 70ze meti socialuri proeqti ganaxorciela, romelTa umetesobac daigegma saxelmwifos da kerZo seqtoris partniorobis farglebSi. infrastruqturul, saganmanaTleblo, adgilobrivi Temebis ganviTarebis proeqtebSi jamurad CarTuli iyo 10 000-ze meti adgilobrivi mcxovrebi. ,,aWariswyali jorjia“ afinansebs saqarTveloSi yvelaze didi alpuri botanikuri baRis mSeneblobas goderZis sakurorto zonaSi, riTac xels uwyobs turizmis ganviTarebas, aseve, xulos samkervalo qarxanas, sadac 300-mde adgilobrivi mcxovrebi dasaqmdeba da sxva msxvil infrastruqturul proeqtebs, romlebic xorcieldeba adgilobrivi mosaxlebis CarTulobiT.
Shuakhevi HPP tunnel system, the second longest structure of this type in the world, is 37 kilometers, which is twice as long as the combined length of all HPP tunnels built in Georgia so far and the second longest in the world. The Project investment cost exceeded USD 420 million. The total installed capacity of all of its hydropower plants is 187 MW . 730 Georgian citizens were employed in construction activities. The Shuakhevi HPP is the largest hydropower plant to be built in Georgia over the past fifty years. After the launch of operations, the Shuakhevi HPP project will significantly contribute to Georgia’s path toward energy independence. The power that they generate will remain in Georgia throughout the winter, a period of energy deficit. The Shuakhevi HPP is the first hydropower project in Georgia to have been certified by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to reduce carbon emissions. The Shuakhevi HPP will generate 540 GWh of clean energy while lowering greenhouse gases emissions by more than 200,000 tons per year. The Shuakhevi HPP project has played a crucial role in the development of Georgia’s energy sector and in nurturing young Georgian engineers. Ninety percent of the company’s staff consists of young Georgian engineers. Most of the project’s former interns from Georgian Technical University are now company employees. Since the launch of the Shuakhevi HPP project, Adjaristsqali Georgia has actively worked to improve the living conditions of the population within the project area and to promote the region’s long-term development. As part of its corporate social responsibility program, the company has implemented over 70 social projects, most of which were planned as public-private partnerships. Over 10,000 local residents have been engaged in the company’s infrastructure, education, and community development projects. For example, Adjaristsqali Georgia is currently financing the construction of Georgia’s largest alpine botanic garden in the Goderdzi tourist area in order to promote tourism in the area. The company is also helping to set up a garment factory in Khulo which will employ up to 300 local residents, in addition to several other large infrastructure projects implemented with the active participation of the local population.
giorgi gaxaria: „mezRvauris specialoba Cveni qveynisTvis gansakuTrebulad m ni S vn elo va n ia “
Giorgi Gakharia: Seafarer is a profession of outmost importance for our country
mezRvaurTa saerTaSoriso dRe saqarTvelos ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTarebis ministrma baTumis saxelmwifo sazRvao akademiis studentebs miuloca. giorgi gaxariam akademiis meoTxekurselebi specialuri sigelebiT daajildova, aWaris mTavrobis TavmjdomaresTan, zurab pataraZesTan erTad umaRlesi sazRvao saswavleblis treining–centri daaTvaliera da akademiis ramdenime axali laboratoriis gaxsnaSi miiRo monawileoba. sazeinklo, saxarato, eleqtroSeduRebisa da eleqtrosamontaJo laboratoriebis SesaZenad saWiro Tanxa 2017 wels aWaris mTavrobis biujetidan gamoiyo. „Tqveni specialoba Cveni qveynisTvis Zalian mniSvnelovania. baTumis sazRvao akademia, romelic baTumisa da aWaris regionis ganuyofeli nawilia, yovelTvis iyo saamayo, saganmaTleblo organizacia“ – am sityvebiT mimarTa giorgi gaxariam baTumis sazRvao akademiis studentebs da maT profesiuli dRe miuloca. „yovelTvis