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S. Bayan and D. Mohantaa). Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Physics, Tezpur University, P.O. Napaam, Assam 784028, India. Received 22 April 2010; ...

Directed growth characteristics and optoelectronic properties of Eu-doped ZnO nanorods and urchins S. Bayan and D. Mohantaa兲 Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Physics, Tezpur University, P.O. Napaam, Assam 784028, India

共Received 22 April 2010; accepted 8 June 2010; published online 27 July 2010兲 Inexpensive fabrication of europium 共Eu3+兲-doped zinc oxide 共ZnO兲 nanoparticles, nanorods, and urchin systems obtained by rapid thermal annealing is being reported. The polyvinyl alcohol films containing a reactant mixture 关Zn共CH3COO兲2, Eu共CH3COO兲3, and NaOH兴 were casted on Al-foils followed by thermal annealing at 80, 300, and 650 ° C. Gradual change-over from spherically symmetric nanoparticles to nanorods along with urchin like structures are obtained under different annealing environment. The nanorods and urchins are expected to have grown as a result of spontaneous decomposition of Zn共OH兲2 followed by unidirectional growth. The nanorods are dislodged from the regular urchin structures at a high annealing temperature of 650 ° C because of the loss of the crystalline substrate support. The as-received ZnO products possessed hexagonal wurtzite structure for all the annealing cases-as evident from the x-ray diffraction patterns. The photoluminescence study on the samples has revealed dominant defect related emissions compared to the near band edge emission. The band edge emission 共⬃382 nm兲 is recovered in the urchin systems whereas Eu3+ related transitions observed at ⬃591 nm 共 5D0 → 7F1兲 and ⬃613 nm 共 5D0 → 7F2兲 remained intact with structural modification. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3462396兴 I. INTRODUCTION

In recent years, the semiconductor nanostructured materials are being considered as the potential candidates for the photonic and optoelectronic applications because of their size dependent modification in electronic structures.1–3 Among them, there has been a considerable interest in the elongated semiconductor nanostructured systems owing to tunable emission in the visible region. Earlier, doping with suitable optically active impurities such as transition metal ion4,5 and trivalent rare-earth ion6–8 in semiconductor nanosystems was investigated in great detail. Zinc oxide 共ZnO兲, a wide-direct band gap 共Eg = 3.37 eV兲 semiconducting material has a very high exciton binding energy 共Eb = 60 meV兲 at room temperature. It exhibits intense light emission features from the UV to visible range in the electromagnetic spectrum.9–11 In view of the defect related emission caused by zinc/oxygen vacancies or/ and presence of antisites, ZnO is being considered as a technologically important system. Varieties of structures of ZnO such as wires, rods, needles, shells, urchins, and flower like structures can be found in the literature.12–14 Also numerous reports on rare-earth doped ZnO nanostructured systems are available. In europium doped ZnO nanoparticles, a broadband room temperature emission was previously observed by Bhargava et al.15 White light emission response by europium doped ZnO urchins and nanoparticles have also been reported.8 Similarly, the cathodoluminescence of terbium doped ZnO nanocrystals was studied in different annealing environments.16 However, the mechanism that governs a specific nanostructure type has not been well addressed. In this a兲

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work, we report on the structural evolution of europium doped ZnO nanoscale products as a result of rapid thermal annealing. The experimental evidence on the development of rods and urchins are encountered by relevant theoretical justifications. Further, the origin and nature of luminescence patterns are highlighted. II. EXPERIMENTAL

The europium doped ZnO nanostructures were synthesized using a simple rapid thermal annealing process. Following our previous report,17 polyvinyl alcohol 共PVA兲 was chosen as the supporting matrix for embedding ZnO nanoparticles. 5 wt % PVA 共Loba Chemie, lmw, degree of polymerization 1700–1800兲 matrix was prepared by stirring 共⬃200 rpm兲 vigorously for 1.5 h while maintaining a temperature of ⬃70 ° C, well below the glass transition temperature of PVA. As a result, a transparent viscous solution is obtained. Europium acetate 关Eu共CH3COO兲3, Central Drug House, 99.9%兴 and zinc acetate dihydrate 关Zn共CH3COO兲2, 共Merck, 99%兲兴 were mixed in a weight ratio of 0.04 and transferred to the aqueous solution of PVA. Then, 0.6 M aqueous sodium hydroxide 共NaOH兲 was added dropwise under continuous stirring environment for 1 h. The pH of the final precursor was 9.0. Aluminum substrates of size 1 ⫻ 2 cm2 and thickness ⬃300 ␮m, were cleaned using ethanol and acetone in an ultrasonicator bath and finally washed with distilled water. Then, the resulting precursor was spincasted onto the clean substrates followed by annealing at 80 ° C, 300 ° C, and 650 ° C for 0.5 h in a muffle furnace having a provision for constant air flow. The respective samples are named as S1, S2, and S3. The structural and optical properties of Eu-doped ZnO nanostructures were characterized by high resolution scan-

