Digital and Media Literacy Competencies - Media Education Lab
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New models of digital literacy professional development. .... apps, too many new ways to navigate the Internet. Indeed a
social sciences, along with academic librarians and educational technology ... Core value messages about improving learn
Jul 20, 2017 - Cornelia Wallner1,2 & Susan Alpen1,3 & Marian Adolf1. 1_Zeppelin ... Skill-based approach to media literacy by Sonja Livingston (2004).
media literacy activities in high schools and post-secondary settings, as well as whether .... civic and political engagement by boosting their online engagement.
engagement, and participation, which could be followed up in the interviews. An initial .... showed what it would be like to be in the car with him, with shake-y.
in the interplay of lifelong learning that includes knowledge, judgment and a .... Adobe Youth Voices. Adobe. 2006. Medi
moving forward with these cultural shifts. We've used many ... Common Core State Standards. Initiative points out ... to
Why Digital and Media Literacy. When Tony's not in school, he's on the computer.
And when he's not playing video games or doing his homework, he's watch-.
and language of media texts that are directly related to the arts, develop .... frame number, size of the plan, the movement of the camera, the frame content -.
2008 from ..... to digital technologies, like Premiere and Photosho
In many English-speaking countries, the term media education replaced media literacy. ...... the financial basis of media literacy education research and development through the use of ..... Mass media. Glossary of terms and concepts.
Mar 9, 2010 - Internet-based dating sites or fraudulent business. It is therefore urgently ..... described in the second
article describes the development of a questionnaire to measure these competencies ..... a blog). .744 .810. 11. Learners can communicate and present contents.
Digital and Media Literacy Competencies - Media Education Lab
Use social media, mobile, peripheral & cloud computing tools. â Identify ... ANALYSIS. â Understand how symbols
Digital and Media Literacy Competencies ACCESS ü Keyboard and mouse skills ü Be familiar with hardware, storage and file management practices ü Understand hyperlinking & digital space ü Gain competence with software applications ü Use social media, mobile, peripheral & cloud computing tools ü Identify information needs ü Use effective search and find strategies ü Troubleshoot and problem-solve ü Learn how to learn ü Listening and reading comprehension ANALYSIS ü Understand how symbols work: the concept of representation ü Identify the author, genre, purpose and point of view of a message ü Compare and contrast sources ü Evaluate credibility and quality ü Understand one’s own biases and world view ü Recognize power relationships that shape how information & ideas circulate in culture ü Understand the economic context of information and entertainment production ü Examine the political and social ramifications of inequalities in information flows CREATE ü Recognize the need for communication and self-expression ü Identify your own purpose, target audience, medium & genre ü Brainstorm and generate ideas ü Compose creatively using language, image, sound and multimedia ü Writing & speaking skills ü Editing & revising in response to feedback ü Use appropriate distribution, promotion & marketing channels ü Work collaboratively ü Comment, curate and remix REFLECT ü Recognize how entertainment media communicate values & ideology ü Understand how differences in values and life experience shape people’s media use and message interpretation ü Appreciate risks and potential harms of digital media ü Apply ethical judgment and social responsibility to communication situations ü Understand how concepts of ‘private’ and ‘public’ are reshaped by digital media ü Appreciate & respect legal rights & responsibilities (copyright, intellectual freedom) ü Learn that communication can maintain the status quo or change the world TAKE ACTION ü Participate in communities of shared interest to advance an issue ü Be a change agent in the family & workplace ü Participate in democratic self-governance ü Speak up when you encounter injustice ü Respect the law and work to change unjust laws ü Use the power of communication and information to make a difference in the world Source: Hobbs, R. (2010). Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action. Washington DC: Aspen Institute and the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Citizens in a Democracy.