Digital Technologies and Generational Identity

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Gendering the mobile phone: a life course approach. (Carla Ganito). Chapter 8. How young people experience elderly people's use of digital technologies in ...
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Digital Technologies and Generational Identity ICT Usage Across the Life Course Edited by Sakari Taipale, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Terhi-Anna Wilska, University of Jyväskylä, Finland and Chris Gilleard, University College London and University of Bath, UK August 2017: 234x156: 230pp Hb: 978-1-138-22597-8 | £105.00 eBook: 978-1-315-39862-4 | £34.99

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Chapter 1. Introduction (Sakari Taipale, Terhi-Anna Wilska and Chris Gilleard) Section I: Historical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives Chapter 2. The place of age in the digital revolution (Chris Gilleard) Chapter 3. Generational analysis as a methodological approach to study mediatised social change (Göran Bolin) Chapter 4. Generational analysis of people’s experience of ICTs (Leslie Haddon) Section II: Family generations and ICT Chapter 5. Mobile life of middle-aged employees: fragmented time and softer schedules (Mia Tammelin and Timo Anttila) Chapter 6. Intergenerational solidarity and ICT usage: empirical insights from Finnish and Slovenian families (Sakari Taipale, Andraž Petrovčič and Vesna Dolničar) Chapter 7. Gendering the mobile phone: a life course approach (Carla Ganito) Chapter 8. How young people experience elderly people’s use of digital technologies in everyday life (Leopoldina Fortunati) Chapter 9. ICTs and client trust in the care of old people in Finland (Helena Hirvonen) Chapter 10. Mobile phone use and social generations in rural India (Sirpa Tenhunen) Section III Consumption, lifestyles and markets Chapter 11. Necessities to all? The role of ICTs in the everyday life of the middle-aged and elderly between 1999 and 2014 (TerhiAnna Wilska and Sanna-Mari Kuoppamäki) Chapter 12. A risk to privacy or a need for security? Digital domestic technologies in the lives of young adults and late middle-agers (Sanna-Mari Kuoppamäki, Outi Uusitalo and Tiina Kemppainen) Chapter 13. Personality traits and computer use in midlife: leisure activities and work characteristics as mediators (Tiia Kekäläinen and Katja Kokko) Chapter 14. Electronic emotions, age and the life course (Jane Vincent) Chapter 15. Conclusions (Chris Gilleard, Terhi-Anna Wilska and Sakari Taipale)

Series: Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society Examining the consumption and use of digital technologies throughout the life course from each stage of human development, this book provides a valuable overview of ICT usage and generational difference. Combining a collection of international perspectives from a range of fields, including social gerontology, social policy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, gender studies, communication and marketing, this book weaves empirical evidence with theoretical insights on the role of digital technologies across the life course. 20% Discount Available - enter the code FLR40 at checkout* Hb: 978-1-138-22597-8 | £84.00 * Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount and only applies to books purchased directly via our website. To order a review copy, please complete the form at:,

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