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© 2010 American Institute of Physics


S. Bayan and D. Mohanta

J. Appl. Phys. 108, 023512 共2010兲

FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 XRD pattern of the Eu-doped ZnO nanostructures annealed at 共a兲 80 ° C, 共b兲 300 ° C, and 共c兲 650 ° C.

FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 SEM images at different magnifications of Eu-doped ZnO systems: 共a兲 and 共b兲 annealed at 80 ° C, 共c兲 and 共d兲 annealed at 300 ° C with inset at higher magnification, and 共e兲 and 共f兲 annealed at 650 ° C.

ning electron microscopy 共SEM兲, x-ray diffraction 共XRD兲, optical absorption, and emission spectroscopy tools. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

The experimental conditions facilitating development of typical nanostructures are discussed in conjunction with theoretical justification. The optoelectronic properties of synthesized samples are detailed on the basis of the nature of distribution and organization of the nanostructures. A. Development of Eu-doped ZnO nanostructures

As shown in Fig. 1, the formation of ZnO nanostructures is clearly visible from the electron micrographs. The sample annealed at 80 ° C 关Figs. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲兴 shows the development of spherical ZnO nanoparticles with a variation in average diameter ⬃120– 200 nm. The particles are uniformly distributed in the PVA matrix without any signature of undesired clustering or agglomeration. The sample annealed at a temperature of 300 ° C, showed unusual growth of urchin like nanostructures. In this case, no trace of the PVA matrix was found as PVA decomposes at a temperature of ⬃230 ° C. It can be observed that the urchins are composed of a large number of independent nanorods, of different orientations but originated from the same base 共pointed by red arrows兲. The average length and diameter of the nanorods are found to be 4 – 5 ␮m and 120– 200 nm respectively. As the diameter of the rods 关inset of Fig. 1共d兲兴 is nearly equal to the diameter of the particles 关Fig. 1共b兲兴, it was expected that the growth of the nanorods took place by unidirectional assimilation of individual ZnO nano-

particles. Note that upon annealing the specimen at 650 ° C, in addition to growth of nanorods, the Al substrate develops an amorphous layer 共forming Al2O3 layer兲.18 As a result, the urchin like structures are not well supported. The constituent nanorods, therefore, fall randomly onto the substrate 关Figs. 1共e兲 and 1共f兲兴. It can also be noticed that there is no substantial variation in the length and diameter of the rods corresponding to the annealing temperatures, i.e., 300 and 650 ° C. The rods which make up the urchins preserve their structure at both the annealing temperatures. We have also studied XRD patterns of various nanostructured ZnO:Eu samples the results of which are shown in Fig. 2. The diffraction pattern corresponds to the hexagonal wurtzite structure of ZnO with preferred orientation along 共101兲 plane 关Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲兴. Any extra peak corresponding to the byproducts 共e.g., Eu2O3, Zn共OH兲2, etc.兲 was not detected. A close look on Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲 reveals that there is a decrease in full width half maxima of the 共002兲 peak from 0.023 rad to 0.011 rad for the samples annealed at 80 ° C and 300 ° C, respectively. Ge et al. have observed similar kind of situation based on reflux time dependent growth of the nanoparticles along 关0001兴 direction resulting to nanorods.19 So, in this present study also it can be inferred that on annealing at 300 ° C, the growth of the nanoparticles occurs along the 关0001兴 direction and as a result the nanorods are formed as supported by the SEM micrographs. The diffraction planes for metallic Al is visible in case of samples annealed at 300 ° C because of the removal of PVA.18 A small peak observed at ⬃59° is ascribed to the formation of Al2O3.18 At 650 ° C, the Al surface gets oxidized 共forming Al2O3兲 and this is the reason why the peaks of ZnO are not clearly distinguishable in the XRD pattern of the sample heated at that temperature 关Fig. 2共c兲兴. This is also evident from the SEM images where the part of amorphized debris can be seen clearly. The compositional analysis was performed on the sample annealed at 300 ° C the results of which are depicted in the energy dispersive spectra 共EDS兲 in


J. Appl. Phys. 108, 023512 共2010兲

S. Bayan and D. Mohanta

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 EDS spectra of the Eu-doped ZnO nanorods 共sample S2兲. Inset being the spot where the spectrum was captured.