gvesmoda, rom am akademiisadmi yuradRebis done unda iyos Zalian maRali. viciT, rom aris garkveuli mimarTulebebi, sadac Tqven gWirdebaT ufro meti mxardaWera, magaliTad, vTvliT, rom unda gqondeT praqtikis gavlis ufro kargi da komfortuli SesaZlebloba. mTavroba amaze zrunavs da merwmuneT, uaxloes momavalSi am sakiTxs mogigvarebT. vcdilobT, rom TqvenTan erTad am dargs, am saganmanaTleblo mimarTulebas kidev ufro meti energia SevZinoT“ – aRniSna misasalmebel sityvaSi giorgi gaxariam. ministris SefasebiT, mezRvaurTa ganaTlebis xarisxi gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania im strategiis warmatebaSi, romelsac saqarTvelos mTavroba axorcielebs gadazidvebisa da logistikis centrebis ganviTarebis mimarTulebiT. „kidev erTxel vacxadeb, rom Tqveni ganaTlebis xarisxi, Tqveni momavali Sroma mniSvnelovania Cveni qveynisTvis, am regionisTvis da minda warmatebebi gisurvoT“ – ganacxad giorgi gaxariam da aWaris mTavrobas, aseve sazRvao transportis saagentos baTumis sazRvao akademiisadmi gamoCenili mudmivi mxardaWerisTvis gansakuTrebuli madloba gadauxada. sazeimo RonisZiebebis farglebSi sazRvao akademiis studentebma saswavlo–sawvrTneli simulacia firefinghting gamarTes, romelsac giorgi gaxaria da zurab pataraZe, aseve ekonomikis saministros, aWaris mTavrobis, sazRvao transportis saagentos warmomadgenlebi da mowveuli stumrebi eswrebodnen. aRsaniSnavia, rom 2017 wels sazRvao akademia 360-ma studentma daamTavra.
Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia congratulated the Batumi State Maritime Academy students on the International Day of Seafarers. Giorgi Gakharia awarded the fourth-grader students with special certificates, examined the Training Center of the Batumi High Maritime Engineering School together with a Chairman of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara Zurab Pataridze and participated in opening ceremony of several new academy laboratories. Metal workshop, turnery, electric welding and electrical maintenance workshops were funded by the 2017 budget of the Adjara Government. “Your specialty is of outmost importance for our country. Batumi State Maritime Academy, which is an integral part of Batumi and the Adjara Region, has always been an educational organization that we all are proud of” – Giorgi Gakharia addressed the student of the Batumi State Maritime Academy and congratulated them on their professional day. “We clearly understand that we should take a very good care of this Academy. We know there are some areas where you need better support, for example, we believe you should have better opportunities for comfortable practical studies. The Government is working on the issues and trust me we will arrange this problem in the nearest future. We, through cooperation with you, are trying to bring additional energy to this educational field” – Giorgi Gakharia noted in his welcoming speech. The Minister highlighted the importance of the importance of the seafarers’ education of special importance in terms of successful implementation of the Georgian Governments strategy in the direction of the development of transportation and logistics centers. “I would like to highlight once again that the quality of your education and your future work are of outmost importance for our country and I wish you success in your future activity” – Giorgi Gakharia stated. The Minister expressed special gratefulness to the Adjara Government and the Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia for continues support of the Batumi State Maritime Academy. Within the ceremonial events, the students of the Batumi State Maritime Academy held firefighting training simulations, which was attended by Giorgi Gakharia, Zurab Pataridze and the representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Adjara Government, Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia as well as other invited guests. It should be noted that 360 students graduated the Batumi State Maritime Academy in 2017.
