(Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Turkey

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Jun 20, 2011 - genus is Alliocera graeca Saunders, 1845. This species ... England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland,. Italy, Netherlands, Norway ...
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 1 (2011) 231-234 Earlier title: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN 1939-1250

The First Record for Two Species of the Soldier Flies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Turkey T. Üstüner1 and A. Hasbenli2 1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Selçuk University, Selçuklu, Konya 42100, Turkey 2. Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, Gazi University, Teknikokullar 06500, Ankara, Turkey Received: January 12, 2011 / Published: June 20, 2011. Abstract: Known data on the distribution of Alliocera graeca Saunders, 1845 and Beris chalybata (Forster, 1771) in Europe are summarized. A. graeca has been reliable recorded from Albania, Croatia and Greece. B. chalybata has been reliable recorded from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Roumania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzeland. A. graeca and B. chalybata, known as European species, are new records for the Turkish Fauna. In this study, the female of A. graeca and the female of B. chalybata are presented and photographs of two species are accompanied. Distribution of these species treated is briefly discussed. Key words: Alliocera graeca, beris chalybata, entomology, new record, soldier flies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), Turkey.

1. Introduction According to the present knowledge, the genus Alliocera described by Saunders was discovered in Greece in 1845 [1-3]. The genus Alliocera has one of the smallest distributions of the European genera. This genus, belonging to the subfamily Stratiomyinae (Stratiomyidae), is southeast European in the Palaearctic Region. The only species described in this genus is Alliocera graeca Saunders, 1845. This species is extremely rare and only a few records are published [1-3]. This species is distributed in Albania, Croatia and Greece and limited in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea Subregion [1-3]. Until now this species, a typical ponto mediterranean element has not been recorded for Turkey. So far, the genus Beris Latreille (1802), includes 33 Palaearctic species but only 14 of them are distributed in the western part [3-10]. The West Palaearctic species belonged to Beris are B. chalybata (Foster, 1771), B. Corresponding author: T. Üstüner, assistant professor, Ph.D., research fields: zoology, taxonomi of diptera. E-mail: [email protected].

clavipes Linnaeus, 1767, B. cypria James, 1970, B. fuscipes Meigen, 1820, B. geniculata Curtis, 1830, B. hauseri Stuke 2004, B. kovalevi Rozkošný & Nartshuk, 1980, B. morrisii Dale, 1841, B. rex (Poda, 1761), B. rozkosnyi Kassebeer, 1996, B. schaposchnikowi Pleske, 1926, B. similis (Foster, 1771), B. strobli Dušek & Rozkošný, B. vallata (Foster, 1771) [3, 4, 7, 8]. Beris chalybata (Forster, 1771) belonging to the genus Beris is distributed the greater part of Europe. The distribution areas of B. chalybata are located in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Roumania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzeland, and so on [2, 3]. So far, one species (B. clavipes) of Beris in Beridinae has been recorded in Turkey [9].

2. Materials and Methods The materials, 1 female specimens belonging to A. graeca and 1 female specimens belonging to B. chalybata, deposited at the Zoological Museum, Gazi Üniversity (ZMGU) are examined in the present work.


The First Record for Two Species of the Soldier Flies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Turkey

2.1 Alliocera Graeca Saunders, 1845 Material Examined: Turkey: Izmit, Gebze, Tavsanli Köyü, Ballikayalar National Park, 40°50'575? N, 29°31'158? E, elev.150 m, 24 May 2004, 1 female, A. Hasbenli leg (Fig.1a, b, c; Fig. 2). Female: Head nearly semicircular in dorsal view and in lateral view, with a distinct tubercule at middle of head in profil. Frons about 1/3 of head-width, frontal index about 0.7 (16: 20), mainly black, with a pair of transverse yellow spots above antennae at lower half of the frons. Face mainly yellow, with a pair of yellow facial pattern at the edge of eyes and a fairly narrow median black band in the middle (6:4:6). Yellow

transverse spots above antennae are attached to yellow lateral parts of face. Upper half of frons covered with sparsely semi erect black hairs. Yellow facial patterns covered with as long as pedicel, densely semi erect whitish hairs from antennal tubercule to below corner of the each eyes in postocular area. Postocular area as long as pedicel is wide in lateral view (4:4), completely yellow, even here with densely adpressed whitish hairs, interrupted on vertex. Yellow postocular band reached on occipital margin. Cerebrale with two large yellow patchs that separated with black slim stripe. Antennae inserted on a distinct tubercule at middle of head, completely black, antennal index about 1.3 (16:12). Scape 3 times as long as pedicel (9:3); pedicel covered

Fig. 1 a-c Alliocera graeca : a-female in dorsal view, b- female in lateral view, c-femele head and antennae in dorsal view (Scala 1 mm.); d-e Beris chalybata : d-female in dorsal view, e-female in lateral view (Scala 1mm.); f-g Alliocera graeca : f-female terminalia in dorsal wiew, g-female genital furca (Scala 0.1 mm.); h-Beris chalybata: female genital furca (Scala 0.1 mm.).