Fig. 3. The EDS was taken at a specific site of a single nanorod 共labeled by a red cross兲. Apparently visible peaks due to Zn, O, and Eu elements were detected. Consequently, the synthesized nanorods/urchins confirm the presence of Eu3+ in the host ZnO. B. Growth mechanism of Eu-doped ZnO nanorods and urchins

When the PVA dispersed nanoparticle system was heated at 300 ° C, owing to the decomposition of PVA 共at ⬃230 ° C兲, the nanoparticles gradually lose support from the matrix. In this situation, the growth phenomena of the nanoparticles can be described by the Ostwald ripening.20 Considering two nanoparticles of radii R1 and R2 共where R2 ⬎ R1兲 the Young–Laplace equation20 can be written as


冋 or

R2 − R1 R 1R 2

⬎ After heating


heating ⬍

R2 − R1 R 1R 2


␮1 = 2␥

⍀ , R1


␮2 = 2␥

⍀ , R2


where ␮1 and ␮2 are the chemical potentials 共work per atom兲 of the respective particles. ␥ and ⍀ being the surface energy and atomic volume of ZnO. The difference in chemical potentials between the particles will be given by20 ⌬␮ = 2␥⍀

PR R2 − R1 = kT ln 1 . R 1R 2 P R2


Here PR1 and PR2 are the vapor pressures of the two particles, with k and T being the Boltzmann constant and the temperature of the environment. The above equation represents the change in chemical potential of an atom transferring from particle of radius R1 to R2. The chemical potential of a system increases with the temperature and hence with the external supply of heat. Now, on increasing chemical potential, the term in the parenthesis will tend to increase for fixed values of ␥ and ⍀.

⇒ 共R2 − R1兲After

heating ⬎

共R2 − R1兲Before


Before heating heating .

The above two conditions are valid only if the numerical value of R2 tend to increase while R1 decreases. Given the total number of atoms in a nanoparticle is constant, such a situation can be realized only if mass transport takes place from smaller particle 共radius R1兲 to the larger one 共radius R2兲. Since the surrounding matrix is lost above the decomposition temperature, interparticle mass transport is highly favorable that results in particle growth. The role of cohesive energy in particle–particle coalescence under energetic ion irradiation was investigated by our group recently.21 Now we need to address upon the nature of growth process. From the crystallographic point of view, the nanoparticle growth will occur at the unit cell level along preferential directions. However, as the surface energy of ZnO is different along different directions of the unit cell, particle growth would not occur in all directions equally. According to the calculations of Fujimara et al.,22 surface energy per mole along different directions varies as ␥关0001兴 ⬍ ␥关112¯ 0兴 ⬍ ␥关101¯ 0兴. Following Eq. 共3兲 after heat treatment, 共R2 − R1兲 / R1R2 = ⌬␮ / 2⍀␥. Thus, we obtain ⌬R关0001兴 ⬎ ⌬R关112¯ 0兴 ⬎ ⌬R关101¯ 0兴. In other words, the growth of the nanoparticles along 关0001兴 direction 共along c-axis兲 is energetically favorable owing to minimum surface energy and hence, the formation of elon-

gated nanostructures is expected 共Fig. 4兲. Growth along the direction 关0001兴 results in the vanishing of 共002兲 plane as it is known that plane with higher growth rate disappears quicker.23 This is also predicted by the XRD results where the full width at half maxima of the 共002兲 peak for the urchin system decreases as discussed above. In the formation of urchin structures, the distribution and arrangement of the nanoparticles in the PVA matrix play important roles. In a

FIG. 4. Schematic of ZnO crystal structure and configuration model of the stack of zinc and oxygen atoms.