“awarmoe saqarTveloSi“ farglebSi „novas“kidev erTi axali sawarmo amoqmedda
One more new enterprise “NOVA” has been launched in “Produce Georgia”
“Cven programa „awarmoe saqarTveloSi“ SevqmeniT swored aseTi sawarmoebisTvis da Sesabamisad, kidev ufro gavaZlierebT am da sxva warmatebuli kompaniebis mxardaWeras“ – amis Sesaxeb ekonomikisa da mdgradi ganviTarebis ministrma aWaraSi, kompania „novas“ axal sawarmoSi vizitis dros ganacxada. giorgi gaxaria aWaris mTavrobis TavmjdomaresTan erTad „novas“ sxvadasxva samSeneblo produqtis warmoebis teqnologias gaecno da ramdenime axali sawarmo xazi daaTvaliera. 7500 kvadratul metr farTobze aSenebuli axali sawarmos aSeneba– aRWurvisTvis „novam“ 4 milioni dolaris investicia ganaxorciela, saidanac 2 milioni dolari „awarmoe saqarTveloSi“ programis farglebSi miRebuli dafinansebaa. „yvelafers gavakeTebT imisTvis, rom aseTma kompaniebma Seqmnan xarisxiani, qarTuli produqti da garda adgilobrivi moTxovnebisa, maT hqondeT saeqsporto potenciali, risTvisac SevTavazebT eqsportis mxardaWeris damatebiT instrumentebs. rac mTavaria, am kompaniebma unda Seqmnan samuSao adgilebi. „nova“ aris mniSvnelovani damsaqmebeli aWaris regionSi da Cven yvelanairad, gverdiT davudgebiT rogorc am konkretul, ise msgavs kompaniebs“ – ganacxada giorgi gaxariam axali sawarmos daTvalierebis Semdeg. 2016 wels kompaniis mier ganxorcielebuli eqsportis jamurma Rirebulebam 2,399,962 lari Seadgina. kompaniis informaciiT, 2017 wels (I –IV Tve) ganxorcielebuli eqsportis jamuri Rirebuleba 1,250,573 laria da mimdinare wels eqsportis minimum 20-30%-iani zrda aris dagegmili. “CvenTvis Zalian mniSvnelovania, rom regionSi iyos konkurentunariani saqoneli. „novaSi“ mzaddeba uamravi dasaxelebis samSeneblo masala, mogexsenebaT, baTumSi da zogadad, regionSi bevri samSeneblo obieqtia da Zalian mniSvnelovania, rom swored Cveni, adgilobrivi warmoebis samSeneblo masalebi iyos bazarze“ – aRniSna aWaris mTavrobis Tavmjdomarem zurab pataraZem. “novaSi“ warmoebuli produqciis moculobam 2016 wels saSualod 15,500 tona Seadgina. kompaniis warmomadgenlebis informaciiT, 2017 wels momavali wlisTvis es maCvenebeli daaxloebiT 20%-iT gaizrdeba. “saqarTvelos ekonomikis ministrisa da aWaris mTavrobis Tavmjdomaris stumroba CenTvis aris Zalian didi dafaseba, aseve didi pasuxismgeblobac da stimuli, rom momavalSi ufro meti adamiani davasaqmoT, aseve gavZlierdeT aramarto adgilobriv, aramed saeqsporto bazrebze“ – ganacxada “novas“ generalurma direqtorma zviad abulaZem. Sps „novam“ programa “awarmoe saqarTveloSi“ farglebSi samSeneblo masalebis warmoeba 2015 wels daiwyo. kompania ramdenime saxeobis samSeneblo masalas awarmoebs da am etapisTvis 200–ze meti adamiani hyavs dasaqmebuli.
“We created the program Produce in Georgia for such enterprises and will further strengthen our support for this and other successful companies,” – the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Giorgi Gakharia stated during his visit to the new company of the Nova Ltd in Adjara. Giorgi Gakharia, together with the Chairman of the Adjara Government, got familiar with the different production technologies introduced at the Nova and examined the new production line of the company. Nova spent 4 million USD investment on construction and equipment of the new production line located over 7500m2 while 2 of 4 million were funded within the program Produce in Georgia. “We will do our best to enable such companies to produce such high quality Georgian products and have the potential to meet local demands as well as the capability to export their production and we will offer additional export supporting tools to them. The most important aspect is that these companies should create new jobs. The Nova is an important employer in the Adjara Region and we will support this company as well as other similar companies” – Giorgi Gakharia said upon the examination of the production line. The total value of the export by the company in 2016 amounted to 2 399 962 GEL. According to the Nova, the total value of exports in the year 2017 (I-IV months) equals to 1 250 573 GEL and this year they also expect the export growth of at least 20-30%. “It is very important for us that the competitive products are introduced in the region. Nova produces various construction materials. As you well know, there are numerous construction projects in Batumi and in the region as well and it is very important that locally produced materials are available on the market,” – Chairman of the Adjara Government, Zurab Pataradze noted. The volume of the Nova production reached an average of 15 500 tons in 2016. According to the Company representatives, this figure will be increase by 20% in 2017. “The visit of the Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and the Chairman of the Government of Adjara is a great honor for us. However, it is also a great responsibility and stimulus to engage more people in our company and strengthen our position not only at local, but at export markets as well,” – the Nova Director General, Zviad Abuladze commented. Nova Ltd launched the production of the construction materials in 2015 upon the support of the state program Produce in Georgia. The company produces several types of the construction materials and at this stage, it employees over 200 people.
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