The First Record for Two Species of the Soldier Flies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Turkey


Fig. 2 Disrtibution of  Alliocera graeca,  Beris chalybata in Turkey (The map was obtained from http://www.hgk.mil.tr/ CografiUrunKatalogu/tematik/default.asp).

with densely semi adpressed black hairs; flagellum consisting of 5 flagellomeres, the last two flagellomeres forming a bilobed and dilated apex. One of them is much bigger than the other, Proboscis black. Thorax is completely black and covered with long and densely yellow hairs. Scutellum and the strong spines yellow. Basal black spot on scutellum narrow and triangular, pointed medially. Legs are brown and yellowish. All coxae black, trochanters brownish. All femora mainly brown, tips of the femora yellowish. Fore tibia yellowish, but distal 1/3 of the tibia brownish. Middle and hind tibia yellowish. All tarsi are yellowish but paler inner part of the tarsi. All femora covered with semi-erect white sparsely hairs. All tibia and tarsi covered with adpressed white desely hairs. Wings tinged with yellow, stronger veins and pterostima yellowish. Halters yellow with darkened stalk. Abdomen black dorsally with remarkable yellow side-markings is on terga 2-4 and apical spot on tergum 5. Lateral markings on terga 3 and 4 distinctly enlarged towards inner side. Apical spot on tergum 5 about 2/3 is as long as height of tergum 5 and narrow triangular on apex. Venter is mainly yellow with a variable black pattern. Sternum 2 mainly yellow with two black

transverse bands, Sterna 3-5 mainly black with tarnsverse yellow band on posterior-side. Female terminalia is illustrated in Fig. 1f, 1g. 2.2. Beris chalybata (Forster, 1771) Material Examined: Turkey: İzmit, Yuvacık Town, Beşkayalar Natural Park, elev.729 m, 16 June 2004, 1 female, A. Hasbenli leg (Fig. 1d, e; Fig. 2). Female: Head black, semiglobular in lateral view. Frons relatively wide, about 1/3 of head-wide, frontal index is 1.37. Eyes are very short, sparse, almost inconspicuous, whitish hairs. Frons and face shining black, densely punctate, covered with white hairs. Frons with shallow median groove is in lower half of frons. Face slightly prominent lateral view. BlackPostocular area as wide as 1/2 of pedicel-length, somewhat swollen, about as wide as pedicel-length. The postocolar area covered with adpressed silverish white hairs in upper half, with long pale yellowish hairs at the corner of eyes in lover half. Antennae moderately long, about 1.3 times as long as lenght of head, mainly black, but brownish distal side of pedicel. Basal antennal segments almost equal, flagellum about twice as long as the two basal segments combined, antennal index about


The First Record for Two Species of the Soldier Flies (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) from Turkey

2.2. The basal antennal segments covered with long, thick, black hairs. The flagellum covered with very short addpressed densely silverish white hairs. Proboscis mainly yellow, with sparsely brown hairs. Thorax with shining metalic green on mesonotum and scutellum, but darkened on pleura and sternum; covered with as long as scapus, erect, yellowish white hairs. These hairs are especially more long on side of mesonotum and distal side of scutellum. Scutellum with 6 spine like processes. Legs are mainly yellow, fore and hind coxae partly black. Fore about 1/3 of basitarsi at apex and 2-5. Tarsal segments darkened, middle and hind 2-5. Tarsal segments darkened. Wing slightly tinged with Brown, pterostigma contrasting dark brown. Wing weins brownish. Halters pale yellow. Abdomen shining brown, but tergum 1 is dark brown or blackish. Venter shining brown, but sternum 1 black. Abdominal pile semi-addpressed, is densely yellowish, elongated on side. Female genital furca is illustrated in Fig. 1h.

3. Results and Discussion Two species are recorded for the first time for the fauna of Turkey. It seems that these two species prefer the wetter climate between Black Sea and Sea of Marmara in our country. Alliocera graeca is a typical north-eastern mediterranean species that ranges from Croatia and Albania to Greece [2, 3]. Its occurence seemed to be limited to the Adriatic and Ionian Sea subregion on the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. Our record gives the first evidence of a member of the genus Alliocera in Turkey (in the western part of Asia) and represents thus a new eastern-most point in its range. Beris chalybata is a typical European species that ranges from Ireland and Finland to Roumania and Russia [2, 3]. As regards the southern boundary of its distribution area, its occurence seemed to be limited on the Balkan Peninsula and some southernmost records have been known in Roumania. Our record in Turkey represents thus a new southernmost point in its range

and the first evidence of its occurrence in the western part of Asia.

4. Conclusions This study consists of new record of two species belonging to Stratiomyidae from Turkey, summarising information on their morphology, distribution. The distribution of both species is shown in a distribution map. A. graeca is presented the first evidence of a member of the genus Alliocera. The two species belonging to photographs are shown distinctive features of this species in dorsal and lateral view in Fig. 1.

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