6 Jun 2013 ... faculty members were Sh. R.D. Sharma, ITO, Sh. Ajay Jain, CA and Sh. ... The
objective of the Karyashala was to promote the use of Hindi in.
40 days induction course for newly promoted ITOs of NWR & Delhi region from 10.04.2013 to 06.06.2013.
The induction course for newly promoted Income Tax Officers of NWR & Delhi Region which started on 10.04.2013 was concluded on 06.06.2013. The main topics covered were creation of trust, penalty & prosecution, MAT & AMT, TDS provisions, E-filing of returns etc. The main faculty members were Sh. R.D. Sharma, ITO, Sh. Ajay Jain, CA and Sh. Rajdeep Singh AD (Systems). The schedule of training is enclosed herewith as Annexure A.
Photograph of participants in lecture hall
Hindi Karyashala on 11.06.2013 & 12.06.2013.
Two days Hindi Karyashala was conducted on 11.06.2013 and 12.06.2013. Twenty participants attended this Karyashala. The objective of the Karyashala was to promote the use of Hindi in official work in easy way. The topics covered were jktHkk’kk uhfr vuqokndksa ds nkf;Ro ;quhdksM fgUnh
dh frekgh fjiksVZ/ fgUnh uksfVax ljy vkSj O;ogkfjd vuqokn fgUnh esa dk;Z djus esa vkus okyh leL;k,a – ppkZ. The main faculty members were S/Sh. Surender Sharma A.D. (O.L.) and,Dr. Pankaj Malwia .
The Course schedule is annexed as Annexure B.
Photograph of Lecture Hall during the lecture
List of Annexures
Annexure A
40 days induction course for newly promoted ITOs of NWR & Delhi region from 10.04.2013 to 06.06.2013.
Annexure B
Hindi Karyashala on 11.06.2013 & 12.06.2013.
Annexure A
Hkkjr ljdkj@Govt. of India vk;dj foHkkx@Income Tax Department izR;{k dj {ks=kh; izf'k{k.k laLFkku] ,l--lh--vks- 132&133] lSsDVj&34&,] p.Mhx