S. Bayan and D. Mohanta

J. Appl. Phys. 108, 023512 共2010兲

FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 The growth mechanism of the nanoparticles leading to nanorods and urchins.

Figure 6 represents the UV-visible optical absorption

spectra of the Eu-doped ZnO nanostructures 共S1, S2, and S3兲. The specimen S1 共containing spherical nanoparticles兲 shows an absorption peak at ⬃356 nm 共3.48 eV兲, which is assigned to the ground state excitonic state. The ground state excitonic peak exhibits a redshift in ⬃90 meV in case of the systems heated at 300 ° C 共specimen S2兲 and 650 ° C 共specimen S3兲 compared to S1. The observed redshift, therefore, supports particle growth 共possibly, one directional to form nanorods兲. No significant shift in the absorption peak of S3 compared to S2 was found 关Figs. 6共b兲 and 6共c兲兴 indicating the fact that annealing at 650 ° C neither facilitates further growth of particles nor leads to agglomeration of the nanorods. The photoluminescence 共PL兲 spectra of the Eu-doped ZnO nanostructures 共␭ex = 325 nm兲 are shown in Fig. 7. Each of the PL spectra is composed of various defect related emissions 关Figs. 7共a兲–7共c兲兴. Note that all the spectra are characterized by peaks located at approximately same wavelength positions. The 382 nm peak 关Fig. 7共b兲兴 is attributed to the near band edge emission of ZnO.25 The impressions at ⬃400 nm and 467 nm corresponded to the emissions related − 兲; respectively.25,26 Furto the zinc vacancy states 共VZn, VZn ther, the peaks at ⬃429 and 452 nm arise due to the respec-

FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 UV-visible spectra of the Eu:ZnO nanostructures annealed at 共a兲 80 ° C, 共b兲 300 ° C, and 共c兲 650 ° C.

FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 PL spectra 共␭ex = 325 nm兲 of the Eu:ZnO nanostructures annealed at 共a兲 80 ° C, 共b兲 300 ° C, and 共c兲 650 ° C.

way, the nanoparticles lying close to the surface of the Al substrate may act as seed particles. At the interface separating the substrate and the PVA film, due to substantial difference in thermal conductivities a temperature gradient can be realized. This temperature gradient will enforce the seed particle clustering as a result of creation of thermal hot spots 关indicated by red arrow in Fig. 1共c兲兴. These hot spots are believed to be the base of the nanorods and the urchins 共Fig. 5兲. The formation of the urchins can be understood with the reference of the lattice parameter also. The lattice parameter for ZnO system along the c-axis 共the growth direction兲 is 5.206 Å and for Al 4.049 Å.24 A substantial lattice mismatch would prevent in forming vertically aligned nanorods, and that is why randomly oriented rods resulting urchin like structures are obtained in most cases. On heating at 650 ° C, the base of the nanorods that make up urchins is lost as a result of which nanorods fly apart and fall randomly on to the substrate surface 共Fig. 5兲. C. Optoelectronic transitions in Eu-doped ZnO nanostructures


J. Appl. Phys. 108, 023512 共2010兲

S. Bayan and D. Mohanta

tive emissions via zinc interstitial related defects 共Zni, Zn+i 兲.26,27 On the other hand, the 492 and 535 nm peaks are identified as emissions related to the oxygen vacancy 共V+o 兲 and interstitial 共Oi兲 defects.26,28 Note that the oxygen related emissions are dominant in case of S1 than S2 and S3, whereas the zinc related emissions are dominant in S3 关Figs. 7共a兲–7共c兲兴. Apart from these peaks, the emission at ⬃592 nm is ascribed to the transition related to Eu3+ cations 共 5D0 → 7F1兲.8 It can be observed that the overall PL intensity of the urchin system 共S2兲 gets quenched. As the growth of the nanoparticles takes place in order to form the nanorods, the defect state concentration responsible for the characteristic emission also decreases. As a result, the band edge emission at ⬃382 nm is recovered for the urchin systems under 325 nm excitation 关Fig. 7共b兲兴. In contrast, for sample S3 upon annealing at 650 ° C, the overall PL intensity of the system is regained 关Fig. 7共c兲兴. It is quite clear that the isolated nanorods exhibit better emission patterns than a bunch of randomly oriented nanorods 共urchins兲. Though the availability of independent defect states 共nonradiative centers兲 are comparable in both S2 共urchins兲 and S3 共isolated nanorods兲 systems, the later exhibited improved defect related emission response. The dimension 共length and diameter兲 of the nanorods being same 共for S2 and S3 systems兲, it is the structural organization that matters the most for a typical radiative emission. It is expected that the bunching of the closely spaced nanorods toward the core of the urchins would suppress the defect related emissions appreciably. The nanorods gradually separate from each other as we move from the core to the tips. It is possible that most of the emission occurred as a result of e – h recombination along the c-axis of the individual nanorods. Earlier, radiative recombination emission along the c-axis was assigned to the enhanced band edge emission whereas the defect related emission was claimed to have originated from the curved surface of the nanorods.29 Accordingly, for the urchins, the defect related emission gets quenched but the band edge emission is favored at large 关Fig. 7共b兲兴. In contrast, the isolated nanorods 共S3兲 which were fallen onto the Al-base display better defect related emission because of the fact that the radiative process along c-axis is hindered but along a-axis is geometrically favored. Consequently, even though the band edge emission 共⬃382 nm兲 is suppressed, the overall defect related emission response is improved 关Fig. 7共c兲兴. In order to avoid band-to-band transition 共⬃382 nm兲, we also took PL spectra corresponding to ␭ex = 405 nm 共Fig. 8兲. The oxygen interstitial defect related emission 共centered at ⬃535 nm兲 is found to be prominent for the specimen S1 and is characterized by a broad spectrum 关Fig. 8共a兲兴. The oxygen vacancy related peak ⬃492 nm is still intact. In addition, the peak observed at ⬃613 nm, is being ascribed to the Eu3+ related emission due to 5D0 → 7F2 transitions.15 The most important aspect of the Eu3+ related emission is that it gets quenched with the decrease in defect related emission. So, it can be ascertained that the emission due to 5D0 → 7F1 and 5D0 → 7F2 transitions take place due to the energy transfer from the host ZnO via the defect states. On exciting the systems with energy lower than the band gap of the material,

FIG. 8. 共Color online兲 PL spectra 共␭ex = 405 nm兲 of the Eu:ZnO nanostructures annealed at 共a兲 80 ° C, 共b兲 300 ° C, and 共c兲 650 ° C.

the intensity of the Eu3+ related emissions increases 共Fig. 8兲 as the defect related emission 共in our case, oxygen vacancies and oxygen interstitials兲 gets enhanced. The emission spectra corresponding to ␭ex = 325 and 405 nm, for S3 are represented in Fig. 9. The peak at ⬃613 nm is found to be asymmetrically stretched toward the lower-end wavelength side which might have arisen due to the presence of an inherent peak at ⬃591 nm 关pointed by a blue arrow in Fig. 9共b兲兴. The oxygen vacancies and interstitials capture the photoexcited electrons and transfer some of them to the 5D3 level of Eu3+ cations which is then followed by a nonradiative transition from the 5D3 level to the 5D0 level and later resulting in the 5 D0 → 7F1 and 5D0 → 7F2 transitions 共Fig. 10兲. IV. CONCLUSION

To conclude, Eu3+-doped ZnO nanostructured systems in the form of particles, rods, and urchins are achieved under different annealing environments. It was found that one directional 共along 关0001兴兲 growth of the particles has led to the formation of nanorods, followed by the evolution of urchin like structures. The nature of growth process was discussed in conjunction with a brief theory. Though the defect related emission of ZnO was dominant, the band edge emission has been recovered in the urchin system. The Eu3+ related tran-

FIG. 9. 共Color online兲 Comparison of the PL spectra at excitation at 325 and 405 nm of the Eu:ZnO nanorods 共sample S3兲.


J. Appl. Phys. 108, 023512 共2010兲

S. Bayan and D. Mohanta

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FIG. 10. Scheme of energy transfer mechanism in Eu:ZnO nanostructures.

sitions are also noticed, which generally occurred via the energy transfer mechanism through the defect states 共especially, oxygen vacancies and oxygen interstitials兲. The intensity of the Eu3+ related emission was found to vary with the structure type and annealing environment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The authors thank IUAC, New Delhi for sponsoring the project under Project No. UFUP-44314/2008. The useful discussion with Mr. U. Das is also gratefully acknowledged. 1

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